It's time we discuss this

What kind of soycuck reasoning is this? Are some of you actually taking the optics position seriously? You think we should have subhumans as neighbors? You want to allow these groups the opportunity to infiltrate and destroy what we create?

I keep seeing this posted by the weakest/most subversive among you, and I find you tolerance not just disgusting, but a threat.

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Is loving your people not compatible with eliminating the other groups that threaten it?

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Nice try, FBI.

Good numbers, but your position remains:
Kill yourself.

OP is a kike currently railing against anybody that's approving of a black man that just called out the Holohoax. He's so buttblasted that nobody's agreeing with him in this thread that he started a new one to try and get the rest of us to embrace the screeching omnicidal stereotype Jews depend on people associating with National Socialism.

Hide, sage, report, call the SS, warm the ovens.

And then publicly apologized.

What's the matter? Can't argue against my point? Need to "shut it down", Shlomo?


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Compromise will destroy us.

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National Socialism WAS about loving your own race and not hating others

That time has passed, Hitler lost and his homeland was ravaged to the point its barely even Germany anymore. We have given these Jews and niggers everything and they do nothing but spit in our faces and shit on the graves of our ancestors

The possibility for a future NatSoc brotherhood of mankind between all races has been destroyed

Have your fill of white-paid taxes while you can Jew, have your fill of white women while you can nigger, when we awaken we will not have mercy upon you this time. Mercy is no longer an option when our very survival is at stake now. You will all be offered upon the Altar of Mars.

I weep for what was lost, and could have been now.

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I don’t have to hate ants to know I want them eradicated in my house and prevented from ever returning. I don’t have to hate the AIDS virus to know that I want it eradicated from the face of the Earth. You don’t comprehend the appropriate use of hate, likely because you have been brainwashed against the concept of “acceptable hate”, like we all once were.

Killing people in the other side of the world preemptively because you think you can't "compete", because you didn't focus in your own development, is not only weakness, but it's anti-Christian. If it's anti-Christian, I don't see it as National Socialism.

I don't even kill animals I'm not going to eat or that are not threatening me. I'm clearly superior to them, still so, as long as they aren't threatening me, they may have its space in this world. I'm not killing men for vanity, specially the inferior ones. They may live as long as they are harmless or cooperate.

That's the way I see it. This is my position. Killing God's creation for vanity is a deadly sin, it's degeneration. It's anti-Christian. It's anti-NS. Sage for the waste of men and energy edgy anons may cause, for their circle-jerking about recruiting for racial death squads that won't ever happen and losing focus in the main issue: our own race and our own communities.

Since when loving your race = hating other races? Hitler is the father of NS and he didn't hate other race for no reason, he hated the jew for being a parasite and a blight in his country. Are you an FBI trying to push peoples to be a neo nazo skinhead degenerate?

Hand has been played.
Where the fuck are the mods?

Just to make it clear, I'm and . And no one else. I did even quote myself above to make it clear.

And I'm out.

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To hate those whom are capable of peaceful coexistence is silly, yes. Peaceful coexistence isn't possible with some groups however.

who can't you peacefully coexist with, and why should you hate them either way?

you're a faggot. kill yourself.

Allow me to address your blackpills:

It was a socio-economical system. However, it was based on what you said.


Let me address the 3 things you said right there. 1) Hitler (and eventually Japan) lost. 2) His homeland was ravaged because during war, the people on power forgot to make the necessary preparations. PROTIP: sending Germans to other countries if you're Germany is dangerous BECAUSE should you lose then the Germans there will have it as bad as your lost country; instead he should have sent allies OR neutral populations there. And 3) Germany will make a comeback.

Are you over 100 years old? Or are you the descendants of those high ranking Nazis? (if the latter, are you on DACA or still living in the spanish speaking country you were born in?)

>everything has to be destroyed, just like (((they))) want
no, and you're a shill

I won't even going to report you…

Did you only read the first line of the OP?

I never even used the word except as a quotation of illiterate retards like yourself.

Pic related.

to be fair, I was going to remain (1) because of how shitty this thread is (4me). Just making my (2) to you because I don't want you to think all is lost. My guess is that the fags in this thread feel bad and want others feel the same (shills or blackpillers, all the same).

The pic in question.

Attached: hitler on the bible.png (516x201, 26.88K)

Doesn't change the fact that invading other nation and sending your countryman to die for no fucking reason other than "they're different" is the opposite of loving your race and nation.

This world is shit and we are ruled by demon-worshiping cultists , the key to the blackpill is just not letting it make you a depressed faggot. The true blackpill must stare into the Abyss and conquer it and make it his own.

