They succeeded in their fight against gamers.
Don't let them win again!
They succeeded in their fight against gamers.
Don't let them win again!
I dont understand, you can be anything you want. Female, male, man, dwarf, faggots. It doesn't matter, you're free to decide.
Hilarious, in that D&D cucked out completely with 4e.
Focusing on how the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons is built on a system of play that has grown and shifted over the course of 40 years, this study emphasizes the central role that systems play in mediating the experiences of participants. By focusing on depictions of gender, race, and power in Dungeons & Dragons — as a singular cultural practice — this study highlights how researchers must attend to cultural production both around and within systems.
>Garcia’s 16-page article focuses on the representation of women in the game.
-4 Strength
>Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
See also:
What a piece of work.
Let me show you how it's done, OP:
>Professor Garcia doesn’t stop there. He bemoans the fact that Dungeons & Dragons began as a “white man’s” hobby. He argues that wargaming communities are “male-dominated,” even though the inventor of Dungeons & Dragons tested the tabletop game out by letting his daughter play.
>Garcia’s 16-page article focuses on the representation of women in the game. According to Garica’s research, by 2014, more than half of the game’s depicted characters are female.
>According to the article, Garcia’s ultimate wish is to see Dungeons & Dragons move beyond its problematic past into a more diverse and inclusive future.
Kikebart archive:
Original article:
In other words, it's a game where over half of the characters are female, and you can chose to be literally any creature of any sex you want - and this is problematic. Why? Because mostly white people play the game and mostly men play the game. That's what's wrong. Notice there's zero criticism of the actual game dynamics. The critique is literally that it appeals to white men more than other arbitrary demographic groups, and that's (((problematic))).
You know if they fill the books with niggers, gamers will just switch to another game.
Or a new one will be made.
>The critique is literally that it appeals to white men more than other arbitrary demographic groups, and that's (((problematic))).
There's your proof it was never about equality or anything like that at face value. They just want to ruin everything for white males for no other reason than because they hate white males. This is HARD PROOF.
And yet, fa/tg/uys won't fucking adopt some of the more redpilled alternatives out there like ACKS (Adventurer Conquerors Kings System). Their salvation is literally just sitting right there, and they'd rather drown with the WOTC ship.
The bizarre thing is, there aren't even "white men" in the game right now. It's a game full of elves and orcs and wizards and shit. The problem is that each species is not interbreeding and living in multicultral harmony. Notice his issue is that there is an "other-ization" of other players and species. Meaning, it's not ok to have different types of players with different abilities that compete (e.g. every fighting video game ever made). It's not even an issue of not having black characters, it's an issue with not having black people interested in playing the game. And it's your fault they don't want to play, white man.
Nah, they're already fucked m8.
With 4e, they attempted to go all 'progressive' - it was full of faggotry and weird 'race is statistically real but doesn't matter goy' type shit.
And the mechanics were trash.
With D&D, there's been a history, and it came in waves.
1e/2e is inarguably the best period. -4 Strength. The people who embraced the game during this period were thoughtful and expansive in their view.
With 3e, they had three different guys collaborate on coming up with ideas, then seperate and each write one of the three core books. The result was that it was a trainwreck, both mechanically and conceptually.
Still, people really liked it, and 3.5e (the attempt several years down the line to fix the issues with the fucked up 3-man book series) is probably the most-popular.
It was eventually driven into the ground by the internet, and by the desire to make money resulting in ever-more-flawed splatbooks. Eventually, they moved on to 4e, but it bears noting that 3.5e spawned Pathfinder, which became its own thing in entirety… Also bears noting that Pathfinder has always been progressive-trash focused on expanding the innately flawed 3.5e mechanics.
Then you got 4e. 4e was and is trash. It was dumbed down into the equivalent of an MMO so that even the most dim of retards could play the game, and the fluff was completely revamped to remove anything that might be 'problematic' - female characters abound, elves can all be trannies if they want to, you're urged to be a fag if you like, and half-orcs are no longer made via rape, just as a few examples.
The generation of players who came in with 4e are by-far the absolute fucking worst, and this is where I started to see a heavy uptick in female players… Who are just fucking awful. Absolutely terrible. They can't roleplay for shit, they can't functionally understand the very concept of mechanical rules (ie they want to be super-freeform with EVERYTHING and that makes it a trainwreck even moreso than it innately is), and they tend to always - ALWAYS - try to shoehorn weird sexuality into the game. (I swear to God, I've played hundreds of D&D games with hundreds of players, and of the dozens of female players I've gamed with, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE introduced some form of weird sexuality into their character and tried to ply it in the game. Every. Single. One.)
And, no surprise, 4e didn't do so well - which quickly resulted in the created of 5e aka D&D Next, which basically tried to revert back to mostly-3.5e mechanics while keeping all the faggotry in place.
Again, no surprise, it didn't do so well either.
