>“If you're black, go back” and “I want Estonia to be a white country” were some of the comments made yesterday by Martin Helme, a board member of the Conservative People's Party.
Good for them. The least nordic Norse, but a nice place with nice people and nice countryside. Too bad Russia keeps using them as a welcome mat into Europe
They need the Nordic cross. You cannot be a true Scandinavian without it. PBUH
Landon Martin
Pretty much the only reason they aren't a zombie nigger nation today is because they were on the "wrong" [according to jews] side of the Iron Curtain. Your exact mindset is why they will eventually be subsumed in niggerization.
Inspiration for me to get my ass in gear to be able to financially back such awesome guys.
Grayson Ortiz
Godspeed Estonia
Landon Butler
I'm not taking umbrage with their past, but present. Only previous news out of Estonia was Russia kidnapping a guy near the border. They could be friends, but Russia had to be a dick.
Justin Moore
I support any and all aggression against allies of the nigger empire.
Jason Perez
Nice sentiment, but Estonia is super cucked. It's the Sweden of Eastern Europe. It's taking NATO and US cock down to the base. Real spy society too. Lots of whacky ideas by the assholes in charge so yeah, expect enrichment imminently.
Cameron Robinson
care to explain pagan vikings?
Nathaniel Cruz
Like esti is strong enough to resist the US and EU combined.
Lolberg detected. You always fall for the Jewish infighting which always results in the goyim being worse off at the end of the day. As a rule of thumb, if the ZOG sponsored it in anyway and the other side is also Jewish, it is fake opposition.
Dominic Edwards
If being a tankie is the new thing in nere then whatever, I'm a fucking lolberg, who gives a fuck.
Russia is about as mongrelized and black. Who cares.
Leo Stewart
"Benefits of multiculturalism"?
What fucking benefits? I live in Brazil and since the black population exploded into like 50% since the 70s we only got fucked and the country went backwards.
Is etnic food worth it the riots, rapes and crime rate?, Worth the degeneracy of ape music?
Thomas Cruz
Not after Stalin purged the vast majority of (((bolsheviks))). There's a reason why Eastern Europe is far more red-pilled.
Alexander Bell
I've been there and can confirm this. Most people hate them though.
Alexander Gray
Read up on your history friend. Stalin utilized Jews in the secret police and security forces in Poland, Hungary, and eastern Europe in general to his dying day.
Kayden Taylor
Like clockwork.
Tyler Edwards
Looks like they finally retired the "HIV rates are high due to queer locals and Russia is the true savior of the white race, muh Center Party" copypasta after who knows how many months, though. They're learning.
Yeah, Eastern Europe is redpilled because the Soviets were wonderfull and spread their benevolent redpill and not because communism was fucking shit and thus they're sick of destructive foreign ideologies! Drink bleach.
Everyone in Visegrad group is like that, and that group is expanding.
Carter Hall
Though whenever you are calling out BS you get called a vatnik, Russian shill etc etc.
Logan Cruz
There's always excuses. They always find some. In the US niggers are given gibs on the grounds of slavery centuries in the past. The UK doesn't really have a history of that, so the excuse to have all these immigrants is colonialism, similar with France. Germany will always be shut down with WW2. Now Scandiavian countries haven't done much at all in recent history, so the excuse is, well, they have these prosperous nice societies they built, wouldn't it it be just evil to not let everyone from the third world in? That wealth has to be shared. Now in Poland and similar countries that aren't as wealthy nor have history with evil colonialism or whatever the usual excuse to promote letting in immigrants is that lefties point out how bad Poles in the UK or Germany are and that the Polish society obviously has problems typical to a less developed country so the Poles have no right to complain about "dirty" refugees because they themselves are no better than them.
Thomas Morales
There's always excuses. They always find some. In the US niggers are given gibs on the grounds of slavery centuries in the past. The UK doesn't really have a history of that, so the excuse to have all these immigrants is colonialism, similar with France. Germany will always be shut down with WW2. Now Scandiavian countries haven't done much at all in recent history, so the excuse is, well, they have these prosperous nice societies they built, wouldn't it it be just evil to not let everyone from the third world in? That wealth has to be shared. Now in Poland and similar countries that aren't as wealthy nor have history with evil colonialism or whatever the usual excuse to promote letting in immigrants is that lefties point out how bad Poles in the UK or Germany are and that the Polish society obviously has problems typical to a less developed country so the Poles have no right to complain about "dirty" refugees because they themselves are no better than them.>>11515874
Robert Fisher
That argument must go over really well.
