Any Swede around here wanna translate the article?
Any Swede around here wanna translate the article?
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Name a single nationalist who would wave a NatSoc germany flag to virtue signal.
I smell false flag.
As user says.
It's Third Reich flag m8.
Hey rabbi, whacha doing?
Mad lad replaced the flag of a gym with a gnadzee flag late at shit, everyone flips a tit in the morning and cops quickly remove it
Incident is being investigated as a hate crime, no suspects
Okay, what is this new meme?
I wish it were real but it happened in Sweden so it's probably a false flag.
Back to trs you aut-kike twink.
lurk moar
Then the article just repeats that untill the (((journalist))) asks
In before electric fences are put around all pole shape objects here in socialist paradise Sweden.
Svastika flags were also put up all over Stockholm on the 20th.
Shut up fagget, unlike your shitty dystopia of a country Sweden has an actual national resistance.
Cant find the one where it says "When its 2017 and you dont have to hide your political views anymore"
It was done for Hitlers birthday. It happens every year. This year there was a bunch of flags going up, I saw several articles kvetching about hate crimes.
Gotta love Nordfront! Always puts a smile on my face.
I noticed alot of women joining them lately, the greatest testament of a movement gaining traction and starting to go mainstream. Don't discount Sweden, there's alot of determined patriots here who wont go down without a fight.
For Hitlers birthday I tend to hang up a flag in my home. I couldn't care if someone saw honestly.
That's such a low quality bait, I can do nothing but laugh. Holy shit you are desperate.
Checked. And just edit a new one
Look, I'm really glad you have a resistance, but I don't think you're in the position to scoff at the burger bros. Good job tho.
Actually we really are in that position, and I will always answer foreign cunts being rude to me with an equally rude answer. Especially when they are living in the literal mecca of cultural marxism, where they are giving away free coffee to negroids becuase they can't behave like decent people, that is way less white then us(84% white compared to 57%) and whose population is the most brainwashed with white guilt.
57% or 64%, not exactly a big difference and you know it.
Besides considering arabs and jews are counted as caucasians it's probably a too optimistic estimation.
I didn't know about the NRM until today. They seem very legit.
Well then you should tune in to their English speaking podcast Nordic Frontier some time, it's airing every tuesday. It's veeery comfy.
According to Jewkipedia, "non-Hispanic Whites" make up 61.3% of the nation back in 2017. It was 56% back in 2015 so I'm not sure what made it increase a little bit. Also I found this when sentence when I was looking up on one of its articles lol.
Few flags in my room can be seen from the street.
They really are trying to flood this country to death.
What the hell does the "Hispanic" "Non-Hispanic" thing mean? I've never understood it.
So it's a troll?
Probably NRM members doing it for Hitlers birthday.
I really do hope you are organizing burgers otherwise you're fucked, you're not getting a reprise from this shit.
They were shoa'd off of youtube sadly, but there's still a lot of fun stuff still up. Last weekend they threw firecrackers onto the American embassy ground, claiming they were "bombing USA for bombing syria" (damage was probably comparable tbqhfamlam). I believe one of them is still in custody for it
Thanks for the translation Sven.
That's one of my favorites, i always chose that as my logo in KSP.
Do you have the source at hand? I can't find it.
No really, this isn't a fucking joke.
Not sure I understand those statistics. 198 million (whites) out of 323 million (the total population of America in 2016) is 61%, not 56?
Based off what the gov site is saying white census went up by 5000 from 2015 to 2016 while niggers went up 350,000, "asians" went up 500,000 and "two or more races" went up 190,000, and hispanics went up 1 fucking million. So it went from 59% to 57.88 percent. There's a chance that (((someone))) has the totals.
My math is completely fucked up. White census is around 198 million based off the chart while everything else is 123 million, so it was like 62% or 61% white, I'm just being retarded.
Nevermind the ones (((uncounted))).
56% pure european white and not (((white))) or beaner or north african etc
It's a "common" prank here(Norway), it happens time to time. However on last invasion day the NMR raised it several places, one was on gestapo HQ. Sometimes it's like they are just trolling, but they are being serious in this kek.
As stated though this has been happening as long as I have lived except not at targeted places such as statspolitiets hq and so, but just random places usually in (((oslo))). Then it's just kids that do it to trigger people and get on the news
NTV is still up though, that's all I got
I regret not downloading all their shit from the channel that got shoad, it had so much funny shit there going back years.
they are deadly serious about this and their policies and how they act is actually very good. to bad thei channel got shoad or we could have shown you both how they deal with antifa and being attacked by the police. It's hard for me to explain, they know exactly how to behave and this gets them symphaty. They lesson the police when they attack you in the sense
I can't explain it, and they are really got with crowd control/anti cc and especially handling shields. they do workout a lot and practice on this. (((antifa))) and other kinds of subverted sheep is absolutely no match for them and they have killed either one or two of them after being attacked. I remember the one in Finland last, one of them started shit and a NMR fag responded by one kicking him with one kick that killed him.
