SWEG/- Swedish Election Gener

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
After years of the establishment turning their country from a paradise on earth into the rape capital of Europe, the immigration issue is at the forefront of every Sven’s mind. We need to keep it there. We need to show the Swedish people what their government has been hiding from them, what their media has been downplaying & how the rest of the world is beginning to see them.
With less then 6 months to go before the election, we are already beginning to break through. We need to organise, build our support, and spread our message, our campaigns and our memes throughout the rest of the internet.
The silent majority are with us. If we can show them that they are not alone, we can break the stigma.

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youtube.com/watch?v=d_to8iAeIm8&feature=youtu.be [Open]
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youtube.com/watch?v=qDcN8rP70V8&t=602s [Open]
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Group of Asylum seekers refuse to leave bus

The Sorrows of refugees: "We have been duped"

4chan right-wing extremists are trying to influence the Swedish elections

Bert Karlsson: "Hoping to cooperate with SD"

The new party Alternatives for Sweden is celebrated by Nazis

Chaos in school when teachers can not speak Swedish

new arrivals dont know how Sweden works

Gunvor 71, was not allowed to buy food for a begging woman

Blue giant penis painted over - after only a week

Should my mother live on 9 Kroners a day ?

People called me niggerwhore

Stop for Ethiopian Orthodox church in Stockholm

The Gymnasium law and the unaccompanied migrants

We're never backing on mass deportation

Åkesson: The biggest difference between SD and Alternative for Sweden

Retarded sandnigger wants to be Swedish

Swedish feminists want to ban parties and organisations that criticise migration

Many foreign-born women without work article

Nato practices war against swedish uprising

Abdi works in the municipality who has the hardest to employ foreigners

"Strange, we think we are working well!"

The environmental party Hate and antiziganism is still a reality

Hanna Bergwall: "Prohibit Nordic Resistance Now"

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Marcus Birro: "The Picture of Sweden - a lie that is grounded down day by day

KDU: A handshake applies - a symbol for successful intergration

Alexander Karim: "Time to Act - Change Our History"

Sweden Democrats: "Stop Cultural Segregation - refuse prayer calls"

Rasmus Ling (MP): "Tougher conditions create more insecurity for young adults"

Karwan Kareme: Sweden's politicians give unclear answers to insecure voters

So much immigration has Sweden

SD: "Sex and society do not belong at a public wall"

Kurdo Baksi, Geely's Volvo is eroding Swedish values

MUF High government gibs usually hit the average people




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Come on 8 chan help us re claim our country

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Self bump

Good luck, Sweden. It's an uphill battle, but you must win.



Good job OP have a bump.

Also, I sill wonder who will collapse first, France or Sweden????? Starting to think France as Sweden is starting to wake up.

Its gonno be UK i believe the way they are spiraling down

I don't think Zig Forums will be of any help, mainly due to the language barrier. Are there any swedish imageboards with significant userbase? Since many Swedes speak English I think it would be better to visit there.

I don't know of any Swedish Chans but they might know of some on krautchan


we can still talk about it though
imo sweden is fucked and needs blood spilt
i expect something around 2022

We will win, there's no doubt about it.

I would say around 20-40%, wouldn't be suprised if they hit 30% this year.


No, but there is a huge forum called Flashback.org, it predates 4chan, but is already on nationalist side since pretty much forever.

It would be strategic better to let civil war break out: pictures of swedes getting beheaded in their own streets unopposed by the police will have a greater effect then some conservatives trying to stop the unstoppable.

Considering US is closer to civil war then Sweden or atleast collapse, I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you.

Checking those dubs of truth.

Yes and flashback has been turning thousands upon thousands of young men into nationalists, i'm one of them. In terms of immigration-discussion, ideological discussions etc, it's leaps and bounds above the imageboards.

You're forgetting most males above 30 have military-training and hunting and shooting is a very big sport in Sweden. If a war were to break out, it would be over pretty fast against the undisciplined sand-monkeys.

sweden first, 2022
france by 2039
USA by 2026

Canada 2019

anyone have the kalmar unionen kid gif?

This is why we need men's rights.
Heil Hitler
Get redpilled
You snowflake cuck

Help us understand your memetics

Flashback is a fucking garbage bbs though.

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Complete collapse is not in the interests of the Jews. What good is destroying everything? You can't rule over nothing. They want subjugation, not extermination.

