Kikes Pushing Global Crypto’s

So, my thesis based on concrete, objective, factual information seems to be once again becoming, well, concrete, objective, factual reality.

> Kike shill Christine Lagarde of giant kike bank IMF envisions (((globally accepted cryptocurrency))) as a replacement for kiked fiat currency currently used

So, based huwhite bro’s, my expectation that kikes were behind cryptos seems to be the concrete, objective, factual truth. I advise all of you to stock up on precious metals, basic necessities and self defence equipment. The kikes are coming for all of those in the near future. This is concrete, objective, factual information.


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What I can agree with is that cryptocurrency will be pretty useless during a collapse due to the energy grid going down.

To minimize damage, we need small communities that can provide basic goods and services to each other within a localized area until national and international trade can resume. Ideally, these communities could create their own local currency for trading purposes (and it wouldn't have to be fiat, they could tie it to any commodity), but (((they))) have made private and local currency creation and distribution illegal in the US.

Stopped reading here, kill yourself and suck nigger dicks in hell you fucking sperg and stop ban evading

Is this another one of your stupid alter egos, kampfy? Rachposting wasn't stimulating enough? A-fu-fu posting wasn't appreciated enough?

>Kikes Pushing their own (((Cryptos))) along legit cryptos in case their current monetary system fails, then will try to ban all other cryptos
fixed that for you.

Smells rather jewish in here all of a sudden.

I was there with you on this thesis. Seen it from a mile away. I have a fat stack of silver buried, guns and ammo to boot. And a good cache of frozen seeds and long life food. Comfy as fug does come to mind.
I was chatting about this with a good friend who did hop on the band wagon of cryptos, thankfully he has changed his opinion and started stacking. With the gold backed petro-yuan stepping it up, and with the way the economy is rocketing towards a cliffs edge, it makes total sense the kikes will instigate crypto based world currency. Anyone defending it implying the no true scottsman fallacy needs to go back in the oven. All cryptos, not just some, ALL, are simply kikes running troubleshoot errors across all ledgers. They will crash that entire 2000+ crypto market and bring out their own fully controlled, tried and tested safe as houses goy control coin. By that stage, ill be inndawoods for good and for all.

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You're an idiot, and worse a jew

This guy gets it. The cryptosphere is the fucken wild west at the moment, could swing either way.

Naw how cute, little glow in the dark CIAniggers all out in force to quell dissenting opinion.

This is the big take away. You see something related emerging with the new retail/distribution colossi like Amazon.

E-currencies were a primary NSA project, they even took in a DARPA lead to focus on it. NSA was the first to actually publish a paper on it somewhere in the 1990s. It was not a kike project it was a method for deep-state to earn income off-the books and circumvent banking laws that kept creeping up and were amalgamated in 'Know-your-customer' (KYC), these counter terrorism laws were introduced many dark money exited the economy, which in-part caused the 2008 real-estate crash. Bitcoin allowed it to re-start. 2006 seems to be the point where real the real work started started by the NSAt, some argue that the patriot law 2001 actually allowed them the funding to start it even earlier.

It's retarded to think everything is a kike creation. In 2012 the created bitcoin foundation became majorly kiked up in 2012, but by then the IC had moved to Monero for it's black budget. That was the moment the bilderberg group started discussing it and used it as a way to push their agenda, which is a global currency THAT THEY CONTROL. The same way they used environmentalism to push their eugenics. Never forget that a jew is a parasitical rat and it will attach itself to anything in order to further it's own goals.

I glow about as much as your dick bitch inbred chin nigger

You're a stupid nigger.

Thanks for the warning.

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Whether I am a kike or not does not matter; only concrete, objective, factual information does. Rather than use ad hominem arguments and other forms of subjective, emotional manipulation, please do talk about concrete, objective, factual information provided by sharing concrete, objective, factual information.

You’re completely right, based huwhite bro. Kikes parasite and completely suck dry everything those talmudic demons can get their hands on. Huwhite Christian nations are a good example. This is concrete, objective, factual information.

Good luck, mate. US huwhite (cultural) Christians are going to have a though time, it seems. The kikes have been scheming. The (((UN))) seems to be heavily present in the JEWSA right now. This is concrete, objective, factual information.


This, what will you accept for a sack of potatoes when the lights and internet are off, some "crypto-coin" payment which you can't even process or a genuine pre-1964 US silver dime?

Anyway it's good because niggers and rich people alike will fall for this shit, which reduces demand for precious metals in the short term.

The IMF is just seeking people to fleece, they can't continue on funding destabilization forever.


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Its so adorable to watch the crypto-jew at work. And thats a double entendre, I thought I had best explain as your little brains probably cant handle such a phrase, as you are as much the crypto-junkies as you are the cock gobbling crypto-jews. I care not for your games of division. My outlook is simple, stack silver, bullets, seeds, and books. If you stand against that you stand against the only form of rebellion we are capable of.

The kikes seem to be going to push the kiked SDR (special drawing rights) contracts, issued by the kiked IMF, which is heavily linked to kike central bank of the world BIS in Baßel (this is concrete, objective, factual information; not making this shit up), as an universal (((crypto))), it seems.

Chinks in Chinkna are known to have started printing gold backed yuan currency at the end of last year, however. This is concrete, objective, factual information.

If anyone has concrete, objective, factual information about the current relationship between the state owned (!) (Huwhite Christian Russian Central Bank is still owned by kikes unfortunately) Central Chink Bank of Chinkna and the kiked as fuck IMF, please do share. Concrete, objective, factual information is all that matters.

Kikes push private gains, public debt. 2008 was a minor warm up. This is concrete, objective, factual information.

Kikes still think that we, superior huwhites, are going to go along with their bullshit, it seems. Not completely, because kikes have been deliberately pushing mass immigration to, this is one of the many aims of the (((mass immigration agenda))), replace huwhite male Christians especially. This is concrete, objective, factual information.

Not to say that huwhite Christian males like me completely, if not a little bit at all, grasp the kike agenda (or that of other groups, but those, with exception to the Chinks and, to a lesser degree, huwhite Christian Russians, are less powerful at the moment (concrete, objective, factual information)), but we still, by accident or on purpose, resist the talmudic demons too much (in the opinion of kikes, of course). This is concrete, objective, factual information.

Because I like Jared Taylor. Yes, these are my subjective, emotional, manipulative feelings.

Agreed, but to really minimise damage, all kikes and judaism itself have to be completely obliterated.

kikes are often gold dealers, but that doesn't make gold a bad thing to own.

And neither gold nor Bitcoin are investments. The point is to have a safe haven in extreme times :^) Basically, right before the kikes attack the markets or whatever, they slam Bitcoin. This means they're going to coordinate a collective attack on the markets.

false. Consensus rules make it possible to change the difficulty and whatever may be necessary.

Image macros like that shouldn't be made. They make kikes look compassionate, and whites like assholes. tbqf
for such shit meme tactics.

I'll be nice today and only call OP an uneducated nigger.

True fiat needs no backing. Colonial Scrip is what made the American colonies so prosperous. It is why kike bankers started the revolutionary war. Tying an exchange medium to a finite resource makes it an object to be controlled (inflation is impossible with true fiat). There was a literal depression almost overnight after the scrip was outlawed and faggot bankers took control of exchange.

I will educate you or I will fuck you.

Yes it is. Yes it is.

The kikes are now going with "goyim! These goy things, like mayonaise… we made them, they are kike things! OMG YOU HATE MAYO NOW!"

Buy REQ and FUN
But only after you buy a rifle, food, and gold/silver, famalam

Educate me, fampai