French Identitarians took over a mountain pass, preventing niggers to enter the country

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
(((Senators))) are loosing their shit on this.
(Sorry for the low effort OP, couldn't find any sources in english yet)

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Other urls found in this thread:


*preventing niggers from entering the country

Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

Wasted another post with a wrong link, what a shame.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.

pretty good operation they got going on here. they have changed their aesthetics too since last time I saw them, pretty good improvement.
I wish they would just fuck shoot the nigger kikes on site there though

God bless these people!

How exactly will they prevent hordes of niggers from just running through their lines? Are they armed? Why are they photographing themselves?

Can Winter-chan be summoned out of season?


Attached: 3sn2FI6ODLMpGFf4.mp4 (1280x720, 960.06K)

good job!

Attached: ohnonono.jpg (450x299, 18.18K)

Rolling to summon winter-chan in all her might.

Reminder mountaineering is a European art, no other race pursues it.

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a few gooks do it but they always copy europeans.

what are you talking about?

Importantly, the underlying meme is that the far-right militias are doing… the work that the government and the police do not do !


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literally walking up a hill.

Wtf I heard they were just larpers.

There's also a difference between just living in mountains like the mountain gooks do and actively seeking to conquer them to prove that you are the master of the world.

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They are controlled opposition civnats. They still do some decent activism every once in a whille.

I agree, Defend Europe is still better than nothing.

But since when do niggers invade Europe through snowy mountain passes, we aren't exactly talking about Alexander the Great here…

It took only 168 Spaniards to conquer the empire.

You should stick to yidder, faggot.

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BAHAHAHA, wow, amazing. Viva la France!

Icons of the "gods" who helped built the Incan empire found at the site…. curious, hm? "lol".

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>Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter status link

shit thread deserves shit replies

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With shit guns that took a minute to reload a shot. They must have been the wildest motherfuckers who ever walked the earth

Daily reminder to not support Generation Identity who are a known jewish plot to divert manpower and money from White Nationalist causes. Their leader, Martin Sellner, is a proven Semite and probably supported by the Mossad.
Ignore these shills and support a proper WN group instead!

Varg vikernes REDPILL thread




>What is the (((Alt-Right)))?

>Europe is LOST! The (((USA))) is our only hope!

>My Humble Apology to the (((Alt Right)))



>The (((Power))) of Multiculturalism

>About (((Geert Wilders)))

A fucking Mexican spam shill comes on here to shit on mainstream hip and successful movements AND promote Satanism innawoods Varg? Varg is semi-decent, but if you look into him you'd find bla bla ran out of motivation saged

Jose puta: besalo el ano de tu perro hijo de mierda quemada

Nature abhors a vacuum.

Good lads.

They hang up a banner, pose for a photo and collect donations. They're a massive time sink at best, and a honey pot to collect the names of wrongthinkers at worst. They openly advocate that it is foolish to blame Jews for the problems in Europe.

No, they don't do anything. They're just the foil to fight with antifa while normal people avoid both groups and by extension, avoid even broaching the issue. It's just theatre. Hope not hate, Antifa, GI, none of these groups hold any power, they're all strawmen placed by the elites so you have someone to vent against.

nice pseudo campaign again, kikes

Correction; there are some mad japs that do it, suicidally of course.

It's a PR/publicity stunt pure and simple.

Yeah like when they had that ship observing NGO migrant smugglers in the med. It is not like the Italian government took any action against the NGO's after that or anything..


but will it get any attention in mainshit media?


so whats the purpose at all?

All they did was report an NGO to the Libyan coast guard, and have the Libyans tell the NGO to leave their waters. Crossings subsequently went down due to the season. They'll be starting up again very soon, completely unabated. I'm sure it's comforting for you to think that GI is out there "solving the problem", but that's just illusory.

Their actions in the med highlighted the problem in the public mind. The Italian government could no longer ignore it after that. I do get the point that nothing anyone does about anything is futile though, I just choose to have hope instead of just killing myself now which I am surprised you and your blackpilled kind haven't all done already.

Maybe you should take that under consideration.