Of course, some "minor" exterminations might occur, but the overall intent is not. See: Communism

I don't think we can meme you out of this. We should.focus on creating infographics and wide distribution through social media . Language barrier might present an obstacle but most.swedish know english so it will be ok.you have full support

I would also like to understand Swedish memetics better, but I think I can help a bit. The character in the multicolored hat in 39a0fd's posts is Skurt, from Swedish children's TV. I'm assuming the reason he's used is because of he looks similar to Pepe and reminds Swedes of a time when things were better. I'll need confirmation on this from Sweden, though.

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Good luck swedebros

time to face reality

Bump for Sverige

hey I have never been to Sweden and I do not know any Swedish people, so please tell me why I should give a fuck? My destiny is no intertwined with that of schweden. Nobody cares about Sweden, not even the Swedish.

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Chances of SD getting over 50%?

Otherwise you will just get Decemberöverkommelse 2 and you know that.

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Neat. So who should I vote for?

Question for Swedes: Aren't SD kosher as fuck controlled opposition?

AfS or Nordic Resistance, whichever looks more likely to get seats.

Bumping you up fellow White. For Blood and Glory.

Even SD would be an improvement over the current situation. But the more ground AfS and NRM gain, the better.

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Kek, son of a bitch.

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check these


(checked very nice)
0% chance, because the elections are rigged and have been since forever. Nationalists have demanded independent election observers since I was a kid (at the very least).

If you have to ask that question you need to lurk more. Of the two newest parties, one is 100% natsoc, the other is culturally nationalist, with niggers becoming swedes. You figure out which is which.

What is this cancer?

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Why are you fussing about SD lmao :D NRM is the only choice for non-cucked sweden.

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Right now AfS is more likely to get seats. If NRM appeared more on the chans we might be able to help them.

Even if that's true, they're still useless. Niggers being allowed citizenship for squatting in the country for a decade is fucked, and letting the roaches breed us out is a death sentence, even you've managed to slow it down

They just held two livestreamed demonstrations, complete with antifa fuckery and bastard cops, yet you need them to spoonfeed you instructions on how to meme a fucking arrow in a box?

Okay, if you want to help, using NRM to show the world that multiculturalism breeds extremism is a good start. NRM has swedish propaganda locked down, but international attention would amplify all their efforts. In the clip the journalist admits sweden jails "neo-nazis" for wrongthink, that could be another angle. Getting e-celebs to talk about them (red ice does videos on them occasionally) might work, but negative coverage from a bigger network is significantly better than some e-celeb shill larping jewtube.

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Here's another fun clip just for the hell of it. muh ebil nahzees

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When did buildings get bombed?

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Why would Russians help train Nazis?

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I hate you so much you know this nonsense of yours are going to lead to war right?

I'm drunk can't even post, but I ate you so much. fucking cancer

I just hate you I hate you so much

it's the morning here, but I will go sleep still. I want to go buy more beer but I am too fucked. Olivia kvi sever du so lenge… swedes don't get this

Maria.. hvorfor sover du så lenge

God damnit how do they do it, how do they have this power over you . I can't even think


God damnit maria

The (((narrative))) goes:
Russia wants to destabilize Europe for nefarious purposes.
Russia funds and trains militant organizations in order to topple various nation states.
Russia is only able to do this in nations with high immigration.
This is not a diversion from the fact that the chosen people are accused of doing exactly this :^).

In january some antifa building and a refugee centre got btf.o. Only 1 guy got hurt and some 'nazis' got caught. Personally, I'm skeptical that the police got the right guys, I might go through the case again and post some tidbits. It doesn't matter much since even the prosecutor went out of his way to explain that NRM wasn't implicated.

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Swedes, gimme a tl;dr of the general attitudes among average Swedes

Are there any rising nationalist activist organizations that yall can join?

Okay, by the way, I know about NRM, but I'm asking if there are other organizations, and if NRM is pulling enough people to form a strong vanguard.

