The Plot Thickens: TV actress linked to sex cult tied to Hillary Clinton
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FYI you linked to an article from 2007, not the one in the screenshot.
I linked to exactly what I said, a 10 year old article that says a sex cult was a huge Hillary donator.
Raniere claims to have been a child prodigy who achieved the 1989 Guinness World Record for “Highest IQ”
As early as 1984, at age 24, he manipulated a 15-year-old girl into a four-month sexual relationship, the woman, Gina Melita, told the Albany Times Union. In 1990 he also allegedly molested the 12-year-old daughter of a Consumers’ Buyline employee, after grooming her as her tutor, according to the victim.
Shown: Keith Raniere
That article from 2007 says nothing about it being a sex cult, just that they were Hillary supporters.
Literally retarded.
There's no reason for you to be embarrassed just because you posted the wrong link. It could happen to anyone. The right one has been posted and your thread thrives on. Turn that frown upside down.
(Kek wills these dubs)
This. That is definitely a kike with some White admixture on her messed up genes.
Regarding the Bronfman (billionaire heiresses) sisters who funded the cult's father:
"As President of the World Jewish Congress, Bronfman is especially remembered for initiating diplomacy with the Soviet Union, which resulted in legitimizing the Hebrew language in Russia, and contributed to Soviet Jews being legally able to practice their own religion, as well as emigrate to Israel."
This is just too good
user come on
Damn, Zig Forums I hate to tell ou this but the Q LARPERS have been digging on this for a while and quite frankly uncovered a lot more surrounding victims of this cult and connection to Obama, Alefatis, and more high media figures. It's weird for me to say but I think the BQQMERS are overtaking the crowd here in usefulness. I'm just surprised that Zig Forums isn't all over this, researching deep, but they are.
lmao what a retard
Fucking disgusting
Splatter time
Zig Forums has been dead for months - everyone of any skill level is over at q, because that shit is real. Even the shills have left Zig Forums, which is a sure fire sign nothing of note is getting posted here.
>back to Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit
here you go faggot
Another skeevy jew into trafficking and other illegal activities?
Kill yourself.
Not sure if trolling or actually just this stupid.
It's a Den Of Vipers that reaches from the seats of Power to the streets of every city on the planet. The next shoe to drop is Satanic human sacrifice
Wow she's so beautiful though…
They were. Lana was first fap.
Fuck off kike.
Her name is Alison
Fuck off back to reddit, cancer
life is depressing and a huge disappointment, never think that pretty or otherwise attractive girls will make better decisions than a fucking downey.
They just accept whatever attention is thrown at them, and they don't care about the source.
this is not /SIG/
mainshit media be like
your first fap was watching a fully clothed negress in a young superman program. get the fuck out of here you fucking piece of shit.
t. first fap was scrambled porn
where the nudes?
President was becoming about the only acting role left to the goyim. Too bad about these sex scandals. I guess Drumpf's monkey business set the stage.
Die leftycuck
incel virgin detected.
yes, Zig Forums is dead and posters like you are the reason.
Looks exactly like jew.
Even worse, you wasted that get you monumental faggot
'You are delicious': The Sixth Sense actress Samia Shoaib reveals how Smallville star Allison Mack 'tried to recruit her into Nxivm sex cult
Read more: dailymail.co.uk
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delicious? um, no
I'd let Mack brand my genitals and then I'd ejaculate inside her vagina ridiculously quickly.
'tis true
there's been a lot of info dropped at >>>/qresearch/810563 and the thread already here .
(I merely say that in the interest of not duplicating work.)
Could definitely use some simplistic relationship diagrams.
>daughter of the former president of the jewish congress keylogged his computer and fed (((sensitive))) data to this cult.
That's just one of the many bizarre side plots in this story.
Man, this might be the best year for (((hollywood))) scandals. Weinstein, the pedokike from Nick/Viacom, and now this. There's more to come, I have no doubt.
Reminder, friends. It takes at least three facial recognition ticks before you can fairly call someone a kike without evidence.
If she was a kike she would've gotten surgery to fix the nose.
I'm pretty sure this is an actual white girl who is a victim of marxism and kikes in general.
I was just thinking about that show the other day.
gummy and jagged smile
Those smiles don't look the same to me, but she has a thin upper lip either way, so you're right, that's certainly three.
This is why the women need to lose the rights. Too many women make stupid decisions.
Bronfmans were criminal bootleggers from the Prohibition era…
Not really "high society" at all.
I suspect that it was connected to the fappening. So they got into the Icloud ok. What is in the Icloud? Sure apple tells you just the things you put in it, but are they are kikes so they are lying.
So imagine a scenario, where a hacker group got into the icloud, and not only found compromising nude pictures, but found other stuff as well. This would just be conjecture, until you take into consideration the advanced hacks that happened after the fappening, into the studios.
