I dont know if this is even allowed here, probably not...

I dont know if this is even allowed here, probably not, but I just have this great urge to rant and I dont even care if I get banned, its not like I have anyone irl I can talk with about anything.

Something is on my mind for quite some time now. Technology.
One thing I know about this whole universe, is that it is not meaningless. In fact, it is extremely opposite of it. Our existence is full of all sorts of rules, extremely easy to point out and demonstrate and measure sort of rules. It is not random. It is not meaningless. It is not stupid, it is not boring, it is not relative, it is not soft or questionable or unknowable…
The fundamental rules underpinning everything are mathematical in nature and govern everything, and when understood correctly, you can see trillion years into the past (on an astronomical scale, background radiation), travel faster than sound (supersonic jet fighter), communicate with someone on a different continent (satellites), the list of near magical things you can do really goes on. But same rules apply to everything, society included.

This order, I call it the natural order, or natural law. It is the order, or law, that emerges when there are no other laws present. It works when more energized particle slams with a less energized particle. When two prison inmates decide who is getting whose lunch. When two stranded sailors decide on who is canibalizing who. When a man in society has a status of an aristocrat or a peasant, of a capitalist or a wage laborer, when two animals in the same living space become predators, or prey.
Because of these principles, this natural order, I also always loved my race. Pure Aryan race. White race has always historically respected and followed and understood the natural law better than all other races, which is why it simply put conquered. Outcome of a conflict is never random, but natural order always selects a winner by comparing which one among them exists more closely, or more in line with the natural order.
And everyone around here understands this, this total superiority of the white race, but what few if any people on the internet, or anywhere really, is that having the genes which are most superior according to natural order is not enough.
Where you start matters, and it is not equal, and it cant be, but where you start is also not the end. How you live, how you use the start, matters too! Dont get me wrong here, start is huge, it matters a lot, it might even be the greater part, but it is just not the total.

Pursuit of technology is pursuit of natural order. Think about it. Superior race also has superior technology. Superior military also has superior technology. Superior economy, business, society, everything, it all depends on technology.
Our policies and laws and decisions are made by 'shadow government', CIA, NSA, big tech companies, and these are all "computer people" in general, these guys have the dirt, the info, the intel on everything and everyone.
Most successful businesses? All tech companies. Military? Strategic rocket command is almost exclusively dominated by scientists/engineers who can launch missiles, unmanned vehicles (drones) are increasingly taking over air force, networked armor and vehicles are taking over ground force and can execute mass encirclements and proper movement maneuvers more precisely than human crews, computerized submarines are dominating the navy and so on, optical range finders and auto loader artillery navigated by computers is too basically superior to its human equivalent.

Basically the most perfect thing yet, the most proper under natural law, would be a technocratic ethnostate. An ethnostate of nordicist, genetically proper, blue eyed and blond, militaristic technocrats who would claim the whole planet for the lebensraum, get rid of the less useful inferior undesirables, and continuously strive toward perfection, on multiple planets and galaxies likely, ultimately competing with themselves if no one else, to see who is the most preferred among them by the natural order of the universe.

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Other urls found in this thread:

saintannsny.org/depart/computer/classes/spacol/articles/sp-413(1975_nasa oneill.pdf

When I ponder the concept of an ‘ideal state’ I come across the problem of personal motivation. What I mean by this, in practical terms, is: What’s to stop the individuals who make up government from taking action for their own betterment and not for the nation or people? Today we can look around and see the (((foreign))) influence withing government and rightfully so we blame many shortcomings of government on this influence. It’s demonstrably correct in many ways and I do not underrate it. But my concern is that, should an ethnostate be brought into fruition, could is survive the inevitable creep of corruption?

I’m not convinced it can. Certainly, we will no longer have Marxism pushed on our children, the destruction of families and so on if we remove (((foreign))) influence. But who’s to say that the European man is not capable of corruption within his own ranks? What I seek to know then is as follows: Is the in group preference of the European man strong enough to overcome the innate human desire of survival which, in an environment of limited resources, manifests as greed, or will the power of will, on average across all men, defeat the desire for personal gain?

This, I believe, is the crux of the issue. Certainly, we can find a few good men to lead for a generation, but when they are dead and gone, who will take their place?

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William Luther Pierce also worried that after he is gone no one would step it up and lead any sort of movement, and basically he was right.
Ever since WLP died everyone else was kinda 'meh' at best. Either too soft on certain issues, or correct in what they are saying but low energy, or something else, and his organization with plenty of finances and membership fell apart.

Anyway, what Hitler taught the youth in 3rd right seemed good enough to me. He preached 'might is right' or natural order to the kids. They were growing up knowing that compassion was bullshit a jew can exploit. I think that Hitler's society couldnt break from within. People living there knew that helping the shitskins was useless. They were simply inferior, and only compassionate thing to do with the outsiders was to put them out of their misery.
Which is why they crashed the reich from the outside.

Worth the read tbh
Have a bump faggot

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Kill yourself, faggot.

Feck off, Jude.

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No I've read industrial society and I really, really wish I could somehow talk to Ted because I would really like to know what would he respond to me.

