Does any one know anything? What is going with voat it's been 503'd? You have got to be shitting me i mean could it be because of the PA false flag predictions floating and people wanting to stop false flags? Pizzagate? This is not normal voat is hard down. That's my 88 characters.
What happened to voat? Is voat dead
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for VOAT
DDOS attack
Boat is/was great. IDK what happened but users there have been worried about the site going down for sometime now.
I think it is caused by the hackers. Why? Because they think WWIII is coming so they wanted to have fun before the white race nuked to the extinct. There is a lots of cyber attacks on any website.
We brought pizzagate back.
(( (someone))) is worried as fuck
nothing on Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter, gab, or Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit, but it can still be accessed with the boats app
Twas the Comet Ping Pong picture I reckon
No idea, but I checked it this morning and saw an article on thegatewaypundit getting ddosed so it could be related?
putt hasnt been giving updates on financials (donate / store was gone when i checked awhile ago)
last thing i remember reading from putt was replying to needle.
then we had anontalk fags trying to stir shit up since then.
anyone see anything posted today you might even think could be why someone would wanna take the site down?
shoah'd video from exactly where and when opcw inspectors couldn't go…
Somebody posted and the whole board got shut down about 1/2 hour later. The admins can't be reached. was shoah'd by cuckflare a few days ago but it's back online now.
Guess I'll have to ba a Nazi IRL
voat was a great place for file sharing, nyaa took a big hit a few months ago. both of them might be gone soon…
Some of Voats subdomains are still up. I doubt its gone for good.
Clearly some of the posts on voat recently (like the hillary/huma pics and video) are scaring the nefarious powers that be.
I came straight here looking for this thread as soon as I saw voat 503d. Here's hoping it's back up soon.
i am in doubt that the "" vid is real but if it is out there, upload it here asap to prove lots of anons wrong that are skeptical
And nothing of value was lost.
Even the shills are bored.
use IPFS to host shit, then
it's a stepping stone you utter dolt, we don't want plebbitors flooding here directly.
afaik you could disable voting and make every account anonymous. Probably would have been a good place to rig up a fake chan if it just had a proper stylesheet. Performed better than this POS site.
That is stupid because they are attracting too much attentions to themselves. It's like that they are begging to be hang now.
We Will do the Hanging
Voat is my main. Ive been there around two years now. I really dont know what the fuck is going on. Putt has been MIA for a while now. Usually every 4 months or so there's a drive to donate to the site to keep it going but that has all stopped. We've heard nothing about anything like that needing to happen for a while now along with the canary updates. Some people say DDOS but ive never had anything like this happen in the past. Putt really needs to give us the scoop if or when it comes back up.
Im scared goys.
Amalek, if you’re out there somewhere, thank you. Your work on voat early 2014 was not in vain, it led me down the path of truth.
Could very well have been. I pulled a lot of the pics from the chans. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT
Yeah this looks like a strange one alright have not seen it down like this before. Hopefully back soon it's my home from home.
He wasn't necessarily wrong he would just spam the living fuck out of a subverse, with things we all already knew.
Hey goat!
Yeah he could have definitely used a more subtle method, but before I saw his spam I really never considered the JQ. I was more worried about muh libruls and the false left-right dichotomy.
How many threads do you need cunt? Go back to half or keep it to your fucking spergout thread.
Hey niggerfaggot, looks you gots internet points go spend em on your sheboons
Well at least his spamming helped somebody. The voat community has become more refined. Ran out all the non-believers other than the hardcore free speech centrists but theyre not bad. At least share the same essential values as the rest of us.
Are a little lacking in the humor side of things from time to time. I think the usernames is what does it to people
Shit yeah, and how have i never seen that before? I for one like to incorporate memes/pics and would like to see more of it around there.
Jesus anons just look at the symbology of their logo.
don't forget lord spartacus who exposed flaws with the concept of (((voting))) on posts
shit happens and I like voat fuckers be going ham on FREE SPEECH !!! & SORRY IF YOUR ASS HURTS DEAL!!
Does anyone know where all the voaters went? Is there some sort of voat bunker which is online? I haven't used voat for over a year so I wouldn't know.
The migrations was the best part of voat, so much fantastic OC, spamming and crying on Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit. That image was from the The_Pedos debacle if I remember correctly. Fun times. I really should visit voat more often when if it comes back.
Last time I decided to give it a shot the front page was filled with Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit-tier gifs, puns and blogposts though
I despise the ones who insist on explaining "nigger faggot" to newcomers as a "canary in the coal mine". That it's about free speech and not racism. As if it's not both. But that's what you get when you have a bunch of lolbertarians who want to please everyone.
a lot of them are here already why the thread,I would give it a bit they might be back up yet seems like they really hair lipped the shit bags on some pizza gate pedo shit wich all the politicians are involved in and thats how sick jews are and been going on for a long time so they get super butthurt when exposed as the sick fucks they are although maybe its just some IT bs bwuhahahahaa!!!
I have no problem with masonry but it's funny how none of the conspiracy retards bat an eye at the obvious symbolism on that site.
here, a search came up with a Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit voat sub, checking the voat Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter feed, doing other things..
