"Why White Men Desperately Need Gun Control"

by Jef Rouner

Having an easy, lethal means at hand to act upon that impulse increases the likelihood of a fatal suicide attempt. It’s the reason that when coal gas ovens were phased out in favor of natural gas ones in Britain in the 1960s and ‘70s suicide rates dropped and never came back up. Ease and accessibility of method matters, otherwise jumping off a bridge in the United States would be more popular. Instead, jumpers included across all the most famous suicide bridges in the country over their entire history add up to less than a tenth of the annual gun suicide total.


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Just did a Google search for the author Jef Rouner, Here's what turned up.

He sounds like a pedophile to me. Perhaps we should contact Child Protective Services to have his child taken away from him?

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Figures. If you dig deep enough he might even have a felony charge somewhere which means he can't have guns, that's why he wants to ruin it for everyone else.


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comon guis no more pewpews

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I own myself, and I'll kill myself if I want to, and I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me should I choose to do so.

Its like they have no idea they are this transparent

If you're allowed to defend yourself from us killing you, you'll kill yourself, so you shouldn't be allowed to defend yourself from us killing you.
Makes sense, please take my guns to save the white race, government.

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Fuck that. Human rights are a scam, but every man has at least the right to off himself when he damn well pleases.

Howcome this is the first of (((them))) I can't identify from a common google search.

Is (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Rouner))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and (((them))) catching up to the almighty brackets?

This is pretty innovative, targetting us as if he cares about our well being. When the end game goal is just to keep weapons in the hand of his political partisans.

There, fixed that clickbait bullshit.

This poor man is mentally ill. Suicide is a human right. He wants to win, but he just doesn't know how.

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What are you talking about? This is one of the oldest marxist tricks in the book.

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Ban high speed assault trains and subways

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Seems legit.

Attached: US Firearms Ownership.jpg (1552x3084 1 MB, 830.06K)

Daily reminder that the Black male cohort is statistically the most likely to use guns for crime; Black males are even more dangerous with weapons than people who are officially barred from the use of firearms like felons, people who were committed, and under-21 adults.

If you take away the five largest Democrat-run cities, America's gun violence rate is comparable to that of European nations.

Its not just niggers though.

Attached: US HISPANIC POPULATION, 1850-2010.jpg (3856x8736 480.71 KB, 4.44M)

He, however does nothing to really dig into the issue except talk in vague terms/solutions and praising anti-gun movements all the while portraying gun owners as stockpiling psychopaths.

The great thing is, with all the people I've spoken to who have held an anti-gun stance, they almost never realize a very peculiar fact


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One of my favorite lines of arguments is to ask liberals if they would be ok with passing a law that would reduce gun violence by more than half. When they bite, you propose restricting gun ownership to land-owning white males. It's a good time.

Two words: Austin Bomber

Hhhmmm maybe its because he knows an honorable white man would be the first kind of person to give this pedo an undeserved swift and merciful death, his eternal suffering will be gods job.


Sounds like these pussies need to man the fuck up.

The fact of the matter is, if a man decides to kill himself he has made up his mind. He WILL find a way. When women try to 'kill themselves' they're attention whoring in the ultimate way they know how. This is why men choose violent but almost certain means such as guns while women choose non-violent and less certain means, such as pills.
If the (((psychiatrists))) weren't all kikes and seeking mental healthcare for men wasn't looked down on as a sign of weakness, or if we actually had working communities anymore which would remove the need for that bullshit in the first place, then these men would have someone to turn to to talk some sense into them.

what is so bad about chewie hoodie? Im not into nerd culture.

I'll gladly give up the right to defend myself when effete libtards give up their nigger fetishes.

Just remember how despicable these people are in the future.

How about, never

Commies like Che and Stalin hated niggers too. Dont be so short sighted.

Really need to just start treating anyone who talks about undermining the constitution by infringing on guns as a criminal guilty of a capital offense.

Does anyone have that image comparing the great white north of the US to australia and that per population it basically had the same crime rate, US less so even.

more like "why jews should shut the fuck up and not speak for us" goddamn this gets me rage filled.

Cheer up faggot, you will find your match soon enough. Supportive women are hard to come by but well worth the effort.
As for the job stuff, when i get down cos of money issues, I remember that me and my own are healthy, which down the line is the most important thing…
Politest of sages for offtopic, not because of words of encouragement.

This utter faggot DotR enthusiast sent unironically a photo of her daughter to a known pedo…


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Fetuses should be aborted if the mother drinks during pregnancy

Mothers who drink should be aborted post-birth.

It's a bullshit argument by the Kike establishment. I'm a vet and we've been the prime targets of this for a long time. Basically all this is a disarmament attempt. (Everyone already knows this).
The suicide rate is going up because men have naturally sudoku'd themselves at a higher rate than women and the aging male demographic is entering into a later stage of life (50+). As males age, get sick without help, and a bunch of other factors they do the only thing left to do and end it early.
The article's narrative is just a jewish push for stripping people of their essential civil liberties and god given rights in order to control the populace.

The bottom line here is that guns have nothing to do with suicides. If everything is going good for you and you're in good health, minimal relationship issues, nice prospects, community, social cohesion, etc – no one's going to off themselves / rate will go down.
The ultimate thing to keep in mind is that this is the typical jewish obsession with instrumentality. How you choose to terminate yourself has nothing to do with the root of the problem. Bottom line is that if someone is going to kill themselves: they're going to do it. Normies with an agenda can make up whatever bullshit they want, but we all know that this is the truth.
The ultimately heinous thing about this is that narrative completely and utterly ignores the struggle, anguish, despair, and suffering of suffering of these people, not to mention the root of the problem. We all know why (((mainstream narratives))) ignore the root of our social problems.

Bottom line, while the US has suicides in the populace due to the government selling out, ignoring, and fucking over it's best people, this rate has nothing to do with guns.

The nations with the highest suicide rates in the world do not have gun rights like we do, ownership levels like we do, nor are these rates facilitated by personal weapons.

Put simply, the countries with highest suicide numbers (pic related) do not have those suicide numbers because of firearms, they have no firearms; the opposite is true. Notice that in the highest suicide rates by region the United States doesn't even appear on the list.

The highest suicide rates in the 1st world are pin places like Japan, South Korea, with the high-scores held by the 3rd world shithole countries where you have literally no rights.

It's just a play to disarm us to enslave us.
Anyone telling you gun control is good for you is lying to you.
Anyone pushing this narrative is a fucking kike.
I personally recommend shooting them on sight.

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When shit like vid related is everyday part and parcel you need not less guns, you need more guns.

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Shabbat over? Shitpost begins!

This is the same bullshit I'd expect from a soft faced, bodied, and minded perpetual child that makes a living in trash pop-culture writing. Instead of solving the problem, he wants to make it harder for people to do the deed like the chinks that installed suicide nets around their electronics factories. Here are some links to more of his articles:

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Do you really think we give a fuck how many articles you attempt to push here jew? You will never take our guns.