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He should know, he's guilty as charged.
Comey's just echoing Assange, who described the anti-Trump "resistance" last year as "a struggle between the elected government versus the intelligence agencies, who regard themselves as the permanent government."
Come on user, they have our best interests at heart. Nothing to fear.
Yeah, they will take care of us, this Donald is just an idiot, he'll be gone soon.
Fucking everyone hates him. It's beautiful
Yes, who could disagree with a deep state upholding traditional American values like importing millions of spics, spending trillions on wars for Israel, blackmailing politicians with kiddie porn, protecting opium crops in Afghanistan so they can be sold for profit back home, and filling American institutions with trannies, niggers, fags, and communists. All while being completely unelected and unaccountable. It's a good thing we had moral paragons of justice and the American Way like James Comey standing in the way of that small-handed, Nazi-Hitler Grognald Grumpf.
Deep State is kangz.
It's Jews and Jesuits.
See what we want you to see, say what I want you to say.
Deep state = reptilian overlords.
Do you suppose he realizes that "getting it right" is at odds with unelected, embedded 'Deep State' bureaucrats defying election results? Wasn't it his pal, Onigger, who said "Elections have consequences"?
Comey has knowledge of a seditious conspiracy taking place within the glownigger sphere, one which he is/was aware of and did nothing about, refusing to exercise the function of his agency (the one he was in charge of) because he, personally, found these seditious actions to be noble.
holy shit, that's a quality webm.
jewtube link:
That's terrifying
Fucking hell. That's premium, user.
They fucked up bad this time. The more people see this, the better.
They're trying to play it off as being evidence of a right-wing media control, because the parent company has done right-leaning things in the past. They fail to mention that the parent company, Sinclair, owns both left and right leaning stations and is owned by a literal Bolshevik Jew from the USSR and requires his 'editorials' to be aired 9 times a week on every channel he owns.
The line the anchors are repeating are not politically motivated. People don't seem to get that. They're motivated by the fact that independent reporters have reared their heads as a small band of knights finally challenging an international media dragon that's been growing without real oversight for a century, and the dragon is afraid.
facebook failed to upload the file, a (((coincidence))) I believe.
Although I did manage after a while, I believe it was actually the re-encoded version I did to change the hash of the file
Daily there is more and more information shining light on all of the corruption that has been going on for DECADES and this fucker has the fucking audacity to try and put himself in the role of the bulwark of impartiality.
The more I see this fucking shitbag talk, the more you can see he is a fucking weak willed pencil pushing fucko who will say literally ANYTHING if put in the situation where he feels it will place in in the majority opinion. Fuck this piece of shit.
I went through the article again and found it humorous that he's admitting to all this while promoting his memoir "A Higher Loyalty."
(((A Higher Loyalty)))
Now is a good time for me to revisit the Podesta emails. emails cc`d to dept head deep state cronies. Maybe I can figure out who a few are.
maxine waters and HRC are confirmed reptilians posing as elected officials
Kill yourself namefag.
>(((American Values)))
No doubt "values" that have not been part of the United States prior to the 1960s, such as hatred of the white race and an unlimited commitment to defend Israel's interests
sorry, was shitposting on Zig Forums as johnny. but seriously, if you look at maxine waters and your skin doesn't fucking crawl, you might need to decalcify you pineal gland. look at how her skin is simultaneously saggy and smooth, and her eyes big, watery and unblinking
redacted comey memos are out there. anybody got a link?
I fucked up I know
I felt like Comey was just a backstabbing piece of shit while he was still employed, but it's pretty surreal to see that he's an absolute lunatic with a poor grasp on reality and a narcissistic retard on top of all of that. It's no wonder he only got the FBI job because Kang Nigger gave it to him. This guy couldn't possibly get anywhere on his own.
Use Hooktube, nigger.
And yet they get it so wrong.
You're either for democracy or you aren't and they should stop pretending.
"Trust us. You don't need to know who they are or ever be able to hold them accountable, but there is a group of people making decisions that affect your future and the future of your people. We pinky promise we're on your side…"
I don't need their verification.
God, everything the NSA, FBI and CIA does ENSURES that America becomes a Banana Republic, hated universally and being ruled by world mobile leeches, debt peddlers and snitches. Everything Trump does is ensuring that that doesn't happen. jewish agenda = NSA + FBI + CIA.
Industry, commerce, American People agenda = what Trump is doing.
You pathetic fags at the CIA live in an Israel sex-war bubble. You DON'T serve the USA, nor it's interests, you pretend you do by swallowing jew agenda like a 30 cent whore.
Gatekeepers my ass. More like jewish ass-wipers. CIA = the pointless israel war institute.
Still operating on a 1989 script. Dumb as a fucking post. Can't wait to shove these faggots into an oven.
