Government Mind Control docs leaked

Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control

Basically a journalist filed a FOIA request, and was accidentally sent documents on remote mind control techniques


Attached: EM_effects_on_human_body_5psuSfX.gif (800x711, 53.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 2RNM.jpg (800x465 94.32 KB, 62.6K)

The zip file contains there PDFs which are just normal enforcement logs, and the attached images here.


I'll dig. Got my shovel handy as it were
Also happy birthday Uncle Adolf


There's not here unfortunately, unless we can use these docs to find further connections. The real mystery is why they were released by the government.

Psych electric warfare
We knew this already.

Agreed. This lacks details which neurolinguists or any scientist in particular would have included. Fake bullshit from a schizoid.

its on drudge now
archive isnt working
"When journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups, he got more than the information he was looking for – he also accidentally received a mysterious file on "psycho-electric weapons" with the label “EM effects on human” The file included methods of "remote mind control."
So what gives?

Via the Daily Beast:

According to Muckrock, a nonprofit that publishes government information gathered through FOIA requests, the mind-control documents came from the Department of Homeland Security-linked agency in the form of a file called “EM effects on human” The file reportedly contained various diagrams detailing the horrors of “psycho-electronic weapon effects.”

One diagram lists the various forms of torment supposedly made possible by using remote mind-control methods, from “forced memory blanking” and “sudden violent itching inside eyelids” to “wild flailing” followed by “rigor mortis” and a remotely induced “forced orgasm.” It was not immediately clear how the documents wound up in the agency’s response to a standard FOIA request, but there was reportedly no indication the “remote mind control” files stemmed from any government program.

And according to Popular Mechanics:

The federal government has absolutely experimented with mind control in a variety of methods, but the documents here do not appear to be official.

Waltman had no idea why these documents were included in his request and isn't sure why the government is holding them. The WSFC did not respond to requests for more information.

As fun as conspiracy theories are, Muckrock doesn't believe the images are "government material."

One seems to come from a person named “Supratik Saha,” who is identified as a software engineer, the brain mapping slide has no sourcing, and the image of the body being assaulted by psychotronic weapons is sourced from, who apparently didn’t renew their domain.

Muckrock put out a call to WSFC but hasn't yet heard back from them. "


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oops I take it back. Have a bump. So it has been known among infosec/mk ultra researchers that computer monitors (or TVs) could be used to send subliminal messages or alter mood via altering blue light and refresh rate. Monitors are so miraculous that you can even use them to 3D scan a room.

Additionally, the use of varies noise frequencies has led to inconclusive results. A brown note may not exist, but using high pitched periodic white noise to disrupt sleep patterns and induce sleep deprivation is an operational reality as well as some rumors regarding the effects of low hertz waves (remember the bizarre plant music experiments and imagine the animal effects we must not fully understand yet).

Now where the literal tin foil hats come in is whether any of this has been weaponized into projected energy weapons. Radiation guns exist (beta and gamma), but are impractical for all but the worst enemy. The real coup de grace would be developing a wavefront or frequency which could either electrocute or microwave the victim through a significant wall or window. It is tempting for the rational man to run the gamut of paranoid fantasies at this point but there has been no conclusive evidence of the use of such weapons and so it is unlikely that they are in significant usage. In my opinion, the most dangerous and potent weapon would be one which stimulates minor electric shocks as this could be used to micromanage moods and movements like a dead frog in the famous real life Frankenstein experiment. What I highly dislike about this material and why I think it might just be some sabre-rattling is the apparent assertion that EM waves and Brain Waves can somehow 'mesh' when one is controlled by nerve dendrites and axons i.e. biochemical and Na+/K+ release mechanisms, while the other is purely penetrating radiation. For the wavefronts to interact they would have to perfectly line-up and even then it should only lead to overstimulation leading to the neurons adapting like a narcotic or neurotransmitter of some type.

mkultra was just the beginning

So, they murdered a federal judge in front of his dermathologyst

These guys sure as fuck know how to pick their books.

