An awful lot of Broward County Deputy Sheriffs dying (((suddenly)))
An awful lot of Broward County Deputy Sheriffs dying (((suddenly)))
another useless sticky(another useless kike)
Gonna be a lot of fun watching the media not cover this.
It's really not fair how democrats have the ability to off people at will and we can't
We're gonna have to eventually get over our mutual fear of being v&. Use analog comms methods and network. Things won't change until we do a nationwide bundy ranch style standoff.
Law enforcement work as glorified zookeepers. They should expect nigger-related fatalities to escalate. All the while, the kikes in their local governments are sucking their pensions dry. And when those same kikes decide it's time to go after the masses they need to realize this isn't Afghanistan. We are their friends and neighbors. We know where they live, where their wives get groceries, and where their kids go to school. They should have chosen our side a long time ago. By the time they do it may be too late. For them.
How is this a sticky?
It isn't so much that the ability isn't there; it is a slight drizzle which is their way vs. DOTR / purge.
Don't. You're just a fucking coward. What, physically, stops you from finding out where a high-level jew or shabbos lives, breaking into his house, and offing his entire fucking family? Fear of the law (rather, the misappropriation of the law–AGAINST you, rather than for you, as it should be) and its application at the hands of the surviving jews and shabbos. But what, physically, stops you from learning how to perform actions like this with the same level of untraceability as they do? Protecting yourself from being caught on security cameras, leaving DNA at the scene, making noise, etc. Nothing, again. It's a little harder than just doing it, but it's still possible.
What else keeps you from doing what they do? Your inherent humanity. Your principles. Your honor, your justice, your LOGIC, your REASON. And likely you have surviving family members. Wife. Children. Parents. Friends, even. You fear retribution against THEM, too.
But mostly you're a coward, and I will be called an FBI shill for this. Either that or you will be called a blackpill shill. Both types of statements have been banned here, so no one can even so much as discuss the topic in any form. And you wonder why we get nothing done…
Zig Forums is a board of peace faggot. I'm saying how it isn't fair how dems get to use hit men at will.
Can't trump call his mafia buddies for a few favors or something.
Back to Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit with you, Q-fag.
The mafia is in bed with the Democratic party.
We are pretty much held hostage at this point. Even if one were to pull an allahu akbar type move, they'd still go out of their way to obliterate the rest of your family, mafia style.
only good cop is a dead one. Sorry about your ZOG enforced pensions pig
Let the system it itself. There are no innocents working for ZOG
I bet you don't even own a firearm.
is run by kikes
they use other nationalities as frontmen
Checked & Kekked
Fuck all this sliding. Who were the deputies who did not go into Parkland? Scott Israel has been criticized for his response and must be angry with his deputies. He couldn't have anything to do with this, could he?
yeah well
we win by doing the unexpected
we know this peace wont last forever
definitly be prepared for home invasions
as for being pro active, take oppurtunities as they come
So how many kike politicians have YOU killed user? None? Lel ur just a coward.
We don't have government officials ready to cover shit up like they do, nor do we have a media unwilling to touch any work we would do
yes you will because you advocate for anons to go kill people like an fbi shill and call them cowards when they refuse to do so at the very same time you shy away from acting on your own advice. Wanna know how we know you're not from here? Because your entire shit boils down to "do as I say not as I do otherwise shaming tactics." Either lead by example or fuck right off, you're glowing so bright you can light up all of North Korea just by waiting for nighttime. No one is going to murder anyone, not me, not my fellow anons and certainly not fucking you because as you yourself put it "You're just a fucking coward".
Have fun.
While we're on the subject of people dying:
Hello FBI,
It has come to my attention that you seek to prosecute Americans for wanting to kill corruption.
If you just did your job, no tax payer would have to rot in prison and our nation would be running much more smoothly.
Hell, you'd get paid more if you actually showed that the department stood for more than a piece of wet paper.
I forgot the standard anti-spook preface:
For educational purposed only.
Nigger, these are just normie pigs that no one would miss. We have a much larger profile target.
Bottom Line, I'm not saying shit.
Nothing wrong with LEO's getting offed in higher rates.
rallies + guns = ?????
let me know if you get the picture here
Sounds like a stand up officer. Poor guy.
Good riddance.