Actually Ted was one of my influences. Ted predicts the future quite well. He is just salty he isnt part of the technocratic ingroup. That is all. He also say that a technocratic elite will slowly emerge and enslave the inferiors. He just doesnt like the fact that average citizen no longer has any freedoms in the modern society, but even he is aware that he cant do anything to stop it, only slow it down a tiny bit but ultimately it doesnt matter all that much.
Oh and also the public didnt pay attention to his warning anyway. He took his one shot and missed.

Pity tho. Ted could have chosen to be part of the technocratic ingroup instead.

And to add to this, I also wonder what would Varg say to me, who is basically watered down version of Ted.

These people dont realize that even if they pulled off a primitive society… it would only be a matter of time before someone just conquered them all. You HAVE to heavily invest into engineering and industry if you want to have a legitimate military defense. Have fun trying to knock down military satellites, which navigate projectiles with laser guidance, with slings and arrows.

Bumping for the order of the blinding light.
Eyes will be seared open with truth and the lids will never close, the gaze will never flinch. Vigilance by default.

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You seem to misunderstand the universe we live in. The "dog eat dog" mentality is for niggers. We live an imperfect existence in an imperfect universe. This was brought about by the fall of man. After the angel of the morning star was cast to the Earth, he began to sew chaos on the living. This story, whether you believe it happened or not, is a way of explaining the chaotic nature of the world around us. As civilized men, we do our best to be kind, not cruel. We build rather than destroy, and we talk rather than murder each other. Everything we do when participating in modern society is done to keep the darkness away. We all have the potential to act like monsters, but we must have self control in order to be part of the group. A long time ago, human beings found out that they're better off working and living together, because many hands build bigger and better things. The group offers protection, as well as a way to establish common law that benefits all. Inferior races still haven't figured this out yet, which is why they act like animals that can only be kept in check by force.

Our path forward will quite rough and will require a lot of self-sacrifice for the greater good. Together, I believe that whites will be able to pull ourselves up and out of this mess and reach greater heights than ever before. Technology does not define who we are. It's simply an extension of our own creativity and hard work. Various pieces of technology can be used as tools or toys, but in the end they're just things. We are defined by who we are as people, and what defines us as people is our place in society. You can live without your phone or TV, but no amount of gadgets and toys will ever be able to make up for the emptiness of losing your folk.

Hitler was right when he said that we have no greater possession in this world than our own people. I had to learn this the hard way when I lost someone I loved. I was so hurt and lost for so long until I realized that this loss taught me my most valuable lesson. It taught me that the loss of my own people would mean losing everything. There is no substitute or replacement for them.

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give me a tl;dr, I don't like blogposts.

But even with all that said, maintaining the technological edge over everyone else, especially nuclear poo-in-loos and chinese bugmen, as well as the spawn of satan itself, jew, is now more important than ever.

There is no higher existential imperative than restoring the edge we had during 19th century, where no autonomy existed outside Europe.

Basically stuff isnt random, there are rules and patterns, and technology is really, really important. And it will be hard or impossible to have an ethnostate without a significant technological effort.

Oh. Well, your thought process is flawed. Technology can't replace willpower, which is the thing necessary for an ethnostate. AI doesn't have determination.

But all I am saying is, while the rest of the globe is going trough brazilification thanks to the jewish propaganda, a small but mentally strong and determined all white population could resist with fully mechanized labor and an army enriched by combat drones.

Not even to mention, if a technological edge over jews is restored, first strike military doctrine might be possible again. In the future, when they brazilize everything, jew and asians will be the only nuclear enemies left…. even with whole Europe and America united by national socialist government, the jew would probably just start a nuclear war anyway to stop it.

You don't quite understand Hitler. It frustrates me that even within our ranks there are still plenty of people who still have Hollywood image of Hitler ingrained - if not fully, then at least in part.

Hitler was a pretty normal guy. That was actually one of the reasons why some of the upper class people and Generals didn't like him. People who worked under him at the Berghof etc. said that he was pretty relaxed and only cared about protocol and stuff when there were guests, especially foreign guests - then everything had to be perfect. But at the same time, he was totally dedicated to the cause. He often made the point that either you do something 100% or you don't do it at all. He certainly was not compassionless or looked down upon compassion. Whenever you hear such things, it is usually without context.

With regards to this "might is right" thing. He never said that in this way. What he meant and said was that THE LAW, any law, is meaningless if it cannot be supported by force, which is absolutely correct. If it cannot be supported by force, it depends on the goodwill of people or the mood of the day. Or worse, is *granted* by someone else, but then it is not a RIGHT, then it is only a "present" by someone who grants that right and can be taken away again just as well. And most of the time when he was making that point, it was in connection with the rebuild of the Wehrmacht to levels somewhere similar to the forces of the neighbouring countries, since Versailles only allowed Germany to have an army of 100.000 men, while everybody else had millions.

