Yeah, fuck you.
Don't Seek Victory, Goy
Mods please don't poke the autist he'll only slide more.
Here's your , now take it and simmer down.
If you're an expert on Nat Soc why don't you regale us on how your position is superior in a logical, clear and well-structured manner?
Can you explain how keeping our competitors around is better than defeating them outright?
It puts our nations at risk.
It puts our terrorists at risk.
Fuck off, retard. Your autism is worse than the kikes talking about exterminating all goyim long ago. All you will do is justify the genocide of Whites with this garbage.
The concept of natural selection and predation. The idea is that expulsion of the weaker races (and total annihilation of the juden, to make sure it lasts) will force them to adapt or die in a new land. In reality, the forced expulsion would be met with violent resistance, and the remains of the races would try to raid the country. This would result in violent retribution against them, as a manner of national defense. Even if they stayed in the lands they were sent to, they would not be adapted to the weather, and would be violently attacked by natives.
When we include concepts likes living space of the white man, then we can expand on your worries. But these are all in phases, of course.
There's your fucking answer. THINK for once in your life.
God you are fucking dumb. You can't put a cart in front of a horse. We are outnumbered and do not have any backup option in case your """heroic""" nuclear apocalypse sends a few Gigatons of radioactive ash into the atmosphere causing a 20 year winter. Hence, sustainable space colonies first, then if eugenics and segregation fails, only then when there is proper moral grounds to support such a war. You do not understand what the current situation is and where most white people are psychologically. Just because 8ch looks fashy and comfy doesn't mean the world is. Don't be deluded about how far we can come in our lives and what price certain actions carry.
You say competitor as though competition is a bad thing. Competition is good for evolution. Whites will win naturally, we just have a choice whether to do so by decimating the world population (including ours) or by being smarter and longer term rather than brash and destructive. I do not see any problem with letting other races pursue their own interests in space and their home nations, it is a problem though if they follow the jew into their ideological and military battle to dominate the Goyim as cattle.
As if they haven't already begun the process. Gimme a break, faggot. Only white people need a "justification" to secure victory for themselves.
You didn't address my point at all. Why should we aim at coexistence instead of complete victory?
Illiterate detected. I never said declare immediate war, I'm ultimate goals. Try again, retard.
>I'm talking ultimate goals
Left out a word.
reported :)
I see a huge problem with letting competitors achieve parity with my own people. But then I'm not soyboy faggot.
Who is (((your peoples)))? The only peoples that want to achieve world domination is a kike
Certainly seems that way. It's not gonna cucks like you stopping them, though.
Filthy weakling, endgame posting is the highest level of posting. Who you are is dictated by your final goal. A man with a weak goal has a weak will. You will be left out of the coming Reich with that attitude.
Communists use race as a tool. They really hate it when it's thrown back in their face. This bridge can be crossed when we come to it. Right now, we need all the dirty tricks in the book. It's time we stopped playing by the rules.
Alright, a real white man (or a kike, apparently, because only kikes believe in victory).
Because I'm not a kike, I only seek prosperity for my peoples, not making enemies with others
kike posters
Idiot, life is competition. All outgroups are your enemy. As this planet fills up there'll only be room for one group.
Let me ask you this, you fucking goof. Do you think kikes give two shits about niggers? They're using them as a tool to get what they want. Do you think the mulattos in the ADL give two shits about kikes? They're using them as a tool to get what they want.
You're the one acting blindly on emotion. Come at this from a cooler perspective.
look at Europe and the invasion they're fialing to cope with. Fuck off, kike
with today's science, evolution doesn't exist anymore you fucking kike
No. Fuck off with this boomercuck "heritage not hate" crap. I love my people and hate their enemies.
What the fuck does anything you said have to do with this thread? It always blows my mind how people just evacuate whatever half-formed shitheaded thought is rotting in their grey matter without first seeking context for it.
Feel free to dismantle what I said instead of spouting "u r dum" in fancy language like a faggot.
Exactly, Hulk. That's what I was saying, though I don't necessarily hate all my enemies, I just recognize their position as a competitor.
No, fuck off unless you want to say something related to ultimate goals. I'm not going to deconstruct you stream of conscious head leak.
Make me.
Listen, dummy. You're not blowing anyone's mind. We've already gone over this dozens of times, and it's the white man's birthright to rule the planet and ultimately the stars. I saw your last thread and noticed what you're after. You've noticed that nonwhites aren't buying the "WHITE SUPREMACY IS AFTER YOU" bullshit you kikes have been selling anymore, and it's making you nervous.
You'd be able to understand what I was getting at if you weren't so stupid.
and what group might that be? White? which white group? Germans? Russian? Poland? You're under the impression that white itself isn't a diverse group of peoples.
What the are you even arguing with me for, you contrarian little shit? That's exactly what I'm saying, and I made this thread because what I assumed was normal here gets a lot of resistance (notice I was banned 3 or 4 times).
I understood exactly what you said, it was just irrelevant, because you're illiterate and think I'm saying something I'm not. Take a nap, dunce.
No I'm not. Eventually we'll figure who the best whites are too.
>all i'm arguing for is that whites should seek the ultimate destruction of any and all competition inciting violence
>muh oppressed /polster, muh board compromised
>implying in the OP because of the abovethat the state of /pol is now "national socialism is about loving your own people, not hating others therefore you should want to share the planet with the people currently being used as weapons against you"
Have you ever read anything on this board?
Just stop being a faggot and you'll be fine
You talk like a Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. redditor. You're transparent and you're stumped. Go back to your pedophile sanctuary.
Wrong right out of the gate. Scowl all you want, faggot.
