Why has it become a trend that e-celebs or quite a big subset of developers are unmasculine, marxist faggots, accepting of all kinds of degeneracy (namely dudes mutiliating themselves and wearing dresses) and buckling under screeching feminists? They are not anything like the jewish stereotype of "the Nerd" in highschool movies. The Nerd is basically how Jews see themselves. Often all kind of physical illments, ugly, but "using his superior intellect" to solve problems. He has a psychotic obsession that everyone is out to get him and a distant obsession with beautiful aryan girls, which he always gets in this jewish wish-fullfillment.
Devs from the 80s didn't used to be that way.
Are the normalfags really right and Vidya is for losers at a certain point? Just look at fucking this. The Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit meetup of factorio.
I barely even have the will to play games and I am 24. Nothing is really fun anymore. If anything I rather want to replay old games. I just can't bring myself to many hour-long sessions of any game. I often quit and after an hour start the game up again.
Instead I watch LPs. I guess I should quit them too.
They don't like them like they used to, believe me. That'll I'll tell you.
Juan Mitchell
Nah. But stick to games that teach you something or are made by nonpozzed devs.
Luke Morgan
Well, factorio is a production-chain simulator.
I know, user. I barely play modern games anymore.
Dominic Mitchell
It's simple OP. Most people who are into vidya probably aren't degenerates. However, people who define themselves with vidya are degenerates. People who would wear video game t-shirts and paraphernalia, show up to video game related events/tournaments, and spend all their time trying to be a trendy GAMER are people who are naturally shameless. It's actually pretty much the same thing for any other interest or niche, like fags who never stop talking about being gay, or sports fans. Projecting onto other people that you are singularly consumed by one obsession is revolting.
Asher Young
Anyway I wanted to ask you. Have you quit vidya? Were you addicted? What did you replace the time with? The problem is that I am often bored and resort to playing games, but much more often than that watching LPs. I know it's not the ideal thing to do.
But don't you "grow out of them" at a certain point?
Carson Rodriguez
This extends to any interest or occupation that has hit mainstream "nerd" shit, like comics or cartoons or card games. There are many reasons for this, but the most prevalent reason is pussy. There are a lot of dweebs who think that they'll get laid or get some positive female attention from bending to the will of the shrieking cunts that have infested these hobbies, and since betas ruin everything, we find ourselves with a gaping mouthed, soy-laden hellscape of social rejects coming together and telling each other how cool they are. This creates a self-sustaining vortex of virtue signalling and fake outrage at shit people forget within a week or so, and all the while, nobody's getting a pity handy for their service, causing more frustration and lashing out.
True, but 30-40 years ago, most people just wanted to fucking enjoy themselves instead of subscribing to eternal victimhood at the hands of some imaginary foe. They also went out and did social shit instead of spending all of their time on the internet and generated their perceptions of the world based on actual people and not the loudest voices on twatter
At this point I can only enjoy games like red orchestra or hoi or total war.. or yeah, old games
Nathan Brown
Adrian Harris
Kayden Green
I personally grew out of vidya, but there people like in OP's pic who don't. I still play them as a way of staying connected with my friends, but the absolute pure fun and suspension of belief that made them so magical is something I left behind with childhood. I can't enjoy them the same way anymore. To expand something I said earlier, being obsessed with something isn't necessarily bad. Being obsessed with consuming is degenerate, and that's what most gamers do. They suck up to cash cow franchises, and waste hours of their lives and their wallet space too. If the obsession is creative however, that's where the great things of history come from.
John Nguyen
Parker White
Video games have become gigantic time sinks. I miss games that had a tight story that you could complete over the weekend instead of open world bullshit.
Nicholas Nguyen
Neither were those from the 90s.
The truth is that everything went to complete shit starting at the turn of the millenium and anyone who's old enough knows I'm right.