That is a rough 42.
a.k.a. a real cop.
also checked
The sad thing is, if he had gotten wise to the kikes he'd still be alive because he would have got the fuck out of Broward.
stickys are the new slide thread, didnt you hear? the mods take a pointless news article and feign importance by sticking it.
The white phosphoring is heavy on this one.
The kikes believe in the age old phrase 'an eye for an eye', and this is merely one instance of (((them))) doing it because they couldn't get any more power since (((theirhag))) lost the election. They are aware of this DOTR these goys speak of, so what do you guys think they'll do? Obviously they'll try their best to whittle and wear down the opposition before it happens.
Them telling anons here to 'stop being so violent about it :^)' simply means that, aside from doing the unexpected like memes and such, you can do the same thing to them, which means one will need to do better to offset all of their fancy shmancy assets (media, manpower, material resources, etc.) to apply the 'eye for an eye' concept against (((them)))
jesus christ user, the mere thought makes me feel light headed the blood rushed to my cock so quickly. i was so pissed when the liberal faggots in live around called them "terrorists" when they were the most american american's this millenia
Zig Forums stands with cops. Most are hard working Americans who have to handle more nogs than in your wildest nightmares. Be gracious pollacks. For better or for worse they are strong citizens, good shooters and usually with noble intentions. For any cop or agent out there who is tired of the chaos and bullshit from upstairs, take a vacation to anonville, where you can contribute and change society however you want, for the good of humanity and our destiny in the stars.
Pence's space program can't measure up to a Nat Soc colonial robotic and smart armada!
I bet this motherfucker died of opiate overdose. It happens a lot so little facts are reviled whenever a junkie dies.
Not a kike, a longtime Zig Forums user and a white american with natsoc ideals. But let's face the facts here. Injury, pain meds, get high, likes it, overdoses…… end of dead cop story, as to why it's stickied? fucking mods ban people left and right, no different than on twatter, facekike, cunttit, and all of the other social media platforms.
cops kill more whites everyday than niggers every day of the week, for years now…… Oh Hay Yea….. bow down and worship the ZOG
as soon as people face up the the fact that cops are the ones that stand in the way of DOTR HAPPENING the better.
Most cops will join us. Community policing goes both ways.
Clearly you haven't dealt with many cops who weren't a friend or relative. Like any group they are a mixed bag of course, but law enforcement is where shitbags concentrate.
They are several times more likely to commit violent or sexual crimes than normal people, ten times more likely to beat their wives.
You'd have to be mind blowingly naive to think they'll ever fight for the good guys.
They are tools. Literally. They can work for us and they can be used against us. Either you're a cop or a boomer because Zig Forums does not "stand with cops" and you'd know that if you weren't an insufferable faggot who didn't lurk 2 years before posting this shit.
As long as the state keeps their living conditions even slightly better than the rest of us, they will remain ZOGbots and happily put their boot to your neck on command.
Yep, most of the bad behavior of cops and our shitty interactions with them are a direct result of their militarization in response to having to deal with niggers and spics all day. So when you have horrible experiences with cops, it's easy to forget that they are incentivized to treat us as "other" because they deal with "other" so often in the rest of their lives and are trained to act as such. If you want an idea of what cops would look like in a pure ethnoostate look at Japan, or some of the lily-white central European countries.
He's appealing directly to the cops reading, slowpoke.
(((All Cops))) will kill anyone that wishes to overturn the status quo.
They live and train for this and have their riot gear in the trunk of their car.
100% correct
100% wrong
Absolutely convicted of possession with intent to distribute, failure to pay child support, or failure to appear in court. Or all three.
Cops will sell your children into sex slavery to keep their children in comfort, and that is because half of them were broken and rebuilt MKULTRA style by Dyncorp in Israel. Hell, the dead soulless eyes and the robotic gait and the sudden unnatural Coiled-spring reaction to stimuli are dead giveaways. i've only seen a few actually human cops ever and the rest look like Zuckerberg.
What you see is the stare after dealing with the worst scum humanity has to offer (especially niggers) after so many years with not a single thank you from the public. Being a LEO sucks really but most are in too deep to change careers now. We fucked up.
Really, then why immediately flank a child on all sides REALLY Close in with no personal space just for asking directions? Why attack good samaritians trying to wash mace out of the eyes of a mugging vic? Why go to such lengths to entrap a white person when there is a nigger selling crack in plain view across the street? Why DO YOU NOT GET IDIOMS? Why try and baker act someone for using the Phrase "a little birdie told me" because you thought he's a shizo seeing an actual bird and not passing on info from an user contact?
