Starbucks employee talks about the past few days and quits his job.
Starbucks employee talks about the past few days and quits his job
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volume is too low, but I watched
Pretty racist to quit your job serving niggers free shit during this tumultuous time in black history.
Good job, OP.
fix'd because OP is a dirty rotten kike for directly linking to jewtube.
As for the content, I suppose the accelerationist method really does work.
Fake. This LARP is just an amalgamation of the Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit stories, not even creative enough to come up with a single fresh detail.
I still approve of this kind of LARPing, but it's meant to deceive and manipulate normalfags, not polacks.
Maybe he's the magician behind last night's Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit operation?
It's OK, no need to sperg out. We know what you mean, however, super shitty thread by a new faggot.
This guy is an exctreme soycuck, a faggot liberal getting his comeuppance. Perhaps his disillusionment will take him to a hateful place.
has potential for keks
eventually everyone with above room temperature iq will come around , which is why us focusing our efforts on those with intellectual agency was the death nail.
kikes never have been warriors , their strategical attacks are in imbalance , and a quantum wave will sweep across like a plague.
we will see the dotr in our time and have the kikes to thank . feels kampfy real kampfy !
Tip Top Kek.
Around blacks, never relax.
Dildo on the shelf. It's real, user.
Jesus christ, what a cuck. You guys are all doing great work. This needs to happen in more places than just Starbucks. No way this isn't waking some people up.
I stoped caring aboutt race baiting sensationalist MSM bullshit somewhere during the Obama administration
Get back to me when we can hang them from street lamps
You retard, this is the most effective redpilling on niggers that's ever happened. This guy quit his job because of niggers, and speaks of others who did as well. He complains about being "the good guys" and not understanding why "they've turned on us". This coupon trolling has put lefty faggots face to face with the trash of the earth that they've been told to feel sorry for, and they're quitting their jobs to get away. Kill yourself.
I can't tell who's boxing noob anymore but I guess that's the frog of war. Tip 'o the fedora to the triune brotha.
Maybe they can have that discussion about race that they so desperately wanted a few years ago.
More good results.
Can we do more financial damage, or other damage to Starbucks? How much screen space is there for a message when they scan coupon? Can we simply have one that displays "MAKE THE MOMENT RIGHT"?
That quote was the best part of the whole video. This faggot is experiencing severe nigger fatigue: he does his best to hide it, but there is genuine resentment lurking behind this statement. He needs guidance.
Oh, that's ok. I got an mp4 of it
post it then for us late to the party
Kudos for ANYONE that understands this. :^)
I have to size it down to under 16 Mb to post it here and it's not happening right now. Sorry.
Just use the hooktube link to download it
top kek, sounds like city hobos
Libcuck get a handful of non violent nigger contacts - get a nervous breakdown and quit his job.
How weak and feeble these "things" are.
Meanwhile if they had any of us that worked there, the trump and gun supporters we would of just told them to get fucked and enjoy getting their parole revoked when the cops arrest them.
Honestly this free coffee for blacks shit is great, its costing these California faggots more money than ever. Its the payback these kikes deserve for saying they were going to help refugees into the country and get jobs at their stores. You want whitey to be giving gibs to the niggers, huh kikes? Looks like you have to gibs now too : ^ )
I kept waiting for him to say "Bazinga!"
Plus this makes all the cuckwhites understand what we have for a long while, that blacks are shit. This will force them to quit their jobs and hurt starbucks. Its a win win.
Goddamn newshit, USE THE EMBED
WELL FUCK that didn't last long. Vid is down, terminated by youtube. OY VEY
hooktube link:
Tricking nogs into making life hell for Starcucks employees is funny and everything, but if you want to take it a step further, "customer" complaints would be far more effective.
Pretty much every business that deals with the public has some form of customer satisfaction survey and the beancounters at the corporate office take them far more seriously than they should. How much the store management is paid is often tied directly to customer satisfaction, and low scores are a sure-fire way to get corporate on their asses.
