This world is shit and we are ruled by demon-worshiping cultists , the key to the blackpill is just not letting it make you a depressed faggot. The true blackpill must stare into the Abyss and conquer it and make it his own.
No, the time has passed user. Hitler was 70 fucking years ago. His ideas were brilliant and I consider him an idol, I have read Mein Kampf 3 times now, but that does not mean that everything he said is relevant to today. A very large amount of it is, but times change user, and alot of shit can change in 70 years. Hitler said that Muslims and Arabs were cool and a good ally against the Jew. Do you think he would have thought the same thing if he could step into modern day Germany and look at the horror that the Jew has unleashed on them, the endless Mudslime rape and erosion of his own culture? I think he would have changed his tune real quick.
Japan wasnt raped and their culture and territory obliterated like Germany was
No, his homeland was ravaged because the allies are god damned pieces of shit that were working with the Jews, and the Jews wanted the total obliteration of the Germanic race. Read "Germany Must Perish".
The babylonians made no comeback, their people are dead, what remains of their genetics are a few disparate half-arab tribes currently being raped and genocided out of existence by full arab tribes. Their great monuments are buried beneath the sand and their idols stand amidst mountains, broken and shattered. The Aryans made no comeback, their land, once a paradise, is now a hell of poo and rape. Their religion has been perverted into a shit-worshiping mockery and half the shitskins that worship their gods dont even fucking know anything about the gods they worship. Why exactly should I believe that Germany will make a comeback, now that the whole of Europe is in the starting phase of what led to the end of these ancient Empires? All things die and all things end, to assume that anything lasts forever is not only stupid but dangerous. I love Germany but I am not wishful-thinking fool when it comes to its destiny. The Germany I love is dead.
By "we" I mean white people in general. Americans gave niggers their freedom, reparations, free money for going to school and being a retard, free money just for being a retard, allowing them to breed with our own women, and what kind of respect do we get for this? They destroy the monuments of our ancestors, they vandalize our communities, and the women that dont want to date Tyrone get raped anyways. Europeans ended colonialism and gave all these miserable savages their homelands and their freedom, and how do the savages repay them? By flooding their lands and mass-raping their women.
There is no mercy for these people. On both ends. They literally do not understand the concept of mercy.
When did I say this? Not everything. But alot. And everything that belongs to the enemy? Most definitely. Every single piece of African art should be burned, every single book written by a Jew should be shredded and cast to the wind. If you think they want anything less for you and your culture youre a clueless idiot.
I work a job and pay taxes and rent, fuck you. And even then, this society needs to burn. When the welfare money that my own ancestors have amassed over centuries is being given out like a handout to every nigger and spic that wants to go to college and fuck white girls, why in the hell should I support this system, or feel guilty for trying to make it crumble as quickly as possible? If you think the state is your friend you havent been paying attention.
This is why im Heathen and won't ever step foot in a church except with the purpose of smashing every idol of Christ and making it into a Pagan Temple.
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