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The zip file contains there PDFs which are just normal enforcement logs, and the attached images here.

You're trying to arrest hotwheels, fuck you.

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From a purely scientific standpoint though, it's very interesting

But the research team is clearly not reading the right leftists.

this could just be stage fright or tripping over your words tho. The struggle to maintain a train of thought and follow what you were saying and stumbling over words and general confusion that some of them exhibited reminds me of how I get sometimes. I have dissociation a lot of the time, and when I'm in a social settings sometimes I'll just sort of come to and not really know what I was saying or what we were just talking about, and if I just try to force myself to keep talking I just stumble over words like those newscasters.

I'm not convinced by the schizo-sounding theories about remote mind control and stuff tbh, a lot of that stuff can just be explained by simple behaviour shaping and psychological manipulation.

For an anecdotal example, I've had mental health problems like borderline personality, depression and anxiety, dissociation, self harm, memory loss/trancing out related to dissociation, etc, and I can guarantee I've not been the subject of any conspiracy theorist mind control bs, I've just had a shitty life. As a group, people are easy to control and you don't need sophisticated monitors and other schizotech to get them to do what you want.

By the ammount of refferences to philipines in those documents, I can say it's a mega operation to arrest all anons in california. They'll frame you with everything they can.

They're just warning the local law enforcement not to worry about FBI surveilance vans parket all across california.

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I didn't know National Geographic was moving its headquarters to Dubai.

Well basically for wireless transmission of energy to happen it has to travel between 6.2 and 8 Hertz. And your body functions right around 10 Hertz so really this is just another temple os for you Terry fans out there.
Besides if y'all paid attention to history, you'd know Tesla already figured this out a century ago. And every time someone gets close to rebuilding a functioning version of the wardenclyffe tower, the deep state sends them an involuntary exit bag. Just another op who bites the dust

I don't suppose you have a trademarked tinfoil hat

Looked for that Raven1 place in that image and found this place: is down but seems to still be up and I found it by looking up the Dr. Joseph C Sharp

I don't usually dig but this stuff in particular interests me

I found this on, anyone think it's related?

swear to bob this happened to me last summer. I happened to have been speaking out about certain things on certain popular medias.
it was terrifying, got thrown in looney bin and pumped full of medications.
go home lay low, stop all meds. I am much more subtle in red pilling now.

Speaking of mind control, the Jews use male genital mutilation as mind control.
This video is the final redpill on Jews.
This is why we need to ramp up the Anti-male genital mutilation campaign.
male genital mutilation is the original MK Ultra.
Kill male genital mutilation and you kill the Jew.

It's also full of the exact terminology that schizoids who believe in this stuff use.

I promise you, there are zero government documents that use the phrase "black" helicopters officially and if they were doing mind control research, they wouldn't just blatantly say "Mind control"

Now, I know for a FACT that the government experimented with this stuff. Whether or not they got to it work, my guess would be no.

A good hint is that they now spend money and time on subliminal advertising and memetics. Entirely unnecessary if you can just do mind control.

Remember that the government spends time and money on tons of shit that never pans out, either because it was a scam for money or they really did think it might work.



So image related is someone claiming to be the guy behind this image:

(see the bottom of it)
and probably the rest of them, since they look similar.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (659x793, 69.47K)

They leaked this because of me.

Long story short, nothing won't be made public in regards to pizzagate until I finish up writing up the Book of Kek to help the normies navigate these soon-to-be distressing spiritual times.

I took this shit way farther then the CIA and that PDF is just a glimpse to what I'm developing. They dropped this to confirm the quantum charge data I included in my PDF on chaos magic, which is essentially a guide to utilizing meme magic irl.


In 2007 this was not excluded from the Internet Archive, per the thread. However, now it is, pic related.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (759x575, 25.51K)

Implausible. They leaked this because of my pet cat Albert.

What the fuck did you say to me?

albert? some nigger stole my cat named albert a few months ago. give him back nigger

Ah shit is my cousin, I can explain, his cat Albert is a dual spirit meaning one half of him dwells within the spirit plane and the other is purring in >>11507814's, who is my cousin, lap.