No, the time has passed user. Hitler was 70 fucking years ago. His ideas were brilliant and I consider him an idol, I have read Mein Kampf 3 times now, but that does not mean that everything he said is relevant to today. A very large amount of it is, but times change user, and alot of shit can change in 70 years. Hitler said that Muslims and Arabs were cool and a good ally against the Jew. Do you think he would have thought the same thing if he could step into modern day Germany and look at the horror that the Jew has unleashed on them, the endless Mudslime rape and erosion of his own culture? I think he would have changed his tune real quick.

Japan wasnt raped and their culture and territory obliterated like Germany was

No, his homeland was ravaged because the allies are god damned pieces of shit that were working with the Jews, and the Jews wanted the total obliteration of the Germanic race. Read "Germany Must Perish".

The babylonians made no comeback, their people are dead, what remains of their genetics are a few disparate half-arab tribes currently being raped and genocided out of existence by full arab tribes. Their great monuments are buried beneath the sand and their idols stand amidst mountains, broken and shattered. The Aryans made no comeback, their land, once a paradise, is now a hell of poo and rape. Their religion has been perverted into a shit-worshiping mockery and half the shitskins that worship their gods dont even fucking know anything about the gods they worship. Why exactly should I believe that Germany will make a comeback, now that the whole of Europe is in the starting phase of what led to the end of these ancient Empires? All things die and all things end, to assume that anything lasts forever is not only stupid but dangerous. I love Germany but I am not wishful-thinking fool when it comes to its destiny. The Germany I love is dead.

By "we" I mean white people in general. Americans gave niggers their freedom, reparations, free money for going to school and being a retard, free money just for being a retard, allowing them to breed with our own women, and what kind of respect do we get for this? They destroy the monuments of our ancestors, they vandalize our communities, and the women that dont want to date Tyrone get raped anyways. Europeans ended colonialism and gave all these miserable savages their homelands and their freedom, and how do the savages repay them? By flooding their lands and mass-raping their women.

There is no mercy for these people. On both ends. They literally do not understand the concept of mercy.

When did I say this? Not everything. But alot. And everything that belongs to the enemy? Most definitely. Every single piece of African art should be burned, every single book written by a Jew should be shredded and cast to the wind. If you think they want anything less for you and your culture youre a clueless idiot.

I work a job and pay taxes and rent, fuck you. And even then, this society needs to burn. When the welfare money that my own ancestors have amassed over centuries is being given out like a handout to every nigger and spic that wants to go to college and fuck white girls, why in the hell should I support this system, or feel guilty for trying to make it crumble as quickly as possible? If you think the state is your friend you havent been paying attention.

This is why im Heathen and won't ever step foot in a church except with the purpose of smashing every idol of Christ and making it into a Pagan Temple.

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Good evening Zig Forums.

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check mate skinhead

niggers will rape you and your wife and make you watch, and they will laugh about it the entire time. This is the fate you chose by choosing weakness over strength and mercy over victory.

The whole blackpill attack on our position stems from a leftist-ish hatred of reality. It's too inconvenient for them to admit life is competition, and that belonging to a group necessarily means opposing other other groups who have conflicting goals. Reality is too scary for these weak faggots. They'll never do what is needed to preserve their people.

Non-white detected.


If they stay on their continent they are zero threat to me. If we stopped all support of Africa it'd collapse pretty fast.

Tell me again why should I care that niggers gangrape your mom? why should I mobilize my army because chink like to eat dogs and niggers only capable of making mudhut? I rather spend all that resources into space program and faster than light travel

The jews would never have accomplished any of their subversion if it weren't for permissive faggots like you.

You idiots honestly think human ambition stops at one continent? I guess America never happened. Whites have no desire to expand. Hitler was going to spread into Russia, and then give away.

Again, no understanding of reality. You people who believe in coexistence are jews in white clothing.

You're laying it on too thick. Nobody even believes you're from here.

The subversive whispering of (((Christianity))) convincing everyone niggers and kikes and etc. are just different colored/different looking humans that ultimately are capable of sharing European values or achieving what Europeans can. Just as the kikes intended.

space travel is not going to happen as long as niggers are here in america, raping your women and stealing your resources. The fact you joke about my mother is a sign you arent from here. the rape of our women by the enemy isnt a fucking joke, and it will be repaid with blood.

Yeah, Ive noticed that thats been the effect of the blackpill meme, I tried to tell a guy about Ruby Ridge and he said to "stop blackpilling". He might has misinterpreted the way I presented the information to him, but it was a sign that he is scared of reality and just wants to keep fighting the meme war, blind to the reality that memes are just propaganda and ideas, the true war will be much bloodier and harsher.

