I was thinking to write about that or not, lazily throw it into google translate or not. But anyway, the story is simple, roskomnadzor banned popular among politically active youth messenger application called "Telegram", "Telegram" was connected to Amazon and Google servers. Not only by banning IPs of Google and Amazon they are dealing with Telegram, but its also affecting Google and Amazon as services, especially in european parts of russia. The guy who created both russian facebook analog called "vkontakte", and Telegram, Pavel Durov (you can think of him as russian Zuckerberg), is going to give millions in grants to VPN makers to evade the blocking.
The real issue here is that it will make Roskomnadzor to remember about VPN law, and ban more VPNs across the globe. This includes massive IP bans like the ones seen right now with google, if they risked massively banning google, they will massively ban all potential VPN services with multiple connection IPs.
According to the latest unloading of Roskomnadzor, the agency sent providers to block several IP-addresses, among which were the addresses of the main search page google.com. The addresses are blocked by the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office of April 16 (21-31-2018).
Users report a lack of access to the search engine in the last 24 hours. According to the heat map of the failures on the DownDetector site, the most serious problems are observed in the European part of Russia, mainly in the south, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as in the territory of Ukraine.
According to the "Roskvsvoboda", at the moment in the register of prohibited sites are 1,581,481 IP-addresses of Google.
Massive blocking of Google and Amazon addresses began on April 16, when Roskomnadzor launched the Moscow Tagansky court's decision to ban the work of the Telegram messenger in Russia. Under the blocking, there were addresses that allowed the messenger to remain accessible. In addition, the supervisory authority blocks VPNs and proxy servers, through which you can bypass the blocking of sites that have fallen into the regulator's black list. On April 20, it was reported that access to 18 VPNs and proxies was restricted.