Shill this niggers
CNN reporters left speechless when Kim announces in front of his people that he will be ending his nuclear program,deeming it a success.
Shill this niggers
CNN reporters left speechless when Kim announces in front of his people that he will be ending his nuclear program,deeming it a success.
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The timing of this is quite auspicious.
Looks like the poor Norks will have to wait another generation before getting their central bank. Looks like Trump knows what he's doing when he deals with the likes of Kim. Also looks like his predecessors were great big failures who could have done this at any time, if they hadn't been such huge faggots.
He's ending testing of nukes. The tests were successful. So he doesn't need to test them again. He also said he is willing to join global denuclearization So if everybody else destroys their nukes, he will join them. This cuts off the ebil dictator plot line. Basically, he has what he needs to defend his country and has nothing to do but play the propaganda game with the jews.
So are those digits
Kim had a nuclear program, but his nuke "mysteriously" detonated inside his mountain research facility, killing off many of the nuke program team. Remember Trump's tweet: "I also have a please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!", the last clause is important. Shortly after that event, Kim started charting a new course. In any event, somehow Trump put the fear of God into this atheist gook.
Considering that Best Korea can't even develop a missile capable of hitting a target I seriously doubt they perfected nuclear technology. It's more likely that Kim knows his bluff has been called and just can't keep it up anymore. But that also means the kikes lose their justification for war so Best Korea comes out of this winning anyway.
But how will their economy survive without loaning large amounts of money at 131% interest rate?
The entire episode has served to cuck China.
I think what we're witnessing are the spoilers of a future spy film.
The US is a third world country. What does Kim need from it? Training in creating bullshit financial instruments to plunder his own people? Training in replacing bankrupted citizens with niggers? The US is courting NK. It needs more victims to plunder.
Checked and keked and i see china cucked like a bull in a China shop.
Already a thread, nigger.
Things which cannot be classified too early, certainly tend to work their way into more forthcoming films, perhaps they'll work this mission into a new Mission Impossible movie. Cant have the Brits taking credit for this in a Bond film.
IF they can make a nuke explode, it is successful. It doesn't matter if you can hit the fucking US or Afghanistan, you have a working fucking nuke and you can set it off in your neighbor's back yard. Come back when you balls drop.
Onigger got it because he was black
Denuclearizing Best Korea isn't going to do anything for peace, it's just going to help prevent Israel's other enemies from getting nukes, making future jewish wars that much easier.
What I'm concerned about is that by North Korea deescalating to a point it's no longer a significant threat, it means U.S foreign policy focus will shift exclusively towards Syria. That means a lot more future escalation attempts brewing by (((you know who))).
The Chirstnigger mod shits up another thread.
Korean women will soon look like American women
what the actual fuck am i looking at
Citation needed, faggot.
Lemme see if I can explain that for you
The future we had chosen for us.
(((The Jewish Dream))) overlaid on the American dream
Everybody in Toledo is feeling mighty smug looking at that pic. Especially during the Michigan State game.
Gookspeak is a fucking meme
I imagine that Trump is trying to isolate China.
Probably the reason why he didn't implement the sanctions against Russia. They can do shit without allies.
Keep the paper dragon contained until it collapses on its own due to demographic and the ponzi economy.
Then reap the benefits when Taiwan annexes it.
sells products in every country of the world
chinese citizens travel freely anywhere
what hideous mess at 20 or so years of age
Rectalwrecked EuroPoor Detected
no bulli
>>>Zig Forums
I imagine the Spartly islands will be the next item on the list.
They can do jack with no allies and Russia is the last one if Norks get put on the sideline.
They see it and can do jack shit due to being typical autistic bugmen.
Is that a real pic is kimmy actually wearing a fedora lmao
NK is cucking, the country will be opened to the West just like their women's legs to us will be!!
Denuclearization is bad. All the nuclear nations should be working together to develop a meteor deterrent. All the geopolitical squabbling is frivolous compared with the meteor threat. We need to stop pointing nukes at each other and get prepared for what's coming from space.
pick one, fag
remove all nonwhites and we'll have it done within a decade or two. how long do you think it would have taken the nsdap to get it done? we dont need any help from gooks.
are you trying to do some project bluebeam shit or something? nonwhites themselves are the most immediate existential threat to mankind
It means that total economic collapse is near imminent, they likely don't even have enough fuel to run their military parades, or are cutting it close, which means their conventional army is about to become a paperweight.
Kinda sad really, coal liquefaction and the development of other techonologies could have lengthened their time of resistance, but they never developed them.
In case people don't understand, North Korea eventually started seizing the rolling stock along with what China was shipping them, so China got pissy and stop sending shipments.