Implausible, I'm only .6% nigger.

spooky as fuck if true

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So these images seem to come from this one guy's website, from 10 years ago…

Everyone else is dead user

Not only that, but if "every individual is different" with respect to EM fields, then there wouldn't be a consistent way to manipulate large numbers of people and likely no easy way to determine how to manipulate a particular individual.

Plus, for the paranoid, you could also build a detector and leave it sitting around on for a while and confirm what is going on.

No, that's not correct. All you need to do is observe behavior. Then you know what the person's reaction is. Hypothetically. And we know the spy state is massive enough to do it…

All of you halfcunts are going to burn with the jews.

Bait to distract from an actual leak, perhaps?

Don't care. Destroy the kikes is the only thought anyone needs.

I like your attitude kek

I think it may have happened to me 2 weeks ago. Felt like scratching my eyes out

found the nervous glow niggers

They're right about one thing: there are no plans for how to construct such a device.

because detailed work-ups on how to build such devices would be laying around to send right? jesus, we all know that human minds are electrical in nature so it stands to reason that ANY thing using frequencies , magnetic fields or electrical signals can be "hacked" including the mind

Gang-stalking, sans gang.

You 'click' with someone? Love at first sight? Resonant/compatible fields. Corollary: there are literal repulsive people, and energetic vampires. Rupert Sheldrake, Morphic Fields/Quantum Bio.

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Eleanor White

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Nigger- you don't need to be convinced of Jewish psychological terminology that's clearly weaponized symbolism meant to maintain the status quo thru careful selective use. You say schizoid but in reality it is just an amalgamation of various symptoms that if you go to various doctors, and jewchiatrists; they will all give you very different answers since it isn't a real thing. The symptoms are all things that are easily identifiable but they aren't things that couldn't be caused by mere influence or the right technology. Be it drugs, electromagnetic, or even just mere traumatizing torture.

You ever seen how a girl gets turned into a prostitute and ends up loving it? I don't think you've ever seen abuse or mental gymnastics being used to deter someones will in order to subdue their self, and mind.

The only dissociation you know is the one from your tail to your monkey brain, user.

Don't you think that if they have true and tried old methods, that, they wouldn't improve upon them in order to secure their interests further?

it only makes sense to make means more efficient whether or not you are doing it for negative purposes.

Do you even know what the Moon or anything in this damn universe that revolves and rotates (especially closely to us) does to you nigger? Bet you don't you dumb nigger.

ok ya fuckin glow in the dark faggot; but can you tell us how mind control =/= use of SUBLIMINAL advertising and memetics.

SO many civilizations have fallen to the parasitic Jew and you have this one here trying to claim 3 things that essentially are all different words for a the same means to the same end. Unreal. Absolutely unreal. I can't believe some faggot has the audacity to say 'subliminal advertising,' and then say anything talking about mind control in a more technical sense is 'schizoid nonsense.'

You know what your post is full of? The exact kind of shit that falls out of the rabbi's asshole.

Reality here says that memes have been abused and used for hundreds of thousands of years to exert control over the 'Gentile,' and keep their power above his obvious natural born rights.

My guess is their microphone is pumping through their headphones either too loudly or it shouldn't be at all and it is, similar to how singers have headphones putting their voice into their ear during concerts so they can gauge their pitch. What this can do is the same thing all of those "speech jammer" apps do. There's tons you can just try out for free on a phone. If you have no idea about that effect and you just started talking gibberish you'd be as confused as them. Basically it pumps your own voice as you speak but with a slight delay. The slight delay messes with your brain because it's used to ignoring your own voice and now it can't.

Yep, this explains the abnormal amount of shills on damage control in that 5G thread a few weeks ago.

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starting to wonder just how much of francis e dec's material was based on reality kek

Happy Birthday, Hitler.

Absolute bullshit.
The monitor could only emit light.
Cannot see.
Need sensor.
5G RF can, tho.

