Help me please to find a girlfriend for me. I need solution to find them

My girlfriend shall be taller, strongest, working on a best job, sexy, more intelligent, more awesome, more hot, should do female domination to me, her age should be from 18-28, more westernised and shall share, talk and help me I will do same thing.

I need a solution to get a girlfriend in a simplest easiest way.

Help me please :)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some information

Attached: socialnetworkingsucks.jpg (720x1280 51.12 KB, 152.75K)


Most Indian mothers (sometime dad can be an included in case of both) should be in concentration camp because they are defective, conservative and orthodox

Attached: mostindianmomaredefective.jpg (1024x720 247.84 KB, 145.41K)

In 16/04/2018 I was in street.
I also thinking stalking beautiful and also beautiful taller westernised Indian woman in street but couldn't stalk them because I could get caught.
You won't even fucking able to guess which city I live?
This pics captured from building. It is beautiful.

My first crush unfortunately has a boyfriend.
I will keep stalking her on FB.

Attached: Screenshot_20180420-091209.jpg (647x516 41.8 KB, 86.08K)

Second crush

Attached: Screenshot_20180417-225216.jpg (720x670 26.35 KB, 38.44K)

Third Crush

I even masturbate her sometime.

Some of all my crush friend accept my fake fb request so I can watch them

Idk why most people and most woman hates stalking woman.

Stalking woman is good even in public as long woman didn't get killed.

STALKING woman is my second favourite hobby.

Law also stupid the person stalking a woman why he should be in sex offender even it didn't harm her????

Stalking woman is good in my opinion

Attached: Screenshot_20180413-212618.jpg (614x523 59.28 KB, 50.17K)

4th crush.
Some of her friends on fb accept my fake request without checking my profile.
So I can spy on her.
When I was in school. She used to flirt me when I was 10-11 and flirting stop because of two reason first is that school start to segregate sex and in that school if teachers and principal see that that opposite sex talking to each other then both would be punished and she left that school and 2 years older than me and I was so shy to talk to her.

Attached: FB_IMG5.jpg (454x413 33.9 KB, 18.27K)

Give me an advice you foooooooooooooool

She used to flirt me since 2009-2011.

shut up jew

Attached: pajeetsroom.png (3264x2448, 7.89M)

I am not jew.
Just an ex Hindu.
I am an atheist

Attached: IMG_20180322_184705029.jpg (3264x2448, 2.16M)

You said you found a girlfriend last night , stop making these threads

Attached: penis.png (1107x254, 30.44K)

Simplest way?

Don't be a genetic dead-end.
Don't be a shitskin.
Don't live in a country with open defecation
In other words, don't be you.

Seriously aren't you bored of this shitpost yet?

I never found it.
Fake reply and fake screenshot or either impersonator reply it to me.

If I found it then I won't keeping posting this on Zig Forums.

If my girlfriend breaks relationship with me then I will keep posting it until I got an another one.

I like put my penis into vagina with her consent

I am olive skin.
My skin is not shitty.
I am not bored because I need a girlfriend.

I need a best advice

Indians dont have penises , you dont have a penis you jew

All males in all over have penis.
I am not jew.
My penis is uncircumcised.
I need girlfriend

Girls love it when you wear neon-colored beach clothes and oversized sunglasses, then hit on them with all the subtlety of a prison rapist.

Attached: 1d91a9b905d43784e5692b654db74d4b3432462042de8af0dd6c7700501171db.png (1142x971, 56.33K)

but you are not male , you are a gay jew

I am male.
Not jew you foooooooooooooool

you are jew and have no penis


I am sexually frustrated.
I will fuck woman with her consent and if she say no to sex then I won't fuck her.
I am sexually fucking frustrated and I am not rapist
I hate rape

Jew male do have penis???
Wtf are you talking about.
I am not jew.
I am an atheist therefore an Ex Hindu.
Your alt right conspiracy

Not all Indian poo in everywhere dumbass

I need girlfriend

for the love of God stop making these gay beta threads you /r9k/ sperg

It is not gay thread you foooooooooooooool

Poor little dalit pajeet.
Why haven't you accepted this, risen above, and gone to live an ascetic lifestyle? If you are not hindu, then you shouldn't feel any obligations to breed and further your dalit caste. Sell your worldly possessions, and go into the kush.

Either figure it out yourself or you don't deserve to breed. Women are very simple.

For weeks now you keep doing the same shit. Jesus fucking christ you pathetic fuck.

Stop imitating me!!!

You Foooool!!

I am back.
I have my evening food.
I am not dalit.
I don't believe in caste system.
I am an atheist

Fuck you impersonator

Fuck you.
Figuring out how to get gf in a simple way.
I need an advice

I will keep posting until I got gf.

Fuck you impersonator

I give you tip on how to get hot sexy woman femdom girlfriend. Watch vid I give advice

Attached: HotToGetHotSexyWoman.webm (224x400, 2.21M)

Very good havings for dinners. Good good very.

Attached: a313e0320ca3f13977b531e1a6f0aa97af7173b13dfda443c1d493d557e08202.jpg (768x866, 90.04K)

I have a simple easy solution how you can find a girlfriend.