Peter Zeihan, for all his many faults, has pointed out what is possibly, maybe going on in North Korea behind the scenes. Kim's Grandpa, who got the Korean war started, was going for a East Germany style reunification in the early 90s, but then he slipped and fell on a pile of bullets in the shower.
Then the next Kim proved to be a massive incompetent, and so the current's Kim's entire generation was shipped abroad….but Ronery man died too soon, and so the current Kim had to return and return quickly. He knows how bad the situation is, he knows how screwed North Korea is now that China is getting pissy, and he knows he is one slip up away from being assassinated. He knows that in a conventional conflict, the South Korean military can now crush the North Korean military by itself, and if he ever escalated to using nuclear weapons, he's dead. Period. Unless South Korea intiates it, which is unlkely.
The only thing he has going for him is that he, and North Korea, is still better off than Venezuela. And that's it.
He needs to execute a long reaching, extremely deep, and completely flawless Long Knives, and then needs to guide the North Korean people into reunification with South Korea, and hope it doesn't become abusive. If dont gently and correctly it shouldn't.
It might be expensive, but South Korea has money, and within 20 years could be well on the way to integrating at least the youngest population. And they get functional nuclear weapons and weapons program out of it.
Which means a Korean unification almost inevitably means the US gets kicked out, by naked force if necessary. China may have realized this.
Yes we need to make sure the universe knows it means mutually assured destruction if it launches a meteor at us.
Is he wearing a fucking fedora?!
mega fucking kek
Boomer detected. A Re-united Korea will have a million man army outfitted with state of the art equipment and an easy, straightforward border to bottle the Chinese up at.
And Nuclear weapons for backup. They won't need us there.
worth nothing
obongo got one too
its a farce and no one respects it anymore
so from that perspective it might happen
You faggots blew your load far too early, thanks for showing your new shill tactic hand.
Appreciate it.
Sadly I'd have to agree with you on some of those points my grandpa,who fought in the Korean war and was a PoW always warned me to look out for a Korean threat and that no country would be able to take them on,the only war to peace would be through negotiations,which Korea would never do,though it seems we are on this path now,my now dead grandpa would cry tears of joy over this news
Pic related as I always though he looks like geraldo
If they had failed at their nuclear program, they would have already surrendered to their southern cousins.
Likely this is due to Japan.
Japan has been remilitarising, and Trump wants full remilitarisation.
This scares the shit out of NK and China. China would no longer be the most powerful country in Asia - Japan would be able to outpace them in the air and sea.
NK wouldn't be able to prey on American isolationism either; "We will kill thousands of American troops" doesn't work with Japan, which is close enough that NK is a constant and real threat.
Literally heard on TV this would happen 2 weeks ago because N Korea was only a week away from complete bankruptcy. This isn't oddly timed at all.
>>>Zig Forums
Chinese man-made islands turned into military outposts now allow the chinks to control the entire South China sea. This separates Singapore, a MAJOR shipping hub (largest in terms of throughput $$$), from the Pacific US.
A United Korea with Japanese ally led by the US (read: Israel) could probably put enough pressure on China to quit being such uppity cunts and let the shekels flow as Yahweh intended when he wrote the Qabalah with his penis.
good piggu
farring in rove with goriest Nippon carroons
goriest Nippon vidja gabes
makes gib rack empire
we fineree can invabe Ausraria
good rupid piggu
rove you, Trumpu
That's kike propaganda designed to make a case for war with Best Korea. NK's never hit anything besides random areas of ocean vaguely in the vicinity of Japan. An NK ICBM with a range of 10,000 km? Bull fucking shit. I'm sure they have nuclear equipped invisible flying saucers that run on jew ashes, too.
Collectivist language gives you away every time. Go suck a food stamp, nigger
Kim went to Swiss boarding school, and was raised abroad long enough to appreciate the finer things in life. Being too cozy with Han tacitly approves of eventually becoming living space for Greater China.
If he's serious about 1-upping the groid, he has to get one for anything other than being Orange and communist.
No more possibility of a Hawaii 'slip-up' with that dealt with. Dealing directly with China/Russia in the face of a mindless retaliation, as with Iraq.
They gave a Nobel Peace Prize to Nelson Mandela and Menachem Begin, both were terrorists who admitted to committing bomings.
Anyone should take that award with a grain of salt.
(You) just downgraded from nigger to jew
Why does this North Korean defector want to return home ? BBC News
Nice try, Moishe.
It seems like now that the Norks have nukes they've stood up a little to China.
As a nuclear power they're genuinely capable of asserting independence.