Last pic is dead guy on the ground
It's pretty much tradition to hoist the flag in Hitler's birthday.
No he is not. He walk away from the incident.
heh ded. I dunno if pic related is done with the trial yet
He died, yes. But not from the kick.
Transparently staged psyop to scare swedes and turn them away from nationalism.
Also known as defilement.
Well of course. Who is making canvas nazi flags these days? Even the chinks at best use a rayon-nylon blend.
Last year's report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue[1] laid out the broad strokes of the game plan for fracturing the new right alliances. An essential element was to exploit preexisting tensions and fault lines between the various sub-groups in order to promote division and discord. The identified convergence points (and therefore specific targets for divisive rhetoric) were:
1. Platforms (4chan, Zig Forums, T_D, discord, etc)
2. Ideology (common grievances and common goals)
3. Tactics (plans for specific cooperative, larger scale efforts)
Some elements of the PTB have their eyes on us now, and campaigns of posts which focus on division with respect to any of the above three should be viewed with particular skepticism. It's fair to say "shills have always been with us" but the funding - and frankly the expertise and smarts available to them - have grown since 2016.
[1] The Fringe Insurgency: Connectivity, Convergence, and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right. J Davey and J Ebner, Institute for Strategic Dialogue, 2017.
If you want to break taboos you must act. There is no successful revolution that did not go against the 99% of idiot conformists.
now this is quality bait
No wonder these cucks are losing the meme war!
Ded fuckboi was a useless junkie, viciously whiplashed his head on the ground following the flying kick of No-Mo-Antifa
Basically it makes a distinction for people who at one point spoke Spanish vs. just naming mestizos. Divides white criollos/castizos from Anglo-Germanic-Nordic whites.
He was clearly talking about population numbers, not genetic heritage, you stupid nigger
Sorry, officer but for Tor to work, civillians must use it, too.
Tho vanilla Tor is banned here.
I wonder why.
How about you stop using that kike word?
checked, not bad tbh
I love how in Finland nordfront is banned and the police is actively trying to find nordfront members.
We spot you everytime
Some footage from last May Day. Sweden has the best NatSoc activists in the world. I am really looking forward to this year's events.
Support their work at
Are these guys even remotely redpilled to the kikes and Israel? The US missile strikes barely did, if any, civillian casualties. None if this shit has anything to do with "imerialism", it's just kikes ordering the military of their kike-occupied nations for the sake of glabal Jewry and Greater Israel. The Jew doesn't care about the goyim living in the nations (((they))) have been leeching on for centuries.
Gordon Freeman confirmed /ourguy/
why do you have crowbars on your wall?
Thanks user, just got back to the thread. I'll listen to this, these guys seem very solid but I want to be reasonably certain they aren't a honeypot. "Beware the man that is to good to be true" and all that.
welcome to Reddipol
Poor bastard didn't have God. That's why his movement failed. That's the difference between Rockwell and St. Paul. Sorry, LARPers and fedoras.
checked and heiled
It's time for a new Reich.
based billy corgan
Watch the video. The jew is named and israel is blamed for the attacks. Greater israel is also mentioned.
Read their programme as a start. You're more likely to run into AFS (political party of cultural nationalists) or DFS(podcasting eth.nic nationalists) supporters online , since NMR is focusing more on street activity, demonstrations etc. AFS has been coming here to shill for donations several times. AFS and DFS do not like NMR, and view national socialism as a ball and chain keeping them and their based racemixed followers from political success.
This sort of thing isn't too uncommon here outside of Stockholm, usually it's flags being removed though. Recently a highschool here tried to fly some LGBT flag, and it was stolen before the end of the day. So they tried again, and again it was stolen before the day was over. In about 4 days they ran out of flags and had to give up and bemoaned themselves in local newspapers about how evil and racist the NRM are, even though they're very unlikely to have had anything to do with it. Most likely they weren't involved with this flag either, since they have their own flag they prefer to use.
Usually things like these are done by average ordinary citizens, because it's one of the only ways they can really rebel against what's going on without having their private information published in national media and then getting visits from "newswedes" in their homes. This permeates every aspect of politics and media. The only way to stop it is to block the source. It's no coincidence that almost all media in Sweden is de facto owned by Bonnier Publishing, while the politicians who get praised by said media simultaneously fund the press that is supposed to be acting as a "watchdog" of corruption.
