Nigger Hate Thread

Hey Zig Forums, I need some help with an issue involving niggers.

A pair of niggers and their sproglet have moved in below my apartment. They blast nigger rap and smoke weed all day - the weed smell gets into my apartment, and the nigger rap makes it hard to get work done.

I have a plan to sort of get back at them - I am going to act in kind by playing annoying music at them through the vents. (This is unlikely to make my other neighbors hate me, because the location at which I am setting up this speaker system is acoustically isolated from them.)

I was wondering if you guys could help me out by posting audio - musical or otherwise - that would annoy the hell out of a nigger or an infant nigger. Audio such as the great "Run Nigger, Run" and the mosquito tone in particular are on my list of things to play, but I had hoped for a larger variety than this.

In particular, I want to make it very clear to the niggers that they are very unwelcome in this neighborhood and that they need to leave very quickly. I would rather be more or less insulated from police intervention (hence the mosquito tone, which policemen will not hear, but which will make the sproglet cry).

So that this does not become a blogpost, I'd also like to make this a general nigger hate thread.

Attached: GokuIsntBlack.webm (960x540, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:

To get started, here is something old but amusing.


cuckchan threads created to make sure and not redpill loud niggers about NatSoc who hate Jews anyway

Just play unnerving music, and add something that will make it seem like a demon is there. Aren't blacks superstitious as fuck?

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That's pretty smart. Just a bunch of stuff like this, coupled with "GET OUT" and the like during the night, right?

Then call the cops, it's not that hard, they'll notice the weed and take them in.

The answer is so obvious. Play classical all day long. mozart, vivaldi: the more complex and fast paced, the better.

Bagpipes. The high frequency queefing of the octopus sex doll will cut through any music they try to use to drown it out.

Also, the anti-nigger is gayness. Blacks absolutely abhor anything homosex. If music warfare doesn't work I personally think it's not enough on its own you can easily bait the nogs into getting themselves in trouble by posing as a gay, bringing gays to your apartment, or blowing a kiss and licking your lips at one of the nogs.

Never fails. A nog CANNOT not react to a homosexual advance, even one that is done at a distance. They will take the bait every time.

Use this knowledge wisely. Godspeed.

I tried this. The cops are somewhat useless in my city about this.

I love this, and I also like bagpipe music so I can just have it blare loudly while I enjoy myself. You are my hero.

Thank you, so much.

If you want to be a bastard, kids can hear higher frequencies than adults (it drops out slowly, a 40 years old for sure can't hear 20kHz but teenagers still can, so go higher if you want to make nigglets cry). You can do something like a dog whistle, but for nigglets. Btw, even if you can't hear it don't play it crazy high or you'll destroy your eardrums.

Just incase take pics of them and get evidence, then go send it to the police, if they still don't find out find their weed stash and burn it all, smash their speakers too, then leave a dvd of "Get Out."

I had mentioned the mosquito tone in the OP, which is exactly this. I am not above being an utter bastard about this.

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don't be pussy, burn a fucking cross on the front lawn. they'll get the message.

no thats gay. niggers are gay as fuck, look at their AIDS rates. this advice is going to get OP raped.

Piece of copper tube attached to fishing line , dangling outside their window , whilst playing voodoo ritual and or ghost sounds and or horror chainsaw massacre sounds.
I give it 48 hours for “fug dis shit”

Self seppuku for forgetting my

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Ah, fuck, I should have specified that I love the bagpipe music part of this advice and not the homosexuality part of the advice.

God fucking damnit.

If you are trying to teach the niggers a lesson and get them to quiet down, you will fail spectacularly in your task. Low IQ individuals, especially niggers, will just see any sound you play or any action you take as a provocation and escalate in kind. They will NEVER self-reflect and ask of themselves why you may be acting a certain way towards them. They are physically/mentally not capable of doing so. Go ahead and play a mosquito, bagpipes, classical music, or vid related as much as you want. All it will make the niggers do is play their music louder and later at night. Or start doing other shit like fucking with your car or apartment. Niggers cannot be reasoned with. Would you attempt to reason with a wild animal? This is a game you cannot win.

