Wish me luck faggots. If anyone asks, I did it for /meadhall/.
Also, postering thread general.
Wish me luck faggots. If anyone asks, I did it for /meadhall/.
Also, postering thread general.
Absolute madman
Whites are being brainwashed and exterminated by the millions, but I'm sure these pieces of paper will really cause them to start fighting back. You should definitely be proud of your cowardice.
Don't underestimate posters ya dumb faggot. Go pickup a history book.
Call me when a poster kills a jew.
I would, but they're literally all jewish propaganda now, and no one is fighting back.
Post photos of them the posters hanging.
You first blackpill nigger.
Learn how memes work.
And you were too retarded to use the right one! You can't even copy and paste the right responses!
Holy shit, that is a lot of asshurt shills.
dob jej jew
No you fucking mongoloid, I want you to kill the jews first and post proof in this very thread. I'll wait, or do you want someone else to do the work for you?
But if he kills himself first, he wins.
Which means we must keep postering. It's working.
Here have more.
Want the photoshop templates?
the autism "male feminist" one makes no sense to me as an autist…
Its mainly just a convenient thing since it is April. At my university, they are holding events right now about the "mental spectrum" and gender identity. An opportunity like that is simply to good to pass up.
I guess… I didn't understand until just now that "nu-Male" faggots are pretending they have a touch of the 'tism. Either that or my 'tism is preventing me from understanding the goal of that particular poster (especially considering this thread is visible to many many autists; that are also probably like me and no where near close to being a feminist). Are you trying to call out nuMales as autists that should sudoku?
Yes please, and thank you for your service in the meme war, user.
Oh wow the leftmost one sent shivers down my spine. The aesthetic is so 1930, but mixed with IRA agitprop. Really cool. Cheers anons this will be a huge success disregard and filter all shills!
One of these people goes to our university, although I am not saying who. Should give you an idea of what the place is like.
Sorry for IP change, I had to switch computers.
zip 2 of 3
I understand no one likes feminists, but that particular poster is heavily implying a) autism is bad, and b) autists are feminists that should sudoku. It appears to be specifically targeting autists; not soys, cucks, and actual faggots that are feminist.
If anything I would change that one to be an autist recruitment poster rather than what I see at as now. Because, I'm an autist, and I don't really need some Chad starting shit with me because of some poster. I also don't need and Chads telling *me* to commit sudoku.
How would I change this into an autist recruiting poster, asking for a friend
>imageboard is full of literal, actual autists
My sides holy shit
Holy shit. That hairline.
That's the one.
zip 3 of 3:
Checked and kek'd.
Want to see some seriously subversive stuff? Pic related.
idsnews .com/article/2017/09/offensive-posters-found-on-campus-mocking-iu-sex-and-consent-flyers
Its a shame that I can't spellcheck for shit.
Is that a mothgirl? When did that become a thing?
sage for ot
Second poster is the best, I think. The punchline made me giggle.
No. Short, concise, and snappy public posters are very effective tools for forming minds. And post videos of you personally exterminating Jews, tough guy.
>This person may help you with __ due to their extreme aversion to not letting it get completed sans perfection.
I honestly don't know and just pulled that out of my ass using your original as a template. I want to say to add something about understanding the difference between autism and being a victim of Communism, but at this point I'm not sure how I would word that (something something male feminists act abnormal and lie about autism being the cause something something they are actually victims of Communism and presenting Stockholm Syndrome)…
I've seen that riffraff somewhere before, may have been on the short bus
Most jewish post i have read in a while. Wew
Proper spelling is important.
Nice job OP. Anons that take action deserve the most credit.
False standards. You're just mad that even making and posting posters is a sign of things to come.
Moreso, you're afraid that Zig Forums-tier thoughts will become mainstream. They will. There's nothing you can do to stop it.
That being said, the autism poster is very nice OP.
Im going to print some out
I wouldn't outright call this poster a shill like some anons. He just has a Dr. Pierce-ian worldview. I think calling the OP a coward went too far, though. Anyone who's taken a long, serious look at this whole problem we face as white men have become jaded with the options we have to enact a solution. Constructive criticism about where to direct energy and resources is essential, but no need to be a dick.