So, to summarize, what actually first exists is might, which must be taken, or had. And only from there can follow any law or rights. Law and rights without might are nonsensible. This is not just something Hitler said, but every man in history who knew what he was talking about.
Get abandone in the forrest as a baby and see what the wolve will think of your human rights. They do not exist. "God given" and "human rights" do not exist per se. Also your "Right to bear arms" does not exist. All these rights only gain existence if you have the MIGHT to support/create them and then ENFORCE them. Anything other is not a right, but merely granted, merely a present, which is the opposite of a RIGHT. Man is the creator of rights through will, might and force. They do not fall from heaven or logically follow from anything in the universe.
This sounds simple, but it is amazing how many people live under the wrong illusion that they have a right because they are human, or because it sounds nice, or because it is nice, or because it's written on a piece of paper.


Uncle Ted warned us about this.

Who is this Ted fellow?

Anybody who actually thinks in terms like this is a retard, and victim to what is essentially a jewish form of thinking in terms of being chosen by fate.

The only criterion for the superiority or inferiority of a gene is its ability to successfully propagate itself. If you get defeated, regardless of the means, you are not superior. Just because you have been victorious in the past does not mean you will automatically prevail in the future. Blind, jingoistic supremacism is cancer that breeds complacency. You shouldn't love your race because of some flimsy quasi-religious assertion of chosenness and superiority by divine right, because that implies you haven't gotten rid of fundamentally universalist thinking. If some other group were to arrive and demonstrate clear superiority you would be logically obliged to bow down to them. Why do you think so many kikes are jumping on the race and IQ train? They want to breed this sort of thinking to justify themselves as a technocratic aristocracy.

No, the reason to love your race is because they are YOUR race, YOUR people and YOUR future. Niggers could all be super genius scientists who didn't do anything, you would still oppose them for the simple reason that it is down to you to fight for your interests, anime power levels be damned.

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This is tantamount to heresy among the normalfag conservative types. This is also why I always remind people to pick their axioms and logical systems of values carefully. Sure, it might be convenient to claim right to something by divine will, but what happens to your movement when the disseminators of the divine will get coopted by the enemy, or the belief in the divine dies out? Sure it is convenient to claim right to rule "by natural law" on account of some obscure statistics, but what happens if some other group surpasses yours in that statistic? Do you just roll over and submit? How do you keep a movement going without fracturing and fizzliny out when you suddenly find your whole system of beliefs deeply inconsistent?

A lot of faggots here will just use any convenient assertion as basis for their claims, but even if we agree on most things, how do we avoid fractures without overarching logical consistency?

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This. No one decides which genes are superior or inferior but nature. We must also remember that what's happening now is also a test to the superiority or inferiority of our genes.
If we let ourselves be destroyed, it doesn't matter how important white innovations were, we would have been inferior due to lack of organization and racial awareness. Two fundamental traits, and that's what has enabled Jews to propagate, even when living among other races.

Precisely. The concept of never ending struggle, while commonly voiced, doesn't seem to be well understood even among racially aware newfags.

Oh, and to add to that there is the simple truth that there is no honour in a war of survival. Just because some other race invented something, just because the jew is fond of some tactic, doesn't mean that you can't or in fact shouldn't use it. Instead of trying to rewrite history and attribute every innovation ever to your own people like the fucking we wuz niggers, you MUST remain aware of the fact that other races are also capable of innovation, trickery and victory. If you teach your children that every civilization from ancient china to ancient south america was founded by whites who descend from alien gods, you will end up with kids who consistently underestimate their rivals and don't appreciate potential threats from organized non-whites such as the chinks or even the fucking jews themselves.

do you have any proof?

so if you were black, you would be a black nationalist?

Great posts.

Pic related.

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Lurk forever and never post here again

What the fuck does that even mean? You describe Aryans as animals, so to me this just sounds like an even more pseudo-scientific mythical version of materialism.

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Electric Universe


What kind of stupid question is that? Do you seriously expect that a nigger would or should just submit to you due to some cosmic imperative? Do you think the shitskins all just bowed to the white man after looking at his stat card? Iron, blood, gunpowder, some lucky diseases and a lot of grit is what won the world for Europe.

Not to mention the simple fact that I couldn't be black. If "I" was black, I would be a fundamentally different person and therefore no longer "me". The fact that you even pose this question clearly shows you are still stuck in absurd universalist thinking, derived from semitic theology. Humans aren't ethereal beings that happen to inhabit an interchangeable bag of flesh for a few decades, humans ARE the bags of flesh. The mind is every bit as physiological as the liver or the skeleton. Everything about you is physical, both directly (through gene expression) and indirectly (through the environment you are born and grow up in) influenced by your genetics.

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It's called empathy, the right to self-determination and the need to understand what an opponent wants in order to leverage anything against them. It's increasingly important to being able to get into the minds of your opponents if you actually want to win a struggle or negotiate anything, since we're fundamentally fighting a spiritual war during this bad peace. Jews would love for us to be constantly burning all of our bridges and fight their enemies in ignoble total wars instead of us getting our priorities straight and playing it smart. If we could convince all the niggers to flood Israel that'd be a great feat of diplomacy and propaganda, always remember the negro is the real Hebrew and open borders for Israel.