3 guys standing behind 2 girls. That is called pschological torture for sexually frustrated liberals trying to virtue signal their way into getting a girl friend. Handlers know what they are doing setting up these contrived groups. This is the logical consequence of not getting teens married off at a young age. Men with wives want to protect their families. Sexually frustrated boys do whatever those with the vag says. That's why cruz was set up with a female lawyer as his handler as well or why fillandering Bill was set up with a lesbian rape defender in college. The Star or David never existed. It's really a kaballah symbol for "sacred" feminine and masculine. Two triangles for male and female. They manipulate the 'hips" or genitals of getting sexualized non-married "hippies" and "hipsters" to push their agenda.
I haven't played games for a long time. I remember the Baldurs gate series being big time sinks though, but it was fun nonetheless.
Evan Davis
video games are a real time sink, and only a handful of games have stories that are good. All the new games have good graphics but that's it. Most of them are designed to be mindless time sinks too. Learn to make your own user.
They're not "into vidya" theyre "into changing vidya"
they want to change vidya because its a popular passive entertainment forum that keeps people from watching (((kosher TV))), reading (((kosher books))), and watching (((kosher movies))).
its very hard to pass messages into a game, which is why they shift to storytelling as a focus, but all this does is draw people that they've already brainwashed into the hobby instead of changing the "gamers" which was their intention.
Luis Peterson
Maybe you should stop being a pathetic manchild and dedicate yourself to activites that aren’t designed to entertain/distract actual children
Gavin Powell
You mean like the current shitposting on this board?
Easton Jones
Think of it the other way around. Degenerates need entertainment, and video games are a zero-social requirement, fairly accessible form of it. As degenerates grow up, alone, they become more and more attached to the art form. People with successful social lives don't generally attach themselves as heavily to video games because the chemical pay off for playing them isn't as strong as person to person interaction.
Kayden Moore
They don't make video games like they're used to; the user who said they're giant time-sinks now is right. Look at the stats for Fallout 4 and Skyrimjob and you can see everyone can get absorbed by the game's simple, addicting design. It's quite a disturbing feedback loop.
Now take that, couple it with social anxiety, poor social skills, unfulfilled sex drive going mad, conflicting views about sexuality (most common being that men are evil, men are beasts, etc.), and top it all off with the retarded transgender disorder stuff they teach at schools, and it's a disasterous recipe that robs men of masculinity. Oh, I forgot that asking women out no matter how innocent it is will ostracize you from any group, feeding into the mental illness. And the disgusting false allegation system on top of that.
It's all one disgusting feedback swamp. One of the biggest problems is that most men are not comfortable being alone, even if they speak to people online; if they don't have someone to meet, it drives them crazy.
Dylan Perry
It's true outcasts escape reality in games. But who wouldn't enjoy a good game, they're fun.
Some condemnation is because games are a "waste of time". As if we can spend every waking second in this race war. In reality after my day's work I waste some evening hours doing some things. Some might as well be fun and somewhat stimulating. I read and exercise too but that gets old if that's all you do.
Btw There used to be a corny moonman mod for doom. We need a jew hunter mod for Vermintide 2. Every rat needs a glowing blue star of david on its forehead. The other humanoids need to be shades darker, with various racial signage and sounds. For the cause. And for fun.
Brody Edwards
No clue what your point is.
Cameron Hall
I really enjoy the dark souls series, demon's souls and bloodborne. All made by the same Japanese developer. Very thought-provoking stories that require a fair amount of problem-solving skills and determination.
That's a funny way of phasing "beating your head against different sections of a brick wall until it breaks."
Zachary Jenkins
Isn't that what life is?
Luis Martin
I've never seen such obvious D&C since the middle of Gamergate. See for an OK response to this faggotry.
Ian Jackson
lol, don't you want to #punchnazis, user?
On a serious note, I've been getting back into video games recently and I pretty much exclusively stick to pre 8th gen consoles. Most of the games I play were made in the 90s and early 2000s. Just something about the aesthetic - brighter, more colorful, more wholesome, just fun in general. I don't know, older games are just cooler. Hell, I even still play oldschool Runescape. Modern shit is all the same for the most part. It's all dumbed down, gay, and pozzed as fuck. Dark Souls and Gran Turismo are still pretty fun Culture, as a whole, pretty much shit itself after 9/11 and especially when Obama got in office. Obama marked peak pozz. I swear we hopped into another universe or something
Metal Gear series went hard on the concept of the deep state. It really unlocked the potential for many of us to accept the truth rather than immediately dismiss it because muh tinfoil hats. Vidya can also be much more mentally engaging than watching, and are becoming more about teamwork. ((AAA games)) are shit now though, just solo raging over and over when you are delayed 30 seconds for dying because you get bored of doing the same shoot-take cover-advance when they reload/die pattern.
