next galactic esoteric techno fascist empire is coming goys
Nueva Alemania confirmed for 2039
Why would it be in Spanish?
Even beginning to give any fucking creedence to such an easy fake.
No one is buying your faggotry, you wont be sent to the gallows but damn this deserves a severe whipping.
because the IV reich allies with mexico to invade US, when the WWIII beggin
fuck off nigger, this is all over the /x/ tier youtube channels, its not my faggotry
why would they even consider the spics to be good allies? if anything they deserve a nuke after isreal
its the most available geographic point to land invade US.
millions of illegal immigrants can prove it
I want to believe that The Great War will finally come to an end.
then fucking take it to /x/
oyy veyy lets keep this board kosher, right?
that's what you're doing, kike
is it any surprise you're using tor? you obviously knew that this is bullshit before coming here.
Someone changed a 1 to a 2. Big if true.
Not Washington State with all those Hongcouverites?
Wtf is that? I hadn't noticed the orb until the second repeat.
Déjate de mamadas, pendejo.
Nobody fucking know, NASA films weird UFO's all the time, this was filmed with NASA's sun camera, supposedly it happens not that rarely, huge gigantic UFOs suck up solar rays and fly away there's 2 other SOHO videos
coronal cavity
Swamp gas.
Is the red circle CGI?