Also, you have that entirely backwards. Aryans theology believes in reincarnation, good & evil and cosmic justice. Trickery & Mayhem deity worship cults never believed any of that until after Christianity, this why their heaven and rewards for piety are entirely based on the physical world, such as getting thousands of slaves. "The body is temple" and universality(just a single plane of existence) is the literal dogma from them. This why they see themselves as a magical chosen race and everyone else as soulless cattle to exploit.
You have materialist metaphysics(aka judaism for gentiles) and doubt the Aryan soul, you can't even explain why AI, animals and humans shouldn't have the same rights without sounding ridiculous.

but you asked me what I, a presumed hypothetical rational actor who is also a nigger, would do. And for a nigger who is also this rational actor, serving as a pawn in the schemes of others makes no sense. A jew might as well ask you why you're not down with serving the goal of enriching his race.
Congratulations on your complete lack of reading comprehension and objectivity. Rights are a structure for conflict resolution among members of the in-group. There is no reason why animals, enemies or slaves (AI) should have them.

Just because YOU believe in some metaphysical bullshit doesn't mean every racially aware white man does by extension. The mind is shaped by the body, and genetics. How you can deny this while posting on Zig Forums without succumbing to cognitive dissonance is beyond me.

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This is materialism 101. I think you just don't understand what your metaphysical cult you subscribe to actually entails. You have your bizarre metaphysical worldview, every one does like it or not; some are just more aware of it. Morphism of humans is far more than just genes, epigenetics is a massive subject I highly doubt you fully grasp the implications, the use of non-locality in pigeon navigation & other brain functions or hypothesis how instinctual data is transmitted on a national scale. It wouldn't surprise me if you thought smells were particles that went into keyholes.

There's no reason why you should have rights either and a nation isn't just one giant in-group kibbutz, you're obviously new to politics or a very stupid no-book faggot that reads too much clickbait. Why does any of this benefit Aryan people and how it is different from what we already have? Who is going to decide who is a slave or master? "Because benevolent godking said so" isn't going to cut it in any serious debate. Stay in school, you type like a nigger and sound ridiculous that would culled under the very policies you advocate for.

You really do sound like an average nigger lover.
Next thing you are going to tell me is that we are all equal, huh?
You are from leftipol or mixed/non-white, arent you??

Question, if the white race is superior how did you guys let Mr Goldstein to walk over you guys?

No, quite the opposite. There are an infinite number of things larger than you and I in the hierarchy of infinities of continuum; those that see the world through the lens of materialism are the egalitarians for everything is just matter and nothing is truly authentic.
I have no attachment to pampered mutants that should have less rights than the noble orangutans and gorillas. Unlike you I don't plan to go to war, but to go hunting on the grounds that their very thoughts are corrupting the fabric of reality and the collective consciousness of societies, maybe their spirit will be used for something more fitting such as parrots, dogs or trees. Niggers giving bad vibes is a serious pollution problem that is actually driving people insane on top of all the rhesus and serpentine positive mutants.

You're in over your head and you're beneath contempt since the word epigenetics confuses you. It's okay to be ignorant on topics, just remember your place and study more or if stay in the materialist ball pit you'll find yourself an obese nihilist contemplating suicide. You are infinitely small and pathetic to the Godhead, the highest of all ever expanding infinities, always remember that.

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I could ask you the same thing about Marx predicting western worker's living standards going down, or liberal media destroying any attempt at communism, or just what the fuck is "socially necessary labor", or how are all the means of production in China and Pakistan, or how do you explain that something like 90% of the working class in developed world is self employed and doing ok, and no one needs your communisms but feminist dance therapy phds who serve food.

Jews will be removed and the jewish problem will be gone with them. Its not like the history of jews pulling this kind of shit isnt much more documented than your history of class struggle.

Leftism is fucking retarded. Resources are physically limited, there's never enough stuff for everyone to get according to their need. And people are not equal. Look up genetics, you know, the thing Soviet union tried to ban. Therefore, you have unequal people, and you have not enough stuff.
Leftism is pure fantasy, thinking that everyone can get enough of everything, Jesus Christ starvation ideology pls go and stay go.

I'm going to stop you right there. Your entire post is essentially ranting against a strawman that exists purely in your head and following some template you've conditioned yourself to oppose (which, incidentally, suggests that your system of beliefs is informed mainly by external dogma rather than introspection). The truth is that I do not subscribe to any "school of thought", I just form my own opinions. The entire extent of my metaphysical thinking is that of just about every animal under the sun - I have blind faith in the fact that the reality perceived by my sensory faculties is what I exist in, and I act accordingly. Everything beyond that is, in my opinion, pure navel gazing - humans losing track of their own arbitrary assumptions, the linguistic/semantic processing centres in your brain getting high off tautological connections. There really are only two "valid" metaphysical positions - going with what you see, and complete nihilism. In my opinion, the latter represents the limitations of logic and semantic, sequential reasoning in the first place. You cannot extract any new information from logic, only rearrange things to make them absorbable by the flawed architecture of a human brain. You can't prove anything without making first assumptions based on nothing but faith.

Essentially, if you're going to claim anything you better provide a way to test your assertions in a way that I can perceive. Everything else is just your own illusionary bullshit.
Fucking hell, do you lack reading comprehension entirely? "Rights" don't exist in a vacuum, they exist in people's heads. Rights are precisely what a group of people with a capacity to enforce them decides them to be. That is all. The "reason I should have rights" is simple and trivial - it benefits me, and the people I consider to be my in-group (and vice versa) to have some codified system of resolving conflict. There is no deeper meaning behind them. As so succinctly put it,

Human rights are a human construct, that exist to serve human expedience. They do not require metaphysical justification. You don't need to deny or obfuscate empirical observation to justify them. I have not the slightest care what strawman extensions of my argument you present in retort, this is a logically unassailable argument.