Lets not forget the connections this literal piece of shit has with the HSBC+CF so it isn't any wonder he was PLACED in the FBI director position then subsequently let hillary off the hook for the illegal email server which was just the tip of the iceberg.This asshole is rotten to the core.
It's Jews, Jesuits and their mason and mormon pets.
I knew this Program & Conditioning shit was bad but it's horrifying to watch it happen like that. It's like the script comes out of on place and distributed to all networks.
He's laid it out there for the world to see. Now let's see if any of our elected leaders are actually brave enough to go after them.
Source for this too please.
Literally on his Wikipedia page.
I've gone through both
Sorry, wrong page.
>In April 2017, Sinclair announced it had hired Boris Epshteyn, who was briefly the White House assistant communications director for surrogate operations for the Trump administration, and a senior advisor of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, as chief political analyst.[163] All Sinclair stations are required to air Mr. Ephsteyn's commentary nine times per week.[164]
That's better. Still, the Jew in question isn't the Smiths, it's Boris Epshteyn. I still haven't found any major clues that Sinclair itself is owned/controlled by kikes.
Interestingly I noticed this:
/ourjew/, or trying to paint Trump as a bad goy? I don't get it.
Sinclair is old news, we have another thread on it. The Dems were pushing this video meme, due to it being right leaning, until they realized how such a course of action might backfire.
We need to start pushing the "muh American Democracy" angle to get centrists excited for political arrests and eventually executions.
I'm pretty sure he told everyone that once in a press conference. I'm going to laugh if it turns out that's what Trump was referring to.
read this read my comment it's deepstate related so i thought appropriate. @puttitout from voat has been assassinated like Aaron Schwartz and Julian Assange and others i'm sure of it. i'm sure of it. look at the photo i posted look at it read it read the whole thing. We need help we need to do something we are in grave danger and terrible danger. they killed him like Aaron Schwartz and Julian Assange they killed @puttitout the murdered him they killed him. these people are sick. They killed him. We are in terrible danger they are killing right wingers. get people who can help us we need help now. Sorry to take over with this one and only comment in this thread but it's deep state related and i thought it should be said.
For a bit of context on that video: local news stations often don't write their own stories, and get them off a wire service similar to AP or Reuters. Other times, like this one, they bring a message directly from the owners, or read one from a sponsor. The Conan O'Brien has been airing compilations like this for years.
Still a good meme though.
wtf i'm super scared right now better stop posting things on the internet and become a leftist.
They can come find me and suck my dick. They already tried while the nigger was in the White House. If I'm not dead already, they're not that impressive.
I hope they start knocking off prolific figures on the right, lets get it started. They think they can just silence people ranging from censorship
to death without repercussions, however it's going to blow up in their faces. Their bastion of internet content, YouTube, got shot up by some bizarre Iranian because she couldn't post her 1980's porn themed fag yoga videos, do these people honestly believe, that when the right realizes they are being violently targeted because of their stature in the movement against this government, that there won't be retaliation against Washington?
These tiny shootings at schools would pale in comparison. If these cocksuckers want a war, they better fucking bring it.
Remember how the left and Jews are still all indignant for being a bunch of faggot commies in Hollywood after the war? Yeah we can milk this, #MeToo.
Any company censoring right wingers should be considered radioactive in the medium to long term in your stock portfolios. This includes banks who impose terms on gun and ammo dealers, Hollywood, liberal soyboy commie blackshirt transfag bully companies, you know who.
Warn your friends and family about these subversive elements who collude and conspire to influence people through tricky means.
For Christ's sake gentlemen. You won't let some silly poorly written fan fiction dissuade you will you? I was dissuaded due to my paranoia for too long. I will not die an impotent fucking cuck boomer cowering in fear from muh deep gov. Fuck the government they can either write me a skyhigh check or jail me idgaf, I'm committed. True belief does not depend on any material good or false safety. LET'S CHANGE THE WORLD NOW user, IGNORE THE GLOWS.
I carry errday
All i have to do is take 3-5 of you down with me.
You don't outnumber us 5 to 1 schlomos.
"Let's not turn this rape into a murder," I'll say.
I agree, but these gun companies aren't too great themselves, most of these pricks lobby for democrat candidates who encourage this stupid shit, all so they can get a quick payday due to gun control fears. It's a self serving problem, and i think the only solution to it is garage manufactured ammo and 3d printed firearms.
Most gun companies are actually great. Remington's gone down the tubes but inshallah somebody will buy them up and remake them. They have a substantial patent portfolio and Federal contracts to fulfill.
It's currently legal to make your own guns but 3D printing sucks for this purpose. CNC is a thing though, and you can get in pretty easy these days, a few thousand is enough to buy something which will turn out receivers.
all i want man, are good honest americans well armed against this festering ball of kike shit that is growing. I know smith and wesson and springfield pull that shit, but i hope you're right about the majority of them
Also, on topic, what if Comey didn't actually write his memos honestly? He's already more or less guilty of all kinds of shit, and remember Trump sealed up his whole office including the safes and took it all to the White House the day he fired old slippery fish Comey while the unsuspecting maroon was out of town.
