Reminder to all siegetards, do not fall for that jewish trick.
Watch out around these goons
Commies are the only ones who openly talk about revolution. It's literally what they were called back during the Trotsky era, Socialist Revolutionaries.
Mason talks about Frank Cohen in Siege, he calls him a "racial alien". The fact that they took a picture together isn't all the damning, considering he had successfully infiltrated Rockwell's party.
So what do you propose then?
Our founding fathers put a system in place, and the jew figured out a way to subvert / game. Revolution implies wiping the slate clean which is exactly what happened during the Bolshevik revolution. We don't need a revolution, we need a purge.
Our founding fathers were judeo-masons, and even if they weren't, the fact that the jews have been able to take complete control is proof that their system failed.
bottom line…. purge over revolution. ALL dirty kike tricksters ans other assorted rabble need to be wiped of American soil
Wrong nigger. 2nd amendment along proves that. Commies can't thrive with a well-armed populace. Nice try shill.
You don't need the cohenstitution to have gun rights, see: NS Germany.
The system was designed for white, protestant men, period. The way the jews subverted it was to steal that heirloom and grant it to non-whites, non-males, and non-protestants. You cannot purge your way out of this one; the birthright has been gone for too many generations. Idiots have to be whipped, niggers have to be crushed again, and women have to learn their places again. The only way to get there is to starve the beast. Every white man must lay down his tools and walk away from his work. No more slaving for the jew to feed his niggers and whores. No more credit cards, no more mortgages, no more 9-5. When white men stop being the engine, the machine will stop, and then you can start over.
Nice blackpill attempt. We can save it, it'll just take time. A movement takes time, just like Uncle Adolf said. People will understand since they can recognize the truth.
What a fucking dumbass image this shit better be bait. James Mason was in or associated with almost every major NS movement in the US up until the 90s. The point of siege is to say who the fuck cares about demonizing people when they'll never support us unless we cuck to them. You don't build a major NS movement with a foundation of retard lemming normalfags GLR said this and so did everyone else. The system is too entrenched and conditions are worsening faster and faster that siege is the only solution. These mass movements have been tried since post WW2 and even siege acknowledges there was possibility back then when most people werent retarded yet it still didnt happen.
Anyone trying to change the aesthetics of the original Nazi's is not a true Nazi for rule of thumb.
Yes, not even vaporwave fags, vaporwave was Jewish shit.
You haven't even read it.
"Blackpill" is the most cancerous non-argument since "purity-spiraling 1488er", no surprise it was popularized by the same rabbinical sodomites.
The most Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit meme in history. Look here you brainless sack of shit. First of all, there's only two pills: red and blue, truth and lie. There is no Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit rainbow. Second, if something demoralizes you that's your fault for being a fucking baby. Letting someone else's words make you give up is pathetic. Third, what you responded to is the only way forward. Stop giving jews money. Period. That's it, that's all we need to do. Move to the country, build your cabin, grow your food, and let the system collapse.
Read siege faggot
well ok then
retreeeeaaaaaaaat lads!
Enjoy being a jew slave, you vidyagame addicted blob of microwave burrito grease.
Fuck off Douglass Mackey, back to your Manhattan high rise. We will have white children ourselves and you can die with the kikes.
The founder's system failed.
What do you ropose.
How? You admit Jews own the system.
i partially agree with your diagnosis, but your prescription is lolbert tier. european man can't be be unproductive, it's counter to the soul. and for every white man who "opts out" there are 20 chinks ready to expand in and replace him. i don't know the answer, but yours is shit.
You don't have to be unproductive just make a farm and live off the land and prepare for the inevitable collapse/civil war
A favourite of "Millennial Woes", who was pushed to prominence with the help of validation operative "Hope Not Hate."
I'm surprised the video which surfaced of him pre-"right-wing" hasn't gained more traction, for it reveals a number of important facts.
It most certainly is, he's just a bit younger and fatter, everything else is there, the sterotypical cigarette-as-prop, the same style of speech, the same face (just imagine him a bit lighter).
Pay special attention to the shape of the mouth and teeth.
Hey rabbi.
he's also a literal homosexual. there's a video floating around of him admitting as such although i can't seem to find it at the moment
Stop acting like farm land is cheap, easy, or even in range of most people. This isn't the 1800s. Although I do agree what we need is a revival of that Pioneer spirit that made this continent master of the world.
Oh cute a "new" tactic.
