check out these scum. 4/21/2018 Newnan GA. most were arrested for refusing to unmask, some for obstruction. search twitter #nonavinewnan
9 reportedly arrested at Newnan rally
Other urls found in this thread:
everyone arrested was antifa
I don't know how to feel about this, we they antifa or nationalists?
It's a shame someone doesn't start tracking these vermin and beating them within an inch of their lives.
The news is trying to call them Nazis but one look at them or a demographics breakdown of the city would give you a clearer answer. Also, the town's population apparently doubled within the last decade which isn't suspicious at all.
What were they crying about this time?
Good boys probably
I don't care if they are commies, police pointing guns at people that aren't actively a threat pisses me off. That's not so say I'm against the idea of lining up commies against the wall, it's just cops being retarded
do all police have these? rpg's need to be legalized in order to ensure the security of a free state srs
what's going on with the fourth picture? why is this highly militarized police officer pointing a gun haphazardly at a line of people like that? and why do people so casually have their hands up like they're reluctantly pretending or something? the whole thing just looks silly
If you can't infer their loyalty from these pics, not even god can help you.
That red/black thing is a commieflag
post yfw
nice obscurification of identity
I'm not sure if they would be relieved that their optics aren't messed with or pissed that we got the credit.
they only get paid when they don't get the credit, user
so if she lost her job because she is fat she could sue the police for millions I guess?
antifa at gunpoint, one of the most beautiful pics ive seen in a long time
More than doubled. Shit is ridiculous here.
Man I want to see these AntiFa doxxed into oblivion. Stay the fuck out of my home.
Damn, the one dude I know in these pics isn't even there to rabble rouse. Just a spectator.
Seems like this was one big nothingburger like I've been telling people. It all seemed extremely suspicious. AntiFa couldn't even have the good sense to not be faggots in proximity of a church.
If that red was yellow to denote a different flavor of semitic anarchism, he'd be an alt-right "fashy goy".
Lmao, it appears that that fat kike with the sign is sitting in front of abandoned Coweta Democrat Somethinganother office. It still has Obama signage on the front window. Hasn't been in operation for as long as I can remember. Shows you the kind of presence they have here.
Self-destruction is at the core of leftism.
So what the hell were they protesting?
Just erase the Y in 'your', user
Beat me to it op. I was down there and followed those fucks. Just got back, I'm going to shower, call my pissed off girlfriend and begin to dump.
I will be a different id, on my phone currently.
heres some more faggots
Leftists love being oppressed. They love the idea of being losers. It shows.
Unfortunately, there's no one shooting them or running them over and they know it, it's just the same old attempt to portray themselves as the victims while they are the ones assaulting people and commiting other crimes.
took me a bit but it turned out nice I think. Here ya go user.
A lot of congressmen have kids who are in the organization so they'll never see any real punishment any time soon.
Look at all the tough guys in masks too afraid to show their faces.
So where are the people they were protesting?
I missed the show due to work, but I'll name names if I know anyone in your pic dump.
In their mind.
Oh yeah these guys are definitely Nazis.
Jesus Christ. At least the "Nazis" have the balls to show their faces. Commies are pussies and just one gun pointed and they all drop any pretense and heart for muhrevolution. At least the "Nazis" struggled, dumbfucks.
The same is true in European parliament members children. They talk about privilege yet they are the living breathing example of it daring to talk down on the actual proletariat, especially the ones unfortunate enough to live around diversity.
Only fortunate thing is antifa are useful idiots and they'll be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot in a real communist revolution and by their own fellow comrades, by the real proletariat who hate ivory tower dumbfucks LARPing as the working man.
B-b-but the internet is going to dox me and show that i'm a basement dwelling degenerate living off my parents dime. How will i ever recover? I might even get added to a 'le ebil white guy' list and have my entire family and relatives be slated for permanent removal when society break down.
I think they'd sooner be offed by their master's private military groups.
Protesters wearing masks were tackled and arrested by police in Newnan, Georgia, on Saturday, April 21, during a rally hosted by the National Socialist Movement.
These videos taken from the rally show police pointing guns at protesters before grabbing a masked demonstrator and throwing him to the ground. The protesters could be heard chanting “hand’s up, don’t shoot.”
A reporter at the scene also took video of police tackling one protester to the ground. When asked why the arrests were being made, an officer told the reporter it was because they were wearing masks. In these videos, an officer can be heard demanding a protester to remove the mask.
The National Socialist Movement is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States.”
The City of Newnan had more than a month to prepare for the rally after the group applied for the first permits. More than 40 law enforcement agencies were present, and fences had been placed around the park where the rally was to be held.
City officials had said they had no choice but to approve the permit for the rally, which was to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday. Between 50 and 100 members of the group were expected. Credit: Grant Baxter via Storyful
most people have no idea what The National Socialist Movement even means, other than it sounds BAD
Yeah, no one is buying it. It also provides a good redpill to the masses knowing that the (((news))) is nothing but lies. Zig Forums is always right.
they look night of long knives tier
Three dozen neo-Nazis met in Newnan by hundreds of counter protestors, lots of police
Ten people – all of them counter protestors – were arrested Saturday, after weeks of worry over a neo-Nazi rally in Newnan.
lmao all those twigboys in camo and milsurp jackets blatantly hiding their faces in the first video
they've been found out; engage damage control media
kek see above
what does that say about them? nothing bad I hope
Nice digits, beautiful sight indeed. About fuckin time too, it's no surprise the (((media))) is calling them WNs, good thing the retards are wearing commie flags and shit.
Please give them a reason
Using the (((semantics))) of your enemy. Newfags need to lurk 2 years or go and then stay go.
Antifa has always been cowards.
