Books by Nazi Authors

Im looking for lesser known Nazi authors. I just realized ive never seen a Nazi written book other than Mein Kampf. It says online that around 120,000 books were published in Germany between 1933 and 1939. Where did they all go, were they burned after the war? Why havnt I seen/heard of any of them?

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Feder and Rosenberg are authors worth reading.

Full names of those authors user?

Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg.

Black Edelweiss. Johann Voss

The Eastern front. Leon Degrelle

Any decent fiction by nazi or right wing authors?

Turner diaries, the third revolution series by Gregory kay. James mason the siege. The brigade by H.A covington

how about frauds by jew authors as well GRRRRRRRRR

The jew is too stupid to create anything useful so instead plagiarizes white MEN

Civil war two by Thomas Chittum

Eisenstein was a complete fraud held up by the rat community as being the originator when in fact that little jew rat mind of his could not comprehend the work of white men in another 600k years of evolution Jews are fucking thieves and useless parasites

Julius Evola was hired by the SS as a researcher. He wasn't a Natsoc but they considered him good enough to do research for them. He also lectured at an SS academy for some time.

Feder's work was mostly pre-third Reich era

Look up Richard Darre. It's mostly in German though.

*Third Reich
*National Socialist

Many such options

Goebbels questions and answers. The Nazi Sozi.

Harold Covington is a National Socialist who wrote the Northwest Independence novels. Great read, even if you're not into the Northwest idea.

This. I consider this a core piece of the original NatSoc literature along with Mein Kampf and Abolition of Interest-Debt Slavery.
Where those are for the more well-read and aristocratic classes, Nazi Sozi is for the masses to be distributed.

Holy shit Zig Forums tell this faggot to lurk more, what the fuck?

This, even NatSoc is preferable.


Helmut Stellrecht
Joseph Goebbels
Ersnt Hiemer
Ersnt Krieck
Heinz A. Heinze
Hans Snyckers
Alfred Rosenberg (big one right there)
Gottfried Feder (basically the founding father of the NSDAP, his works are great)
Albert Speer
Alfred Konder
Otto Dietrich (also really important)

Well not all of course, most of the books burned and destroyed where training manuals and /fit/ themed manuals, because the jew fears a healthy and fit goy. The reason why you never see them is because certain people don't want you to see them. They only hammer on Mein Kampf simply because Hitler wrote it and according to them Hitler was so evil and so is Mein Kampf that if you read it you're a natzee yourself.
Now I'd advise you check out the Internet Archive as it has a surprising amount of books.

I forgot
Leon Degrelle
Jorge González von Marées (a Chilean, it's strange how I never see discussion about Chile and their National Socialist movement on Zig Forums it is quite interesting)
George Rockwell.

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Chile is it's own insular entity, we don't talk about it because it always keeps to itself. Planned economy, not making waves in South America, its own pop-culture, these are the entirety of the facts I have picked up over the years.


Savitri Devi - The Lightning and the Sun
Miguel Serrano - The Ultimate Avatar

Well I more talking about the 30's and 40's where they became really inspired by Germany. I never seen book detailing those events at all, as if it's all memory holed. Then again this also counts for other countries, the kikes have made sure that only Germany had a National Socialist movement, at least in the mind of the normalfags. It's quite sad.

Miguel Serrano however has said that the National Socialist movement in Chile went underground but that it is pretty big and tends to remain quiet like a hidden knife.

Fantastic books and autors but not great for starters, like OP I'm assuming.

Two turboredpilled dekikening publications I can highly recommend:

Gottfried Feder
Das Manifest zur Ablösung der Zinsknechtschaft - Manifesto for the abolishment of debt slavery (literally: 'interest-slavery')

Ulrich Fleischhauer
Die Echten Protokolle der Weisen von Zion - Incredibly detailed and meticulously researched assesment of the authenticity of the Protocols. This particular publication makes you realise the extent of honesty in the Aryan mind. A million lies the jews told and a million times Ulrich Fleischhauer devoted his time and money to conclusively prove the claims to be lies. It's also quite depressing when you see that MO being repeated in everything nowadays.

lurking on this board I would recommend evola right off the bat.

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
Oswald Spengler - Prussianism and Socialism (fully recommended)
Both of them were not party members of the NSDAP but they were part of the conservative (not anglo-saxon) anti-Weimar circles that influenced National Socialist thought.

I wouldn't recommend it. Same with Serrano.

Wops in general are hit and miss when it comes to NatSoc. Serrano even admits to being a Magus initiate (not a good thing), but I would still recommend the book for the old myths it presents.

Devi is better. A true natsoc, and it is in fact interesting to see how a woman interprets the ideology (she is MUCH more brutal).

corneliu zelea codreanu , for my legionaries.
The Racial Elements of European History, Hans Guenther.
The Religion of the Aryo-Germanic Folk, Guido von list

Knut Hamsun

Any version of the second book in English? Sounds like a good read.

Polite sage for low effort OP.

to this day I never understood two hypocrises:

1. Germans burned Kike pedo and satanic books, Kikes burned Nazi history and science regardless of veracity, I wonder why?

2. Waaaayyyy more Germans and Russians died than Jews, yet we are supposed to entirely ignore all non-Jewish massacres?

Are the Kikes stupid or just arrogant?

