Not to be outdone, Tim Hortons is now offering free coffee and a donut of their choice to any person of colour.


Attached: hortons.jpg (314x160, 10.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But Tim Hortons tastes like swill. Canadians only "like" it because we have so little to be proud of and no culture or history to speak of. Even the flag is literally a joke and the union jack was more aesthetic. Never getting timbits again fuck this cuck shit.

Stop editing your news stories, you fucking retard. It makes it hard to understand what the hell actually happened.

Tim Hortons was bought out by a muslim kike 20 years ago and hasn't been an actual Canadian company since then. Also if you want to know why Mcdonalds coffee taste better then timmies now is cause Mcdonalds bought out their coffee supplier and the muslim kike went with some third world shit. Fuck em.

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Time to start identifying as a rabid monkey to get free shit with my selfie stick just in case somebody mistakes me for a skinhead. Best believe.

They're giving out free coffee to everyone even if it's for virtue signalling purposes. You woudln't know that because of faggot OP though.

Its also owned by brazillians and the food is all factory made. Tims is more of a joke than mcd and deserves to die.

Sometimes I think I died years ago and this world I'm in I precieve as reality is actually hell.

You just need to get some nightmare goggles and turn them on. Things look a tad bit better that way.

Attached: Im sorry, I thought it could use a little fire.jpg (500x375, 44.58K)

tims uses rainforest-destroying palm oil in all their products

Of course we're in hell. Just look at all the fuckin Jews everywhere.

Reported, saged, and filtered, you fucking faggot.

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No wonder there's no link. It's from 2017. This is a slide thread. Reported a second time.

Fake and not funny enough to tolerate.

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>April 20, 2017
Shameful Display

No shit it's fake.

No fresh doughnuts, coffee tastes like shit and they only hire temporary foreign (flip) workers.
I don't know anyone white that goes there anymore.

you stupid little cuck

Just shut up and accept that in 20 years when your country collapses the provinces will vote to join the Union one by one.

Hello sir, I am 1/128th cherokee

yodels in injun

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