I dont know if this is even allowed here, probably not, but I just have this great urge to rant and I dont even care if I get banned, its not like I have anyone irl I can talk with about anything.
Something is on my mind for quite some time now. Technology.
One thing I know about this whole universe, is that it is not meaningless. In fact, it is extremely opposite of it. Our existence is full of all sorts of rules, extremely easy to point out and demonstrate and measure sort of rules. It is not random. It is not meaningless. It is not stupid, it is not boring, it is not relative, it is not soft or questionable or unknowable…
The fundamental rules underpinning everything are mathematical in nature and govern everything, and when understood correctly, you can see trillion years into the past (on an astronomical scale, background radiation), travel faster than sound (supersonic jet fighter), communicate with someone on a different continent (satellites), the list of near magical things you can do really goes on. But same rules apply to everything, society included.
This order, I call it the natural order, or natural law. It is the order, or law, that emerges when there are no other laws present. It works when more energized particle slams with a less energized particle. When two prison inmates decide who is getting whose lunch. When two stranded sailors decide on who is canibalizing who. When a man in society has a status of an aristocrat or a peasant, of a capitalist or a wage laborer, when two animals in the same living space become predators, or prey.
Because of these principles, this natural order, I also always loved my race. Pure Aryan race. White race has always historically respected and followed and understood the natural law better than all other races, which is why it simply put conquered. Outcome of a conflict is never random, but natural order always selects a winner by comparing which one among them exists more closely, or more in line with the natural order.
And everyone around here understands this, this total superiority of the white race, but what few if any people on the internet, or anywhere really, is that having the genes which are most superior according to natural order is not enough.
Where you start matters, and it is not equal, and it cant be, but where you start is also not the end. How you live, how you use the start, matters too! Dont get me wrong here, start is huge, it matters a lot, it might even be the greater part, but it is just not the total.
Pursuit of technology is pursuit of natural order. Think about it. Superior race also has superior technology. Superior military also has superior technology. Superior economy, business, society, everything, it all depends on technology.
Our policies and laws and decisions are made by 'shadow government', CIA, NSA, big tech companies, and these are all "computer people" in general, these guys have the dirt, the info, the intel on everything and everyone.
Most successful businesses? All tech companies. Military? Strategic rocket command is almost exclusively dominated by scientists/engineers who can launch missiles, unmanned vehicles (drones) are increasingly taking over air force, networked armor and vehicles are taking over ground force and can execute mass encirclements and proper movement maneuvers more precisely than human crews, computerized submarines are dominating the navy and so on, optical range finders and auto loader artillery navigated by computers is too basically superior to its human equivalent.
Basically the most perfect thing yet, the most proper under natural law, would be a technocratic ethnostate. An ethnostate of nordicist, genetically proper, blue eyed and blond, militaristic technocrats who would claim the whole planet for the lebensraum, get rid of the less useful inferior undesirables, and continuously strive toward perfection, on multiple planets and galaxies likely, ultimately competing with themselves if no one else, to see who is the most preferred among them by the natural order of the universe.