(US) Historic: President Trump nominates Marine to be first black female general
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Washington (CNN)Marine Corps Col. Lorna Mahlock has been nominated to serve as the first black female brigadier general, the Marine Corps media office said.
Mahlock was nominated by President Donald Trump, and Defense Secretary James Mattis announced the nomination on Tuesday.
According to his announcement, Mahlock is currently the deputy director of the Operations, Plans, Policies, and Operations Directorate at the Marine Corps headquarters in Washington.
Her nomination was one of several by the President that Mattis announced Tuesday.
Last year, an infantry battalion at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina received the first female infantry Marines, who were set to serve in the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, with specializations as rifleman, machine gun and mortar, 1st Lt. John McCombs, a Marines spokesman, said at the time.
Im Hillary missile now
What's your aim here OP?
Who do you want me.to vote fo
You are not on ask.fm anymore.
Your pay per post just got lower.
Yeah this is the tipping point for me. I'm voting Yeb¿2020
Shhhh, nobody tell him.
Grand Strategy.
So progressive!
shes probably good at her job
In the final days of the Roman Empire their army had more Germans and mercenaries than actual Romans. Since I know niggers have no actual loyalty to the US (or any other country), and treat military service as a job and nothing more, I'm inclined to see similar parallels to today's kang- and bean-heavy armed forces.
This is what CADRE looks like.
If you ever get confused, remember the ditty "Be. My. Little. General."
It stands for Brigadier, Major, lieutenant, and finally just General.
This is low level politcal shit that means nothing and will harrold POGS around some dumb ass supply yard or a legal administration field. It will also be dead end.
Cnn however, will be forced to speak for days over it. And will be brought up during the election cycle.
Be calm, the storm still isn't here yet. I wager the real shit show from the left will be over the peace deal with NK.
It is in line with Trump's stated political beliefs as outlined in his battles with Pat Buchanan in his Reform Party days. It is also in alignment with the interests of global jewish capital, which has decided to murder White people [as they have been irrevocably socially injured by the "American Project"] and bribe zionist compliant remnants like materialistic niggers, hindustanis, homosexuals, and orientals fleeing corruption charges, to make sure they stay in a comfort as their world order degrades.
What could possibly go wrong?
Now that's one way to die for israel. kek
They'll let it quickly die so it can't endear the masses to Trump.
Many of those Germans though were capable commanders: Stilicho, Aetius, Ricimer, this woman is just a nog.
< he's not literally hitler
< should have voted for hillary, because she totally would have gassed the kikes
Just fuck off, nigger brain
well if Hillary won then white anger would be reaching a boiling point, which is what we want.. instead, all the normie cuckservatives have this sense that "we won, everything is gonna be okay" and they're not doing anything meanwhile the Senate obstructs anything that would benefit whites and instead passes shit like FOSTA and Omnibus while individual states are passing gun control and we're still getting more non-white immigrants than total births and white births are barely a majority if they even are once you count sandniggers and kikes
Call me a kike shill, ban me all you want, but I don't think Trump has done a fucking thing. He's serving as a highly effective pressure release valve for white anger that would otherwise be reaching dangerous levels. The election cycle was fun and the salt when he won was delicious but since he's been elected I can't think of anything that he's done that impressed me or convinced me that he really cares about the white race or this country in general. He's done a lot of cucked shit and the whole "4d chess" faggotry to explain away everything is absurd.
Only person with a nigger brain is you, monkey.
4D chess anons.
Bullshit, look at Europe. The normies weren't noticing the bullshit the MSM and government were doing. People would have done the exact same thing Britbongs are doing: pretending things aren't that bad and that the opposition may have a point. Without Trump to force their hand and act as a lightning rod for leftist trite, we'd just be dying slowly as we were under Obama.
I'm sorry, was there another option available? Or are you just saying we shouldn't be involved in politics at all?
OK, this is not where we disagree. I agree with this point. But I believe it's not ideal to go accelerationist. This is because we are receiving reenforcements: Generation Zyclon. They're not perfect. A lot of them are pretty cucked. But they're allies, and my goodness do we need allies!
If Gen Z did not exist, you would be quite right, but at this point, we need to indoctrinate them (through the Internet, mostly), and provide for them (get them into guns, god, and family). Boomers: still somewhat right-wing. Gen X: Males still somewhat right-wing. Gen Y (Millennials): nearly none right-wing. Gen Z: Potential to become the strongest, most right-wing, in 80 years.
< Trump hasn't done a thing
In stark contrast to what Hillary would have done. Remember, Obama was (thankfully) "lazy", by his own description.
Elections are the highway to Communism. Right-wing politicians are but a roadblock. A road hazard. An interdiction.
We will never get our way, we will never promote the white peoples, until we have full Fascism.
I am a Fascist. I mean this truly. This is what we must work toward.
And before you say Fascism is immoral, Jesus Christ made it plain, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." In other words, precisely the Fascist philosophy.
These are, many of them, people with their heads in the sand. They don't appreciate the sheer number of faggots and losers out there, ready to vote for more Communism. They do not realize how WEAK women are on the issues (women live in a perpetual state of at least modest fear).
3rd party candidates have never done well in America. So it comes down to the two. All elections do.
And when you provide emotional attacks on Trump you provide therefore emotional support for Hillary. This is how it is.
So, if you're steamed about Trump, keep it to the fireside chat. But watch your fucking lip in public, OK? Because this shit matters.
Our goal is to slow down the metabolite of Communism, democracy, that we may raise an army of social justice guerillas of Generation Zyclon, and ourselves as best we can do so, prepare, through the creation of white communities, our own electronic networks, strategies, and so on.
But in the meantime we must be the soldiers that man a wall we know will fall, and that is democracy shall inevitable, inexorably, collapse to greater and greater layers of Communism, til it becomes full Communism.
That's unavoidable. We don't fight as soldiers of fortune, but as soldiers of righteousness.
Rolls for "Relief For Cause within 12 months"
She will lead the US army that will culturally enrich Israel.
lel this. Having the (((US Army))) be run by retards is good for us. They're among the biggest threats to the white race at this point.
True. That empire was just as the other empires (unnatural, ran by enemies, corrupted).
I'm making an assumption, but I think that user's messages key part was in the final days.
So sad… Americans have been brainwashed with the "left or right" mentality.
Coke or Pepsi
Democrat or Republican
Capitalism or Communism