Me own toilet. Tell me how to get girlfriend.

I remember that one. A system filled with this ridiculous birth-right while each one of them are savages who lack the basics about hygiene. According to the pictures that OP provided (a very shitty home), I'd put him into the lower caste.

You post this shit every morning, like clockwork, for months. That is some dedication to spamming this Bohemian Finger Painting website. Imagine if you spent that time reading, or going for a walk, or lifting weights. Think how much better your life would be if you spent time improving yourself rather than spamming this pointless garbage that no one even reads anymore. Fix your fucking life, man.

Attached: peace.jpg (1920x1080, 288.98K)

Don't listen to the impersonator.
That video he sent is basically violent.
I need an advice to get gf.

Fuck you impersonator

I know how you can find a girlfriend. It is a simple and easy way.

I will go out soon.
Remember In India it is difficult to find a girlfriend because of society pressure also woman even wearing western clothes are not open minded due to societial and parents pressure.

I need a girlfriend

Stop impersonating me!!!

Tell me how get girlfriend. I buy toilet paper. Tell me simpler way.

Oh now I'm an impersonator? Do you even read, faggot?

My advice is not for you. My advice is for OP only.

Best advice is you should kill yourself, shitman. The easy way to get a girl is be tall rich and white. Seeing as how you're short brown and poor you have no chance.

Give up, do not breed. Your sons would resent you for making them weak like you.

Which one is solid pajeet and which one is liquid?

…a weapon to surpass metal loo…

why is this guy not being ip banned?

this will be used against us, the guy is either extremely mentally ill, or it is a psyop

I am middle class not not poor
My gf can be beautiful black, white and as an asian also an Indians too

you have no penis , you jew

Sorry due to one impersonator. He is a cancer

You are not real OP.
Just a fucking impersonator

I don't have mentally ill.
I do suffer from depression.
I need a girlfriend

Mods banned my IP but my ISP IP is dynamic IP.
I will keep posting it until I got girlfriend

I am real OP

I won't kill myself. I need girlfriend

I'm the real OP! Stop impersonating me!

You fooooool!

Attached: SexyGF.webm (368x656, 2.14M)

You are wasting your time, and ours too.
you are being a dick, and you will probably never find a girlfriend, and you know it.

Not a proper advice you stupid impersonator

I will find a girlfriend.
It doesn't waste time

I will go out and will back in 3 mins.
Don't listen to the impersonator.
I need a solution to get a girlfriend in a simplest easiest way.

Stupid impersonator. I go suck dick for the next 3 mins.

Don't listen to the impersonator.

I need a solution to cocksucking in simplest easiest way.

gas yourself jew , stop stalking donkeys

I don't stalk any animals.
I am not jew.

Fuck you impersonator.
I didnt go out to suck dick.
I am back.
I go out and bought some food dumbass.
There was a beautiful woman in street wearing western clothes thinking stalking them but couldn't do it because I would be caught.
Stalking woman is nothing wrong

Fuck you impersonator.

I didn't go out to suck dick. I go out to buy dildo, you dumbass. I like butt-sex with faggots.

Stupid impersonator. Sex with faggots is nothing wrong.


Attached: prince_op.webm (640x360, 7.89M)

Lies impersonator.
Sex doll is illegal in India anyway

Hey pajeet

Attached: unnamed.gif (480x300, 452.95K)

Yeah pajeet has sex with donkeys! His mother was a donkey to!

Me have big dick. White women don't poke fun at me like other indian men because my dick is really big. My dick fills white man condom.

Stupid impersonator

No you all wrong.
I don't fuck animals

White woman likes me too because I am beautiful Indian

Just infants?

Attached: indians rape babies.JPG (579x499, 82.07K)

I am not pajeet.
I don't shit in street

This thread again?

Stop impersonating me!

You fooooool! I have toilet paper!



I am a nigger. Kill me immediately.

I am a nigger. Kill me immediately.

What I told you all before.
I will keep fucking posting until I got a girlfriend

I am olive and not a nigger you IMPERSONATOR

I am a nigger. Kill me immediately.

I watched video you reply in this thread.
The song kinda of similar calcutta taxi taxi. I love that song as an Indian. Seriously.
My gf should be westernised

No matter where I am, I must be a nigger.

I am a huge nigger.

You'll be posting forever because you seem like a fag beta.

But i am a nigger you see

Impersonator fuck you

I am not fag and I am not gay.
I am 100% straight

Don't listen to the impersonator

Don't listen to the fucking impersonator

Do not listen to this impostor. I am a massive nigger.

I am clearly a dravidian; we're niggers in all but homeland.

I have a serious case of pooinlooitis; the only cure is street shitting.

All wrong.
Go fuck yourself impersonator

Stop impersonating me!

Fucking impersonators. Fuck you

You are a impersonator.
I wish you die from a car accident

There are lot of impersonator.
I am real OP.
Fuck off.
I need a girlfriend.
You are also an IMPERSONATOR


Do not listen to this person. He is a FAKE impersonator. He's full of shit.

I need a girlfriend