Nice leap at logic there. From this demonstration of your weak mind, I can see how a group like them would rope a gullible schmuck like you in. For your benefit though, I hope you'll stick around here and learn more about the subversive groups surrounding us. I want you to get stronger and wiser.

All France is currently talking about it. Including MSM.
Government is just starting to react, at a conveniently late hour.

*of logic

>(((defend europe)))
controlled op financed and paid for by (((american))) and (((french))) government

it not healthy being blackpilled. Get off the internet, find a woman and have kids.

So more advertising for an easy identifiable and to be infiltrated group. Bet the normal faggot influx will help the legit forces in the movement tremendously.

Either learn to prepare individually and act as a group when the time comes or stay a sheep ready for the slaughterhouse.

Fuck Gen ID. Little civ nat Sellner already cucked out off the remigration narrative and now argues that certain Niggers and shitskins can be assimilated as long as we spend enough money and resources on them, calling Praha a good example for a city where different races can live peacefully together

Now that is one of the most retarded, baseless statements I ever read on Zig Forums.
You better give sauce on that "financing by government" of yours

Ah yeah, when the time comes
Don't worry guys it will come sooner or later
And then you'll see
Oh, when the time comes shit will happen, I tell ya

Your jig is up shlomo, nice deflection though.

If you got nothing better to contribute than demoralizing shit, vague advice to prepare "for when the time comes", and jumping to accusations of being shill when people call you blackpilled, actually you'd do us all a favor by getting off the internet, mate.
Fail to see what you're good for.

So my impression of Gen ID being a normal faggot club, which goal it is to get power in the current system by bowing down to the rules of the game and getting their hand on that sweet sweet tax money is right? Thanks for confirming that they are nothing more than a bad replay of the Green parties, dreaming about drinking champagne with the Yid while laughing about the plebs keeping them alive.

Face it, there is no time for the long march through the institutions, especially if nobody is willing to conduct a Genocide among non whites. Sign out from the game, drain as much money as possible from the system and horde weapons ammunition and means to produce food for when the state starts to lack the resources to pay for their mercenaries. Maybe become a mercenary for the state and get your hand on some nice toys when they can't pay your wage anymore

Dispelling you GI tools that come here spreading your civcuck propaganda. In other words, I came here to laugh at you. We have a bright future ahead of us, and you will play no part in it.

NO WAY will you make a home here on Zig Forums ;)

Jews are consistent in their fetish for feces. Fucking kike.

look at all the blackpill and cia clowns pushing for kinetic action on an open board
pure (((cohencidence)))
yes this is a PR stunt with no real border guarding implication
but GI is organizing young men to do something productive in a coordinate group and being focused on their heritage
this is definately a step in the right direction and shifts the overton window in the right direction
what else where you expecting a fallschirmjaeger SS division airdropping in the mountains and setting up roadblocks and checkpoints
10 years ago this would be unthinkable so yeah it is improving fast enough to make the shills oy vey

but of course on a realistic note, there is no way any nog is going to nig over a snowed in alpine pass when they have never even seen snow before
they would have no idea how to cross let alone have the inclination to brave anything colder than summerheat
no the nogs are carried all the way in climate controlled and catered public transport with tax euros while being photojournalised to death for the 300 meters they have to walk to the next line of public transport

Good boys.

Immensely proud

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They took the king as a hostage and fucked a few people up then everything came crashing down. The Inca figured their gods had come back and given what they told about their gods, it was a fitting end to the Inca.

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Just explain the following. Why does your posterboy have stepped back from the remigration narrative and embraces the civ cucked integration into a lead culture narrative.
btw, nobody expects from Gen ID any substantial actions beside Green peace tier photo OPs to draw in some lost souls and weaponize them for their leaders march into the institutions, as to get shekel from confused Boomers, your talking heads made it clear that they conduct (((meta politics))) and advice against arming yourself, because the state is better armed

Keep fighting boys. With you 120%

Attached: FB_IMG_1509451190116.jpg (400x501 285.52 KB, 35.76K)

This is a shill
(ban it)

Sellner literally said it live on a stream that it is possible to integrate Niggers and shitskins into a western society if enough money and resources is spend on them and they bow before western philosophy.

