The number one killer of blacks is black gene dilution. BGD is a Jewish agenda to make people of African heritage extinct. Start watching ads and media closely, you'll see the BGD agenda with your own eyes, and you'll see most of the media companies pushing BGD are Jews.
Not bad, except the vast majority of niggers are too dumb to value abstract assets like identity.
Spread it among the black marxists that populate the upper ranks of BLM. They will eat this up.
Niggers need to NATSOC and start killing jews
christcucks dwarf any nigger culling attempts with their 100+ year turd world breeding program.
End black genocide by genociding all blacks so there's no need for it anymore. Put antisemitism to rest the same way also and you've got an end to white genocide as a bonus.
This exists in a number of forms. The most famous one is the "Hotep movement," which combines pan-Africanism and Kangz-ism with right-wing values such as financial independence and intact nuclear families. Here is a Hotep article praising George Lincoln Rockwell:
black e t h n i c nationalism
They do value it, just not intellectually, they're like Orcs. The same way they can't be cucked into giving up their heritage the same way whites can, they lack the capacity for sophistry that guilty whites consume.
this is plain fucking stupid.
Most blacks would prefer to have lighter skin, they spend huge amounts for skin lightening products, so they would be happy to have light skinned children.
I hate Niggers…. I do not want to kill 100, I don't even want 100 Million.
I want to exterminate all niggers.
If somebody gave me about 20 grand right now, Im pretty Sure I can take out 70% of Africa within 2.
They do that subconsciously, though. Tell them they're trying to appear white. See what happens.
Also the kind of black people who'd jump on this will smell white man from a mile away. Make it blingy and golden. Put Pharaoh shit everywhere. Extremely simple and also funny.
Its funny cuz its true
Do it OP.
I don't know how many Zig Forumslocks are riding around the African Sahara and blowing everything away… I'm sure we've all thought… I guess it's the bleach moving outward from center in the end.
Niggers have absolutely no respect for themselves or their own kind and don't give a fuck and want white ass anyways. Nice try though.
That's the women. The men will attempt to impregnate anything that can take a dick. No campaign will change this.
20 grand would not get you very far.
Ignoring absolutely every other cost, you need to have enough food to last you as long as you'll be there. You'd use up all of your money by the end of the third year just on food.
This completely ignores medicine, travel, and weaponry. Moreover, you're ignoring the very real possibility that you'll run in to some sort of warlord who has enough people to kill you.
That sort of operation demands at least 50 people and 2 million dollars between them.
A single individual with $20K could probably get as far as 10,000 dead niggers, but not much beyond that.
send this to all niggers you know
Remove the "jewish" part, it discredits the meme. Kalergi was a euro noble - jap hybrid. If you become the boy who cried wolf, you make it harder to convince normalfags about actual jews.