So you gonna make yourself an enemies to non white AND white. And you wonder why peoples called you out for being fucking retarded
Nice kindergarten thread. I get the feeling you are a single person changing IPs.
Fuggg. This is like the third or fourth thread from this guy.
What do you propose that we do? Where do we start? Get to the point.
You talk about "endgame" but what's the endgame of this thread? If you're just a misguided user I'll give you a tip. This comes across as:
You sound like Sargon with a shitty 2 dollar store disguise.
There's a hierarchy of loyalty: Me, my family, my nation, my race. Everyone is in this life looking out for number #1. The ultimate goal is union with truth/god/whatever. This means beating out the competition stage by stage. Immortality is unlikely for me, so the next best thing is to pass on my genes by allying with similar genes. Get it? That's what this game is.
I made the first thread because I was facing an awful lot of resistance to my position that I wasn't expecting, then I called some mod a cuck one too many times and we started spiting each other.
Everyone wants to win, some are just brainwashed into thinking winning is "being nice".
I agree that nonwhites are taking up valuable living space, but some of their cultures produce beautiful alien art that can inspire. When it comes down to lebensraum vs wildlife sanctuaries we can have the ethics discussion, but I think there are more pressing matters at hand that need to be worked out, and our enemies have been using racial fracture points for ages. It's about time we utilize some of their pet tactics. I don't think anybody here says BASED BLACK GUY unironically.
Aaaaand? You want to destroy some enemies, right? Lead the way, chief. What do you want to do?
Heh, that's actually how this got started in the based black guy thread. But, again, nothing you're saying here is relevant to the point I made. I merely advocated for a specific end goal, and the result was a bunch of illiterate jackasses attributing to me things I never said, or promoting cuckery.
If you agree with me why are you responding antagonistically? I never said I had a plan, I have a position.
Fucking subhuman simpletons.
Great how you dodged the question, kike. If you really want to kill the enemies of white people that much start with killing yourself.
Dodged what question?
And what makes you think that you, a nation that doesn't believe in coexistence, stand a chance from getting raped by other nations? How does this benefit the white race at all?
I think it was pretty relevant, but what do I know, I don't know what it's like to have down syndrome. Good on you, little buddy.
So, you've been sperging out half the night because you want to genocide all non-whites from the face of the planet and REEEEEEEEing everytime someone explains the complexities of it? How many levels of autistic rage are you on, lad?
The race is not the ultimate end. I stated that clearly in the post you responded to, but I guess I shouldn't expect lesser beings to read good.
Ow, my feefees.
It's not even insulting to be insulted by you, it's just cute.
Well, we've got 50 million whites in England. Half are women. Half of that are fighting age. So, let's figure about 10 million white UNARMED Englishmen. Would you like us to all meet up outside of Poundland and go "air our grievances" (if you know what I mean) at the local synagogue?
Then you should know that the only endgame to your policy is the death of your own peoples.
If you can rally 10 million Englishmen, please do. Might want to work on that plan, though.
I explained the endgame, but it might have been too many words for you to process. I'm done for tonight. I'll see you cucks tomorrow.
Run forest run.
Don't tell Scotland Yard about my plans to rally 10 million Englishmen at the Poundland parking lot.
The irony
Bye Sargon *chuckles*
Too late. Maybe you shouldn't have threatened me on an anonymous imageboard.
I don't think of myself as that kind of predator, and who am I to say (for example) the french are inferior in the end because they are lazy so they should make room for a superior predator. Their history and culture is interesting and should be preserved, same with non-whites like nippons. Struggle is an important part of life, but not its endgoal.
Aside from muh feels and the obvious dangers of making everybody (even fellow whites in the end) your archenemy you would have to raise a generation of sociopaths to make it happen, which, if even possible, will imo destroy the empathic society that made us superior in the first place.
You can't argue with normalfags, half of them are unable to think through basic philosophical questions like yours, so you end up training them like dogs, and they will be completely nuts afterwards and be destructive forces within your society.
anons in this thread are arguing whether to EXTERMINATE other races or simply EXPEL them to their homelands.
Nobody is arguing about that you retard
lol brainlet
not even in their own countries, its not about population control of non-whites, but complete extinction.
clearly we all argued about that instead of what being presented by OP, fucking idiot
Jew detected. Only a jew cannot stand anyone success in others.
Population control is the answer.
Exactly. This is what i was trying to get at in
Touchy feely Niceguy National Socialism for everyone only worked back in the 1940's because the population of the third world wasn't exploding.
People refuse to realise the existential threat billions of nonwhites actually pose to the planet, even if they stay in their borders.
This. Dynamically adjusting incentives while maintaining a moral society will easily acheive this.
On another note, and not to you user, calling someone a kike or shill because one disagrees, and then concluding that theyre wrong, is not an argument, but a strawman. Engage with the arguments, or dont. Nothing constructive comes of namecalling, especially not on an anonymous imageboard. Noone changes their mind, noone reading it, considering arguments rationally, will at all be swayed. You are revealing your own incompetence and insecurity in your position if you bamecall and get angry, instead of actually arguing. Anger can be good, as it motivates to action, which can be good, but undirected and unreflected, it is counterproductive.
There are better boards that discuss the same topics. This place is as bad as Zig Forums.
Oh wait, never mind.
Daily reminder that nu/pol/ is full of retarded twats who have never read a history book in their lives.
Remember when Zig Forums wasn't full of niggers? No, because you people remember Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit, then 4/pol/ 2016, then here.
Be the change that you want to see
One step at a time. First they have to go back. Those who refuse, must be removed from this plane of existence.