The only options are a) noise complains and calling the police - which will most likely go no-fucking-where or b) move. If you are living in a place that wild animals like that can afford, I got some bad news for ya son. Fucking move.

Overt racism makes niggers assmad but implicit racism majorly creeps them out. Blast yankee doodle at them 24/7. Just a little something to remind them this country was founded by white men, for white men. They'll have dreams of being lynched by KKK on horseback every night.

this. I've dealt with this personally and they take offense to any and all interaction. Unless you can get other neighbors to complain you will end up looking like a dick, and thus the nigs will nig your shit. Best course of action is to move. Complain to your renter and explain why you want out of the lease. Do this asap. Do not, DO NOT engage the niggers, unless they are eating your waffles too.

Wear earplugs and open your windows to solve your immediate problems. NYPA, but infrasound and ultrasound have been used as sonic weapons for decades.

Completely unrelated:

Pretty much all of this. The way to win against the nigger is to produce or find an environment or scenario designed to entrap them, then use their predictable responses to certain key phenomena to make them self-checkmate.

One of the easiest behaviors to exploit is their rage response when confronted with anything that would make them feel or look homo. The nigger HAS to react in such a situation. It is in their nature.

You have to think less like someone who wants to kill every ant of an infestation, and instead think of how to route the ants to their own demise, or just out of sight, by exploiting the ants' natural behaviors pheromone trail navigation. Or catching prey by setting baited traps. Think of trapping the nigger rather than fighting it.

Get the nog to do something rash and not in its best interest, then turn on the lights and let the police, hospital, parole officer, or what have you finish the job.

checked, yes, start riding a dildo attached to the floor and watch gay chaturbate with the volume up. Call cops bcuz they homopobick an sheeit

Do what the beaners do, get 10 dogs and let them spook the nogs. Dogs are nocturnal animals anyway.

You guys are laughable and dangerous idiots.

truth checked
Also, these guys get it in terms of non-larping solutions other than RWN.
They think their behavior is OK, that's why they do it. They do not understand, and are incapable of understanding what is wrong about it. So it is a waste of time talking to them about it. They will take it as a slight on their low self-esteem and chimp out.

You misunderstand. Create the appearance of a sexual advance, at a distance, and watch the nog chimp out on cue. This is fun to do while driving in rush hour traffic when the nog has no choice but to rage in place while you drive off. Agitation, weaponized.

It's underrated and impossible to get caught if you do it right. Also, if the nog is asked about the chimpout and tells the truth, the negative opinion of gays will be very problematic oy vey! to any potential ally of said nog.

Any other kind of provocation that makes the nog react in a way that you want is on the table. The bait depends on the circumstances of the trap.

It is easier for user to be watching a movie with "po-po" sirens blaring loudly, making sure the volume goes up suddenly.
You may hear them turn their music down while working out if the po-po is interested in them, then turn it back up and laugh when they realize it was you watching TV. However, psychologically they will always be on edge, and may keep the music at a lower volume thereafter - so they can hear the po-po more easily.

Bad advice if they are Down-low they are gonna rape him

Have you tried politely but firmly asking them to stop?

Wild animals cannot be reasoned with

Yes, actually. That did not go so well, and it is the reason I now own a gun.

Fucking nigger detected

Yeah, yeah. Why don't you go share a tiny living space with 10 land sharks?

Hey, newfag read
Done that? OK, now go read it again.

What if OP was to turn their address out for some down low good times? Get literal aids infected niggers to show up at their door looking for aforementioned good times.

well I totally fucked that up that post

10 go read
20 go read
30 GOTO 10

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Only to non-whites

Here you go OP, enjoy.