Here in Europe when they are interviewed and asked why they are simply needlessly destroy public property that working class tax payers must be forced to pay for repairing and the autos of the working class themselves instead of marching to the wealthy district burning it down and beating or killing the bourgeois they reply "because we would be shot". Then you examine closely the antifa and who funds them and realise "oh, they ARE the useful idiots of the bourgeois". Many of them are bourgeois themselves, sons of politicians and oligarchs. Sheep led by wolves in sheep clothing, that is antifa.
Ah, the neck tattoo. Symbol of the master race…
In other words have your event. It will be peaceful or you will be taken to jail. sounds like cops doing their job this time. keeping peace
Just …
personally I think permits for these events should be filed and then no one other than the counter protestors show up. I think I am going to do that in the town I live, and I'll name my group the "white silent majority" and claim we are invisible. Never even bother to attend. Then let the shit show commence.
Now that is some pique American physique in that pic. cops and commies, alike.
Those commies were arrested because they still shit like they did in Charlottesville.
Over 40-50 years of anarchist and commie protesting and violence and not only do they continually fail in their goals, the state in both the USA and superstate entity the EU are larger and more powerful in their iron fist than ever. And it's all their fault. They never once acted like the revolutionaries they claim to be, they could shoot up Wall Street (rich) or Congress (state) but nope. Let's go beat trash cans and put on masks like 5 year olds! That will surely lead to their true communism(tm) utopia. kek.
Yeah I don't know what's going on there, but I dont like it.
Sure its antifascum, but those zogbots will do the same or us so it has me worried
The commies in the netherlands said on public TV that when 9/11 occured they cheered, because it was a strike at the heart of capitalism. The dutch tv reporter never interjected or made any sort of statement that such a statement was morally reprehensible.
Commies are the sword of the "social democrats" in Europe.
It may be awhile because I'm having to parties on drop box first. I let my cousin borrow my camera and of course she lost the cable for it, it's kind of old. I was with the press at first but those fags only wanted to see some "nazzzzzis"as the guy from the daily mail kept crying.
I have lots of face shots of the leaders even spoke to a few afterwards the idiots literally had Kevlar on.
zogbots won the day
Im more upset that his finger didnt slip, now that would be a news story.
You can shoot us
You can run us over
But we want free helicopter rides
That's……. a really good idea. Can we arrange fake Nazi rallies, just to bait antifa and protestors into showing up?
my group, the white silent majority will attended the rally it's holding remotely
I always thought about it, its actually a bit difficult, I thought about contacting trs and alt righters into something like this, but it was before charlottesville
how do you announce a fake event and make sure your dumb retard followers don't actually show up or get your fake event co-opted by civcucks?
It is a pretty good idea, the only flaw being, what if real redpilled people don't realize it's a prank, show up, and generally make a mess of things or get hurt by hordes of Antifa?
In order to lure in leftist scum, the rally must be publicized, and if the rally is publicized, there's always the chance that white supremacists that you don't know about will unwittingly show up for it. What if a bunch of alt-righters show up and start speaking on everyone's behalf? What if some true silent whites show up, still reeling from their first red pill, and get hurt?
If you can figure out a way that only Antifa scum will hear about it and not innocent whites, it's a great idea. Otherwise, It's risky.
Yeah this is a nice town for the most part. We had some kangs cause trouble at the outdoor mall when Black Panther was at the theater, and there's some nigger and meth/opioid issues, but outside of that cops don't fuck around here. The town is booming and the government is trying to keep it that way. Going by that document, the police knew that the "Nazis" weren't going to be the problem.
9/11 made the state more powerful than ever. The Anarchists are the biggest pack of losers in history and I cannot wait until they get turned on and killed by their fellow leftists again.
Craigslist. Just create a announcement for "muh alt-right" meet-up in the target city, then screenshot it, then pose as antifa and upload it to the leftosphere as a "warning"
Not really. I live in Colorado and there are communities outside of Denver whose populations have increased six or eight times over in the last ~15 years. When a large city booms, people who want the economic opportunity without the trappings of city life spread out to within driving distance.
Whatthe fuck is this?
I mean, the optics bitching is ridiculous,but this is just obviously stupid looking.
Fucking this.
Bunch of out-of-shape (purposefully) glow-in-the-dark skinhead-LARPing faggots.
idk if theres a doxxing campaigns going on rn (cause most nsm members abstain from social media with there names) but we should disrupt it
Hands up, don't toot.
Hopefully we get to find out how much a privileged life strengthens their bones soon.
Checked. That is our word, and they will find out soon.
Thanks george w.
commies are always so dysgenic
he looks like a fat castro
dang newmans getting serious
Salute to hatred: Black-clad neo-Nazis hold a shocking swastika burning ritual in Georgia after earlier clashing with antifa protesters 40 miles away during rally celebrating Hitler's birthday
Members of the National Socialist Movement gathered in a field for the swastika burning ritual on Saturday
Came hours after a rally in Newnan, Georgia, where Neo-Nazis were celebrating Adolph Hitler's birthday
An estimated 400 police were on hand and succeeded in keeping antifa separated from the race hate group
At least 10 antifa were arrested before the rally for refusing to take off their masks and other offenses
Some among both the protesters and the NSM supporters were armed but there were no reports of violence
I was absolutely spent after yesterday but here are a few pics of those "in charge" of the degenerate march. for being (((the good guys))) these fags sure do try to hide their faces a lot and get pissy when you take pictures. Lucky for me some idiot in a blue vest was the focus of their attention. He was way to close and got a lot of it.
These things here aren't important but certainly lulzy.
2nd image has a radio with somewhat legible freq.
I'd imagine Antifa and friends are too retarded to encrypt waves, might be a good way to figure out their movements and counter them.