Several anons and normalfags have noted that the latest dindunuffin Starbucks crisis appears to have been as staged as the Rosa Parks "Racial Posteriority" event in young Weimerica. Clearly the leftist political machine loves this tactic, and there is little surprise to be had.
However, the Philadelphia Starbucks brewhaha appears to be a typical jewish real estate trick intended to free up a piece of valuable real estate in Philadelphia at a minimum, and trigger a self-sustaining chain reaction to kill other Starbucks stores and free them up as a bonus. The ingenuity of the crafty merchant is sometimes impressive. Consider the following.
Unfortunately all of the good cuckchan threads about Starbucks appear to have been purged. So I am reconstructing some of the details about the happening from memory, and may get some details wrong. Call out inconsistencies where you see them but don't fuck the thread with noise.
The Philadelphia Starbucks in question is in a very rich and affluent area near Rittenhouse Square next to million dollar condos and houses. That is a prime piece of real estate! Of course Starbucks would never willingly give it up. Any (((real estate tycoon))) would be salivating to obtain it, however.
The "white local businessman" kek who was supposed to meet the two nogs at Starbucks is actually a jew real estate tycoon named (((Andrew Yaffe))). He is the yid on the arrest video who proclaims, while rubbing his hands, "Does anybody else think this is ridiculous? It’s absolute discrimination."
The two dindus had met with (((Yaffe))) several times before, which gave the three of them to discuss the "real estate opportunity." The opportunity was a plan to force Starbucks to give up this prime real estate by essentially taking a big shit on it. Wave after wave of angrynig protests very bad optics for Starbucks and customers, infinite demand for free beverages there go the profits!, inability to remove agitators from the premises there goes the clientele who are there to enjoy the Third Space for work, relaxation, or dates, inability to keep restrooms clean there goes the "I have to piss but I want a clean restroom" clientele, having to cowtow to every nig demand, etc. would damage the Philadelphia location into closing so that Yaffe would be able to snap it up, along with any other impacted stores. The clinically-retarded hotep agitator nogs would be paid handsomely for their role in the scheme, just as (((Jerry Heller))) paid niggers to create gangster rap.
The beauty of this crime? It is impossible to investigate. The optics of doing so would be disastrous:
In order to prove their conspiracy, a smoking gun would be needed. Law enforcement would need hard evidence. Since they met in person, I doubt there is any evidence.
Discuss and brainstorm how we can bring these fuckers down.
Main sauce: