Transcript of the most important part (from 2:40)
So Nunes basically stated that there was no basis in reality to start the investigation. Would this be enough to shut it down? When will this kikery end?
Transcript of the most important part (from 2:40)
So Nunes basically stated that there was no basis in reality to start the investigation. Would this be enough to shut it down? When will this kikery end?
Other urls found in this thread:
The kikery ends when we end all kikes. Simple as that
that id tho
That timestamp
the mueller investigation is only a smokescreen to distract form the real crimes the DNC and the CF commited
I've been calling it for years, this will go all the way to the top but they will pin it on Biden instead of Obama.
Remember when Obama awarded old Uncle Joe his special medal on his way out the door? He's the goat.
Don't you think they're all being watched though? That's how I'd do it, let my crooked dirty enemies find all the dirt and loose ends for me under color of law. It's an investigation that runs itself, you just have to spy on the investigators.
they will probably try that however wait until it is proven the nigger was never legally president
Yawn. Its time for Nunes and co to start locking people up or moving on.
lol just fucking drop the net on all these hebes and glowniggers already.
Biden is an old sly fox; far far more cunning and intelligent than the jug eared niggerjew. He's not going to be anybody's goat.
We've known this literally since pee pee gate
Of course we do, but at least half of the public doesn't. We can redpill as much as we want among the public to sow suspicion, which many anons succesfully did, but evidence/statement is always needed to cement the truth to normies.
Shutting it down isn't enough. I want scalps.
Retribution at the workplace, starting tomorrow at 9 AM.
Pelosi came out reeeing after the Comey memo said there was no collusion, so what's she going to do this time? Ignore it? Go further nuts?
This narrative of Russia helping Trump hasn't gotten any traction and it's been a year and a half. How much longer until even the most normal normalfag says 'Christ, who cares?'
Try 6 months ago.
The only ones still clinging to hope should an hero soon.
if anything they will try pinning their house nigger and have everything end with his "suicide"
Remember obama was so fucking scared to be taken behind the barn after the election that he fled to a island in french polynesia and hid there for weeks.
jesus fucking christ
I always knew Hillary was a piece of shit, that's obvious at a glance, but I never knew she was such a dark evil witch like a big black spider sitting in it's tangled webs in a corner of the basement, waiting to make the children scream in terror.
somethings gotta be done
I reckon assange is about to collapse the United States Federal Government by releasing upwards of 400gig of horrible shîte into the federal court system thanks to an lawsuit by the dис.
third order projection:
73% probability of
strait biblical apocalypse.
Dotr when?
What the fuck?
You put way too much in Assange. It would be nice but I doubt he will actually drop anything of note.
Checked trips
Shit or get off the pot
Normalfags only hold opinions that let them conform and work their way up the social hierarchy. They're not necessarily bad people, they just don't have the time, capacity or courage to do anything else. As long as the media keeps pushing this, a fact or two won't get in their way.
Sadly, no it won't shut it down. The investigation can be ordered for whatever reason. It starts when someone says to start it. The only time permission is needed for anything is when a warrant is needed for pesky things like pesky 4th amendment protections if you in fact want a prosecution to stick. And in those cases, even if the original info was faulty, it was obtained in "good faith" and any evidence gathered in the act of seeking the evidence they were supposedly looking for can and will be used against the parties. It is fully admissible when it comes to courts because a legal warrant was issued. Example, you have a warrant to bust a drug dealer. You serve the warrant and search for drugs. You don't find any but find a shit-ton of dirty panties and lots of automatic weapons without the appropriate tax stamps and you are going to federal pound me in the ass penitentiary. Investigations don't mean shit unless someone wants to prosecute. If they fail to make a case and continue the "investigations" indefinitely there is cause for a harassment suit but that will also take a lot of time and it all comes down to a kike's whim at the end of the day.
It is all theater.
It should be but it won't be. Instead (((Adam Schiff))) will come out and say it was instead verified by 6 gorillion intelligence agencies goyim didn't you hear it on CNN? As to how Neurosyphilic Nancy will react to this? I expect her to start having full blown a frothing, flopping grand mal anytime now on the floor of the House, and I think most other people do to.