Sorry, user.
Only ~2,000 years.
Jews were invented by this man:
Before him, they were a group of less than a hundred or so semites.
they have been trying to meme themselves into a genetically unique race, tho all their genetics are semitic, european, african and so on, depending on the type of jew.

And that quantum charge predicates probability.

Well I did say thousands, but, I concede anyway. How is he the one to invent the Jew if Jews pre-existed before him? :^)

Even the lügenpresse is on this:

What did (((they))) mean with this?

The kikes know that there's a segment of the population whose mind they can blank just by using the phrase "conspiracy theory". Unfortunately for them, that segment is shrinking daily.


No human is the same. It makes perfect sense that any energy field would be also never be identical between humans.

Oh god yes please.

bumping for energy fields

brainwaves are the same thought, delta and alpha run on same frequencies.

I hate glow in the dark CIA niggers.


Attached: cia_niggers.webm (1319x372 63.22 KB, 214.96K)

This is fake because I said so!

Wow that is some good fucking evidence.

I can confirm 100% that mind control is real. I hate to admit it, nah I don't give a fucking shit what anyone thinks about me, it has been done to me before. Like full fucking blown MK ULTRA. There is no limit to these sick fucks. Within the parameters of the HUMAN world? Ok, yeah, maybe in the game that the average normie knows about. Truth is, there is no fucking limits, everything is real, infinity is a thing, anybody who is saying that this is the only world that ever happened is a fucking liar or an idiot.

Those DIVINE experiences people say they have are just other beings outside of this. There are plenty of books where people just so happened to have enough material for hundreds of pages where they break down how Earth is a prison and humans are experimented on / used / disposed of.


Phillip K Dick: There is more to life than what we are taught in our cia brainwashing centers.


Before mass surveilence was known- CIA FAGGOT: dude you are a schizoid nobody is wathcing you

after mass surveilence was known - CIA FAGGOT: Ok, so you said mass surveillance was a thing, because you know the average person who says there are "on your side" is actually a con artist so you figure things out on your own, so that means you made a prediction and you were correct. Therefore you are bad at making corrections and are wrong!

Wow good one!

Go on user. You seem genuine.

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when i was saying nervous glow in the darks why did you tag me and say "this is fake because i said so" did you mean to reply to another post? because i personally think luciferian elites are hell bent on using such techniques to enslave all of us

Just master your chakras my dudes lol

chcked and holy shit m8

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I have a spirit gun.

I can use my quantum charge to tug the higher dimensional quantum fabric into my index finger. Once I do that the things around me start creaking and stirring, things start dropping, the roof of my flat starts to shake.

Once i charged up my field into my index finger, I release the trigger and send that quantum charge into the air, causing ripples, manifestations, improbable causes all relative to me.

I can direct it at anyone and anything I want and have a psiotelekinetic interference.

And the more I use it the stronger and faster my interference gets. It's trainable like a higher dimensional, extra sensory muscle.

You can do it too, but you might not experience instant results.

You'll start noticing a glow of energy fill up your right index finger, and what you yield or manifest is determined by your own unique quantum imprint.

Picture and feel your index finger is a miniature black hole, and then you'll start feeling invisible quantum strings drawing into it,as the energy inside you fills up your index tip from the inside.

After sometime, the "black hole" gets bigger and you will feel the orb around your finger grow in size.

Now release the quantum bullet.

The quantum bullet runs its higher dimensional course, entering a domain of reality undiscovered or misunderstood by science, and then trails on and metaphises back into reality as a manifestation.

I have my own definition, but you will understand it as a 5D construct.

What we imagine is actually an interference with a higher dimensional plane of existence. When we dream we incubate in a 5th dimensional esque state, which is why some dreams appear to some as prophetic, or deja vu occurances happen.

Cue "the holy shit nigger I feel it"

Didn't uncle Yuri mention believing the soviets had this technology? If the commies had it 30 years ago (or was close to), then the western deep state should definitely have it now.

It's not technology, it's hidden/undiscovered science

Pick a number from 1 to 100 user.