This is far beyond voting, because a majority of executive power in Sweden is in the hands of the EU, in which Sweden has 1.7% of the mandates. Swedish policy is in effect dictated by Brussels under the full cooperation of the illegitimate government which gave them executive power over Sweden as far back as 1996, without as much as a peep out of the press or police. Meanwhile, the media is funded by state institutions, but only if they have the "correct democratic values" which always translates to bending over for the EU. Yet, despite this, almost no international media points out the obvious Soviet turn Sweden is taking under the EU. Instead, international media seems more content shilling defeatism and seems to be more interested in distracting people from the problems in their own countries that eerily resemble the problems in Sweden. Almost like there's some kind of universal (((agenda))) being pushed or something.
Politicians in turn make lots of money on this. There's been a housing shortage in Sweden since at least the 90's, and a majority of politicians all by pure coincidence just so happen to own houses and properties. The import of more and more people (who almost all vote socialist for handouts) thus drives up the demand and thus the bank loan needed to buy a home. It's no coincidence that these loans and consumption loans are how banks also make a majority of their money. Few houses, more people, higher prices, higher loans, higher profits for (((bankers and politicians,))) who in turn pay off the media through press support.
You'll often see people go on about how "swedes voted for this" but completely neglect that voting can be rigged (especially in Sweden where voting is not private and ballots frequently go missing, yet the UN refuses to send observers), politicians can be paid off, and laws can be altered. This is why the Nordic Resistance Movement exists, and grows every day. This is also why you're only now recently during the election year seeing people slinging defeatism and calling the NRM "larpers" and other things, because every established party in the nation has sold out as this point. Including the so-called "anti-immigration" SD (which refuses to acknowledge the existence of a Swedish people.) As such it's no surprise that for example the socialist party has been forced to admit to hiring people to shill for them on social media. This while accusing others of being "Russian trolls". The goal in all of this is very clear, and it becomes even more clear when you analyze simple stats, such as where the people who for example supported the Euro being introduced. Spoilers it's the places where the most immigrants live.
I have hope though. If you believe polls, most Swedish people would fight for their country which I believe is why we're seeing this backlash growing, with the notable exception being immigrants who wouldn't for obvious reasons. Bottom line: We're either going to hit full 1984, or we're going to hit full race war. Going by the Strauss-Howe theory, I'm inclined to believe it'll be a race war.
>Politicians in turn make lots of money on this. There's been a housing shortage in Sweden since at least the 90's, and a majority of politicians all by pure coincidence just so happen to own houses and properties. The import of more and more people (who almost all vote socialist for handouts) thus drives up the demand and thus the bank loan needed to buy a home. It's no coincidence that these loans and consumption loans are how banks also make a majority of their money. Few houses, more people, higher prices, higher loans, higher profits for (((bankers and politicians,))) who in turn pay off the media through press support.
tfw Australia is turning into Swedistan. We have the exact same problem here with our political class importing chinks to artificially boost property prices. Increased pressure on the market from the chink influx and resulting property shortage has sent house prices skyrocketing, making boomer property owners millions, whilst ensuring the housing market is all but inaccessible to the majority of the population (at least anywhere near the capital cities). One of our former Prime Ministers, Bob Hawke, is well known to have made a fortune selling Australian property to chinks; didn't even try to hide it. It's a disgrace, and I hope that in my lifetime I get to see this faggot and his accomplices swing for their crimes selling out our future.
From the political program
2. By all available means, and with a long-term perspective, work to regain power from the global Zionist elite who have economically and militarily occupied the greater part of our world.
These tactical crowbars….
how should be refer to ourselves as a collective then?
unironically better than funs in some situations
this happened to me once:
nordfront is not control op is what you are saying?
unless this is a double bluff
ill take my guns over a shovel any day, enjoy your tactical shovel tho.
Oh boy it's happening again.
Maybe if every country in Europe wasn't flooded with ~15-25% nonwhite migrants. Now it is a very relevant term.
Uh, they could. It's called American, based on American ancestry and the deeds of their American ancestors. In America. Fucking kraut has no real comprehension of what he's saying.
Never mind that he conflates Americanism with judaism because he's so fucking brainwashed that he literally couldn't name the jew if he was on a 7-proxy tor node on a computer running GNU in southeast asia, because he would still be afraid that he has the same restrictions on speech as in his "homeland", which no longer exists.
When the pot calls the kettle black the kettle is still a nigger
If you do they don't seem to be doing much more than our (((resistance))) does. What makes you think yours isn't a false flag as well?