Jap grows balls and carpetbombs his followers with facts about niggers, calls out black lives matter and proclaims that blacks aren't oppressed and have only themselves to blame for their failure. The comment section is absolute gold.
Former cuck Jap gets redpilled hard on race
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a hooktube embed so no monetization.
The Day the Jap Began to Hate
If the Japs had invaded they would have began the great American death march
This guy always looks like he needs a shower.
odd. i just found this guy's videos a few days ago. and then here he is on pol.
A dangerous idea, since there are niggers in his hostel.
so is the media gonna have a fit about this and try to make everyone think hes white?
Don't they do that every single time?
Pandering. Don't get fooled by this "Jap", he has happily promoted Japs racemixing.
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Same with liberals anyone who actually has to deal with niggers will hate the shit out of them.
Seems like he's on the path to the redpill.
This shit again. Fuck off leddit.
Was this really worth killing a thread over? Who am I kidding, half the board is cuckchan spam at this point, it probably was worth it.
Nothing odd about it when you cunts are doing this shit for shekels, levi.
I highly doubt every single person on this board was full 1488 gas the kikes race war now from the moment they were born.
Why was this worth a thread? Why does an e t h n o-nationalist board care about a fundamentally civic-nationalist point of view? I'll give you a hint, it isn't and we don't. Lurk for 2 years before posting, let alone posting threads you stupid fucking nigger.
Levi doesn't even sound like a jew name. what were you trying to insinuate? Do my pants need gassed now?
this. most started out liberal and that's just natural when you're really young growing up on popular media of the 2000s
I don't care. If he was really getting redpilled, he would delete all his videos promoting racemixing and other degeneracy, but he hasn't.
Yet here you are, wasting yours, and everybody else's time, with 3 posts and counting….
we know chaim, it's why you're losing and you're terrified.
it's almost like every thread that actually encourages real people doing real things in real life and not larping on the internet gets sage bombed by people who respond with in minutes, very mysterious…
What kind of fucking post formatting is there? It's not even reddit-spacing anymore. It's like you're evolving. Are you going to indent between each word next?
Please explain how posting some random jewtube who's entire video has giant disclaimers about him not being racist then proceeding to give a fundamentally civic-nationalist perspective on an irrelevant problem is productive for eth no-nationalism? What is the purpose of this thread? What kind of discussion were you hoping to spawn? I'm well aware that none of you are ill-intentioned. I can see from the way that you post that you aren't kikes, but you need to fuck off with these awful cuckchan threads and posts. You aren't welcome and you aren't wanted, and until you understand why continue lurking.
Except this faggot isn't redpilling anyone.
Doesn't mean shit when he shamelessly promotes degeneracy in his other videos.
I know this group hates us, but whenever people make something against us it always sounds pro-us.
I don't get it, but I love it.
This is fucking awful. Only people interested in shit like this are faggoty civcucks seeking minority approval before they take their own side. You're a liability.
< such a kike comment.
I tried to say r e d d i t. What is this filter bullshit.
I can't get over how this slope pronounces, "Black"
It won't stay up long unless maybe the accent saves it
You have to hear this guy
screenshot some of the butthurt in the comments
Yeah, but remember, all the ones who weren't are getting gassed. Also all the Slavs, Mediterraneans, Celts, Anglos and Nordics are also getting gassed. And the Germanics and White Americans, too. Fuck 'em. In fact, I'm the only person in the world who is really White.
Oh I dunno, in the present climate, when you drop a redpill, a leftie might end up following your online trail to see what "this crazed fanatic" is like. They might be surprised to find out you were once like them. I still have a number of racemixing and faggotry-promoting comics I made kicking about… of course, if I continue them the plot might start to shift in strange directions, like towards ovens and "showers".
Another civcuck bumping this shit thread.
fuck off boomer nigger
You could've just said Celts, faggot.
Slow down there, tiger. Lest we forget who Japan allied with.
Then the Franks will conquer it again for what… the fifth time? The only question will be: will you have Jews to help you next time?
*Oops I forgot we got renamed the Normans.
Is your fucking country!! Why don't you do like ==LA RAZA COZMICA== has been doing on CA and exterminate them?
Hah, I've never seen him this angry.
He wants to holocaust the negro race. He's just citing #notallniggers so he doesn't get banned.
I cannotu understandu a wordu he sayu
Splitting on ideological lines. Check.
Splitting on platform lines. Check.
Splitting on tactical level. Check.
Sure is shilly in here.
I haven't read something so unbelievably fucking retarded in awhile. Reported for being a literal sub 3 digit IQ mongoloid.
I'd love to hear him call them niggers.
Oi vey, I'll be sure to report as well, this cannot stand! We cannot have the go—we cannot unite with these filthy asians in any way!
This is literally what he is saying. Where do you fucking retards even come from? You're all sucking the dick of a literal civic-nationalist profiteer who's entire career is based on trying to bait weebs into immigrating to an eth no-state only to start race mixing the minute they get there.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Fuck off back to wherever you came from you fucking retards.
You sure seem angry about the increasing international rejection of "diversity" and the simultaneous wish by people of all nations to return to their own ways, cultures, and lands.
Pick one you stupid fucking faggot. Day of the rope soon. Remember, civic-nationalists are the first to go.
He is a CIA shill apparently. I assume he belongs to Happy Science(幸福の科学), not the Unification Church.
There's no need for the harsh language he's using.
Do…do we need fucking weebs in the white race?
Isn't that just pro-active eugenics?
The jew fears the samurai.
Jesus christ why do you type like that? This isn't a fucking screenplay you fucking faggot. Any advocation of degeneracy in any capacity is degenerate, regardless of who is preforming it. You should not desire the destruction of other civilizations, especially not those that supported nazi germany you kike fuck.
i don't see practically any negative comments. every comment is in support of this.
Take your gate-keeping, tone policing GARBAGE back to 4chan.
That's Boomer Turbo-Nigger to you Schlomo
African fatigue is real.
I know you get paid by the post, but that reply was just dismal.
jewgle is going to shut it down any second now.
Gatekeeping is literally the fucking essence of imageboard culture you absolute fucking mongoloid subhuman. Kill yourself you fucking cuckchan nigger.
That's where you're wrong, nigger. Gatekeeping is antithetical to what we stand for here.
muh seekrit club
Yeah I'm done. This board has zero moderation and it's clear these cuckchan retards have taken a significant majority of this board. Have fun with your cesspool. See you decent ones over on endchan brothers.
Hey man I was just messing with you. Take a breather, do some pushups.
Ah, what a funny coincidence that you're splitting and shilling for endchan all in one. All these years and nothing has changed.
Everyday i get less jealous of nazis and more pleased about our future.
Holy shit, this guy just don't give a fuck.
Are you sure you want white kids and not asian ones? kek.
KEK What the fuck happened to Zig Forums? This place is gay as fuck. You are as bad as niggers.
That sure is sad as fuck. At least he will be ration and not IP hop while sperging like some loser kid who has been bullied in school, right?
Meme responsibly.
too bad he never said who's responsible for pushing the victim narrative and for more immigration.
I'll just leave this here…
WTF I want to marry a Japanese woman now, so much better than those shit western white women tbh. Ill be treated like a man finally.
Im ashamed to be white, asian culture and media is far superior
Nigger if you arent a card carrying trump supporter who wants assad dead in a ditch you have no business here.
Seems that he hasn't learned a single thing. Waiting his another "Asian women are superior" and "Lauren Southern" diaper fetish thread spam, where he starts crying again and finds the only solace of a single user whom only comment is "sage". It's that bathetic how his life is.
Calm down and go cuddle with your waifu in your mind.