We all see so many redpills on the political influence the Jew has, but now I thought about making a dump redpill on their nefastous rituals.
We all see so many redpills on the political influence the Jew has, but now I thought about making a dump redpill on their nefastous rituals.
It appears that the Jew is a literall demonic construct. I believe that this is the result of their pact with Satan, or, for a more secular approach, it's the result of millenia of genetically unhealthy practices, and other degenerate behaviors.
The Jewish genestic makeover is so drastically fragile, that if a Ashkenazi does not interbreed with the goyim, it's DNA will break down within 3 generations. Symbolicaly speaking, their existance is one of always dying, never growing, they experience no evolution, they are binded to this ruined existence. It is only logical to be so, as the Jew is the result of the failed attempt at copying the human nature, an attempt perperated by Satan.
It most also be remenbered that the god the Jew worships is the literal christian and muslim devil, satan, or whatever you want to call it, the Oppositor. Like a doll, a failed and flawed 'life' form.
So failed and pathetic, that the Jew is resorted to even more demonic practices, such as that of torture, child sacrifice and blood drinking. Yes, the Jew is a literal vampire. It is with the arrival of the Jew in Europe, that the myth of the vampire began spreading, this, together with the numerous cases of 'blood libel' (the unspeakable torture and drinking of a child's blood), that mark the Jew as the demon he is. The drinking of blood is required for the most important Jews, for his basic survival. It also grants him/her with longer life and improved aesthetics. The cost? The absolute ruinage of the Jewish genetic make over.
The average Jew is plagued with a plethora of genetic diseases, many exisiting only in the Jew, and the others being various degrees of magnitude more common on the Jew then on the goyim. As for the important Jews, these ones engage in rituals to bind even more their souls with Satan, in fact, confirm Satan's ownage of the Jew's soul. In return he is granted with great riches and power, like a vampire. But also like a vampire, he must now drink blood and perform such unspeakable acts to stay alive and maintain the 'gifts' granted to him by Satan.
Of course, sometimes, the average Jews suffers also from this curse. One of their specific diseases are to this day only treatable by drinking blood. Most Jews will travel for Israel for such a treatment, who remains a mystery to this day.
The drinking of blood is, however, more common to the important Jews, but to any of them, the victim of the drinking must have been terrorized and tortured before the drinking, to boost the enpowering demonic effects of the ritual. Speaking of it, rituals are another way of gaining power for the Jew. Drinking blood is in itself a ritual, but there are also rituals were no drinking is required. Just the killing of one, or multiple number of people in a way of an offering to Satan, also grants them with gifts.
In fact, one must know that must mass shootings, terrorist attacks, 'accidents' and wars are more than often rituals, perperated for the sole purpose of offering of the killings to Satan.
The US is the nation with the largest number of Jews, alongside with Israel of course. One then, no longer wonders why so many mass shootings take place there. One also realizes now why Palestine and Israel is the stage of so much violence and death.
Remember also, that high-caste Jews will sacrifice even fellow Jews if necessary, such was the case of the Holocaust. While no near a figure of six million died, a small number of deaths did occur. Realize that the rich high-caste managed to flee, while the poor remaneid to be killed. Nowadays, the mere mentioning of the Holocaust has become a sacrilege, and this great ritual is forever re-enacted by films, books and whatnot.
Another important fact is that the Jew considers the goy as an animal, something foreign and different. Worthy only of slavery (note that most slave traders in history were Jews), torture and death. The Jew will also prefer the YOUNGEST for their rituals, children are the main victims of this, adult victims of blood drinking are indeed rare. Even newborns will be sacrificed, and often, eaten whole. Remember too that the removal of the foreskin is also a sacrifice, so is abortion too. The bodies almost always will end up with the Jew, to be eaten whole.
While newborn blood is the most effective, you can't terrify a newborn as much as you can a child. And the Jew enjoys terrifying the child, so there is a preference. Also, the victim, during the ritual, and not, will be raped in extreme levels, tortured, then killed. Most Jews are big pedophiles, and big sexual degenerates in general, homosexuals and pansexuals, engaging also in Zoophilia. One can but imagine the amount of shear terror the victim suffers, from rape and torture, to having your blood drinked and your body eaten, while you are still alive.
It must be noted that the practice of witchcraft is summed up in the many rituals the Jews perperate. Most of them involve sacrifice and torture of something. An animal, a man, a boy, but something.
I also would like to correlate the resemblance of the image of a Witch and a Vampire with the aesthetical appearance of the Jew. The large nose is almost always the linking bridge.
Jewry = freemasonry
Jewry = witchcraft
Jewry = devil worship
Jewry, the ultimate evil in this World. Jewry and Jews are the means by wich Satan enforces his influence upon this World.
Note to Atheists.
You may not believe in the existence of the Supernatural. But you must understand that the Jews DO believe, and that, together with their perverted culture and mindset, is why they are what they are, and do what they do.
I was thinking someone with a better english than me could revamp this text, and add in a few things:
And then add a final that introduces the reader to the political redpill. Also, sprinkle a bit of the political redpill throug-out the text. Thank you.
I'm going to burn two witches at the stake
Remember this post
Cap it or don't
beautiful posts and digits user, ty. I've been needing some shit on the disgusting things kikes do, and have done.