Fuck off kike shill
Yeah I think a lot of people have this farming fantasy but don't understand the logistics of it. look at the northeast, unless you have massive tracts of fertile land and industrial grade farm equipment you're basically a "gentleman farmer". AKA a hobbiest with some chickens, maybe goats, pigs, a few shitty crops that you maybe break even on. It's not a way to make a personal economic surplus. Plus you still rely on an expensive 4x4 truck, gasoline, fuel supply lines, etc. unless you go off the grid in which case you are in poverty territory. I can understand the argument to wait it out for a civil war and then retake the cities, or that you have no choice but to move to the countryside if you want to raise healthy children in this sick society, but to pretend that you're actively starving the Jews by retreating into the countryside and withholding their tax money is utter delusion. In reality by doing this you are not harnessing the modern infrastructure that leverages your economic output with a multiplier. The answer isn't to go Amish.
If mass movements didn't work then jews wouldn't try so hard to infiltrate every and any possible one
If massmovements didn't work then they wouldn't have killed Rockwell. And we have something Rockwell never did. The Internet and the ability to redpill millions simultaneously. Rockwell had to travel around the country giving speeches and relying on compromised media to publicize him in order to drop redpills. He couldn’t t reach 0.1% of the audience we can now with remarkably less effort. And that is one man. We have redpilled people everywhere, all with this ability.
The idea of "destroying the system" and reverting to some Walking Dead zombie Apocalypse order is a joke. First of all who the fuck wants to live in those backwards conditions and basically give up all of the advancements and luxuries humanity has brought forth(fact: they make shit easier and there's no reason to give them up just for unnecessary hardship that will accomplish nothing).
2nd They think they're going to rise from the ashes and become Negan of society(lol)….Charles Mason who they all worship had this same fantasy. Which he would have accomplished by igniting a race war(not between niggers mind you, but between whites/cucked whites) that ends up killing all the whites and having him emerge to rule over a bunch of niggers ……. Yeah I'm sure the jews and their armies/resources wouldn't be the ones to take that opportunity to seize COMPLETE power and bring forth a complete communist state ala Soviet Union. Which jews do not have(don’t let them discourage you by saying they do). If they did sites and discussions such as this wouldn’t even be allowed to take place. They don’t want us to have non compromised media(the internet), guns, free speech/ equality to speak our ideals or to be able to peacefully assemble without being immediately attacked. They want to discourage any such activism. We are still a far ways away from their perfect Soviet style oppression…
That's the point Schlomo. To stop giving you an economic surplus.
Can someone give an honest cheat sheet overview on Siege? I've got a long enough reading list as is. For whatever reason my first association is pic related, so I'm already skeptical but still don't want to dismiss it out of hand.
kikes keep an eye on anyone who exhibits any political position. The ADL spied on Martin Luther King, and played a central role in his assassination because of the fear that he would take up the Palestinian cause, I guess niggers and civil rights must be the way forward.
Well this thread is bumplocked now. Last point I'd like to make to those advocating a country retreat: at least live your advice then provide step-by-step instructions for how to do it successfully. Since you don't go into detail ($30k for land but no mention of the other infrastructure needed, if any detail at all) I have to assume you aren't actually doing it yourself, which is pretty irresponsible advice to shill to someone who might take you seriously and end up fucked when they find themselves out of their element on a dead-end path to poverty. It's just really transparent that you aren't even doing this shit yourselves.
Don't be a fucking nigger and use your brain. Read a book. The city has made a cuck out of you.
Jesus dude, you have the internet. The problem is not a lack of information, it is too much information. If you can't figure out how to plant a garden and build a cabin with the accumulated knowledge of all of mankind at your finger tips then you are worthless and deserve your fate.
that's literally all it is
It's not a question of how to subsist on the bare minimum. It's a question of how to actually thrive in that environment. I already went into detail about the gentleman farmer syndrome, which I've witnessed more often that not. These people are usually just funding their hobby farms off their life savings or main business (which is far from starving the Jews). It's even more obvious to me now that you aren't doing this shit yourselves. The people I know who do have land and live rurally are in basically poverty conditions, or in some kind of weird commune setup. You need to lay out a realistic scenario of what your life will look like, not point to a PDF of "how to plant tomatos and build a cabin" which any 100 IQ man can do.
Are you honest to god retarded? STOP BUYING SHIT FROM KIKES YOU FUCKING MORON. How simpler can this get? No amount of shitty attempts at casting doubt will change reality for you. Do I have to drag your retarded ass all the way out here and rub your nose in my garden to show you it exists?
With a small amount of land or a communal set up you can thrive, the point isnt to be rich but to be independent of the system
Like the Turner Daries but not good or by Dr. Pierce.
At least in the turner diaries there's a sense of hope for the future and conviction of the protagonists actions. With siege, it comes off as disingenuous.
How in anyway are they similar? Siege's end goal is the turner diaries, you dont get to that point without siege.
Communal setups never thrive, they don't even survive. Look at all the hippy ecovillage communes. They all have a huge churn for a little while then it falls apart. They never last more than a few years. Community is good, communes are not. Private property is not a problem, it is a solution. Getting rid of it is retarded.
Fuck off Ricky.