Where this will go from here. Possibly nowhere, it should end up with firing squads. Either way it does give a huge boon to Republicans especially more "non-traditional" candidates seeking election or reelection if exploited properly. The base on that side has to continue to vote as a bloc even though the D&C started along obvious fracture points before day 1 by (((them))), (((neocons))), and (((GOPe))). Or what
talks about will go on ad nauseum until someone nukes us.
That's why so many stories came out on Friday. Big news day! Nothing stuck though…
They did it all to bury any Comey news…wonder why?
Feels like continuing to whine about muh Russia just helps Trump and the GOP, no? I read an article on FOX today about how the RNC is going to use Clinton as a target and force the Dems to 'take ownership' of her in the midterms. (Particularly in states where Trump beat her narrowly.)
Been nary a peep from that worm after the whole memo thing. I could do with more increasingly-nervous pictures of his little rodent self for my reaction folder.
me too
That lawsuit was ill advised. Hillary will go up under oath.
Here's hoping she shits herself involuntarily while being questioned.
Has she ever been under oath? I know during the Benghazi hearings she wasn't.
Julian Assange IS about to bring down .gov.
>This is the bad one i think.
For (((them))).
>This is the Last Mistake of the dnc.
>This is the kid who died so we would know.
No idea, user. If she or Obongo were ever questioned, you can be god damn sure it'd be a bunch of softball horseshit like what Zuckerberg got. Questions in advance, not under oath, all that shit.
What ever happened with trying to use the bitcoin blockchain to unlock the insurance files?
He probably cashed in all his reserve hashes when BTC hit $20k.
Tits or GTFO. Spiders are /ourarachnidas/ faggot
The notion the decryption keys could be found in the blockchain was necessarily abandoned because it was complete bullshit. If such a thing was possible it would violate the entire point of the insurance files. The distinguishing characteristic that makes something an insurance file is definitive control over when (if ever) the decryption key is released. That necessarily implies an effective implementation cannot have any alternative mechanism to unlock the files. A logical person would never put decryption keys or passphrases in a publicly accessible data stream and make them trivially recoverable (meaning it would take less investment cost to recover and "decode" keys from the blockchain than to employ some sort of brute force scheme or attack the cryptosystem through an implementation or mathematical flaw).
In other words, if a group of illogical echo chambered bunker residing anons with the collective technical understanding of a single retarded amish person were able to successfully decrypt any of the insurance files, it is absolutely assured that all glow in the dark niggers would have done so much earlier. Even if they hadn't, as soon as a successful decryption happened the utility value of that insurance file would be null. Consequently it appears such anons were acting against Assange, as any effort to decrypt the insurance files before an obvious release of their related keys would yield them useless to the one person who needs them most.
It is very likely that Assange cycles old insurance files into new Wikileaks releases, as old insurance files may be worthless as negotiating chips if they contain outdated (but still relevant to normies) information. It's also likely Wikileaks acquires better negotiating chips on a rare if not regular basis, creating a basis for new insurance files to be released. I think vault 7 going public is an example of this. I also think this is what he is doing in the articles linked here .
Funny thing about the news is that no matter which side you are on, you cant really prove either side is real. At the end of the day you dont believe what you do because YOU can prove it, you believe what you do because you chose to believe the evidence that supports what you want to believe. You cant prove the holocaust did or did not happen. Just like there are pictures and items and documents that prove the holocaust is real, there are pictures and documents that prove the holocaust isnt real and it all comes down to which evidence you CHOOSE to believe. Either side of the story, any of the evidence presented could be fake and it is impossible for you to know for sure. Funny that so many people are against blind faith yet when you really examine how people come to believe what they do it always boils down to faith. You have faith you are right.
I agree. Let's get started.
whomever drew that picture is retarded, three people survive that setup.