You're falling for Jewish fairy tales user. Lurk 2 years.
Heres something that catches people out everytime.
The little guy with a pitchfork and devil horns is not what is meant by demonic, satanic or evil.
There are no physical or ephemeral beings with evil monstrous faces lurking in an eternal fire. The description has been twisted by the media and entertainment industry to this end in order to ruin the efficacy of these particular descriptions.
Its more helpful to take the time to realise these are banal descriptors related to patterns of behavior that lend themselves to malevolent acts and outcomes. A "demon" is just an agent for a malevolent outcome that partakes in actions that are focused to a goal that will provide nothing but harm in order to achieve selfish gratification. So next time someone says someone is a demon, remember it doesnt mean they literally think tbey are a physical monster with horns, but an agent of malicious intent
Huh, OPs image reminds me of another. I wonder if there is connection there? Especially with the noses.
Go lurk this thread on blood sacrifice I made for Passover. It has lots of pictures and archived articles you're looking for.
What, you've not seen other threads on this before? The point is what the Jew believes and acts on, in addition to their illnesses that are cured by torturing and killing goyim
Hope you're sitting down
Millions upon millions of casual jews managed to flee to the US, the SU and Israel, and who exactly got intentionally killed besides the commie partisans?
Archived this thread
There is a great doco we all surely know
“Jewish ritual murder”
Bump for justice
Very accurate video, fucking disgusting how MANY FUCKING ACCOUNTS OF JEWISH MURDER THERE ARE…YET, people still disregard all of it, or simply just don't care. I hope every single kike burns, literally. I want them put in the same positions they've put kids in, the bulls, the crucifixions etc etc.
Shit still happens today.
saus if you want to see:
#1 Jewish Fairy Tale:
#2 Jewish Fairy Tale:
#3 Jewish Fairy Tale:
I am afraid its a bit more complicated than that, for instance
I have to do a lot more research on the subject but when I am finished I will make a tread.
can someone just tell me in words what happens? I can't watch that.
Jews must drink blood to survive or they will fall apart. Those who don't are the mixed ones who also function as the manifestation of the tribe interbreeding foreign parties for influence.
You fucking fag just watch it. Crybaby low test frightened fag man up you little piece of shit. Open your eyes and do some research you fucking pathetic sheep. SPOILER: no blood, no gore, no kill. Some say it's organ harvesting. Some say it's xray. Some say there is an interwiew with father and child after this incident. You fucking fag there is much worse too see…. much much worse…. if you cant stomach this mildly disturbing footage nobody can help you fag. Just go back whereever you came from and never lurk again.
>As for the important
Your shit's so long winded, instead of reading it, I pointed out all the unnecessary words. You could have made your point in a couple of sentences. And I like shitposting, so like 3/10 offense given.
“It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
can't view the video for some reason, there's just empty space on the page
You fucking fat NEET, just because you click through pages of best gore daily doesn't make you a superior chad. Getting out of your damn chair, building shit, and expanding your mind. I've got more testosterone that I sweat out in a blizzard than you have in that taquito laden gut of yours. Best gore doesn't make you superior. Knowledge and movement is a good start. Pic related is you.
I am sad. I feel pity for you now. You had a choice. You picked the wrong path.
Should I have been a NEET?
Can't slide the happenings moshe.
possible to mp4 it? for some reason, bestgore videos never load/play on my computer
Fuck off d&c kikes.
The power of Christ compels you.
Tribe of Dan was responsible for the blood libel rituals they brought from the china region and are the abrahamic tribe that founded all the religions and up until today.
Torah practicing jews know of the name but have no idea how important that tribe was to founding the garbage known as religion.
You may know them as Canaanites and were called "mw" by locals, "Sea Peoples" by Ramses III and before that they were the army of the Hyksos dynasty priesthood who pissed off Ramses II and Akhenaten enough to be chased out of Egypt. You may remember this as the Moses and the poor jew slave story, but it's just a story to cover up their tracks. The priesthood were later called Pharisees in the bible.
Rome was founded by these people who later compiled Judaism for the masses and kept the old practices of ritual sacrifice and blood libel limited only to the priest and patrician class.
Christianity in general is just the next iteration of the Tribe of Dan religious making machine and tailored to subjugate those with enough intelligence to form empathy, but it's still an enslavement ideology made by jews.
I got something to tell on Jews and who created them.
Started out researching Atlantis and boy howdy did it go down; I'm now pondering of which trail to follow next.
If you don’t watch it yourself all you can go on is what we say.
Oh well, have a bump anyway. Something yet may come of this other than screeching about the old gods and other beings being tied to kikes.
Also, the symbol of Saturn is generally a black cube, and a white cross assuming it is divisible into 6 even sections is pretty much another two-dimensial form of a cube other than the kike's hexagon in their "shield" and polar opposite in color yet again eerily similar to the kikes, what a (((cohencidence))), being essentially the antithesis to Saturn Worship. It does make me wonder about Ӏslam's ties to Saturn (I'm not very well informed in Aloha Snackbar matters) since the goatfuckers worship the kabbah which is a giant black cube.
Do they have something to do with archons?
The whole "archontic infection theory" is interesting.
Christians hate jews because they want to be jews. Jews hate Christians because they see them as an interference, but not as much as they hate "those who worship idols". They operate in the same paradigm.