I suggest you either stop arbitrarily projecting some bullshit templates on your opposition, or actually do your 2 years of lurking. If you've been here for longer than 2 years and still can't wrap your head around the basics, maybe you ought to refrain from posting entirely.

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You have learned some big words but lack a consistent world model. You revel in confusion, and seek to establish yourself as a leader of men through controlled dissemination of dogma. You have not a care for truth. If you cannot even acknowledge the basic reality that "rights" are things constructed by men to regulate the behaviour of men, you lack predictive power and thus any semblence of authority on anything.

Decent blogpost, faggot. I'll bump it because I don't think you've posted here before. I also don't think you're wrong.

You're also not wrong, but you should remember your Pagan Viking thinking: victory is better than defeat. Happy Hitlerblot Eve by the way.


I love it when a cuck mouths off about muh Hitler or muh whitey and gets destroyed. It truly never gets old.

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They key word here is VICTORY not FALSE BELIEF IN VICTORY. Blind jingoism, belief in divine providence gives you nothing - maybe on the battlefield, but not when planning and analyzing information. If you substitute honest empiricism with rigid dogmatism you will lose to anyone with an ability to adapt to changing circumstances and examine information thoroughly.

False, you can extract understanding. Logic is not mere fact-checking, it can also be making connections.
I think therefore I am

You're a materialist, a transitional unrefined variant but that is what you are fundamentally. You are as absurd as a hedge wizard that believes the world is an illusion, like it or not, you're just on the other end of spectrum. Materialist cargo cults are exactly why Aryans are in the position they are in now, they see themselves as nothing but a horrible mistake and cogs in an evil machine that must repent for the fabricated sins of their collective forefathers. How are you going to save our race if you cannot even convince them that they should exist and that it is good? I hope to pull you and my people out of this ball pit and dogma of despair.

Enforcement doesn't exist in a vacuum either; thought is the prelude to action, this is where the fatalistic dog-eat-dog game theorist world falls apart when scrutinized and nothing more than a mathematical exercise as it was meant to be. What you fill the souls our people's souls with will have as rights and what they will act upon, "social constructs" are quite important and have an impact. Why do you think these legal and social constructs are always bad? This is a very strange dogma of yours.

Nihilism is simply rationalized surrender to idiocy, alienation and hedonism. There is no reason to not just kill yourself since life is just suffering seasoned with pleasure, self defeating to say the least.

You have to turn data into information understandable to human comprehension and rights are sustained based on information. Everything requires metaphysical assumptions, just like every tree needs roots. If your society believes an orangutan in the mountains holds the fate of the world based on his mood, your societies' organization and rights will be very strange indeed; this why doomsday and idol cults are so bizarre from an outwards appearance, yet are perfectly rational internally.

The absurd belief that reason in of itself is a metaphysical world view– is mysticism with different aesthetics, it is akin to saying a tool is the farmer. Without an independent metaphysical understanding of the world, this enshrinement of reason as an omnipotent tool is an old dogmatic belief that an objective unbiased observer exists and we are able to comprehend the unseen evolving song of nature, there are countless things you cannot see yet take the word of titled foreign authorities that they certainly exist or do not exist even though many experiments that prove that the observer effects results.
Empiricism rests on the shoulders of their authority and if it is brought into question your entire ideology you've bound yourself in might fall apart based on falsehood, philosophical empiricism' Achilles heel is that it requires accreditation. The sad reality of philosophical empiricism is it is simply a way for established authority to enforce the doctrine of the day, the most cutting edge and ground breaking research goes against more often than not. Many of your authorities have declared your race unfit for their order, will you roll over and take it if they have the data? I certainly hope not.
You understand all of this I believe, yet, you act as if you can comprehend infinity with your limited life with the assistance of your oppressors that have filled your soul with dogma to justify their own authority.

I am not dogmatic but rather use axioms when I can, I have little faith in flexible word of man; I am just zealous at times because what I've experienced and learned– yet I still have much to learn. I used to be like you until I had a spiritual awaking, it is very strange for an atheist that was beholden to the cult of established sciences to have one. I came to my conclusions through studying the sciences unsafe for school text books, hypothesis to explain my experiences and researching how right the ancient myths were. All I wanted to do was make a thread months ago as a follow up to a thread I made, it was suppose to be for fun, now I realize that HP Lovecraft was right and why the planets were worshiped. I've been green pilled downed with a bottle of red mercury– "this is theoretically possible" were my famous last words of my old self. True spirituality is based on experience, I am what happens when you go too deep and you realize you're here because you wanted to be.

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not him but
Like, this is something you actually thought was insightful
This is your head on Kant, Enlightened liberal cosmopolitan universalist
who's the nihilist?

before you bleat "straw man" again, maybe try think about how to elevate yourself above a worthy target of caricature, however astute such depictions may be in representing your overall gestalt

How is the takeaway lesson from
Complacency? It warns of the exact pattern people face now. An outbreeding by r-selected retards, that overly opulent children of great societies take pity on and get destroyed.