Brody Scott
The only reason Eastern Europe didn't get pozzed is because the Soviet union prescribed to Marxism-Leninism which is far less developed or insidious than Frankfurt School Marxism employed by western Jewery.
Wyatt Parker
The other commonly used one is the one from pic related, they shit on Catholicism all the time but will get smug that Poles are "bad Catholics" anyway.
Eastern Europe was nowhere near well developed to even attempt that, using guns, fear and gulags was easier than media and education.
I have a superior idea. Legalize nigger killing and sand nigger killing. Let the civilians get in on the fun.
Kevin Ward
You do know Poles appear over-represented in anti-immigrant crime statistics? They're xenophobia personified.
William Morales
I'm always amazed and culture-shocked by the fact that Westerners use the term redpill to refer to normal societies where the altruistic desire for self-extermination is just not present. You have to understand that Russia, Poland, Estonia etc. are not redpilled but NORMAL. The people or governments between California and the Berlin wall are the only one in written history that seek to ethnically replace their own people (if you consider ultracapitalist bourgeois elites to have an ethnic identity).
Jonathan Foster
Jace Ward
Unless you include all Semite tribes and anyone with connections within 3 degrees to isreal it wont be a lasting sentiment.
Tourism declines as a country's hegemony worsens. Egypt and canada can confirm that.
Jace Davis
Juan Powell
That's a very kosher way to say kikes
Brayden Rivera
I don't think people like Schulz for example (if we assume he is not a crypto-Jew) feel part of the German volksgemeinschaft. On that note I have more respect for Jews who ultimately play their own long term strategy for ethnic domination unlike our own traitors who have lost all ethnic and national consciousness existing solely as financial entities.
It's what they are but our own elites have been Judaized too. The fact that leftists can't comprehend that or refuse to just exposes them.
Logan Rodriguez
I'm only using "redpill" in context od the idea what it's supposed to mean. What tankies don't get is that commies of the past didn't have their relatively traditional attitudes because they were oh so red-pilt and shit, it's because EVERYONE back then had these beliefs. Commies' beliefs are only relative because communism is an ideology that cannot create anything, only live off the carcass of the previously established society.
Nolan Jackson
Currently studying in Estonia at Tartu. I get to pass by his party's office every day, feels nice. Might visit soon.
And they're actually like 14% of Estonia's parliament
Gavin Rogers
Robert Foster
Provide proof of Russian shills and I will believe you. Your posts screams Jidf.
Jonathan Gomez
I felt a great disturbance in the shekel. As if 6 gorillion suddenly cried out and were suddenly salty.
Connor Johnson
Western elites don't give a shit about their own people and are definitely not helping them out. Instead actively help out other people to fuck their own people over.
White elites are the only ones actively fucking over their own population. They know it, they know when they accept a bribe or sum of money for some diversity bullshit that they're doing it and are just as complicit as the one who gave the bribe.
Jacob Myers
olgino pls
Camden Hughes
Yeah stalin killed more commies than any of us could ever dream of pretty ironic isn't it.
Grayson Bennett
Good. All these black monkeys need to be hung from trees. But I'll take a few hooting and hollering in Africa, at least for the time being. WHITE PRIDE WHITE COUNTRIES FOR WHITE PEOPLE. PERIOD
Julian Roberts
To this day Stalin is deemed a taboo in commie circles and some even call him anti-semite. Pretty ironic if you know the people in his trusted circle and agencies.
Jace Brooks
Pinochet was a servant of Israel you ignorant fuck
Logan Flores
What would chimps be doing in a poor Eastern European country with no gibs?
Jack Smith
He wasnt killed by the brazilian guy for a reason.
Isaiah Ross
Not exactly, it was more like Kim stopping being tsundere with Trump after China gave him a cheap blowjob, in other words, fear, Chile was forced to gave minerals or be attacked from all sides with the support of american planes.
Ryder Hill
This is why jews went after the major military powers first. They knew this would happen. It doesn't matter how many times Estonia, Hungry or Poland point out the obvious. They don't have the nukes to blow the jews and niggers off the face of the earth.