Since a Starbucks memo went out telling them to honor our fake coupons, why limit the free coffee to niggers? Celebrate the birth of the Fuhrer with a free one for Aryans only.
Starbucks offers free coffee on Hitler's Birthday
Those came from 4chan. 8/pol/ doesn't do anything original.
Including this thread, which is literally on 4/pol/ right now and was made hours before this one. Maybe if people would stop copypasting 4/pol/, we could do something nice.
Nobody on Zig Forums should be even drinking Starcucks. Even if it's free, the soy and sugar will do irreparable damage to your body. That's why it's funny when soyboys and niggers do it.
Zyklon Blonde Mocha edition
wawaccino master race
Look, jews took a meme made by ebil racists that made niggers look stupid trying to get free coffee and put swastikas on it. Now nazis will be asking sheboons for free coffee. It will be so funny. Those einsteins of the world. What will they think of next.
Indeed. We may chuckle at it, but it does not fight the enemy and serves no purpose.
Fuck off, schlomo
Yes guys it is in jest, I would never recommend anyone drink that garbage, leave that to the soyim. I disagree that joking has no purpose, it boosts morale.
Here is one more, handcrafted soap edition.
fuck off schlomo
This is the stupidest fucking idea I have seen yet.
Be the change you want to see in the world, user. Make a better thread.
if you knew your stock was soon to be worthless, why wouldnt you go on a motherfucking m&a'ing spree, swapping worthless stock to buy up companies with low debt, and IP, to preserve shareholder value?
It was a joke, user. Honestly, who's going to walk into a Soycucks with a swastika coupon?
Fuck the yids ITT saying it's a bad idea, if this gets out and induces a nigger chimp out at Shalombucks then it's a win.
This delegitimizes the first event making them both look retarded. More flyers like before is a good thing. Sabotaging the first event is a bad thing. Every non-yid above 14 years of age understands it.
Hey barista, whatcha doin'?
The majority of threads are made by people in the discord these days.
The posting pattern is boring and easily identifiable. A mod alerts the discord to his intention to make a new thread, creates it and links it in the channel, one of the discord sycophants either makes a "kike free first post" or a post that is an absurd parody of the enemy then disappears from the thread, followed by other sycophants either replying to the post and congratulating or condemning the poster appropriately, probably in some attempt to condition real anons, then likewise disappearing. You can see this pattern in 90% of the top threads, and 99% of stickied threads, essentially none of which are organic any more.
I believe they do this because they want to "harness" the power of Zig Forums and direct it towards their true vision, which is pretty stagnant and unimaginative, because as far as I can tell, none of them are particularly intelligent or funny. They are likely people with no actual experience with power or responsibility, just another shitposter that was empowered by this format simply for being the first person to snipe the board name or suck the BO's cock for a vol position, hence it is natural that without being trained and tested and gaining experience for handling authority, they try to control something that is beyond them.
It was better back when the mods weren't us, from ZimZam to GG, but didn't interfere with us. What we have here is a rule by members of our own group, but unworthy members. The ideal would be rule by our members, but worthy ones who prevented automated/zerg style raids, but otherwise left us to our own devices to give us the opportunity to fight our own battles and learn.
I'd imagine that most people worth keeping alive have been forced by the oppressive ineptitude and arbitrariness of the moderation here to mostly move on to RL concerns at this point, improving themselves and positioning themselves for rahowa, and only really checking in on this board to get some news now and again.
Seems like it's either that or have every interesting post drowned out by flood scripts and idiots with nothing more to say than "Trump is a kike shill".
This template will come in handy, to celebrate the establishment of Starbucks and the coming World Jewish order. The coupon will feature a Menorah where the Swastika is, and passages from the Babylonian Talmud; offering free samples to promote new flavors like 'The Holocoffee', and the 'Mocha Shoah Latte Ya Ya'
And it does serve to RP the normans on the JQ. If they decide that after critical review of all of the heinous shit being done in the name of the Synagogue that they're okay with a JWO, we're fugged
WaWas is modeled after masonic Shriners