And that's where we are today - D&D is basically a dead thing, because its no longer novel.
You don't need to buy into the next edition anymore - there's literally 3 different generation variants, some with decades of work put in by the publishers and player base, to choose from, so why would you ever need to buy a new book? You don't. Especially when any/all new books appear online for free within 24 hours of being released.
These people ran this fucking hobby and the D&D name into the dirt by trying to be inclusive and diverse, forgetting that their base and always has been overwhelmingly composed of straight White males.
An old /tg/ meme.
It did do well, unfortunately. The gatekeepers of the TTRPG scene are trash and most of the writers are wimps or just don't have creative control.
You're on the money with the rest of your post though. Grrrl gamurs XD are the fucking worst.
I have a non-pozzed friend that's writing an RPG right now without that shit in it, might even get picked up by a publisher.
DOTR cannot come soon enough.
-4 STR Thread?
Thanks for acknowledging that some people are new to a website.
I am sure you have other things to do than insult newfags and mentally jerk to the thought of your own superiority because of your lack of social awareness.
Dubious. I'd love to see the numbers.
In any case, it was a poison pill, ala this meme
5e was the last panel of that comic - they may be making money, but they've pretty much lost all of the earlier fanbase, most of whom simply didn't bother.
Through avenues like Big Bang Theory, Community and Jewtube outlikes like Geek and Sundry, they've brought in a whole bevy of faggots who have systematically destroyed whatever aura of legitimacy the Dungeons and Dragons name had to it.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
This is according to them so it might not be as technically accurate as I thought.
RPGs are doing very well right now thanks to normiecore TV.
Never played ACKS, but I don't need a system to be "redpilled". A system is just a toolbox. I mostly run Fantasy Craft at the moment, and while it has a few premade settings available my group stopped using them almost immediately because it's more fun to write our own stuff.
Do you have a link to a pdf of ACKS? I might be interested in ripping off some of the systems, since the publisher's description leads me to believe there's a lot of material for running organizations and such, which I could use for my current campaign. I've found a couple of the supplements in my usual places, but not the core rules.
Exactly m8. Don't get me wrong, I know what you're talking about, I just think there's context missing and probably some faulty data on offer.
Well, the companies are doing well, the RPGs themselves are dying out, exactly because the hobby has been filled by a bunch of normalfags.
I hate to even suggest it, but go watch some of the recent Acquisitions Incorporated games, or even an episode or two of Acq. Inc. C-Team… Jesus Christ man.
This is what D&D has come to represent.
Wew lads. Digits proving how much of a faggoty fuckin faggot this guy is.
Jeuss christ they're fucking desperate.
Being taken over by normalfags != dying out. Look at vidya. Normalfags are capable of sustaining a large segment of an industry, even if they render it creatively bankrupt.
Unfortunately, lots of people still play D&D.
Yeah, nothing but fantasy Europe. Ever.
Ahahaha fucking what? In addition to drawing in new players like crazy, pretty much everyone who bought 4e and 70% of Pathfinder's player base (kek) jumped ship to 5e. It's a revival on par with what 3.X did for the brand 18 years ago after TSR mismanaged it into the ground. I wouldn't have minded if D&D died there or if 3.X never got off the ground but Wizards basically cock-slapped Paizo's market share right out of their hands with 5e and it's no good pretending otherwise no matter how much we'd like it to be true.
Welcome to 1985.
This applies to a lot of things, even politics.
Translation: Loser Goblino-Mutt sucks at D&D.
Nice meme, friend.
Return when you have factual things to say.
It didn't start out bad and honestly, it's a vast improvement on 3.5 in almost every way. Unfortunately, in the latter half of it's lifecycle Paizo got infested with sjws, minorities and women.
fa/tg/uys hate on it because it's popular for the same reason they trash anything popular.
5e is shit though.
Prove it.
Eh, its shit in its own way.
Pathfinder took all the worst aspects of 3.5 which created the need for mechanical fixes, and just tried to fix the mechanical issues, like some aspirin to someone who gets headaches from terminal brain cancer.
Everybody I know uses some house-rules version of GURPS.
This is super, WOTC is a bunch of pedophile faggots anyway.
White males are the predominant enjoyers of it.
Never look at the thing itself look at who its affecting
But they changed it entirely to cater to the snowflakes with 3rd edition.
They already did. It wasn't until 2.5-3rd edition transition and pathfinder that they began really pushing the multi-culti crap. They even allowed orcs to be PALADINS for fucks sake.
Back in the day the niggers stuck to outlier games because the rules were too complicated and they needed it simpler or more in tune with their style of thinking. You see more niggers playing games that limit the sides on the dice because maff is hard yo. Hence, they stick to or used to stick to games that are heavy on 6s. And they still think they are throwing rocks for cash.
Pretty sad when they have to control even your make-believe.
I like REAL mythology and archaeology better.