This isn't a hypothetical thought experiment. We know every race and group on earth. We have compiled information on each of them for millennia. Being overly cautious and mild when your own dna memory tells you what to do is just a mental trap (cowardice).

The case for working as a group and not working as a group are two fold. One, the infighting between white ethnic groups and subgroups to train. It's essential to have competition with worthy people to reach actual potentials. Even though you lose out in the short term. The risk being when people lose sight of it just being a game. Letting outside mudgroups support a losing european group into legitimately wiping their rivals out.
Two, when militarily confronted with other races all white peoples sole incentive is wiping them out first. Infighting is a sentimental, bordering on suicidal failing at that point.

Tools don't do anything on their own. Can easily see a railroad doesn't do shit in africa if they can't understand maintenance.
Subconscious insights are way more useful than base technology. When working at any tech field/sport at a high level you need to learn to let your body do the math on it's own.
The fear is not that there's so many enlightened people that normies are enslaved by a higher qualified group of people. It's the opposite problem. With too many retards everywhere we need to fit multiple people into what used to be one job just to maintain current standards. A globalized ethics that has whites diminish their influence out of trying to imbue each individual with responsibility. Causes the same mistake that allowing any other group to vote does. 3billion asians will outvote you always. Even the UN designed as globalism incarnate gives up on the notion and uses a security council of real votes instead.
The possible future apocalypse isn't made up of technocracies and nukes. It's with a majority of the world forgetting how to clean water or feed themselves.

Just reach out to him. He's in jail, not like he's got a lot on his plate. He'd probably respond if you wrote him something halfway articulate and interesting

I've had quite a few revelations about metaphysics and the Electric Universe theory. Where male/female "enegy" or "physicality" comes from (and why "love" is literally what makes our perceivable universe exist in the first place. Also why homosexuality is morally wrong). And you are right, ancient pagan myths metaphysically describe what EU scientists are figuring out about the universe today. Spirituality feels so fullfilling and I urge all anons to research the electric universe and it's relations to ancient myths. Even the Sonnengrad has a deeper metaphysical meaning to it that's more than just human symbology.


thanks Elon Cuck.

besides even Hitler had dark hair.

Yeah tech is extremely important.

Technological Slavery was literally the book that turned me away from Leftism.
(((Technology))) is not the only noble aim that one can have.
The Social Democrats ignored the Working Class in Weimar Germany, pursuing only profit above their people. You would know this if you read Mein Kampf.
"Natural Law" is more than just "Muh Science". there is a Spiritual aspect as well.


luddite or gtfo

like wipe out all the other races, fix the environment however we can and then just chill in the forest


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how can you wipe anything out without the tech you fucking subhuman luddite??


This is a really bad way of thinking imo, this eternal want, never being happy with what you have will eventually end up consuming you.

In your space colonialism fantasy, there is very high chance of you reaching a point where you can't feasibly colonise any further. After you have reached that point, but retain your expansionist , consume or be consumed mentality, you will start looking at your own people to rise over, and your own people will not take that. Leading to more and more conflict and suffering of your ethnic group.

I hear a lot of the Richard Spencer types speak about the "Ayran Spirit" to conquer and explore, but only 4 of the 50 European countries had any real empire, which i know for fact that the jews had their tentacles all over the spanish(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Spain) and British empire( the main arcitecht of the seccond empire was Jewish prime minister Benjamin Disraeli, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Disraeli) . To make myself my point about colonialism applies to space colonies as well. Im not worried any poor niggers or pajeets getting oppressed, im against the British elite being so obsessed with expansionism that they forget to care for their own people. Even Hitler talks about this.I cant seem to find the exact speech off the top of my head, but he talks about Britain having the biggest and richest empire in the world , but also says at the same time that is lower class lives in such poverty compared to Germany who has no empire.

Non Whites are only a problem because of the western elite(who are disproportionately jewish). If it weren't for aid Africa's and India's population would be at level that would be no problem to us. Take aid away and nature will sort out the excess population with famine. If we weren't buying some much plastic crap from China pollution wouldn't be much a issue outside stuff we immediately control.
If we had the WILL to enforce our borders. The will taken from us by the western Jewish elite.

There is still one threat that is outside our control. The Nukes of China, India and Israel, which is why i am not a total luddite and will never support total nuclear disarmament or the total breakdown of state power in europe.

I hate to use the jew lover Tolkien to demonstrate my point, but i cant think of an analogy that describes it better. The Lord of Rings demonstrates what i am talking about with the One Ring and the lust for endless power and consumption destroys gollum.>>11503500

It sounds almost to me like you're advocating wilful extinction.
To simply sit still and wait for death at the hands of this systems star or resource depletion.

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without our greed filled lives that would not be a problem, before the industrial revolution, we where mostly sustainable to do with resources.

your materialist attitude will end up with white people fighting among themselves and destroying themselves with satalite luanched super nukes many million years before the sun blows up

I'd rather take the chance at humanity surviving to the end of the universe and hopefully beyond.
Than the certainty of extinction because we decided to go full return to the feudal era.