What are you going to do when you have no shelter to flee to, white man?

rock you with the glock faggot

Look up "niggers bop duck tales" or "Alabama Nigger by Johnny Rebel"


But you asked for songs/music that would annoy:

Okie from Muskogee
Highway to Hell
Friends in Low Places
Sweet Home Alabama
When the Levy Breaks
Boys 'round Here
Erika (German Marching Song)
Gimme Shelter
A Country Boy Can Survive
Long Way to the Top (If You Want to Rock and Roll)
Fortunate Son
Eastbound and Down
Amazing Grace (Royal Scots Dragoon Guards bagpipe version)

I was wondering wtf you were on about lul, are you drunk user?

Play this at full volume

I'm going to assume that you aren't near the country.
I found out first hand that white men that hunt scares most niggers they're scared of the animals, themselves let alone hunters enough to not bother you, and that jewbox channel that plays all-day hunting videos with ads for guns, gutting hooks, and such freaks them the fuck out.

you're starting to get it tor-kun


Call cops anonymously when they are clearly taking drugs, say you heard a woman scream or a gun shot, they'll turn up and arrest them for possession

Was meant for

Here's what you do, get yourself a hundred cockroaches and a large can of spray foam, go to your kitchen sink and locate the plumbing stack. This connects from basement to penthouse. Release the cockroaches down the plumbing stack and then spray foam the hole shut. This will make the niggers feel quite at home and fuck the rest of the building. Be prepared to move after about a month or 2 because they spread like crazy.

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OP, have you already interacted with them? If not then go to the niggers car and slit his tires open.
Buy one of those stinky bomb or whatever they are and throw it in his window, once it's open.
Try to make it a nightmare for the nigger to live there.

The easiest thing to do would be to follow him at night and shoot him somewhere.

Are you kidding? These are great, I remember coming here years ago still mostly bluepilled (only lurked of course) and gradually learning the truth about nogs and the hallofcost just because it was funny and that got me to look into it. These are good threads that scare away normalfags and nonwhites.

I am sacrificing the linkage of this video to this thread, despite not even believing OPs predicament to be true.

But still.
Play this.

It needs no words despite being an opera too, but the white superiority still permeates every single note.

Kek, you're trying to get OP killed aren't you?

Make it say nigger at random times. They'll think it's a ghost

The nogs fear the pipes.

A bit slow today, sorry.


They wanna act like chimps. Fine, Show them what a h'white man listens to and listen to it loud user. Crank that classical shit up.

Also for the weed smell. There's something you could do to get back at them in a different way. Find out which car they are Leasing(blacks don't own anything) and smear some nasty smelling sludge(dog shit, fish guts, anything gross and smelly) into their air intake so their car will smell like shit and will be hard and expensive to remove. Repeat until they move out. Which im sure after getting the problem solved after a few times, they'll get the message.

Like other anons have said. Don't confront them or "rat" on them because they will think it's you and take it out on you. Act as though their antics have gone un-noticed and keep planning and plotting capers to foil them. Make them think the universe is fucking with them vs the guy upstairs.

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dubs of supreme planning

This thread needs some videos of niggers getting knocked out.

I'll go download some brb

Nice and quick
Night night nigger

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Come on you guys, join in the funposting

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Does anybody have the plants vs niggers thread archived anywhere? The Johnny Appleseed seedbombs seem like a good approach to dealing with nigger neighborhoods.

Absolutely horrible advice except for the bagpipe suggestion. Gay! (the whole album's a winner, really)

I'm sure annoying tones would work wonders. Alternatively, just spread some 'novichok' on their door handle, works wonders.
t. British Government

Dress up as a pointy headed ghost, niggers are scared of ghosts.

This is what I was thinking. What plant was it that was being discussed?
Also, post more webms.

Call the DEA and say that they're dealing (not smoking, dealing) large amounts of weed.

Flight of the Valkyries as far as music

That is by one of Hitler's favorite composers!