Another good method is social media complaints that tag the company itself. Large companies have people whose job is literally to scroll through references to the company on social media and look for that sort of thing. Claim you had a horrible experience and that the employees said or did something verboten and as long as it's believable, the management will be getting an angry phone call the next morning. Set it up particularly well and some sap who has no clue about any of it might even lose his job.
Calling in with complaints on the other hand is more likely than not going to be completely ineffective. It could be lulzy, so if you just want a laugh out of it, nothing stopping you, but for the most part the store management will give you empty apologies, make fun of you the moment the call is over, and go on as if nothing ever happened. If you want to really make their lives hell, you have to make sure the humorless beancounters upstairs take notice.
8:45 – "We've tried so hard to take care of these people and take care of them and it's like they are turning on us."
The redpill is starting to enter his bloodstream.
This shit is hilarious. I'm going to print out some more fake coupons and leave them around my college.
It's interesting that this video was taken down by youtube. Is youtube literally to this point in censorship? Or are we being trolled into thinking it is by someone who just deleted the account.
youtube said the account had been terminated, if it said something more specific like "this violated youtubes terms of services" then we would know
This is so great. This moment will be remembered as yet another flashpoint that disproves the multicultural myth. If there is one thing that will begin to wake up spoiled white millennial college kids it is to attack Starbucks. I don't doubt that most of them will continue to grasp at the strains of their collapsing ideology, but the more disagreeable ones might begin to see the glitches in their matrix.
I think he probably did delete his account.
It could have either been a guy larping for keks or a genuine soyboy that just couldn't bear the comment section. Honestly leaning towards the latter.
I get that impression too, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears half the time, and I can only imagine what the comment section looked like while it was up
We need white people to use these free coupons. Then complain that people are being racist against them when they dont give it to them. If we can do that we can completely fuck these guys over with lost profits.
Looks like there's still comments on the hooktube link
He called them "these people."
This is probably the funniest shit Zig Forums has pulled at least to me. Yeah some other things came close but this one was it for me. Why? The irony and even the cuck barista in the video admitted it thinking that niggers could ever be their allies like those white niggerloving cucks that got massacred and genocided in Haiti centuries ago. But you guys really have to know just how funny this is. Just what comes to mind when people think of the kind of people who work at starbucks? And we all know their vet to only hire for libtards through their kikebook accounts before hiring too. Liberals are mostly ignorant never having once dealt with niggers personally in their entire yuppie gated life meanwhile you look at the south and they put their noses in the air because it's so racist. I want these yuppie liberal starbuck cucks to look at the demographics map of the entire country and see where niggers are concentrated. Now you know. Being around niggers makes you racist as fuck otherwise you'd just swallow the public school and media kool-aid about how we iz all equal n shiieeet.
Great and terrible times ahead of him but he must and will learn. As they all will.
I'm the big guy at my local strip mall handing them out in a hoodie. Was beyond HILARIOUS and from what the chimps told me it actually worked and another told me their barista quit and laughed about it.
user I…
I said we need white people. Obviously we need to get a bunch of white people to use the same coupons the blacks are using. Then we take up complaining when the whites get turned away. We basically use their bullshit against them. We either help people ruin the profits of starbucks or cause another shitstorm.
Pretty sure the guy is just acting but reading an actualy liberal story
I would say he deserves it, but no, he doesn't deserve to quit his job because of a nigger. He deserves to get mugged by a nigger, then get fired because getting mugged is a microaggression.
I was about to call you a stupid faggot, but holy crap that actually worked. How is that even possible? Hooktube is not caching, because the file is pulled from, yet the channel is clearly shut down. Wtf is going on here?
No way those coupons made it into nigger hands. Sounds like a cuckchanner having fun.
From what confirmed plebbit baristas and nigger Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter and my own fucking eyes, yes they fucking did. The thing with niggers is they're either really stupid or really evil and they don't care whether the coupons are fake or not they will always make a scene and try to whine and complain like a manchild and nigger something out of the manager to business and always dealing with shit like if you've ever worked in restaurants you know that niggers NEVER TIP.
All it takes is one of them to see it and they'll distribute it. They probably sold them as %50 off. Pay half of what it's worth and you get a free coffee.
