I'm an oldfag and I can't even greentext but idc rn.
I'm boiling rn and curious what you faggots would do in this situation.
Tonight I walked to the corner bar shortly before closing time.
I ask for beer so I can relax and just have peace. I won't even bore you with the rest of my story bc I'm not a whiny faggot but suffice to say I get up early as fuck five days a week and I've really been through the fire my fellow anons but Il am the chillest guy you could ever meet.
So I walk in there's 4-5 patrons left engaged in a heated discussion about Jews/"Holocaust"…
"What do you want to drink user? And what is you think about this NAZI ASSHOLE AT OUR BAR??!"
"I don't know what you guys have been talking about. I just want a beer. I don't talk politics at bars. 1 miller lite plz?."
"So you're okay w gassing Jews??! Well then gtfo!!! I won't serve your ass gtfo!!" (etc) And cut to 2 cuck morons telling me to leave as I'm like "wait wat?" and the bar wench starts yelling "fuck off nazi we dont serve u here!!"
This just really happened to me just now in real life in my own beloved country. I can't even believe it…
All I wanted was a beer….
I'm an oldfag and I can't even greentext but idc rn
Serves you right for typing like a nigger :^)
I asked for a beer and was thrown out by 3 of my fellow white people…
I'm about to watch black panther out of spite how did my people go from mapping the globe and charting the stars to kicking me out of a bar for not soliciting an opinion on the holocaust?
It was a profoundly disturbing experience and I'm sort of thinking us white people deserve it at this point.
We invented telescopes and cartography and pretty much everything but we are soft and weak-minded and clearly can't keep our shit together.
Maybe you exposed your powerlevel last time you were drunk. You should boycot traitor buisnesses anyway.
Well you'd have to tell in detail what was told. Besides, before you took the redpill I'd bet you'd act the same as they. You know it takes time for the redpill.
Well I'm sure as hell never going back but it's very difficult to explain how ridiculous it was…I was not served because I was guilty of not saying what they wanted. I chose to stay out of the argument and therefore I was physically removed from the bar and refused service. It was absolutely unreal.
Great taste in movies OP. It really is like we are slowly living out the events of this film. Don't let that little squabble get to you though, we are living in tumultuous times so it is expected, shit like this is all over the place. Save your energy for the stuff that matters.
Bullshit thread shlomo. Real men don't order miller light at a bar. Or anywhere for that matter.
Thread reeks of bs.
Well you could go back at closing time tomorrow (or a week from now) and see which car that cunt bartender owns, then, around a month or two later when the whole thing has faded from memory and they won't connect the incident with you personally, return to the bar and set that cunt's car on fire. Just a suggestion.
Isn't that the movie in which the protagonist goes into this clothing shop which is owned by an evil, degenerate neo-nazi?
Don't let fear hold you back OP.
Show that libcuck watering hole that their ideologies wont fly in your neighbourhood. If there was really another "ebil gnatzee" at the bar then maybe the wenches opinion is in the minority of your area. Maybe you should find that other ebil gnatzee and offer him a brew and some decent discussion at your place instead of being hounded out of a stupid bar.
how did they know anything about you?
and later on he almost gets his family killed
Sounds like a kike from here. "Us white people"
Yes. Don't tell me that is the only reason for disliking it.
Didn't you know that 2 minutes of hate daily are required now? And you better be sufficiently enthusiastic about it or someone will report you to the ADL!
Falling down comes off as subversive dont trust daddy crap. On a different note what do anons think of the patriot?
I'd have thrown you out of my bar too.
To be fair you would be kicked out of my bar too.
You should have tell everyone to fuck off and give you you damn beer you pussy.
you look a bit under that picture of yours
Autist or kike, you need to stop posting
someone should issue free beer coupons on social media for the bar owners should respect freedom of speech or you could JUST HOPE AND PRAY THAT ONE DAY THE PEOPLE THAT WRONGED YOU WILL GET WHATS COMING TO THEM you know bad KARMA bad karma could manifest it's self as a ACCIDENTAL ELECTRICAL FIRE behind the jukebox IF YOU'RE STORY IS TRUE sorry you had to go through that but IT COULD BE A LIE so
stay out of trouble and remember
Rest of the film was great though.
This is the best bait I've seen in years old man , 7/10 at least
Mad Mel in one of his best roles
I liked it
Now to sharpen my tomahawk