Brit/pol/ #2804: Brexit Backlash Edition

Reaction as local election results counted

Candidates draw lots after dead heat in Hambleton

Local elections: Conservatives lose more than 1,300 councillors
The Conservatives have lost more than 1,300 councillors, with Theresa May saying voters gave politicians a message to "get on" with Brexit.

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nigger lenin

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bit early but good lad

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for him

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for her

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who gives a shit what the bible says tbh fags are disgusting end of

For 12 days free from toil

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we wuz commies n shit

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unironically reading mein kampf is the ford translation a good one?

>goddaughter asking me about the Bible cos of some stupid social media shite about "akshulee "man shalt not lie with another man" is a mistranslation from the greek and akshulee it's just about not bumbing boys and therefore the Bible is fine with gays it's just Christians are homophobes!"

homoism leads straight to noncery so checkmate bumbandits even by your own shitty take you're still wrong.

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Good lad


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lad the queen is a direct descendant of the prophet muhammad tbh

The Aristocracy were such a fucking failure

wez all chedduh n sheeit bigot

high society degenerates ruining everything

Fucking disgrace tbh

I say strip all the current landed elite of all their land tbh.

if i recall correctly the third reich authorised one in english was incomplete and the ford translator shills his as being the BEST but his german is apparently poor.
manheim is the common one and despite his introduction attacking mr H for obvious reasons it seems decent enough.

The monarchy can keep a bit

just play a german audiobook during your sleep until it makes sense

Conditional upon…….

I'd love to hate fuck jess. I imagine slamming her from on top. I'd slap her smug grin from her stupid face and keep going all over her grotesque body until she is red all over. Then i'd spit on her ugly sweaty face. After that i'd start choking her out as she makes donkey noises. Have you ever heard the noise a donkey makes while being fucked? Its loud and wild and thats the dumb brummy donkey noise jess will make as I penetrate her deeper with every stroke. As she loses consciousness i'd whisper in her ear "I wouldn't even rape you" before finally spilling my hot load in her dirty stretched out cunt.
Consensually of course.

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tradie ruling class now

The Stalag edition was the one authorised for British POW's

Only if they support the new regime of course, if they don't it's hullo republic and lord protector.

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some british art I like tbh. saw them in bowden's sculpture vid. if you lads have BRITISH art, sculptures, paintings you like, post 'em.

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hi Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad

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we should choose a new king from among the ranks of the indigenous britons

i choose stefan, he has anglo blood and the killer instinct as shown in his video where he threatens to kill his own mother, and is bald and looks imposing. clad in royal robes he wouldn't look like some gay faggot like the windsors but a wise man seething with righteous autist rage, he is a charismatic man and good debater too

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I can't even tell if this is shitposting anymore.

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*chuckles* Remember to vote UKIP

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that would be comfy ngl

did Harald Hardrada have any heirs?

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I'd defend those milkers

with my penis

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yeah let's get a child that the nonclers can take advantage of smh

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It's just westie tbf

Woman get away with murder pushing the fat around their far fucking trunks. Disgraceful

how the fuck is this literal theft allowed?

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looks a bit noncy lad

SA's a gaycel, it makes sense tbh

Because the world is corrupt.


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lots of respect thats hilarious. looks like brexit running around the tory mp's

Is that Chris Tarrant?

I miss this memi

lads what does it mean when you see a lad with a pepe sticker on his laptop?

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wish someone would post the original images they were really funny tbh

For wagies enjoying their allocated toil free period

He posts on reddit

that yours lad

he's a veteran of the mem.e wars and a lieutenant in the troll army

I got it wrong it's only 8 days

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The red faces? I wish I had the audio clip. Obviously he's said the same thing multiple times, just that one time it really stood out. I think it was a commie or something.

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no, I just filter by recent

yeah that's what I thought


quite telling

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>No more kj posting

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Laughs in your face

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just keepin it local lads

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nah I was wrong it wasn't the communist he doesn't tell him to cut him off. Must be something else

we need a plausible plan for how and uprising could occur in this country, what would trigger it, another but much worse version of the 2011 perhaps with the wogs doing a mad one

I spotted a guy in a pub wearing a Sam Hyde t-shirt and he told me it was because he agreed with his “authoritarian ideas”.

It was pretty surreal.

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He's not even authoritarian

night lads (for now)

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I remember the first one it's a jumpscare, fuck Stefan for putting that in a vid tbh. I have asthma and sudden scares can kill me smh

not sure what to make of all this tbh. had half a mind to dab on him. not gonna lie.

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people who wear political t-shirts are always to most ill informed on those ideas

*frightens westie*

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smh I still remember the first ever time I saw a jumpscare video on the internet. Must have been about 10. Refused to go back on the internet for weeks.

Can you lads stop posting this pic? Get that feeling where you wake up on a weekend stressing about going to work only to realise after that it's the weekend smh

He so drunk when I found him he started rambling to me about how it was ok if I only knew Sam Hyde as a comedian and not his far right beliefs.

My mates were there and I didn’t want him to show me up so I slipped away after that.

*was so drunk

Christ, what a mess

This morn I woke up feeling like it was already the weekend. Then my alarm went off. Very uncomfy

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Its bank holiday lad