I'm going to say Voat was taken out by a state-backed cyberwarfare unit and it's not coming back. It's very easy to say who.
Things are about to get extremely real in the middle-east very soon.
Search for a document named "Which Path to Persia"
Read Chapter 5.
Once you read that chapter you will understand that Israel cannot physically take out Syria and Iran alone. It physically cannot succeed with its limited airforce and small armaments. It can only bomb then run back to base and not even destroy these countries even if they wanted to (excluding nukes). That's it. They cannot invade and they cannot conquer because they are too physically weak. They cannot achieve their GREAT plan alone.
Their ONLY option is to BRING its golem (USA) to do its bidding. Therefore, they require the American public's support for another Middle-East War.
How will they achieve this?
1) More false-flags, galvanizing American public support for a new Mid-East War
2) 100% saturation of the MSM to push war & demonize Russia
3) Shutting down counter-propaganda outlets (Voat, 4ch, 8ch) that provide counter-narratives to their false-flags
Voat is first to go, 4ch/8ch will go soon too.
Get in your bunker goyims things are about to get real.
kikes have to die sooner rather than later they are literally the plague that only white anti bodies can kill.
Yea exactly, thats a good assessment. The guy who owns/runs also mentioned that we pissed off a lot of powerful people. But I dont think that the chans will be affected much, they got much stronger backing, many more state actors around them (of other nations perhaps? Hard to tell). was a bit of a hobby project without that many connections, infamy and all of that going around. I even warned that creator which kind of attention he would be getting (not sure if he read it or not) in the beginning. That you cannot withstand the jew just with some coding knowledge, that you needed a strenght of character that is just too rare (being able to deal with zerzetsung, bribery and whatever).
The thing however is that the jews have lost the PR war in syria, the outcome of battles, in general have been going out of their favor lately. Meaning that we, and other groups who kinda dislike them have heavy power as well. If only those groups could protect tho. But isnt the code public? Cant just anyone make it? All it would take would be for our side to take over the server and its hosting and it would be smooth sailing once more. seems to still be up for now.
That would result in fragmentation. = bad
One decentralized alternative that is clearly and overwhelmingly superior to the alternatives is absolutely required right now to move those who will move away from censorable platforms.
There is some serious cancer in this thread
Stfu brainlet
go back to r3ddit
I don't think you are wrong. I'm seeing a pattern and a pattern shift….
It used to be
>competitor takes on big guy who has ties to intel community (look up the Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit stratfor leaks)
But then pizza gaayte happened and people started diging into mainstream sites dirty laundry that they seemed not only okay with but protecting.
So a 2nd tactic is implemented.
But the main stream sites are such cancer people would rather engage with that then read the 100th le drumpf is dun for "viral think peice"
So new tactics get implimentes
Users self fund, steisand effect make people question what tbese companies are okay funding.
Bitcoin donations keep it a float
go to tor, pass around screen shots, register under different names, mirror sites, etc. ICANN comes under fire, people start questioning motives they shouldn't question…
People question TOR why they don't do the same for cp sites
My guess as to whats happening now, the site owners are now being directly "talked to" to go missing have their sites disappear to and to stay quiet and not make waves…
(Except this is gonna stir up those pesky questions as well)
This place is no more or less shit than anywhere else. Endchan has the most intelligent discussion but board doesn't move. If you are on the internet, YOU ARE IN THE HONEYPOT.
They didn't though. They did, however, release a virtue signalling blogpost about how "we oppose these raycis nahtzees" which then led to the questioning of why they didn't say the same for every CP site which is on tor.
I think it should be possible to make a site like voat, but distributed and censorship resistant.
Imagine each subvoat running on a separate site itself, with its own moderators and stuff. Then a front-page running as a separate application could act as an aggregator for a set of chosen subvoats.
Anybody interested in something like that?
Yeah check out zeronet. There are imageboards on there.
So wheres the video then? I find it impossible to believe it got posted there before here or halfchan. Therefore I don't believe it.
So that's why there's shitty posts all over Zig Forums right now. Voat is probably just having a DDoS attack or something right now. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Putt can be relied on to fix it… normally.
We shut it down.
4cuck was also shut down for a while a couple days ago, so we've got a lot of refugees shitting the place up
I almost started just dumping gore but then I remembered that it wouldn't work on these faggots, they'd only want more. I'm actually surprised the mods haven't deleted the fucking pajeet shitpost yet. Are they still on their daily mantrain?
You’re just retarded.
Hi. Reported.
But you have zero evidence of this.
The mod is here about five hours a day and asleep the rest of the time. And since jim doesn't give a flying fuck about the website, we get spammed that entire time, every single day, for months.
I thought there was 3?
Possible, but I don't think it's probable. I'm going to wait and see what happens.
Nope. Same person, multiple accounts. It's clinical schizophrenia. I'm not joking. It WANTS these spam threads here.
My guess is the owner can longer justify the upkeep and pulled the plug.
Shame if it is dead/ Voat was very anti-intellectual and full of boomer-tier memes but it did have some value. It managed to get an influx of new users every so often but couldn't retain them, subverses with 1000s of subscribers but hardly any activity.
