April 19, 2018 4:59 am
So the same communist bullshit
everyones happy
Who can this help, I wonder… I mean, where do we spread this? Normalfags don't care, because they have no idea what communism really is, and they LIKE free shit. Cuckservatives will only use it to solidify their soft communism. And we already knew this.
how about blacks pay white Americans for all the death and property damage they cause
Make sure to ensure they are not able to use this predictable campaign slogan.
When juxtaposed with more israeli-centric foreign policy coming from the Republican side along with zero practical action against the on-going foreign invasion [which the Republicans require for labor, White displacement, and debt load], they will win in a landslide
Tom Perez is day dreaming while midterms are up in the air dnc is a meme
Blacks already have reparations in the form of welfare and affirmative action.
Of course. So, what's the old reptile up to this time? Just old-fashioned socialism pimping, or is there something beyond this Bernie-lite platform? Obviously, the reparations horseshit isn't happening. You could vote in a 100-percent super-duper majority, and that won't happen. No Jew in his right mind would part with shekels for niggers, but do you think this is a vote getter with the farm equipment?
Same goes for "2020, a Vision for the Future."
Recommend a drawfag memes that onto something like pic related.
basically admitting defeat in 2018 and 2020 and this 2022 is just to keep the black base yoked to the DNC. DNC tries to use Blacks as Sardukar but they can't stop the fremen and their wierding ways
This is what one of their strategists wrote on Plebbit the other day, they're not even trying to hide their agenda anymore
Get out.
It's funny how this is obviously written by a pup who's not (((connected))). Reversing Heller is the last fucking thing the Dem donors want. I also like the part about stuffing the Supreme Court – how are they going to do that when they keep losing?
With their lives? As a matter of governmental policy where every cent is one executed nigger? I guess that would be a start.
There is zero reason for them to hide their agenda. They will only gain from it.
Kek, i thought they would try to "normalize" to get back with the average citizen but instead they double down. Did too many of the old kikes die and the younger kikes have no idea what the fuck they're doing anymore?
War is inevitable. They have to be killed to stop all of this.
lurk more newfaggot, you're obviously too dumb to contribute anything meaningful
Nigger, I've been here since the lead-up to the Iraq War. I snort Something Awful and shit out Chanology. Go fuck your nigger mammy's peanut butter cunt, you slime-licking dickfag.
Fuck me
The young kikes that know whats up joined gamergate and are just watching and laughing. You can't just have a religion based around sacrificing us, stray from it for our entire education, and then except us to still be willing sacrifices.
Does the fire rise?
They must be confident that Whites will be a miniscule minority by then
When can we start killing these people
Once they make their final mistake.
It's weird that this is more offensive to me than the gore you assholes usually post.
>>>/Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit/ don't you have some rage comics to be drawfagging with ragebuilder?
Fuck you. Didn't even read your post. My god that pic
Now you know
If the DNC is still relevant in 2022, we're in deep shit.
I hope they win tbh
Sure you do nigger.
The fuck are you stupid nigger even doing here?
This is a (((GOP))) leak, not DNC.
I totally support universal healthcare for everyone inside the borders of the USA. If Trump refuses to deport the tens of millions of illegals then I demand full healthcare for them.
So this is just more confirmation of what we already knew - Jews are communists.
Jesus christ the amount of fucking retardation. Go fucking kill yourself kikeshill plebbi/tor.
Everyone be scared and send your money to the GOP (Grand Old Pedos) who will elect more globalist scum who refuse to deport the illegals.
While they're counting your donations tens of thousands of shitskins will be walking across the southern border and tens of thousands of anchor babies will be clogging nurseries nation wide.
I believe you, numa numa man
Doubling down on gibs.
What a surprise, keep doing the same shit over and over.
I feel like heading to Louisiana with an anchor baby in each hand and use those little shitskins to pummel David Duke unconscious.
Jew, jew jew Duke tweets while shitskin anchor babies fall out of the sky like rain drops.
Where are the deportations?
White genocide is just a conspiracy theory goy! Theres no way they would ever escalate beyond forced reparations for things you didn't do! Diversity is your greatest strength!
I want to hack off a leg of a shitskin invader and jam it up Ann Coulter's snatch.
"Where's our wall Trump?"
I didn't vote for a wall bitch, I voted for mass D E P O R T A T I O N S
u mad
How about we just keep the reparations and call it a damage deposit?
So the democrats plan is FREE SHIT FOR ERRYBODY*
*except whitey
Why the fuck don't we exploit this and use it as a ploy to get into office as elected Democrats since those zombies will vote for anything with (D) next to it? Make all sorts of ridiculous promises about free shit and murdering police in the ghetto to appease the niggers, and then when you get elected, just do the exact opposite. They'll never know.
There goes the Hispanic vote.
Only the most cucked of cucks are not aggressively 'NO' on this one. Normalfag responses typically come down to 'I am not fucking racist and I aint done shit to them, fuck paying them to not work'.
They already don't like welfare when pressed on it, outright reperations is an third rail.
seems legit
trump is literally a neocon traitor that went against puting/assad and he is gassed and he is a jew
Every tax payer is gonna suffer badly with this bullshit.
exactly. were sick of suffering and getting cucked. thats ok, millenials will take over 10x better than boomers did.
we just need a figurehead to start a true diplomatic utopian economy
That's an understatement seeing how faggot arts majors racked up enough debt to surpass the credit card jew debt and the taxbase is already dwindling thanks to the soon extinct middle class and ''''''''''''diversity'''''''''''''''
If it wasn't a kikess, wasn't a loose woman, and wasn't a horrible woman, I wouldn't mind.