Liam Williams
These are kike lies.
Vidya teaches one noble values such as righteousness, tradition, and praising faithfully
like those faggy tacticool gun snobs whos only hobby is firearms
Jason Cooper
It's just another vector of entertainment that has become populist enough to inject their parasitical doctrines into. Same with tabletop. About the only hobby mainly free is firearms, and you can see how mad they are about not being able to take it but by force.
Vidya is escapism. This degenerates have a horrible and lonely life as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle and behavior all they got is vidya escapism to keep them happy and entertained.
Gabriel Wilson
You don't grow out of video games, you expect them to grow with you. Which, largely is not the case outside of the rare milsim and strategy games have even taken a bit into regression instead of becoming more than they were. Shouldn't grow out of having fun, but they're even sapping that at this point.
It was an unjewed medium that was making lots of money, so Jews moved in and followed their nature.
Not really, yes, MMA+Powerlifting+Vidya Dev. I find Dark Souls to be a great way to wind down after a workout.
Ian Perry
Did you grow out of reading and watching movies? What's the chart of hobbies that are allowed at each age, and why? The two top normie-approved hobbies for le very mature grown up adults are watching black men play sports, and alcoholism. I wouldn't say either of those are great ways to spend your time just because they're acceptable by the drooling masses. You probably shouldn't have games as your one and only hobby, but that's true of anything.
Caleb Howard
It's simple really, it's because it's escapism and escapism always attracts degenerates.
Cooper Long
The Silent Hunter series has nothing but gone into a crash dive since 3, with broken TDC and wanton innacuracies. Mods attempting to fix it and restore the glory of previous titles have almost met success.
Jordan Taylor
So what's the difference between playing card games and playing video games?
Jaxson Cooper
The only thing more degenerate than vidya is the electric kikebox
Jaxon Ramirez
The vidya is crack cocaine. You are sickening yourself, moreso because now they pull you into things so unnatural especially with the invent of SJW.
People are becoming tired of the VR, the vidya, the shows, all the escapism… The time will come when we string you all up in nooses, of some fashion, literally and figuratively. When we push ourselves back off into this fascist reality and measure our true potential. No more games.
Hudson Nguyen
Not that difficult to figure out who is disingenuous now, is it? It's as if a generation has grown up on pop tart phrases.
Who would care this much about their OC? Blaming the modern state of the hobby than those involved in ruining it. When video games ceased requiring a manual, much like LEGO, this is the course of toys and games. I assume most of your children cannot even put together a mousetrap board then?
I don't believe an individual does not understand hobbies this intrinsically. This is entirely kikey. They don't understand work, so they would not understand why you would want to play at work in your off time.
Brandon Jackson
Older games were more fun.
Where did the marxist idiots come from? No clue, the media I guess.
Maybe. You usually just find something else to fill the gaps than video games at a certain point.
Pandering to normies means less attention to bring forth a good story. Not building around the story makes it only about gameplay mechanics. Most of the gameplay mechanics feel a bit gimped after a while or feel copy pasted from other games. So what you're left with is nice looking graphics, no story, a bunch of flashy cutscenes and maybe half decent gameplay that feels like you've done it before in other games.
Doesn't hold true for everything but gaming industry in general it sadly does.
Logan Barnes
Who cares about modern video games? That's like wondering about the latest Battleship incarnation. It's all slim-lined for easiest reception in the masses. It's a cultural virus.
Wyatt Cook
Who the fuck are you talking about?
John Foster
I only play vidya literally one day every one or two months. I like to take copious amounts of adderall and play planetside 2 or starcraft.