Rabbi demands that Jews in Europe should be allowed to carry guns.
"guns for me but not for thee"
Kill Every Kike
Well fuck. Kek never stops revealing new layers…
No it isn't safe, less guns on the street, I don't feel safe with armed jews on the loose! - if they feel threatened, they should call the police, not take the law into their own hands!
Remember; Only Cowards Carry™
At least they acknowledge that conservative policies are good, why remove it to begin with though?
but thanks for reminding
so that the goyim don't benefit from good policies
Probably already happening.
UK law allows anyone to carry a firearm, they just need "reasonable excuse" or "lawful authority". It goes without saying that this never applies to non-elites, unless they are working as lackey ZOGbots (police, soldiers, secret service.)
If you're connected and a threat has been made to your life, then that would count as "reasonable excuse" in the unlikely event you ended up in court.
There's no specific legislation allowing cops to carry guns, they basically just give themselves permission, despite wearing a police uniform already vastly reducing the chance you'll be a victim of violent crime.
What a fucking surprise.
Top kek, they won't or every nationalist will suddenly will become "jewish"
Either way, a big kvetch is coming.
Praise Kill Every Kike
Guns for everyone except jews and niggeroids
We developed that after Sargon pulled his kekistan psyop.
Kikes just need to be more tolerant of vibrant cultures who want to enrich everyone, at least that's what kikes told us when we started to get upset with weekly attacks.
So this is what it has come down to and the real reason the kikes want to disarm the goyim.
Fixed a small error.
Yes , end semites to a gene that sounds good to me
This won't help gun rights in Europe, it'll just wind up having protected classes who can go armed.
For example, Muslims in London will be able to scatter pork rinds in their neighborhoods and the national news will construe this as a threat, thus allowing pocket areas of heavily armed Muslims to take greater possession of various areas step by step.
I love it, there's really going to be war or some mass Religion of Cuck™ conversion day in Europe in our lifetimes.
Aren't only aristocracy allowed to own arms in the UK?
Peasants are theoretically allowed if they keep their home open for random unannounced police inspection at any time, if an expensive license is obtained. Of course this license can be denied or revoked for any arbitrary reason, which doesn't even have to be given to the poor subject.
It's an attempt to cement Jews as the nobility of Europe, just as Kalergi the hapa menace planned.
Yep but they will never do it for Jews alone - the Muslims have infiltrated the judiciary and Parliament in the UK, for instance. It'll be "minorities" who, as they gain majority, will never allow those special rules to apply to white people.
I don't mean to blackpill but there are a LOT of Europeans shopping for property in my out of the way area in a flyover state. When Brexit is canceled I think it will unleash a flood and I hope Trump is able to let them in.
They already do this in Israel I'm pretty sure, so it's not exactly without president.
Because kikes are a terminal cancer that hates Whites and pretty much every other race as far as I can tell.
Take any Coin and Glue it in front of a Sinogog.
But Please! DO NOT glue it in front of a Jewish School in the middle of a Busy Street.
Are you serious, bro?
Old story from 2015, you negroid.
But he would have to sacrifice his foreskin, no? Sage for 3yo news
Kikes, ladies and gentleman.
What? They aren't acknowledging anything. It's the same as it has always been, they support gun confiscation for whites while niggers and sandniggers get them illegally and support gun right for themselves. For them, only Jews can carry guns because the goyim are cattle.
I sort of support it because it becomes a talking point to target the Jew and can either be used t
*used to give the goy guns or just take back the Jew guns
I once read an essay by a low tier Jew who tried to figure out why Jews are typically so strongly pro gun control despite their history. Best he could guess was Jews are just paranoid as shit, and assume that when shtf their gun rights will be removed as a matter of course, so to prevent that they push for everyone's gun rights to be taken *now* so at least the chosen won't be any worse off when things do go bad.
In the same way niggers infiltrated the judiciary system. They are just window-dressings. Kikes were the one who pushed them in, and hold all the power of them.
Muslims are far too stupid and far to obtuse to subvert whites all on their own.
That doesn't even sense outside the jews being paranoid thing because of all the inbred mental illnesses because almost every single time in history jews were sliced, diced, and shot at it was by the hand of the state.
fuck me……
attention span is falling in Zig Forums