So please just explain

Proud of you

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nice bait, kikeboy


I could.swear there is a shill asking me to explain what taqqiya is but I'm really not going to that level am I.

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Spotted the jew.

Just purge the civcucks and fame whores from your movement. They ain't helping you or whites in any way

never said they are mine, that was pretty clear from the tone of the post
see this is a common shill tactic presenting the current state of whatever group as the final end state, nothing can get passed this
it is of course wrong, we are currently locked in a darwinian battle for the future of humanity in which at the least it is niggers versus every human (even the goatfuckers), as population growth is going to make africa flow over into the rest of the world

whatever the fuck some retard fuckhead has said yesterday about being a civcuck, will NOT matter tomorrow
and any group bringing attention to the problem today is a step in the right direction
so as I said before it is a step in the right direction, not the end point merily a moving goal
and only shills and kvetching yids would attack a shift in the right direction for not immidiately being einsatzgruppe
muh PR faggotry holds for us, we must remain idologically pure, but any group in the meantime to promote racially awareness improves our later mass acceptance

You don't have any power here.

Nah the Peruvians and Tibetans were good at it too

>>>Zig Forums

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I don't know how you deduced all these assumptions about GI and what you think is my own stance from a single post doubting the tactics of waiting for the glorious day of the revolution

Thing is, I've heard such talk about "waiting for the proper time" countless times from a lot of people mostly characterized by doing fuck all to actually prepare for anything, but very good at blackpilling and criticizing everyone trying to act on things.

I became very suspicious of such keywords as "when the time comes". To me it rings the good-for-nothing bell.
Sorry if you're actually preparing something on your part, I'm willing to believe that you do if you tell me so, but I'm also very aware that a lot of people that talk like you only do that - talk about it.

As for GI, I'm not in their minds. All I can tell is I was once part of this völkisch movement that tried to maintain a mainstream regionalist facade, in a strategy of metapolitics which was the trend back then.
At some point we met with 3 'Jeunesses Identitaires' (their name before Génération Identitaire) invited by one of us during a meeting, who wanted to talk about common work (back then they were very inspired by the italian Lega Nord tactics, and they had autonomous chapters in regions with strong identity within France)
One of the first things they said when we gave them speech time to officially introduce themselves and their purpose being at the meeting was something along the lines of "what we want is a White Europe", in a context where nobody asked for such a clarification at this point, also it was risky for us to have such blunt talk at this very meeting because we had one new member who we weren't sure if he could handle that level of frankness (we tended to attract almost exclusively völkisch/New Right minded people, but were open to people more interested in cultural identity than racial as long as they would not be cucks about it - relaxed about people not being knowingly blood and soil as long as their views amounted to that, even if they were not aware of it themselves)

And as a matter of fact after this meeting because of that we lost one very hard-working member, who was the type that didn't mind working with racialists as long as open talk about race didn't make it to our platform.

All this to say that they were so serious about it they couldn't even be smart or subtle about it, at the time.

I met a few since then (stuff I just talked about was about 15 years ago), just a few years ago, in private circumstances, and I can assure you, if they're civcucks they do a terrible job keeping the facade up when between 'friends'.

BTW I have one very good criteria to determine when a movement has turned to civcuck, and it's when they start integrating the "good nigger" or the "based arab".
(Like French royalists or Traditionalist catholics do for instance)

To this day I'm not aware of any non-white in the GI.

And I won't change my mind about them based on some user taking some shit Sellner said in some vid as proof they turned coat.

I judge groups based on their actions and the people they choose to have as members.
When you see a nigger among the GI, tell me and I'll reconsider my position. In the meantime, fuck off, basically

You accept Jews into your movement though, don't you. Pretty based!

Not a member of GI, wasn't back then and still not, you dense fuck

7. 3. 2.

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The Generation Identity book by Markus Willinger denounces National Socialism. GenID are therefore not welcome on this board.