I'd wager the path they're trying to go for is peace in Korea but still staying fairly chummy with China so that the Chinks don't get the impression they're going to lose their buffer state.
North Korea is a CIA-created straw man, not a real nation.
Fat Kimmy is an actor who was trained in a Swiss CIA academy.
The fakery is obvious within the first 10 seconds of any MSM story about "North Korea", but invisible to a generation raised to believe that "reality TV" is actually real.
tl;dr NK is just a reality TV show writ large.
yeah, sure, kook… reality isn't real, NK is a movie drt
Obama was a trained commie from his birth user.
Best outcome for the Australians. Doubt the nips would let those anti-hoon laws stand.
Rothschilds own the CIA. Anyway you're almost all of the way there. It's true. Kim bowing the knee to Trump might signal a shift in the actual trade winds though, a historical realignment.
Wait and see is my game.
Kike media is not reality, it is kike media.
There is no reason to believe that NK is anything other than a reality TV show, a concept, an idea.
Because a CIA agent can't use a smartphone, right?
Reality TV has opened a whole new vista in propaganda possibilities by training two generations (Y and Z) to view scripted performance as documentary fact. Now we have tens of millions of young to middle-aged people across the Western world, who are unable to tell when what they are seeing is a performance by actors.
If they had tried it 40 years ago, the absurdity would have been too obvious. Reality TV was needed to make the magic work. Your "kook" lashing out to preserve your worldview speaks for itself.
Just some examples I wanted to share, of the sort of obvious fiction which is widely accepted as real by gen Y and Z.
(she injects IV 20 times a day, yet has no needle marks on her arms)
(woman drinks 7 shots in 2 hours and can't walk without falling over, despite being an alcoholic)
NK stories are just like this show, and just as obviously fake.
I dont think those were claims from north korea you fucking newfag. Likely intel determined by our forces. Jfc you newfags need to lurk more.
What the fuck are you babbling about, kike?
The point is that all of the lies which came before, were reported by the same kike media outlets and elite politicians who NK believers are getting their information from. How dumb do you have to be to suddenly believe they'd start telling the truth?
The absolute state of nu-pol
We're going to need a bigger peace prize boys.
Are you retarded?
Pre-Trump, I think China wanted to distance itself from the DPRK because it was too busy making most of the west's shit to accidentally get dragged into a war.
They might be regretting it, now. Where else can the country that makes the world's cheap shit go when it wants to get cheap shit made for it's own people? Most of the places they could go are also unstable as all hell and the factories are likely to get blown up.
I was initially skeptical if all of this was even good for the US. Best and Worst Korea allying seems like it would only weaken the US there and strengthen China's. At least this means we won't be going on a stupid war with North Korea any time soon so this is probably good overall. I consider Chinamen almost as much of an existential threat to the West as niggers and spics and they are quickly colonizing Canada and Australia and parts of the US. Hopefully their endeavors into Africa backfires on them like it does for everyone else and doesn't just lead to more blacks moving to Europe.
The United States is LITERALLY the definition of the First World
There are two possible meanings for that phrase and you understand neither of them. Fascinating.
holy fuck you tumblrite faggot
America creates financial crashes and wars to transfer wealth to jews. It's the most deplorable nation on the planet right now. Third world country is too nice a term to describe it.
According to which kosher textbook?
You don't get to just arbitrarily change definitions because you weren't taught anything in school.
Does it have millions of violent niggers? Check. Does it need debt forgiveness like nations filled with stupid, violent niggers? Check. The only actual difference between America and other loser nations is the nukes, which Trump should be dismantling since he has decided being the last white president is a great thing.
Being this retarded gave you away as being retarded. Retard.
Again, that's not either of the definitions of "Third-World Country"
I get that you're an idiot, but maybe you don't need to be so persistently stupid.
Nah. Worst Korea tossed their crazy feminist cultist cunt of a president in prison for twenty five years. Plus fat shaming is still pretty common in Southeast Asia so I think they'll be fine.
The ROTHschilds own Best Korea and kimmy is their vassal.
The state is their little showcase/reminder/predictive programming of "the horror to come" that they promised in the Protocols.
Checked but…
Its not kike media commie fuck. The same sources that let me know Muslims are pillaging Europe are the same sources that let me know Nork is a shit hole with bad leadership and brain dead dogs for people (all Koreans are dogs looking to suck masters dick regardless)
There are lots of independent tourists that have traveled there and secretly filmed. A brief search is all you would need to find non kike owned sources on just how shit Nork is. Now stop defending communist dogs. All of Korea should be nuked honestly.
Go ask yahweh to help you post less like a nigger.