How did they get the coupons? Did they go to 4chan and print them out? None of it makes any sense.
Niggers know they're fake and still use them. They don't care. They prey on who is weak. It's a tactic the left uses, too. When they smell blood, they swarm. It's simple and animalistic. It's why they eat each other so often. It's strange, because even dogs have some sort of appealing to sympathy. They roll over to show their weak stomach when they want to act submissive. In a way leftists and niggers are less human than dogs.
Those coupons have been all over Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter and youtube. Plenty of opportunity for nogs to spot it.
The most disgusting people are the ones who tend to get the most indignant over anyone challenging their abhorrent behavior.
Wish I could play mp4's.
This computer still uses xp, and updates are shut off.
white phosphored
It's like when a leftist hears the word nigger or Hitler. They get more angry then a holocaust "survivor" or a nigger himself. How did this happen? Besides the social engineering, biological fuckery through water and food and so on. There must have been some serious trauma based mind control going on in American schools. How many kids watched Schindler's list in school? millions right? Very graphic scenes in that movie for a kid. When confronted with someone who denies the holocaust, something is triggered in their brain. I think that trigger is planted when they watched that movie. I think it's a light form of Trauma based mind control.
Why does a leftist go into a rage when he hears a word like nigger? That shit must have been ingrained at a young age through some sort of mind control, whether by the school, fellow brainwashed kids brainwashing each other and media. It's all very interesting.
Many of them have it in their heads that whites are superior to "minorities" (worldwide, whites are actually the minorities), and they must show kindness to lesser creatures. Point this out to them, and they deny it vehemently, and THAT'S where their psychosis starts to create the "making up for past white misdeeds" cuts in, as it is the only way they can rationalize their own behavior.
Virtue-signalling is an act of ego, you have to possess a very arrogant personality to believe that you have the status to "help" those "poor, mistreated minorities" as you would help a starving and mistreated animal.
If they actually respected "minorities" they would expect as much decency, morality, and capability from them as they would any white person, and they would not make excuses for those that do not meet said standards, any more than they would make excuses for any white that doesn't.
The mind of a leftist liberal is a mass of conflict, they are in a constant state of cognitive dissonance, and they must continually rationalize their own beliefs on the fly.
Shitloads of anons went around postering their campus and towns anonymously.
Well put.
Well said, and it explains why liberals are truly the racist ones. For example people that push the melting pot meme or race mixing in general are the racist ones. They want to see entire bloodlines erased to form a mongrel horde. Also it seems that whites are the only people on the planet to practice altruism. I think this, along with the cognitive dissonance a liberal experiences, sends their brains completely fucking haywire.
I personally think yours is the best post on Zig Forums, it describes the modern face of society and the new generation perfectly
My favourite part
>Virtue-signalling is an act of ego, you have to possess a very arrogant personality to believe that you have the status to "help" those "poor, mistreated minorities" as you would help a starving and mistreated animal.
I see this everyday. In the media or social media, how they praise and patronise lesser minorities (mostly blacks) for doing completely unremarkable things relative to whites or virtually all other races (again, in the case of blacks). For example, I have never in my life seen a news article regarding a non-black having a non-retarded school test score making international news, as if it was such a truly remarkable unusual occurrence. It makes them feel good about themselves looking down on the coloreds People Of Crime and it is just so funny how brutally patronised and impressed they are, as if not only did they know deep down they were inherently inferior but they were "animals" and it's amazing to see animals do mundane things, neat "tricks", that would be simple for a human being but impressive when it is done by a lowly animal. They let them get away with all their niggershines like animals, putting them on the lowest standards, or none at all. For they will never know any better or be any better for as long as they live, it is in their nature, they are animals, "Pocks"(POC). It even explains their complete apathy and silence regarding what are considered the "successful minorities" such as the pajeets in America. It would crush their ego and virtual signaling dopamine injections, and invalidating the entire leftist mainsteam zeitgeist clown worldview.