Taking all money and giving it back to those who praise you is never failing tactic. You end up with 140% approval rating. Conservacucks are powerless again it, as they are not against stealing others people money. They already support half of the left agenda.
You can lower taxes and raise government at expenses at the same time. No public backlash. God bless magic of federal reserve system.
I figured that for the next Presidential election they'd either run some moderate blue-collar mid-west type to counter Trump in the midwest, or double down on the progressive shit and try to find a sequel to Obama. I guess they'll go with the latter.
It's all going "according" to plan, except that the situation's far different than ever expected. Remember that the SJWs were supposed to be a "counterculture" vanguard to cement the west in cuckery. GG, despite its faults, flipped this on its head. However, all the plans set to support their manufactured revolution were already in place, or too far along to stop. Already the true beast of the left was unleashed, already the infrastructure was laid down, already PC culture was formed. And it wasn't like the issue was known until Trump began stumping. It's too late for them to turn back, they're fully committed now. Their plans relied on a situation with no significant resistance, but it did come. And it has derailed their plans too much. But they cannot stop this, and many of them are too stubborn to try. Only hope that the crash occurs before the goium finally realize the truth.
Considering their entire strategy is about keeping the "Obama coalition" together, they'll likely double down on the progressive shit.
Its impossible for a white male to become the DNC's candidate now, as they won't have the support of the coalition.
Even Bernie is too white and male, even with his brain-dead follower class.
Reparation demands are literally unjustifiable.
Please be real, they really are going to double down on the anti-white communist strategy aren't they?
Because this will win back the blue dog states.
I can only pray that people become jaded enough over the next 4 years to see through this transparent shit. The DNC is a pitiful fucking excuse for a political party, and considering how awful political parties are by default, that's saying a lot. The dumb shits can't even help themselves when it comes to this shit. They want votes and they want influence, but they don't want it for any good reason. They don't actually believe that reparations and free college will fix the country. It's a fucking feel-good nothingism. It shows a complete lack of foresight, but they don't care. They just want to be in charge because they are psychotic retards. They don't even know what to do with power, other than abuse it for fleeting monetary gains. Every last one of the lefty faggots thinks they can become the Clintons and live some pseudo-royalty fantasy where they can create a legacy of spoiled wealthy children who will also mismanage their wealth and power for absolutely no reason.
So their strategy for the near future is literally to live in a fantasy world where they win? They're degenerating from a political party into a group of alternate history LARPers? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
The Democrats will never run a white man ever again, not even if his name is Kennedy or Roosevelt.
remember hillarys "camps for adults"
Sure they will raise taxes but most of the democratic base doesnt pay any taxes anyways so it will just fall on the wealthy. And the vast majority of the cost will just be eaten up by deficits, further ballooning the national debt bringing us ever close to that sweet sweet crash.
They already had reparations when they didn't get necked. They took those reparations and abused this country. There are no more reparations to be had unless you are counting those owed white men.
After liberals run all the wealthy, tax paying citizens from their states, they'll aim to make those changes federally, so the wealthy tax paying citizens have no where to run in their country.
It should be illegal to vote if you don't pay taxes. It's fucking bullshit.
The founding fathers had it right when it should only be landowning white males.
Couldn't anyone with more than pocket change just get on a plane and fuck off somewhere else then?
Do it faggot. Losers like this haven't set foot outside the Bay area in their entire life.
If blacks were indeed kangz in Egypt they should set the example by paying the Jews reparations
I pushed that as hard as I could. Never got traction….. feelsbatman
Me too user. We got slid hard too. Oh well. There will be more memes.
Delet this post.
Wow, great idea! It's not like a single-party monopoly on political power led to the deadliest war in US history or anything.
Nothing pisses me off like knowing how close many red states are to going permanently, irreversibly blue due to demographic warfare, and seeing no tangible pushback from the right that has a chance at stopping it.
We should take another crack at it. It's a timeless fact.
Because there's no point. The GOP is just as cucked if not more than the Democrats are they aren't even motivated to stop it because it would make shit fuck off difference.
i know politics are useless
hopefully maybe i'll find nature
or a cutoff
thanks user, I was getting close to fapping and that snapped me out of it
I'm not sure what's worse, the tantrum you threw, or the fact that you have Lena Dunham nudes saved to your PC. You're a special kind of retarded, user. Lurk more.
That redheaded cum-mouth guy BTFO.
They can promise free gibs, and if they get 1 candidate to run on this aspect they might get to consolidate their base and potentially win the election because the niggers and spics love free shit.
But they can't make that free gibs a actual reality without drastically and significantly raising taxes, and i'm talking 30 to 40% increase in federal rates. There's over 1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt, over 60% already is delinquent, if it becomes free the remainder would be convinced to walk away, the industry would then demand a tax-payer bailout. Most of this junk debt is sold and resold and eventually will be used 30 or 40 years from now to put a lien on someones house.
If such a tax rate were to ever occur you might as well sign up for mass secession movements.
>Even the extremely jewish guy is too (((white))) now.
inb4 now they have to admit jews aren't white for someone like him to be able to run
inb4 jewish privilege exposed which was masquerading as white privilege 1%
Not sure what the fuck they are smoking but most jobs will be taken by robots by 2024.
Their platform dosen't even make sense for that.
They should have done those things decades ago. It's too late now.
Both the weakening and communization of the west seem like things that would benefit China.
If only we had capitalism and democracy in America or something we could be proud.
my penis is bigger than yours
That thing is so goddamned hideous. Christ, I need to bleach my eyeballs.
Niggers already got reparations, now they owe us trillions of dollars.