5 considering your shooting lines
b-but Morgan Freeman told me there was
Nope, Three are aiming for the nigger. bold guy, orange shirt and blue shirt
The best part about the holocaust is how normies believe the shit out of it. They won't believe a damn thing Russia has to say between the end of WW2 and now, yet they just drink the shit out of the koolaid when it comes to russias findings on death camps.
The guy in the bottom right would live as well.
and the top right
Never Zig Forums, never change.
Here we are again, gents
He stated WL was in possesion of "physical evidence" contradicting the muh Rasha. Presumably the thumb drive (or even better, witness protection program Rich himself.)
We did it my fellow Russian hackers, soon we'll annex America and Canada to unify the great north once again with Trump's help.
This why our disinfo is the strongest in the world; if they run with it the Rothschild imperialists will discredit themselves comrade! How do we convince Democrats that Trump is secretly a hyperborean Soviet spy that's trying to bring back the Great Tartary?
based portuguese
But then the question becomes what is faith, and who has faith? And do you realize the inevitable conclusion of that line of questioning ends with one side undoubtedly being right, even if they can't prove it?
The fact that 4chan managed to troll the intelligence services was an eye opener for all people.
They might be that dumb.
Well, what are they going to do to distract against this?
Once the mainstream is forced to cover
And CNN has to have a story that we just need more information
Then all the normal fags will finally know
bad thing is, that the news is getting their info from leaks and intelligence instead of actual reporting. Then the intelligence agencies are getting their info from news and imageboards instead of actual intel. All it takes is actual fact finding and old school intel. Someone could easily run rings around the US. They need to get their shit together and quit sipping mountain dew staring at a screen in Virginia.
They just make stuff up every time there is something positive to say about Trump.
People should get fired over this, frivolous lawsuits are responded to with lawsuits.
They blew money on a fake investigation, someone should get fired.
This story is getting eclipsed by the, 'Canadian Truck Of Peace,' btw
Biden is from Arden Delaware, which (according to jay Parker) is a marquis of hell cult that began on property given by the Dupont family. The people are generational satanists/serial killers/pedophiles.
hillary's got kuru. she probably won't be around for too much longer.
It's impossible. The whole point of blockchain security is it institutes indiscoverable collision free hashes within the keys. The odds of bruting a blockchain hash are so small you could utilize the entire computational power from every computer ever created, combined, and run it all from the beginning of earth's existence until now and you would still have an inconceivably small chance of unlocking the hash. So, it's impossible. There is no force outside of God that can unlock a hash without a key, or without holding scissors to Assange's jelly beans.
Dude, that's not even half of it. Just last week a faggot suicided by setting himself on fire just to protest anti-global warming. At this point these people are fucking diabolical.
the us doesnt do any intelligence gathering anymore. Aside from the media it all comes from outside parties like SITE intelligence group and mossad. It was openly said on mainstream media that our last Syria bombing run was entirely israel handing us a list of targets. not a single actual us intelligence asset was used. the us intelligence services just get paid to watch computer screens and to do nothing unless a superior is over their shoulder. and only pass info if it impresses their superiors and is the bare minimum to keep their job. then the one white guy in the office gets overloaded with work while all of the diversity hires browse kikebook all day. and the white guy is the only one whos job is threatened. just like any government job nowadays.
Seriously? Where did that happen?
people ITT sill think assange is alive even though he never used his PGP to encrypt anything after D.A.K, and it was his suggestion to request it as Proof-Of-Life
it still blows my mind that they haven't even spoken to Veselnitskaya. You would think Mueller would at least make a phone call to make it seem like the investigation isn't a sham.
here some old screencaps of blockchain and insurance file work.
they are npc's subject to the 80/20 rule
it could go to a special council to investigate FISA abuse, and since this council will have real things to investigate, some FBIs, Clapper, Lynch and others could en in jail.
Normalfags never cared
fucking stupid. Start a criminal investigation to determine if there is enough evidence to prosecute comey, mccabe & whoever else signed onto the warrant request. If there is, prosecute.
Special councils are codeword for "waste of money that takes years to do nothing."