We need to get off this planet for energy alone. We're rapidly approaching the point where if we don't do it we won't have the energy resources to do it.

we are not even going to survive to the end of century at this point
i dont see space colonialism being realistic within many lifetimes, and between that time there is a very real chance of humans (and the white race) destroying eachohter over some resource war which goes nuclear

but his post doesnt preach Vigilance , it preaches complacency through a "chosen people" mentality that means shit if there is none of you left

It can be done now.
We could have already built self sustaining colonies on Luna and Mars.
Lotta people would have died to make it possible but it could have been done.
Your fears are even more reason to do it now.

You're a primitivist at heart. Pining for a garden of eden that never existed.

i very much doubt so, but am willing to change my mind if you could provide me evidence of the contrary


To put it simply the basic requirements are already proven by the fact that we have accomplished space travel. Meaning we can make habitats for low pressure environments.
Now some argue the whole NASA space thing is a great big lie. But I'm inclined to disagree. It's too big a lie and too easily disproven.

First major hurdle is producing more breathable air.
On Mars this is easier as there's large quantities of easilly accessed water at the caps. Water can be broken up for oxygen and hydrogen giving you fuel and the key respiration component for human breathable air.
We're fairly sure theres water on Luna but not sure where or how deep. Either way theres always asteroids made of the shit floating out past Mars.

The hard part is assembling the industrial facilities needed to extract resources and build shit.
You'll probably wind up sending smaller versions initially then using those to build full sized facilities and equipment.

Von Braun planned a Mars colonisation program using Apollo era tech and ended up turning it into a fictional novel after the yanks booted him out of NASA as they had ICBMs by that point.

For power you've got two main options. Solar is highly effective on Luna and on Mars you could happily chug away with nuclear power plants (bonus points if you go with thorium reactors)
And space habitats can happily manage with either depending on location and distance from Sol (this systems star)

If we'd started colonisation efforts immediately following the first lunar landing, the colonies would probably have become mostly self sufficient in the last few years.
Since this would be the point where they'd have been able to build the shit needed to start mining water or we'd have moved a water heavy asteroid into Lunar orbit (or crashed it into Luna)
And all the shit they needed in terms of industrial equipment would have been either lifted up or built on site.

not saying that

this seems alot of unfounded sepculation on stuff you dont know.

Im not going to activly oppose against your space fantasy but i cant see it happening anytime soon, and it seems to be the only person with capital intrested in space travel at the moment is a massive liberal and will never let you have your white ethnostates in space while he is at the top of the space industry

Strive or die newfag. Complacency breeds weakness, which will lead to death by your betters(who are clearly hungrier than you are).

yeah , we shouldnt allow us to fall into the greed trap that allowed us to get into this mess , i thourght this was a pagan board, none of you fags actually follow any of the principles set out by the stories of our acnesterial gods
dont >> me again please

A valid philosophical position but you're gonna have a hard time convincing everybody else to listen to you. And once you're dead it's gone.
Indeed, which is why you should stick to as few axioms as you can get by with.
You're what happens when a monkey with overgrown semantic-linguistic processing centres gets lost in a positive reinforcement reward hacking loop. Look at the amount of text you've laid down to say, essentially, nothing. You took no information from the environment and provided no insight into anything.

Don't confuse your own fuzzy feels for the harsh reality of the universe. I mean, you can, but in the long run it won't benefit the survival of your genetic material. You romanticists always bitch but at the end of the day it's usually pragmatics like me who prevail. If not sticking my head up my own ass gives me an edge, that is what I will do.

I have literally never read anything by Kant, or any other enlightenment philosopher. As I said, philosophy is garbage because it is taking a tool (logic) and pushing it beyond its limits. Everyone trying to argue about metaphysics is putting the cart before the horse. We derive logic from our observations and intuition, not the other way around. It's all fundamentally tautological and a tool to rearrange things in your head.

You've constructed a nice narrative in your head that doesn't agree with reality. White people don't have any inherent edge in warfare, only a statistical tendency to create social institutions that give us a strategic edge. You seem to think that we can only be beaten through superior numbers, which is not through at all. An extremely simplistic view that can lead to horribly wrong decisions down the line.
There's plenty of evidence in every which way. You could argue that steppe mongols are the best warrior race, but look where they are now.

Understanding is not new information. It is the same information restructured in a way that lets you make accurate predictions. You can gain understanding with predictive power only so long as you keep introducing information from the environment. As soon as you stop doing that you only gain an understanding of the semantic constructs in your own head. The only times this is productive is if you do it with the intention of facilitating further logical operations with real information - aka math. Metaphysics is hogwash.

Like clockwork. Call me back when your electric universe can explain how transistors, light speed limits or radioactive decay work.

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You don't need to terraform mars, you'd be better off just building O'Neill habitats from all the trash floating around in the asteroid belt. And by the time you can assemble any reasonably sized livable structure in space you shouldn't have any problems acquiring air or water.

No, what you mean is
Space colonization has been realistically possible since the 1970s, we just aren't doing it because nobody has the incentive to cough up the cash. Faggots like you who pursue a vague picture they saw in some propaganda poster don't help. If the chinks go into space and we don't, congratulations, we've lost control of our destiny forever. If kikes develop general AI, congratulations, we've lost control of our destiny forever. You're like Don Quixote, bitching about something that is gone never to return. Those who fail to adapt, die out. That is the rule of nature, and nobody is exempt from that.