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Which the Austrian and German umbrella organisations of Gen ID clearly don't do, maybe some of their sub chapters but not the Viennese chapter, of that I know. I don't know about the French and UK chapters tbh.

If the step in the right direction is creating a normal faggot organization that promotes pacifism and only prays for political solutions in the current political system, at least I see the identitarian movement then as a poisoned fruit; comparable with the moderate left from forty years ago, ready to sell out for wealth, security and having their favourite issues financed by the international jewery - instead of windmills maybe containment yodel clubs where one can speak about the good old times without fear being punched by antifags

That retard fuckhead is THE posterboy of the Identitarian movement in the German speaking room. Might be time to put him on ice.

Hey, if the Identitarian ever get over the state of their (((meta political))) struggle and wants to build up an armoury to be ready to face a hostile state, or needs a retreat, I'll be happy to assist, but in its current state, no resources from me. If the new influx is of the same nature as at that meeting I was and consists of former lefties looking for a pardon and some cringy lolberterians guess that will never happen.

Have fun larping

Don't.reply to the shill, honestly. You feed it in process.
Anyways from the person that organized Defend Europe on 8, glad to see this. GI is doing constant good work, like RAM is in the USA

As I expected, you had no answer for that. You are perhaps more worthless than the group you're shilling so hard for.

Sometimes it seems that shills are actually trying
-This is not the case.

GI are ourboys, you can't change it so might as well cry about it

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>We reject its ideology and hostility to the freedom and the (((diversity of peoples)))…
Get fucked Identitarian kikes.

I love how antifa calls them hardcore neonazis, while trying to portrey them as some sort of traitors to us.

You lack any situational awareness.
Some.people here including me know GI and their work beyond internet. You can not lie about them.

Is that really what you guys think? Does National Socialism belong in the rubbish bin of history?

I'm more of an individual preper, and when I speak about "when times comes" I mean in an economic way, like the moment when the central state fails to acquire new debt to pay for their security forces and has to shut them down in certain regions, while a bunch of wild nogs start to plunder and riot those regions because there is also no more debt to pay for their watermelons and weed, which imho is actually a realist possibility for the next 20 years

That did never happen, but I saw enough of the human race people and those who who reject the racial nature of identity completely and try to simply reduce it to culture which according to them can be learned among them. As said, if they ever get over the stage of trying to be the new moderate left, my rifles are theres, but till then, have fun gloating over a green peace tier PR OP

Ah , is this the sequel to Camp of the Saints ? I suppose it is Mountain Camp of the Saints now


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Not true. Nips wrote poems about climbing Fuji-san.
Honorary is not only a meme.


Still waiting for one of them to answer this.

Ever notice how these "fellow anons" parrot the same bullshit that the most hopeless antifaggots parrot? All nationalists organizations are just working for capitalists who use them to exploit the workers, apparently.

Workers what? You some kind of pinko?

You have absolutely no reading comprehension.

Its really simple, Anti-Natsoc is antifascist and Antifa isnt a membership organization, so by default anyone opposing NatSoc is Antifa just like anyone in a fawkes mask is user.

Have you never heard a Marxist speak? Marxists couch their political ideology in vague promises that they'll enrich the lives of "workers" or "the proletariat"
Ironically, most modern Marxists stand for everything that the working class hates;
Mass immigration, anti-religion, anti-free speech, anti-gun (in America), and rabid, insane anti-White hatred.

Non-Whites don't give a shit about Marxist ideals. Yet they're so fucking dumb that they think that by attacking White people, they'll get the brown people on their side and then wage a racial-class war against the White oppressors.
God they're stupid.

Marxists who think they are still fighting for workers rights missed the sexual revolution memo and forgot to become a tranny if they want to continue being marxists.

The most infuriating insult that the kikes have bestowed upon us is the fact that THESE are their front line troops against us. This disgusting, stinking refuse are the front line troops against White nationalists.
In any sane world, they'd be mowed down like the diseased degenerates they are. And yet they're untouchable. In fact they're more than untouchable because to kill them actually helps the enemy.
Yet every time I look at them I have an instinctive urge to just run them over.

It's not fair.

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