What basedaryan's don't realize is Comey was outed as a mason by BigNose Frank during a testimony. tHen (((greatest ally Rosenkike))) recommenderd King `been-Cucked-by-jews-since-my-shity-casinos-got-bailed-out-by-rothschilds-frontman-wilbur-ross` to fire him.
Don't get ousted if you're high up the pyramid….
Kek they are all saying "pinesses" on national TV.
In other words, to hell with what the American people see as their interests, it's all about what the alphabet agencies see as America's interests.
Only fucking niggers think water is wet. Wet means that something has water, or some other chemical (a separate entity) on it. Water makes things wet but isn’t wet itself for wet doesn’t mean if something is a liquid or not. You can’t make water wet because if you put water on water it just makes more water therefore meaning water isn’t fucking wet. It’s like saying that a bullet is an exit wound because bullets make exit wounds. The two may be linked but they aren’t the same thing. This is nigger logic so,
Jesus Christ, even I can get into a house without alerting anyone. Don't you stooges know how to pick a lock? I do.
And when the dog attacks you, you may shoot it, but the next then you'll meet is me, in the dark, behind an obstruction you have no previous knowledge of, shooting directly at your face, because I know you wear body armor.
Your "100" people will drop to at least 99 before you kill me, and…how many houses did you have to visit, again?
I'll go to Valhalla with a dog at my feet, never fear.
And you'll be kicked around and abused for eternity, the way all disobedient dogs should be.
Comey admits there is a deeps state, at the same time McCabe is being arrested for lying to investigators about the FBI leaks that were designed to undermine a citizen's run for the presidency. Ironic?…or inevitable?
Comey: "B-but…the deep-state is only doing what it feels is best for America!! Honest!!"
Comey, you traitorous motherfucker…what's best for America is for you to do your jobs honestly, and let the people and the states decide who will be president. In other words…we have a Constitution, respect it, follow it, do NOT undermine it, no matter how much you may disagree with it.
You and your other cronies are not in charge here, WE are.
Asswipe, I was willing to die for the Constitution when I was your age, and nothing's changed.
I've been fighting these degenerate traitors longer than you have, with no internet to red-pill people, and a huge mass-communications machine working every goddam day to swamp every logical point of truth I was presenting.
Stop thinking your age makes you "special."
Oh, we millenials will be the boomers of our time, of that I am sure, but you guys really set the guinness record on being a shit generation. Zig Forums basically only needs to exist because of how much the boomers fucked up.
That act was forced into law by "the greatest generation" not boomers.
If you bothered to look, you'll find that the generation BEFORE the boomers instituted welfare, school integration, "affirmative" action, and pretty much everything that is currently allowing the white race to be supplanted by shitskins.
Who did you see bringing reverse-discrimination lawsuits against colleges, and who did you see trying to overturn the buses when they forced integration down our throats?…Boomers.
And when it comes to Social Security (which is REALLY why you duped fools hate the boomers) who was it that paid TWICE as much into it than every other generation, due to the numbers of our generation that were going to be retiring? Who is responsible for the 2.9 trillion dollar surplus in SS that congress is currently trying to steal?…boomers.
You KNOW the media lies to you, you KNOW they are constantly trying to dupe you, yet you swallow the "boomers all hippies" meme without question nor research.
Wake up.
The boomers demanded all these changes, you fucking lying boomer cunt.
Why the fuck do you think boomers hate Ted Kennedy? Only libtard losers have any respect for him.
How many Boomers voted for Trump, who is also a Boomer? A hell of a lot of them.
You are misinformed, and that makes you look stupid.
Wow this is a huge redpill. Anyone have a format of this that works on twatter?
You stupid nigger, social security is higher (regardless of inflation) than it ever has been.
This will do quite nicely, thx for posting this
I paid 15% most of my life (never made more than 38k while employed by any corporation), you're paying 12.4%.
I include the employer "contribution" as a tax to the employee, as it simply translates to a smaller take-home pay for the employee (employers have a cost outlay for employing people, and it includes all benefits and taxes, as well as the take-home pay for that employee. If you are not profitable at that total expense, you won't be hired).
Don't listen to rhetoric, go find the facts.
I've always wanted some free government hardware.
I'll need to wash their blood of it first but free is still free, and the death of zogbots is always a good thing.
higher quality mp4 (also because an user asked for a Jack Dorsey compatible version)
More proof of ZOG. This is the (((Higher))) Loyalty
It's same as CNN stattions saying exactly the same on specific topic. ScottAdams broke it down well.
His lips wrapped around their cocks isn't a clue, moshe?
Water is a liquid that makes something damp, hence, wet. Nigger. Know what else is wet?
Happy Birthday, Hitler.
Orange Jews?