it must be true, because CNN could smell it on a "Dora the illegal" backpack.

Walking around the refugee camp, the brave stronk wymyn journalist spoke to some dung-eating shitskin, and translated every word for us to listen and believe.
Outside a tent, a pile of laundry was found, and the distinct smell of the odorless Sarin gas was detected by the CNN reporter.
Because the nose knows.
And some laundry detergent is all you really need in order to neutralize deadly, deadly chemical agents.
This was followed up by a heartbreaking tale of "my suffocation barbie" and a tunnel for ants.

Surely, this is what will finally tip the scale, force Trump to resign, declare Hillary president and chase Putin out of Moscow.

Hard-hitting, quality journalism at it's finest.

Attached: Suspected chemical attack survivors speak to CNN.mp4 (1280x720, 8.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can smell their despair.

Attached: splöört.mp4 (1280x720, 759.14K)

The absolute state of Marxists.

Is CNN the new Mexico? To quote Trump, "They are not sending their best."

Attached: 1428453003799.jpg (462x411, 84.18K)

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I am laughing heartily
CNN should sniff sarin tbh

Even more:
If you can smell it on something and touch it, you'll get a dose through your skin.

I bet he'll have killed six gorillions before the month is out. And he'll have killed them so hard, there won't even be any ash remaining.

Attached: memri6.jpg (526x360, 29.49K)

Why do we have drug dogs when jews can smell odorless gas?

Attached: Schloroasted.jpg (600x828, 125.13K)

We have to set up a central bank there to punish the Syrians.

Attached: 89f04bfaed6241f8bb876b0c75cebf5406ecfa6eb6884bff3321c374232a3c5a.jpg (228x221, 8.98K)

Anyone remember when CNN first started out and getting big? During the Gulf War?

Even back then it was very blatant zionist propaganda. Do not trust (((CNN))).


That kike isn't cooked all the way through. You need the patented Ronco Jewtisserie Oven.

Attached: bacon css.png (900x900 15.51 KB, 464.41K)


This is trash and it makes me sick that some people will inevitably see this and buy it. It's convenient that the "mom" is covered up too, of course it's the custom but it could realistically be anyone.

At this point I won't be surprised if US forces "liberate" a "death camp" that they "found", and millions are said to have been gassed, again. It would be risky, because people who don't believe it might notice the similarities to the Hall o' Coughs and begin to understand, but anyone who believes the narrative at all will have their "muh gas chambers" trigger flipped and will support any kind of action.

I'd say it's too much risk for them to attempt it though, every time you make a lie that big it becomes move transparent and once people see one, they'll see them all.

Jesus these kikes are desperate to get us in another war.

Thank you for giving me a whole-heartily laughter, i was hoping some Aussie-tier shitposting would come about from this blatant disregard of common sense by CNN.

- OP

Attached: 1416885943122.jpg (397x406, 27.59K)

The CNN smell test for chemical warfare


Attached: mysides.jpg (480x336, 16.92K)

Also realize when they pull the "but muh childrenz user!" line, all the children they show were shat out since the war began. Who in their right mind thinks "Hey we're at war and I'm unable to feed myself, so why don't I make another couple of mouths to feed?"

The lies don't have to be good. They just have to be repeated by many sources, and conformity will build.

The whittle girls. They suffer so.

Attached: Dear World A Syrian Girl's Story of War.png (485x324, 43.08K)

This may deserve it's own thread, but Russia Today interviews a boy who was actually featured in the alleged attack here:

(((Journalism))) award to the staff kike who thought of the little girl comforting her doll during a chemical attack. 88/88. That's up there with cruel Huns pouring out water on the ground while suffering Belgians weep with thirst.

How long before CNN has a story about pregnant women being cut open or children being forced to clear minefields?


I strongly doubt that that is happening. All that is happening is a gradual redpilling among those that use the internet outside of the normalfagosphere, which is only a small percentage of the population, and almost exclusively males.

That's why (((they))) consistently write plot holes and other illogical bullshit in movies - it conditions people to not see the cracks in their other stories.

It's pretty ridiculous to think that kids don't understand they're in life threatening danger when bombs drop. "oh no look how caught up they were with their toy." "they dug a hole for the ants to shelter in." The only kids that I expect to be like that are the extremely autistic ones that are too retarded for propaganda use. I really hate this infantile crap the jews constantly pull.


It seems that the target audience is women and old women. The ironic part is that the destruction of traditional western values has made a generation of women that do not give a shit about some sand nigger, they are too busy being behind on their project deadlines and having to deal with set backs from curry nigger code not working.


Attached: 1378146389572.jpg (600x634, 20.79K)

(((oy vey smells like sarin)))

It's the same female journalist who got drunk off her tits and bit the paramedics.

Attached: jewsocks.jpg (720x484, 45.82K)

They didn't breathe deep enough.

This whole thing doesn't pass the sniff test

could some tech savvy user make a video showing how many times the (((media))) have used the word "alleged" while describing this, it's in every single god damn report of this

This cohen-cides with reports by hospital staff and Syrian State supporters about the whitehats (not doctors).