The Sweden Democrats
SD are zionist nationalists, in favor of immigration, open swedishness and anti racism.
A big political party with no activists or dedicated members left.
Seen as racemixing boomers.
Alternativ För Sverige
AFS are cultural nationalists, they believe niggers can become swedes with time, but they're against further immigration.
New political party created by old Sweden Democrats, haven't done anything yet but will probably become active during the summer.
Seen as champagne nazis.
Nordisk Ungdom
NU are christian fascists, ethnicity decides citizenship, christianity is not mandatory however.
A small activist organization, uses stickers, posters and banners to spread their message. They've also protested pride festivals and refugee welcome manifestations.
Seen as spoiled brats larping.
Nordisk Alternativhöger
Actually inspired by (((the american alt right))), yet is somehow jew wise and pretty entertaining. They're filthy thieves however, since they stole my OC and branded it theirs. Supports other nationalist organizations and individuals.
Active on social media and has a website with articles and memesmostly translations.
Seen as nice guy fascists.
Det Fria Sverige
DFS is an ethnic association of swedes, meant to establish ethnically swedish areas. Paypigs are donating money so that DFS can buy a house to become their headquarters but the people running DFS is wasting the money on other things whoops .
They consist of a small group of youtubers and podcasters The Golden One for example that is recruiting members who pay and get nothing in return.
Seen as scammers and racketeers. swedish TRS
Blood & Honor
These guys exist all over the world, so you might know of your local variety. The scandinavian brand does concerts and some propagandizing. Used to run a 14-words website, but no longer.
Seen as drunks and degenerates who know how to fight.
The Nordic Resistance Movement
NRM are national socialists, they've been going at it for 20 years, and are used to violence and fights but claim to only ever use violence defensively. Most of the prominent members have been found guilty of various forms of thought crime, ignoring police orders or rioting. The absolute biggest and most active group currently.
According to (((expo))), they're growing exponentially and are becoming more active for each passing year.
Seen as violent separatists aided and armed by Putin.

Others are far too obscure for me to waste more time on, these are the ones I've personally encountered members or supporters of.

A couple of things about AfS:
Party leader said that anybody can become a cultural swede theoretically, but anybody cannot become ethnic swede. Also you left out the fact that they want to deport alot of people, not just stop immigration.

I'm really liking the Nordic Resistance Movement. They seem to be one of my favorite nationalist movements in the contemporary world, and since I believe Sweden is more prone to violence now, they can't be constrained by the threat of arrests and social outcasting, like what has happened here in the US. A lesson that should be drawn from NRM – party apparatus and organization works. You can't have a less brand called "the alt-right'' or some shit and expect it to work out.

And if Putin armed, I wouldn't complain. It would be just considering what Western leaders have done to Russia.

Also, I'd hope that when NRM recruits, that it puts its new members through classes of some sorts, teaching about organization and remaining within the bounds of law as best as possible. Contemporary nationalist movements need to not be co-opted by spergs and stormshits.

when you look at it globally, i get very upset when I hear about this. who are these people?!
sweden is KNOWN for its freedom of speech??
how can they do it? thats how the fucking piratebay started because they couldnt tough them on their servers.
rediculous. I will support them because I like the country. perhaps even moreso than america

Help support the revolution: nordfront.se/testmining. Leave it running while you sleep.

There's one called Flashback


I'm getting pretty depressed here.
There is appears to be no white Aryan country that will emerge unscathed from the (((global push))) for white, especially Aryan, genocide.

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I thought this was the youth party of NMR, but it is not connected to them?

Sweden is a failed state.

No, and they have some bad blood between them. Their explanations differ. NU claims NRM are left wing, pseudo communists and larping pagans. NRM claims NU is trying to protect itself from losing too many members to NRM.
You can easily tell them apart based on aesthetics alone.

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who gives a fuck about europe?

Shlomo doesn't.

the jew is ANGRY!

JA !

Just switch back to tribalism and raise your children to do the same. Culture is far more important than land. The destruction of ethnic identity is what is really killing us.

German here. How do the polls look?
SD should be somewhere between 20-30%, right?

SD should be in a mass grave.


It'd be better for europe if they collapse and photos and film leak about how swedish women and children are brutally murdered.

Jimmie "I am not qualified to say whether ethnic Swedes exist or not" Åkesson, the CivNat homo

Israel is not Europe

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23% according to latest poll, and socialists have 23% too. They are the two biggest parties. Will probably rise until the election.

It's very obvious how some people hate Sweden more than they actually care about Swedish people having success.


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As much as Zig Forums is willing, it was absolutely irrelevant during italian elections, for example.
We need to expand to native language imageboards with large followings.

Hej där min käraste dumfitta till nyvän, nord/pol/ är ditåt
Var snäll och bekanta dig med Zig Forums och katalogen innan du kommer hit, din inavlade hjon.

(((Orange revolution))) again?

Hows the election outcome looking?

Italian, Hungarian, and Austrian results were all very good. France was our biggest miss.

that bitch was weak
not our fault the french hide behind a vagina-person to save them

He is D&C shill, brother. Don't pay any attention to him, we are with you!

Your country will eventually wake up; a process that must be sped up by us.

Was meant for:

Many good resources with sources for many claims in rightpedia/sweden

it names (((him)))

Go go Sweden.