How will they achieve this from the oven?
People in leafland are angrily shutting down any and all kikery related to that hockey team accident eg. t-shirt sales and even special donuts.
It's both breathtaking and heartening to watch. Normalfags are very jew-aware these days.
All posts to r/voat about the recent Voat crisis have been deleted.
Voat's the best fucking site on the Internet. You can be national socialist without being banned, unlike here. You can be a white nationalist without being banned, unlike here. You can type words without them being changed and your national socialist discussion being COMPLETELY SUBVERTED, UNLIKE HERE.
I'm a national socialist. I post fairly often and have only been banned 2 times in the past year. You're talking shit, voatfag. Go back to your little Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit clone.
Neck yourself, retard.
Damn TS, too hardcore for pol?
I don't know what that means…
That statement shouldn't exist, but yeah, here we are. These are just some of the ban images I've collected from others. I have a few dozen more. People have been banned for supporting trump, for not supporting trump, for hating jews, for hating neocons, for hating Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditors… oh, there's one where someone was banned for posting Yuri Bezmenov. Seriously. And don't forget: You get banned for calling on Zig Forumsacks to start effecting change in the real world AND get banned for saying that no one will ever go out in the real world to do anything.
Couple that with wordfilters to forcibly change what you've said to others and bam; how are we supposed to have an actual discussion here? Voat's framework is inherently shit. It still has the Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit hang-ups where OTHERS CAN CENSOR YOU simply by making your post go into the negatives (which hides it by default for all readers) or by taking your account into the negatives (limiting you to 10 posts per day), and that's completely fucking unacceptable, particularly when the site owner doesn't ban sockpuppet accounts or bot accounts (all you have to do is run a hundred bots to downvote bad goyim into silence). Oh, and the shit where you can't downvote more than you upvote. That commie retardation has to stop. BUT AT LEAST SPEECH ITSELF ISN'T CENSORED.
Usually when it gets ddos'ed the maintenance page shows up I thought. This is the first 503 I can remember. Could be wrong though.
So unsure if anyone still cares, but the sub on plebbit that gives updates and goat pics had some theories as to whats up. Out of nowhere, the sub starts getting spammed with the SJW blue hair brigade dancing on the ashes, and deleting updates that happen. Definitely some fuckery afoot.
Id toss it to trolling since voat is only a shade better than plebbit, but taking a mod spot and deleting comments from people who actually go there….
There is definite fuckery afoot
For all you refugees: may be an alternative
Nevermind about, just read their terms of service:
"Posting content of any kind that incites discrimination, hate or violence towards one person or a group of people because of their belonging to a race, religion or nation is strictly prohibited."
You are an insufferable faggot. You deserve your bans and I hope your shitty ree'ddit clone comes back soon so you can go back to jerking off self hating boomers and confused lolbertarians.
Don't even pretend that there's uncensored speech.
I think you might have the most accurate opinion. If the site had been seized by a governmental agency their would be a screen displaying and explaining that. All we get is a error 503.
You replied to the wrong person.
Yeah, you didn't read my post.
f668d9 is obvious Sane / rPV alt. Filter.
There was some discussion of removing search results just a couple days ago. Hmmm, always such (((timing))) with these moves.
Voat has become a staple for me as a news aggregator and a place to argue with fags. I'll be sad if it just disappears, especially because it likely represents another win for kikes who want total control. And also because I was in the middle of arguing with some fag. Squeeze the balloon enough and it pops you yid retards. How much more?
You're not even trying.
I have a problem with masonry.
I told the owner he needed a better logo. I informed him that because brand imagery and identifiability is what makes a site popular. Unfortunately, he failed to heed my advice, ignored the warning sign, and now he is paying the consequences. Too bad, it really should have been something.
stop posting shitty anime
Been subverted a long time. real sub is /voaters.
Epstein island just got raided, so they might have frozen the site because a lot of the content there and digs were /pizzagate related.
I have a board on endchan,
If it doesnt go back up there is my board I use to research.
If that's the scale then this place is basically
equal to cuckchan. here use the link i provided if you want voat to live. Voat was shutdown on Israel's 70th anniversary.
It appears as if certain forces wish to scatter us to the wind. Our secondary congregating point (r/Voat) on Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit has also been compromised and is censoring any mention of the shutdown and have deleted multiple submissions and have banned multiple users. If we wish for Voat to survive we must act quick.
Step one is to get everybody interested in seeing Voat survive into this forum page. How we do this is by posting information in places the Voat community is likely to migrate to. For example; Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit and Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit alternatives. 4Chan, Zig Forums, TheFag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack, Occidental Observer, ect. Once we get a handful of people willing to contribute we can decide where to relocate the community. We can even use Voat's source code off GitHub.
Voat is being targeted because it was effective. If you want to fight the Globalists this is how you do it. Fighting against the Gliabliats and fighting for free speech and freedom in general is one in the same thing. We must not let them win.
All we have to do is regroup the Voat diaspora. We must all send out links to this forum as aforementioned.
some have made preview.voat their temp home. Not many goats made their way to our fully functional preview site though. Dumbasses probably forgot it is there.