>The suit says that "preexisting relationships with Russia and Russian oligarchs" with Trump and Trump associates "provided fertile ground for [the] Russia-Trump conspiracy." The common purpose of the scheme, according to the Democratic National Committee, was to "bolster Trump and denigrate the Democratic Party nominee," Hillary Clinton. The named defendants include Trump's son Donald Trump Jr., his son-in-law Jared Kushner, former campaign chief Paul Manafort and campaign official Richard Gates, and Trump ally Roger Stone. Also named is the Russian Federation, the general state of the Russian armed force, a Russian intelligence services hacker known as Guccifer 2.0., Wikileaks and its leader Julian Assange, and 10 unidentified people.
This is sure gonna look good for the Democrats come November, particularly with us spreading the narrative of defeat, desperation, and weakness to normalfags everywhere. HINT HINT.
Josiah Robinson
Nothing will come of it. The DNC is basically pic related actually trying it's hardest to scare everyone
they need a feather in their cap before midterms. doesn't look hopeful for their criminal proceedings so they're trying for a civil suit (much, much lower burden of proof…damn near meaningless these days).
Charles Howard
Holy shit, this is an admission that the Mueller probe is fucking done for. The DNC wouldn't resort to something this retarded unless they felt their house of cards was coming down and they were becoming desperate to the point of madness.
This is the political equivalent of DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING.
Anyone with a slat of social adeptness will see this as a desperate act by a cornered animal.
Cameron Jackson
Wew fucking lad. Barbara Bush's method of dodging responsibility for mistakes is really the only one on the table for any of these people, they ought to be more realistic.
They're still running with this? And they expect to win the midterms? This 2 year old turd is stale by even the most cucked on the left.
Ryder Sullivan
I think CNBC blocks archive.is. If you know of another site, I'll be happy to make a working one and the mods can edit the OP.
Jackson Smith
pathetic hillary burn in hell
Charles Wright
Imagine being so butthurt that you lost that you blame everyone else and literally spend hundreds of millions of dollars to sue your opponent when it can never change that you're a loser. This is what happens when everyone gets trophies…
I don't think Russia or Wikileaks even have to show up to the case, which means only the Trump Admin will be their or they will get a default judgement.
So the MSM will be like. See Trump is defending Russia.
Hunter Hill
Fucking heild. And on Uncle Addy's birthday. Build em.
Lel In all honesty they want to bury the investigation over Hillary and the others that the AG filed. This is just a preemptive attack for the news narrative. They don't want the former to be talked about, only Trump.
God damn it you double niggers! They don't expect to win the midterms, they are going to win the midterms by cheating! It literally does not matter at this point what they do or say! Because each time it comes for people to vote, the winner will always be the Democrat, because these Moloch worshipping void-creatures will do everything the can to steal the win! They did it to Alabama, and it proved that they could! Now they're going to keep doing it! If they can steal a deep red state like Alabama they can do it anywhere! Stop thinking you can rest on your laurels! That's what they want!
This shit made my day. This is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. The party who rigged their own primaries is suing another party for beating them.
The leftist kikes final strike of desperation. None of those things mean anything or have any evidence. Nearing the end of a bunch of manufactured horse shit, made possible by bitter cunts like Hillary and her deep state faggot friends.
Also, nowhere do I see the part where the revelations are claimed to be fabrications. So, in sum: -Democrats charge the sitting President, a foreign government, its military, an anonymous hacker, and an exiled dissident who lives in a shoe with. . . -Practicing journalism and telling the public the truth about their dirty, dirty tricks.
I can't imagine who thought this was a good idea running up to the midterms. Have they sniffed their own farts so hard they think the Jew tactic of suing bad goys will go down well in the districts they have to win?
Happy birthday, Uncle Adolf. The party of Roosevelt is writhing in agony.
It doesn't fucking matter what the public thinks! The DNC doesn't care anymore because they already know they're just going to cheat!!!
Christian Howard
Could someone post that sound video which that some democrat, or was it Schiff, who got a phone call from a Russian prankster and fell for it for trying to get some information about Russian influencing the elections?
Angel Davis
US judges are literally create laws of the thin air. Maybe they will create (((precedent))) banning talking against DNC. Worth a try.
Kayden Perry
I'm on mobile, but can anyone link footage of Andy Kaufman in the wrestling ring screaming at the crowd he's going to sue them all for booing him? Might make good meme fodder among Boomercucks and GenX who remember that.
They were sued. Wasserman-Schultz and her fellow kike lawyers argued in court that, since the DNC is a private corporation, they can rig results however and whenever they want
Christopher Rogers
Opening with "no one is above the law" proves this brief was written by a kilo-Jew at least. That's chutzpah, coming from the DNC.