Weapon manufacturer, especially missiles, have seen their share rise by ten billion since the start of the sirian campaign. Then CNN come into action and sell it to the public, always been.

It's straight barbaric pillaging at this point and everyone in the west has joined the feast.

nice find.
I made a postable video of the (imho) essential part.

Attached: Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack Witnesses recall how White Helmets shot the video.mp4 (640x360, 8.75M)

but user, the filthy Hun's did beat up a nun and throw a baby to the ground.

kike propaganda never change. "they are attacking women and children" is the go-to message

Attached: WorldWar I Propaganda.mp4 (320x240, 3.21M)

except the normalsphere is growing smaller, with kikebook and twatter.

we are on the frontline, telling the world about this kinda shit. and we are winning.

the jews thought their social media platform would give them increased control over us.
instead, it will be their downfall.

Nothing would change, they're both jew puppets.

This. Just like the 'GAMERS ARE DEAD' concerted effort.

yea sandnigger stink

Attached: CNN_jewish_israel_flag.png (960x697, 37.54K)

I'd probably be an alcoholic too if I ended up an actor for CNN.

those shirts have the satanic logo on them

Attached: minnie-pentacle-shirt.png (1231x716, 1.21M)

The price is worth paying.

Attached: Star_Was_In_Original_Pic_I_Swear.jpg (789x1000, 93.15K)

sauce on that, wiki says he was exiled to Egypt

It's at the end of the article.

Vogue says it was Muhsin al-Barazi.

Anyone got a hooktube, jewtube or article link so I can send this to normalfags?

This is pure propaganda. They can´t even proof that it happened at all. I don´t understand how people can continue to watch television when it is 100% lies.

Is that a brooch of a star made out of jew noses?

The funniest part is journalists walking on the ruins of a supposed chemical weapons dump mere hours after all the storage canisters were exploded.

Assad is 100% innocent.

Attached: 50c0c4fdecad04527d000000-320-240.jpg (320x240, 26.41K)


Well, wonder no longer, because I'm going to tell you why people continue to watch television when it's 100% lies.

People watch television even though it's 100% lies because they don't fucking care if it's true or not. They don't give a shit about policy, or war, or anything else. All they want is to fit into society, and that means having politically acceptable opinions.

If you can smell "chemical weapons" and touch infected backpack with your bare hand you'd die in minutes.

What a bunch of attention whoring mediashills

Marked for good shabbos shiksas

and oh look, both wear exactly the same shirt. what a coincidence


According to kikepedia, plain water actually destroys sarin. They used to dispose of it by simply dumping it in the ocean.

Notice the part with the little boy walking from between the tents. How did the camera man know he was there, why did he look to his right at that momentwhen is the last time you saw a camera man look around and ignore the reporter he's supposed to be filming? Where is the boy going that he makes 3 left turns, ending up almost where he started? Is this stagedyes? Does that make it propagandayes? Of course they also push an anti gun narrative.

That's not all there is to know about Arwa. Her grandfather was indeed Muhsin Al-Barazi, a (((Syrian Kurd))) who took power in a military coup, tried to negotiate peace with Israel and had the founder of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party executed. He was in turn executed by other members of the SSNP. Of course we all know what CNN and their ilk think of Assad. This propaganda is personal for her.

Attached: 600px-Flag_of_the_Syrian_Social_Nationalist_Party.png (330x501 17.12 KB, 25.41K)

How do you deal with the fact that under trump were still unfolding the zionist agenda?

Because trump is also a zionist, the only un-ZOGed countries left are Russia, Syria, Iran and North Korea.

A ZOG agenda would involve a full scale invasion of Syria, right?
Not just some show-of-force bombing of empty buildings and a lackluster "no. please staph" response from Russia?

I'm hoping the ZOG is desperate (hence the seizure of attorney/client protected files regarding a porn star from 10+ years ago).
maybe I'm wrong.
But there are cracks in the system and clear desperation in the media…
guess we will see what is what, when the future unfolds.

pic unrelated, I just want to share this edit original.

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why do these fucking (((cianigger))) jackasses have to make up a convuloted bullshit narrative now, when not to long ago they just flatout lied when they felt like fucking up a random shitskin country for shekels, perpetuating some elaborate horse shit like this is 10x worse for the reputation to the international community than the shit theyve pulled in the past

Attached: Shitfaced.png (659x609, 136.95K)

I want to see a recreation of the plane scene

CIA = CNN, Assad would of course be Bane, the plane would be an israeli bomber, the random CIA mooks would be white helmets, and Dr. Pavel would be a syrian kid getting prepped for a false flag

the normalfags are getting redpilled as well.. the fucking boomers are getting red pilled. And yetm here you are choking on the blackpill like a newfaggot


Same with those white helmets running around hauling corpses of gassed victims without NBC suits
Shit is such a farce

obviously, he doesn't get out much.
would like to see his face when someone explains to him the break-through in anti-PC dialect having Trump win the election was.

it is a god-send for us, though, because pointing out these obvious plot holes is "easy mode" tier.