I know enough that most of you are crap with guns as you are never actually trained in them, as the exam is an "everybody gets a trophy day" kinda deal. See this relevant interview; relevant bit at (1:56:38), guy is a cuck, but drops good insight, Mr. Tor-pedo. You'll be a walking free armory.
Nigger, use your voices, very quietly, in a remote and open location, preferably when it's windy.
Second photo. Any man taking a selfie is a fucking weirdo.
If you'd ever trained with cops, and therefore had candid private conversations with them, you'd realize they are chomping at the bit to unleash their fury on the nigs and spics and can't wait for DotR.
dyncorp installed leftist infiltrators deserve the DOTR. fuck the control of chiefs ans sheriffs by our glow in the dark intel agencies. kill em all
That's half-right. Cops are sociopathic dimwits who want to unleash on everyone. Whites, niggers, wetbacks, gooks, pet dogs, cars, trash cans, you name it. They just want a body count
That photo.
Sounds good to me, I never consented to their role or their powers, they've been robbing me at gunpoint for years and calling it taxation, it's about time someone turned the gun on them for once. The way I see it is they keep claiming their job is dangerous when it's not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in America, so how about we start making it what they claim it is for once?
guess how I can tell you're new and never seen cops shoot
First week here, levi?
Eat shit, moshe.
Someone clearly taught the niggers how to get online. We're being flooded with dindus.
Happy Birthday, Hitler.
I tend to have good experiences with cops, but then unlike you, I'm white.
This is getting fishy.
Heart attack gun.
What's stopping you? Policemen? Soldiers? Your own cowardice? It's not that we CAN'T, it's that we don't, yet.
literally what the fuck.
(((Schultz))) refuses to give a straight answer about who killed the suspected shooter. Fucking kikes.
On the other hand, two less cops in the world, so the evening truly ended on a Highnote.
There shouldn't have been a warning issued. All corrupt cops would have sorted themselves out in short order if left to their own devices.
I think they meant "may have shot themselves in the head 30 times with a chainsaw".
I stand with cops who stand with me, cops aren't a magic class of people who all act the same and have the same opinions.
No one is here is going to stop you from offing people.
I've heard criminals sometimes do things to make it really hard to catch them.
Cops are fucking scum. The good ones turn to stone as soon as they enter the force. It's a sad side effect of seeing so much bullshit.
I know this personally from having to deal with the consequences of their idiocy in my manner of work. They lose touch… I know many try hard when they enter, but dealing with shitty people turns you into a shitty person.
Yes there is, himself… or herself if a Zig Forums qt if they exist ;_;
FBI agents tend to have a lot of guns.
So do bodybuilders.
sorry i'll stop..
Fuck off CNN. This about playing the long game, we don't have the (((resources))) to "get away with it" like you describe. At best all it would do is give the MSM more shit to jerk off to.
Confirmed cop killing by kikes.
You don't even need the name or background.
It's prima facie odd.
Dear FBI,
When you are the first one to encourage violence, your case gets thrown out for entrapment. Encouraging the murder of government officials is sedition, you don't get immunity just because you have a badge. There will be military tribunals for this in the near future (not federal judges).
Knock this shit off now. Or else.
don't derail torfag, just ignore and invesigate.
Encrypted comms would be a lot better.
Some of them, and they tend to get promoted by the masons that run the police departments. Most people that become cops aren't like that, it's the culture that makes them that way and drives out the good ones.
Not all cops can shoot, in fact most can't. But there are a lot more good shooters that are cops than in most other professions.
Not to defend the FBI agent or encourage you to break the law, but you don't need a lot of resources to get away with murder. Gang bangers with a modicum of sense get away with strings of murders by just following basic rules like wait until there's no witnesses. Mob hitmen usually kill dozens of people before they're caught because they do things like wear gloves and use a suppressed gun.
This isn't 1980. Everyone hates themselves and everyone else now.
Threatening the president with murder (on say, Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter or facebook, as many celebs and idiots have done so) isn't even a crime now.
I mean for fuck sake, they put up with Zig Forums nowadays.
So, on 4/pol/. Not here. Carry on, boyos.
Yes, it is a crime. And there will be justice.
(((they))) curate Zig Forums nowadays
Does he always writes like some anti-social sperg?