I'm not saying there isn't weaponized symbolism or psychological conditioning dude, I'm just saying that it's not necessarily sophisticated mind control laser beams or funky electromagnetic wave field manipulators or anything.

I've been of the receiving end of that, it's fairly common in abusive relationships.

what? I'm talking about things like derealization, depersonalization, trancing out, time loss, intrusive behaviour, etc

that's absolutely what I think

t. literal lunatic

That's a futile effort. Since It's a slow moving board, you can easily say I timed the get and call me a hack fraud.

This is a get I got on 4chan last week. Check the ID. You can double check this post on the 4pleb archives yourself to validate this image. I also uploaded proof that I post from a mobile so it's impossible if I timed the ID or used a script.


Attached: Screenshot_20180419-010409.png (480x157, 29.69K)

Dude, I think he's off on some of his crap, but people are influenced by the moon, it's documented.

fucking kill yourself.

Thanks. Did he wind up a street person or what?

Edgy worthless cunt m8

Gaslighting-/x/-tier-subhuman-shill-spam the thread.

This is government sponsored Lysenkoism in action, happy alphabet soup? Feeling proud I bet.

There's actually a variety of ways you can scan a room. The only sensor you need is a voltometer near the diode or circuitry or an approximation and triangulation at least of the signal noise to determine information about the room, also there's acoustic and artificial antenna (remote charge loading) tricks you could pull as well. Either way, there's a lot of detail which goes into this topic and since you have not shown your competence I won't discuss this more.

Try harder leftypol


Well, what about mechanism? Since the brain is electrical, if you could find a way to induce a current in it, you could make crazy things happen to the subject. The problem is, the human brain is greatly lacking in metal.

But this isn't really science fiction, as a possibility. We just don't know of a way of getting it from A to B.

Imagine if a Neanderthal said to his Neanderthal wife, "gee, if only I could throw a heavy rock fast as lightning, I would be king of this place". Well, his wife would rightly tell him he's off his rocker. But he would also be right.

So it is with the schizo in question. There's no known way to accomplish it. That is, there's no known delivery method. But everything else is in place.

Unless you are willing to actually learn about these topics in depth I'd advise you to stay away from them. Nanorobotics in particular should send shivers down peoples' spines.

Nobody thinks I'm normal anyway.

omg its only off by 10, how'd you do this?

>(((Geoff Leventhall))), a noise and vibration expert, has suggested cognitive behavioral therapy may be effective in helping those affected. "It's a question of whether you tense up to the noise or are relaxed about it. The CBT was shown to work, by helping people to take a different attitude to it."[15]

>(((Joseph Wolpe))) (20 April 1915 in Johannesburg, South Africa – 4 December 1997 in Los Angeles) was a South African psychiatrist and one of the most influential figures in behavior therapy.

>(((Wolpe))) received the idea of relaxation from (((Edmund Jacobson)))

Relax goy, nothing to worry about… heh heh heh…

Mass manipulation and conditioning is a thing, but it's done through media and education and all that stuff, not psychotronic radio waves like the schizos think. The physics don't add up that way in any case. That simply is not how EM works.

They're experiencing weird things because they have irreparable neurological damage which gives them false information which they cannot distinguish from true information. Then they develop these theories because they need something to explain thier atypical experiences. It's very similar to niggers and their kangz delusions.

Yeah, it's fun to talk about this kind of stuff, as long people don't forget where the actual mind control is happening.

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Have you ever heard of those cities around the world where like 20%of the city can hear a constant year round buzzing sound no matter where they go in city limits? It was always blamed on factories and fucking animals but now I see what it really was.

Looks like a crock of shit, however, managed to scrounge a Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter handle from one of the names attached to an image.

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

Looking at the Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter shit, there is 90% that this is a schitzo post, and 10% that this is an ARG.

Fucking admins and their word filters.

You're a newfag but yes, the mods have implemented filters for Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit and Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter. No one likes it.

People don't even try to bypass them though (Τwitter and ɾeddit)