I think the culture is finally dead on this board. No one knows why it was necessary to maintain quality. No one cares to learn.

Fuck this shit.

Quo vadis torfag?

I personally think that this book is the deranged coping mechanism of some crazyperson.
It has smart things in it, but the idea that Hitler lost on purpose in order to win an esoteric war in exchange is fucking retarded.

Yup. It's a noble lie. Denialism of some unfortunate military defeats.

Don't read it if you don't understand/care for esotericism.

Meant for


never knew that, gib more info!

His articles for Das Reich are absolute quality. Very simply and bluntly put but always insightful, honest, backed by facts. What peak journalism looks like, something kikes have completely polluted!


Carl Schmitt, one of the most important jurists in history, responsible for creating several legal institutions of nazi germany, like the fuhrerprinzip. Although later on he didnt like some of Hitler's policies and quit his advisor role. He is widely recognized in academia as a bulwark of modern law.

Ezra Pound, although he mostly worked on the history of arts, and a little bit of economics. A real heavyweight poet and intelectual, though. Feel free to use his work in any shitlib enviroment that he will at least be respected.

Evola, his writings on religion and the occult are some of the most reliable works, in my opinion, perfectly tying it up with politics. As others mentioned, he was one of the main intelectuals in fascist Italy, a critic of the albertine statute, and worked for several institutions of the SS. He was a weird guy, and probably autistic, so dont go out talking about evola among the non-initiated.

Viehweg, another jurist, but his thesis is mostly focused on shifting points of view amongst ideological lines, extremely important to debate against commies, and crucial to understanding that conservatives are retarded. His history is fascinating, he was a wehrmacht soldier on the eastern front, when the offensive fell short, he lost all of his squad and hid in a ruined monastery, where he found an intact library, in which he spent the next 8 months studying the classics, until the soviets captured him.

Geny, the most important hermeneut of history, responsible for the school of "free scientific research" of interpretation. He was part of a pro-german political organization in alsace-lorraine in the interwar, and eventually worked in the integration of german france with vichy france.

Not sure if he was a card carrying member, but he was easily the most influential man in Germany and for the NSDAP, Theodor Fritsch with his infamous book, The Riddle of the Jews Success.

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The (((Allies))) burnt most of them.

H.P. Lovecraft often gets branded a racist.
Not sure if it's enough, but he wrote a lot of dissertations on leftists.
His "Call of Cthulhu" is a wonderfull documentary about Marxism.

Oh I care for it, but that book is clearly bonkers.

Theozoology is redpilled and has been translated into English.

Look up his poem about niggers.

"Richard Wagner" by Houston Stewart Chamberlain
"The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" by Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit by Rudolf John Gorsleben (englisch transl. by Karl Hans Welz):

I don't think you've understood what he meant. There are a couple of approaches. First: Hitler couldn't win anymore because there were too many enemies and too many traitors, so he went full out, squeezing the last drop of bravery out of Germany, fighting the kikes to such an extent, that he basically became a myth and a symbol that can never be eradicated. The seed of truth was planted in every White country and today there certainly is an opportunity for every honest Aryan to see the truth once stumbling upon it. If you think about it, there's not much difference between Hitler and the concept of Jesus (from an Aryan standpoint). When we win, Hitler will be the founding myth of our new Aryan world empire, like Romulus and Remus were for Rome. Second: You have to read Serrano in the context of his time, no internet, living in fucking Chile, but then visiting all kinds of places. He saw glitches in the matrix, or rather inconsistencies in mainstream history, even he underestimated the Great Conspiracy, but he went down the rabbit hole even further, he approached the extent of our fake reality in "The Son of the Widower (2203)," so there is progress in his journey. He was too idealistic, so there were people who fooled him, but even his mistakes shed some light on the truth. Like how he wrote about clones, obviously it's BS, but if you research more this leads you to consider that there was a considerable amount of fake actors who pretended to be famous Nazis who appeared on television after the war. Third: His writings are not meant to be taken literally. He's a poet, he writes in symbols and coded language. For example, his maestro, it's probably his literary alter ego, and not some mystical mage. Also, without a considerable amount of knowledge (myths, legends, religions, philosophy) you won't understand. The important thing is the feeling and instincts you develop by engaging your creative brain areas that aren't used much in our times of analytical overdose. Outlandish claims will forcefully rip you away from ingrained deep-rooted notions about the world that you perceive as self-evident but only because you grew up surrounded by it.

read his book, the path of cinnabar. honestly, we don't know much else, though.

Goring has a book I havent read yet. Please dont make it cost 5 billion dollars, or at least upload a PDF if you buy it.

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Oh, and this is all notes about Goebbels in action, most books give a biography but dont talk about things he did as part of his job.

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I read in a book about German flying saucers that fiction writers mentioned them matter-of-factly. Always wanted to read one but I doubt any have been translated into English.

Beautiful explanation of the poet.

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If you are talking about Germany Reborn there's several pdfs of it.

Black sun by nicholas goodrick-clarke.
The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi

Hitlers table talk 1941-1944 published with a preface about ebil nazis by a scared jew. The rest of the content is Hitler talking with close confidants.

he considered himself a Nazi I believe, in that he supported the Reich before his death. though he did end up marrying a jew

This is what I got from the book essentially.
The reason why I call him delusional is because he started talking about astral bodies and shit like that.


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