Niggers are standing on one of the most valuable resource mines on the planet. Someone is going to kill the niggers off in order to get those resources, and if its not going to be us its going to be the Arabs, the Jews or the Chinaman. All of which can pose a serious threat when given the right resources, the Muslim especially, which has posed a very serious threat to Europe in the past. If you are too weak and "Christian" to take what is being willfully given, then someone else will snatch it quickly. This is why you dont get laid user. Its also the same reason you lose at SC: Brood war. Youre so fucking into space and aliens and shit huh? How are going to get to space when most of the Earths most valuable resources are right beneath a giant horde of niggers? Right, we will just hug them and explain slowly that "white man needs up up into sky !" Im sure that will work, it has worked plenty in the past.

Meanwhile, in South Africa………..

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Africans would have gone extinct long ago if we didn't keep them on life support. The only ones in need of gassing for now are the globalist jews. Without them, and extinct niggers, I think the world would get along okay. CivNat push toward an EthnoNat goal. Keep in mind, whites are the majority on the planet. Sperging out with plans to genocide 85% of the planet seems like a great way to end up having whites deleted from the Earth. As awesome as whites are, we're not in any position to take on the entire world in a final epic battle… although it might be a nice thought. Soft killing "trouble makers" via eugenics and sterilization is a much safer strategy.

I don't think we'd get off that easy. The Chinese have aspirations of ascending to kikelike global dominance. Search the catalog for the thread about a Chinese general. They want to annex Australia and Canada.

meant to say "whites are the minority on the planet"

you almost got me there user

oh, wait, youre not a clever subversive troll. just an insane idiot. how disappointing.

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Yeah. I can see this coming. Hopefully the chinks will wipe out the jews, but I'm worried. They (chinks) are the true majority in the world. Also, notice how chinks don't put up with "diversity" and other jew tricks and faggotry. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Got an argument, or are you just the optics police?

Reality will deal with them whether they like it or not.

Most of the planet is held where it is by whites. They have no chance of opposing us without exploiting our outgroup appreciation, which will always remain a danger as long as they exist, or we do not purge weaklings like you.

I thought that ending the jews, not trying to fight the whole world at once, and sterilizing niggers seemed like a solid plan. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you have a better idea.

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This thread isn't about immediately declaring war on everyone without any subtlety. It's about defining the actual position you take. Is your goal eternal triumph, or temporary domination, and then inevitable subversion? What are you trying to achieve? I don't care if you lie to enemies to make them think you're docile, but I want to know that my people are committed to actually winning.

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Implying we even have to, when the white man has recovered from his current state he will rain fire and hell down upon the swarthy skinned demons. YOURE the blackpilled faggot around here if you really think Europeans couldnt handle a global war with every other shitskin nation fighting against us. The only times whites have ever faced an extensive military threat was against ourselves or against the Muslims (and lets get real here, Muslims would still be sticking their dicks in the sand if they hadnt pilfered the Library of Alexandria and stolen much ancient Greek knowledge from it, lets also not forget that Arabs used to be much whiter and every other historical Arab figure I've read about was described as green-eyed.)

The threat that they pose to us is far more dangerous, because they dont fight us with war. They know they would lose a global war with whites, their annihilation wouldnt even be worth calling a "war". they fight us via rape, subversion, lies and abusing our trust, and because of brainlets like you that think "we can just be friends if you stay on your continent" it keeps this endless cycle up of the Aryan conquering the shitskin, the shitskin groveling and begging for mercy, the Aryan granting said mercy, and the next 1000 years being the shitskin raping the Aryans woman when he isnt looking and molesting his children when he is out fighting battles to keep them safe. Mercy is no longer an option. Weak, passive and unwarlike men like you have always been a much bigger threat to the white man than any nigger or Jew.

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so in other words, you want to be a globalist and create 1 world government? Only jews want to dominate the world because they're greedy kike, are you a jew?

I want to create a white world government.
Sure seems that way.


>implying all "whites" would magically join forces even though the EU, Germany, Sweden, France have been (((brainwashed))) and cucked to absurd levels
I can appreciate that you want RWDS and DOTR tomorrow, but sadly, I don't see it happening. The only thing I see is you running into the street with your pitchfork screaming "gas the kikes, race war now" and getting smashed by the ZOG machine on day one and earning a one way trip to Valhalla. Admirable, but not plausible. It will take time to topple the jewish mind control and propaganda before we can fight back effectively and awaken the sons of Europa. It will take generations for whites to recover. I hope I see the Fourth Reich in my time, but seeing the merchant panic as the whole world gets wise to the JQ is fine for now.

Basically means kick them out of your country and let them fester in their non-white shitholes without help from the white man, while whites create the apex of society and venture out into the stars.

If I have to fucking share a space shuttle with some fucking hooting and hollering niggers I will fucking kill everybody on board.

go back to leftypol already, youre not changing any minds, youre not getting anyone panties twisted, youre just annoying with how willfully retarded you are.

All I read in your post is "I oppose whites taking over the planet". I have no preference for people other than my own existing, because I'm not mentally ill.