This is so true. There's such retribution for going against the flow that it's understandable why being a normie is the most successful social/genetic strategy. If you go against the flow but you win the payoff can be astounding, and being capable of that sort of change is necessary to allow a society to adapt.
Fantastic work.
let's say pgate is it.
how are you supposed to spread that, hmm?
you don't understand, muh brack peoporu
*good* work but mp4 would be famtastic
Will anyone ever be held accountable?
All of the Russian madness is to make look trump look bad for the elections and history books.
You need to elaborate on that scenario to get an answer. What is "it" in your first sentence?
The encryption key could be encoded in the blockchain in a way that is indecipherable.
Think like "For every digit in Pi skip that number of bytes and grab the next one from all the transactions involving address XX".
That being said, it's pretty stupid. The secret of how to decode the encryption key might be nearly as complicated as the encryption key itself.
Correction: theoretically indecipherable. That was part of my point in my earlier post - why bother putting the key in the blockchain? No matter how remote the possibility, doing so opens up a theoretical risk vector that serves no constructive purpose, so it's pure and needless risk. I just don't think Assange is that retarded.
I agree with this. It's fucking stupid if the Kolmogorov complexity of your instructions is higher than the complexity of your passphrase or key file. Your key recovery instructions have to be easier for a human to remember than the actual passphrase or 256 bit key file for it to be worth it. Using an English language passphrase of sufficient length would almost assuredly beat a scheme (also in English) describing how to derive the key bits from bitcoin transactions. It may also be worth mentioning if the passphrase or key is simpler than the scheme used to recover it, any future distribution past the initial one would just use the passphrase or key instead. In other words, recovery from the blockchain would only have to happen once.
Let's say you're afraid of your key or passphrase being tampered with in flight should you need to release it, so your response is to embed it in the blockchain with some complicated scheme. The entire dead man's switch concept hinges on your ability to clearly communicate one way or another - if glowniggers could interfere with the distribution of the passphrase they could just as easily interfere with the dissemination of instructions on how to retrieve a key. Insurance files and dead man's switches are predicated on exclusive control of when the key is released as well as the ability to get the key into people's hands at that exact moment. Lacking one or the other renders the entire thing meaningless.
All of the endchan bullshit that was going on was effectively this: if you use an arbitrary decryption key to try to decrypt an insurance file, and you take the leading X bytes from it, and those X bytes happen to resemble some kind of structured file, then FOR CERTAIN you've got the right decryption key. The flaw in that thinking is if you try enough random decryption keys you can almost assuredly get X bytes out matching valid bytes of an arbitrary file type, even if the key you tried is definitely not the original one. This is fundamental to how encryption works - if any part of the input is garbage the output is absolutely garbage, EVEN IF parts of it resemble low entropy information.
I am confident their scheme never worked because of the total absence of any data contained within any of the insurance files. If (now that I look at it again) is implying the distribution of the decrypted data would be hindered because of fear, I'd point to the fact that only the distribution of classified information is illegal, not the possession of it. This is different than child pornography, amusingly. If a CIA nigger dropped off a hard drive in your mailbox full of government secrets, you cannot be prosecuted for looking at the contents. Naturally the CIA nigger can be prosecuted for gross negligence (if unintentional) or treason (if intentional) for his act. Even if distributing the data was illegal, distribution of the decryption key and insurance files separately would not be illegal. Think the old school t-shirts with the perl DeCSS source code written on it. If that too was made illegal, other than the inevitable constitutional crisis that would ensue, anyone who ever downloaded the insurance files at all could be considered a criminal. Consider all of this would be happening while the government is doing massive fucking damage control and I think you have your answer.
I will say that if you ever wanted to distribute ridiculously sensitive information to a small group of people, and prevent any of them from defecting, you would embed the information in to child pornography images. It would not surprise me if the government or (((certain groups))) were already doing this, but I would argue that the WL insurance files do not contain such material precisely because of the possession problem. They would have extracted the information out of the images first before constructing the insurance file.
whatcha slidin', merchant?