I'd like to cut in here, whites have pretty much always been the colonizers who move away from their government to escape and achieve freedom, but this won't work with space colonization because it will inevitably BE government that's exclusively having the reigns to achieve this

Forgive me, me no able use words today

This isn't an anything board, you low IQ faggots just thrive off the fact that in the absence of major happenings the majority of Zig Forumsacks have jobs and families to attend to. This esoterical crap was ruthlessly mocked on old Zig Forums and I will keep ruthlessly mocking it wherever I see it. I doubt uncle Adolf would've tolerated cargo cultists like you, either. Those who fail to see the universe for what it is will perish. If you are genuinely concerned about the fate of your people, you won't hesitate to accept whatever tools are necessary to ensure it.

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There can be no such thing as a space government. Any average sized asteroid has damn near everything needed to sustain a human population for a very long time. There are alternative sources for most things. Once enough redundant living ecosystems are established in space, there is no need for government. Once humanity spreads to other star systems, government is impossible.

Space is the one place where everyone can truly fuck off to do their own thing.

please again can someone actually come up with any evidence for this

i havent resorted to personal adhoms in this thread but people have against me, really makes think

Oh look all these Ifs and nothing of any substance
what IF the European Space Agency clash with Elon Musk Spaceboyz clash and start a war over who can mine a certain astroid and end up starting war

greed and materialism is what got us into this jew controlled mess in the first place

You want to know how the jews got into postitions of power in europe in the first place, kings wanted them to provide them loans in order to fund their conquests and want for more shiny shit

knock yourself out
saintannsny.org/depart/computer/classes/spacol/articles/sp-413(1975_nasa oneill.pdf
Read the whole thing, most of it is well corroborated and level headed.
There is no valid reasoning behind your opinion, just autistic devotion to a particular vision of the future you have in mind. We both know this is true so stop pretending. This is the internet after all. This debate has taken place a billion times before.

Yeah, too bad the substance will only become a thing when they've done it and your anarcho primitivist shithole is left in the dust. Technology is how we made the world our bitch, and you want to ditch it all while the shitskins catch up? The chinks are going to space whether you like it or not, and everybody with the funds to do so is an all out arms race to get AGI first. You're advocating trying to win with superior confidence and racial spirit against an enemy willing to use any and every weapon at their disposal.
This is LITERALLY the argument used by the French every single time before they lost a war in some retarded way.
And guess what, if the kings hadn't gone out and conquered shiny shit you'd be some backwater peasant toiling away in his own shit until some other race discovered the scientific method and probably killed you and your line because unlike whites, shitskins rarely have compunctions about outright genocide.

not if wasnt funding their nation by buying all the plastic shit that they are pumping out.

your sounding like the liberals who say that nigger refugees are nuclear engineers and sheeeeit
the scientific method is a uniquely white invention

also i never fucking said that.
if you read my earlier post you would see that i would want to keep our nukes and i dont want to get rid of the current power the state has, i dont want to go back to the past, just learn from our mistakes

its obvious neither of us are going to convice eachother so im just going to filter you and spend my time on something more productive than arguing on a splinter group of an anime politics board about space with some american larper.


I suppose what I wrote did do the trick, I've shimmered you down to what you really are: a shifty fool. The fact you don't know that science is branch of natural philosophy is embarrassing.

What are you even straw manning? I called people that think the material world is an illusion that they can bend to their will as wizards absurd, I guess that went over your head huh?

But why though? Why do you even care? Do you have an ideal for White people? That's pretty romantic if you do. Bare bones belief in legacy is a type of stoicism and is not pragmatic at all as an individual, since you will never see much of the fruit of it and will be a large money pit. The pragmatic thing to do is masturbate, eat chicken and get a blow up doll. It is not pragmatic at all to care about the future of civilization and let someone else worry about it. Politics are nothing but intangible nonsensical drama of rich kids fighting to a pragmatic.

Don't be snide, I know what I said changed your position. I'm used to this game of feinting and semantics with pinkos and jews. Instead of throwing a shitfit or nitpicking, try answering this one important question:

How are you going to save our race if you cannot even convince them that they should exist and that it is good?

You barely know the reality of yourself, you're in no positions to challenge others; you don't even know that science is a branch of natural philosophy! You really shot yourself in the foot when you said "philosophy is garbage"– that's some nigger brain thinking. And your scientific understanding appears to come from sci-fi, my comes from my degrees and decades of research .

The realm of ideas, the big whys, time, chance and even creativity itself are metaphysical. It's not just mystical ghost stuff, go read a book you shitpost fueled fedora.

That's pretty mystical.

You have no idea what the word even means. What the fuck do you think the swastikas, black sun, kek, runes and half our memes are all about? Get the fuck outta here if you don't understand the memes of our ancestors and don't think they're the hottest shit ever, you filthy casual.

You know, that's a reference to materialists not pagans. It's why we word filtered /Ieftypol/ to /cargocult/ a while ago, newfag.

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