Suddenly it becomes clear that during the last 4 years of kang nigger, tons of hacks occurred against the various studios then as these hacks were occurring various sex scandals have hit the mainstream. I would not be surprised if it was foreign sleeper agents or rouge US assets that pushed the latest craze of sex scandals just to set the stage for the implosion.
noice plug there
Bootlegging and other criminal Prohibition-era industries were commonly used by well-funded foreign nationals to get a foothold on US political machine. Tbqh.
quintessential aquiline anglo nose
This is Pizzagate:
Yet another degenerate kike.
Valid link to liddlekidz mentor (and heart touch aids faggot lover founder), Shawnee Isaac Smith?
Pretty sure she's white and fell prey to jewry, dude.
Vanity Fair The Heiress and The Cult archive.is
That browbone says otherwise. She's a kike, there's just a good deal of crypsis.
Nah. Some whites just look like kikes. Ever seen someone that's polish and roman? Find some kike ancestry first. Shouldn't be hard.
All I can find is Germany. Mack is an odd name for a German. Also her sisters are named Shannon and Robyn. None of this sounds very German so far. Sounds a little… international.
There's a definite possibility, but remember whites are the most exploratory race. I'm telling you, it makes me anxious to meet up with other natsocs because of my admixture. I know there's no jew, I've asked my family, but I'm not sure how many of you will believe that on dotr. Polish and roman is a scarily kike-looking mix.
Still no nudes?
Awfully generic. She's something that got a random pronounceable name on it upon arrival. Possibly (((Ashkenazi))) in origin.
See, that's what I was thinking.
I bet you don't have a brow bone shaped like that, though.
Mack is out on bail. Poor girl will never live to see a trial after all the people she has flipped on. Fentanyl OD incoming.
I can't find any evidence for Alison Mack being jewish. I thought I did at first but the thing people were quoting was from a blog post she had reposted from her friend, so it was her friend that was jewish.
Other than that the only things I could find were:
Another woman called Alison Mack who is jewish as her Instagram is @spoiledjewishprincess and she says she's jewish. But that's definitely a different Alison Mack as you can see photos of her. So at least that proves that a woman with the name Alsion Mack can be jewish.
And the actress Alison Mack's dad, an opera singer called Jonathan Mack, has performed at a jewish event:
But then he also performed at a Christian event:
So that doesn't really prove anything.
I couldn't find any information about her mum, Mindy, other than that she is (or was) an administrator and teacher in Montessori schools.
I forgot to add that I also don't think her nose and mouth proves that she's jewish as I saw plenty of girls with similar noses and mouths at secondary school and I went to a church school so I doubt they were jewish.
A recent Fappening (3?) had photos of Bex Taylor-Klaus naked and tied up. There were rumours that she was in the NXIVM cult and that the photos were from that. It looks like the internet has been scrubbed of those rumours though since I searched Bex Taylor-Klaus and NXIVM but none of the things I had previously read came up.
Jonathan Mack : not jewish
What is that second pic supposed to prove? There's nothing in that which relates to his photo. He might be jewish but I can't find any evidence of it.
Co-founder of NXIVM Nancy (((Salzman))) also not jewish
Soooo…. unless the jew has admitted to being a jew in writing they're probably, maybe not jewish.
Soooo…. unless a celebrity hasn't admitted that they're not jewish in writing then they must be jewish?
Shit, I fucked that up. I meant "if a celebrity hasn't admitted that they not jewish"
Jon Cryer : Methodist
Yep, that's the point of the photo. Jon Cryer has "admitted" that despite looking jewish he is not in fact jewish at all.
uh huh
Go look up his parents and grandparents. I can't find any evidence any of them are jewish. The surname Cryer is English and derived from Old French:
The surnames Kiger and Spitler did sound like they could be jewish but Kiger is a German name that dates back to possibly as early as between the 2nd & 6th century:
And Spitler is an English name, although I don't know how far it dates back. It just says "ancient times" here:
Jon Cryer's maternal Grandmother's name was Niven and that's derived from Gaelic:
So no evidence of jewishness despite Jon Cryer looking jewish.
He doesn't have the jew brow. Alison Mack does though.
Jew brow? Her eyebrows and forehead just look like the average non-jewish girl.
The v-shaped bone above the nose. There's also a large degree of what I can only describe as Loomerism in the facial features. Not saying it's impossible that she's white, it's just unlikely.
Mack looks way cuter than Portman
Thou doth protest too much.
Only jews look jewish,son.
A straight nose is a fairly unreliable indicator in this day and age.
Go back!
hurr durr
I found out i have 2% kike. Feels bad man
Dude they give like almost everyone 1-2% for shits and giggles, they admitted that. Get a second opinion and you'll see
Jesus, this is some cycle-of-abuse shit. Are we reaching They Live tier levels of seeing behind the masquerade?
I got tested before I knew how much of a bad idea it was. Turns out I'm 95% European and 5% raghead (probably turkroach). No kike. No nigger.
I can live with that.
also Puerto Vallarta is know as a homosexual, Pedo for the gringos, it is all well know for the locals in here, thats why we hate them, because they came and purchase poor homeless childrens, just to have sex with them, you can see them in all the dicos around the beach