Okay yeah, that cunt was their nominee. Oh thank god they elaborated on who that was, I wouldn't have known from how he beat her in the election and the popular vote of everyone besides California's illegals that vote illegally.
These are not only the enemy they are of the highest order, attempting to ruin a weekend. They think they know from shell shock. It's about time to see them shed their skin.
Benjamin Gomez
Have the DNC look like martyrs and have Trump look like a dictator with conflict of interest? Not a chance.
Carter Cook
Owen Edwards
"On American soil"? Are they now admitting Seth Rich did it? Are they claiming he was a Russian agent as well?
Heart attack them and threaten the rest with the same unless the toe the line. Fucking DNC uses this tactic all the fucking time to great effct, why can't Trump? Off a few and then stare down the rest, if one of them so much as peeps, well, suicide by shotgun blast to the back of the head. Why the fuck not? Is he a princess or something he can't set up a suicide squad?
Jaxon Reyes
Damn, McCabe has them scared shitless. How much further til they're pushed over the edge and all openly call for violent revolution?
Nolan Young
Because the media covers up for the left, Tordiot.
Brody Hughes
So could you. Get busy!
Easton Moore
Trump doesn't have to. So far, he can do the usual of ousting and replacing them as he sees fit while being bullied into submission.
Benjamin Turner
As said. The media will have a field day. Trump will make their false narrative of him being a dictator plausibility and credibility. Add to e-celebs and celebs doing "tributes" to "fallen heroes" (portraying the DNC as heroes, when the opposite is true), Trump will just give the left more ammo to get him impeached. I can't tell if you people are shilling or not or if you're young idiots from Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit. The DNC has a lot of dirt and other shit on them. There is a much better way to take out the DNC while keeping Trump clean.
Luis Ortiz
Trump is to blame for DNC lack of donations. Not the fact they rigged their own primary and stole Bernie's money…
Was their plan all along to martyr Shillary at a point, because she is broken to attempt to another JFK? He he haw. Not happening, none of this is happening. They picked the wrong time and the wrong individuals to play with.
Unless they have guccifer's real name and an address at which they can serve him court documents, this part of the lawsuit will be thrown out. You cannot sue anonymous internet people unless they're doxed, there's precedent.
Jayden Wright
Nolan Jenkins
They should be suing for peace at this point.
Grayson Jones
There were a few anons who actually surveilled polling stations and documented busing, however, it was nowhere near enough to establish irrefutable proof of cheating. It's going to take a coordinated effort on our part if we've any hope of busting those fuckers. To that, I'll start a thread the month leading up to the election so we can brainstorm and strategize.
How long before they add Kek to the list of defendants? :^)
Justin Ward
Suing under the federal wiretap act. Now that is rich….
Seems they always wanted a martyr. Why else would one pull such a fluke? There are many ways to numb them without putting them in the clink.
Jonathan Powell
Hey now, some good people use that meme
Liam Hughes
Won't they have to actually prove that Russia hacked their servers? As far as I'm aware they have done no such thing, it's just a story they've been telling along with their friends in the media.
Connor Price
I understood the first time, Mr. Bond. No, they aren't, and no they aren't. He did though, and he wasn't. The interpretation they'd probably want you to take is that it was a nameless, faceless Russian agent boogeyman who spy movie'd his way into their super secure shit and leaked a bunch of fake information that has NOTHING incriminating in it at all about them and their actions, as CNN told you.
James Bennett
Why do you want to cuck out and let others have all the fun, user?
wew lad If I somehow get roped into this, I would be the most amazing and hilarious spectacle the world has ever seen. I would have nothing to lose as this would obviously be a rigged trail. I'll meme them so hard in court I'll be labeled as the notorious hacker 4chan, I'll make the whole court system look like a shitposting bonanza.
Jose Campbell
JEWS DID 9/11 Happy Birthday, Hitler.
Daniel White
Cut off their fingers by law. How deep do they want to wonder the curse goes? It's a morbid sort of curiosity for them. Fell right inna it. Time to let them down.
Shouldn't they be suing themselves and the Clinton foundation?
Christian Jenkins
They don't. Guccifer 2.0 is a Democrat plant anyway
William Ortiz
You can have a ruling against non present aliases, you just need to prove it exists. If some one gets identified later on they get the full brunt of the ruling. Look up State Vs. John Doe cases
Throw everything against the wall !Somethings got to stick!
Jaxson Bailey
They know the next election if burned out, and they will be pushing more and more cuckservatives. Sending their voters back to Mexico and niggerland. You all forget about the somalians and whatnot.