So this girl sammie, looks about like vid related. Dad's black, mom's white. Sexy as hell. Perfect vagina. Perky tits, nice round ass. Anyway, take her home, she handcuffs herself to the bed, no joke, I go to town, she's got metal music on real fucking loud and starts calling me master! She's cool as hell and hates her dad's guts. Should do her a favor and drop in some 75% white kids? She's pretty fucking rad to be honest. Only claims white.
Nigger-loving manlet.
She's mostly white.
Her face kind of looks like it has some kind of defect. I can't put my finger on it, though. You can clearly see the negro DNA has influenced the formation of her mouth. Its morphology clearly isn't pure white. And despite being hygienic, seemingly, she gives off a dirty vibe. I look and her and I feel she looks dirty. Personally, I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole. I'd rather pet a stray cat.
No she's not
That thing is at least forty percent nigger
Wouldn't touch with any pole
It means questions that dont deserve a thread, go post this triviality there
Sage for dead thread
It's mostly nigger it looks like
She's mostly a nigger if she's only mostly white.
forming a proper opinion will require the full nudes.
If you gave her brown eyes and made her put on a pair of tight jeans to accentuate her ass, she'd pass as negro. Her blue eyes are the only thing keeping her from not looking white.
OP, I don't think this one is a very marriageable girl. Dad issues never make a good wife and mother.
In Hitler's Germany this would be considered Aryan. Go for it.
Yes she is good, niggerlover.
Is cuck chan is down again?
Sage this shite.
teach me how to sage faggot
Here's what she looks like with brown eyes and adjusted lighting to show her true skin tone.
Why did you run from your old thread? It was just getting fun. Or is it that I was too mean to you :( ?
She's 25% black at minimum.
'mostly' is another word for 'not'.
What the fuck is this shit? Is cuckchan coming in or are we being slid?
Doesn't look even remotely white, ugly as sin, face only a mother could love. Hate to say it but if you find that attractive it means you're on equal genetic footing and should be considering castration instead.
it's the starbucks shit bringing cuck here. lots of crossover going on.
This .
Your ancestors would have left you in the cold dead of night , whilst they embraced true struggle for the greater good of your lines. Reflect on this and realise how far you have strayed .
Self critique is easy , the implementations of Free will to do good is the true battle.
And seppuku
It's the usual "Why can't I find a cute Asian gf?" thread. I wonder how many years has it been. Well, knowing that he constantly sits on a double person chair and is afraid to look into the eyes, I can say that he shares the same mentality and social behavior of an average wizardchan.
No nigger. She's 100% nigger. Nigger.
Damn niggers always niggering around nigging shit up.
And yet you contribute, sage goes in the email field , or they’ve even supplied a nifty button .
I was with you until you committed sudoku by talking about putting children in her, you piece of shit. Get your kicks if you must but wrap your shit and get out before you fall in love.
What were you even thinking about a failure who kept failing since day 1?
Nah, I haven't done anything. U get ban.
This is literally one week from the shutdown of fagchan , last time it was the mutt posters .
Doing my duty
What's wrong with you?
sage in all fields, fags