Ego is exactly how I would define the entire millennial generation, selfishness being the boomers. You see it everywhere and I know social media web 2.0 bullshit is to blame. It's why they're in so much shit socially and so fucking retarded. X may have its problems but I've long accepted we're an unremarkable lazy deadbeat (((mtv))) generation but still we're better than anything else outside GG and the few SG. I'll take it. Thank god we're not boomers or millennials. It's still a toss up what the hell Z will be but I hope they put a bullet in the worst generations. Well, maybe millennials can still unfuck themselves and the world. They're still young, so who the fuck knows.
>liberals are the true racists
You imply there's something fundamentally wrong with racism. There's nothing wrong with racism. Racism is a natural survival instinct, expressed by any healthy, racially conscious people.
Nice post. They are indeed patronising other people they think are inferior. It is really insulting to the "lesser ones". The power structure -three parentheses- have manipulated people with their own vanity to help fulfill the harmful global agenda.
This' is why one should always try to post a MP4/WebM and the original link. The YouTube clip is offline, but some user did the right thing and converted it to a file before that. -> I know this video isn't very crucial information but still..
To download YouTube and other videos:
To convert videos to formats such as WebM (remember to add a title in the Tag tab for more information):
Just a couple of versatile programs.
The truth here is that dogs were domesticated, but niggers never were. Some animals can't be domesticated (even if they can be trained to mimic human behaviors; like dolphins, bears, and niggers).
According the 'The Fourth Turning' Z are the next GG, the hero generation with X acting in the leadership roles. As a theory the book holds up pretty well. I can't see it being wrong about us being due for a period of catastrophe. Winter is coming.
Fond memories of eating buttery oiled popcorn watching this, and all the stares from yids in the theater.
I hope the soycucks put in their notices, as Starcucks are making reparations real.
Lel, fucking asking for this to go next tier aren't they.
I have a hard time telling if even that story is a poe. It seems to me like it could be a libcuck or it could be a cuck/pol/er pulling a psyop.
The objective was that Starcucks gave free coffee to niggers, and that worked perfectly fine and it showed how full of white guilt the liberals working for Starcucks are and are simply afraid of denying niggers anything. And according to those leddit posts it redpilled people a bit on nigger behaviorism (assuming those posts weren't shitposts). How in anyway is that a failure of any kind?
Saved. This is the Zig Forums I know and admire.
Accuse they are like dogs that been trained to bark on command
Certain trigger words has been planted by you-know-who.
its a meme to say "liberals are the real racists" of course, but it depends on what you mean by "racism". its just become a vauge buzzword to me. does that word mean races are different, as in reality? or that you are trying to destroy a race?
when I have the misfortune of talking to some vapid libfaggot, I always try to make him define what racism means, after they stutter and stumble through that, they still refuse to use their big boy words. Its like an English teacher trying to get a 4th grader to use descriptive words in a sentence. probably because "are you kidding me??" is the main response to asking what racism is.
nice work
there should be more like you
Apparently jewtube doesn't actually purge the video files from (((deleted))) videos immediately. I wouldn't rely on this behaviour though, so archive that shit.
nice. going to use again. I've been trying to articulate exactly that for some time. you nailed it
You speak the truth.
im guessing the video is still left in their cache servers for a while and can be reached with a direct link.
That's also a possibility. Anyone have an interesting jewtube video which was (((deleted))) fairly long ago so I can try youtube-dl on it?
This melting pot meme is a jew plan to create a servitor race to dumb to oppose them and ensure their supreme rule. They put their intent in print many times sicne the 1800.
The most bizarre attempt would be "homo sovjeticus" jew bolsheviks trying to cross breed slavs with apes, in hope to create a slave race for them.
This coupon thing has a even bigger potential
As you all know jews where behind the slave trade
"My ancestors was deeply involved in the slave trade, please accept this free coupon from my business" regards CEO schlomo
What accent does he have?
It sounds like a mixture of a Californian and rural Texan accent.
Mass hordes of homeless will have a bigger impact on them than coupons.
Throwing hard boiled eggs about the ceiling tiles in random directions will make the place quite unpleasant as well.
so when you quit starbucks, they banish you to an a-ha music video?
are these cucks really so desperate to work at a shitty coffee shop that they will put up with bullshit like this?