Lost mind and hairline
Run along, shill. You're done.
Aww, cute.
Thanks for admitting you're a ban evading shill.
Nothing about this subverts anything.
So not this at all, which also does nothing to help us.
Aww, cute.
Great job.
Run along, shill. You're done.
Aww, cute.
Thanks for admitting you're a ban evading shill.
Nothing about this subverts anything.
So not this at all, which also does nothing to help us.
Aww, cute.
Great job.
Boomer tier post my friend.
Agreed. Autism itself should not be demonized. To reiterate OP's point the real enemy is the source of degeneracy itself as well as useful idiot degenerates such as soys, cucks, and actual faggots that are feminist
As a severely non-autistic person, I think that the middle poster shits on autists unnecessarily. They are usually too fuckin smart to be feminists. Good shit, good op, all that, but leave the autists alone ;'(
I've heard if one uses wheatpaste, they may find that their leaflets remain adhered to the surface.
For educational purposes only, of course.
The modern world is not defined by drugs. Saying "no cannabis" is extremely Jewish. The drug is not degenerate, it's the people who smoke it continuously who are degenerate.
Your other pictures are decent, though.
Wew, that's edgy for a FBI agent.
WEW these are good. previous poster's posters are too busy or something i dunno they just seem off in a way
Not pretending, through the wonders of public education, and likely some ridilen/etc, they have been made into pseudo-autist.
pic unrelated.
Great going.
Not an argument. Not a refutation. Thanks for proving me right. You will never do anything to fight back, ever. Anyone who tries is banned. Anyone who doesn’t try is banned. You have nothing to say here.
Tryharding lulposts ftw.
"White privilege"
"Starts with".
Are you fucking retarded?
Paid shills, everyone.
Don't speak disrespectfully bout Aids Skrillex's mum.
Good luck & Heil Hitler user
Oh look, it's another RAM/GI thread.
Literally call themselves NATFED, kek.
FED alright, hope no one is stupid enough to contact this group or any like it.
And check this out:
They only want kids. A feeder group to funnel fresh meat for Spencer/MW et al to sodomize?
So Hitlers War, Hoax of the 20th Century or Mein Kampf are kike propaganda now? Thats weird.
You too have to go back
Authoritive tone and non-persuasive. They'd fit better as satire of the left.
This white-guilt one is A+
Yes, that's a great example of subversion. Left-wing subversion.
is that one female, larping as a dude, and the rest dudes? what a soy nightmare
I bet you watch anime for the plot.
gtfo faggot
OP clearly lacks this boards autism wizard powers.
autism is defined as a strange inclination to noticing patterns and being aware at absurd levels. leftist retardation is something else, they hvae all the social inability of autists but lack all reasoning skills if your average autist is a nerd the average leftist is a dweeb.
they will flip their shit at the thought of being called autistic.
If you want to get technical, autism doesn't even exist. Like all of psychology, a jewish-dominated field of pseudo-science since its beginnings, it's a label slapped on to mask what is really wrong with a person. If you spend enough time with people in the field like case workers, they have almost no solid diagnosis for a person's problems. Psychological diagnosis is almost on the same level as a teen girl giving her friends a zodiac reading.
Autism itself has been re-tooled, reworded, and rewritten so many times that it's now just a spectrum. For added fluidity in its definition and further lack of substance, the spectrum is basically a way to say, "Oy, your son is just a little autistic, goyess." Autism absorbed asperger's and the jewish charade goes on.
Autism is actually manifestation of a physical issue with the lining of the GI tract, poor microflora, and a lack of certain nutrients such as minerals that protect and bolster the brain's ability to function such as zinc. Natural medicine doctors, who are basically carrying on where thousands of years of pagan medicine left off, are having tremendous success with curing autism.
The basis of their approach is actually so simple that you don't need to have specialized knowledge as what collegiate marketers imply. Essentially, modern medicine proved what ancients believed, that the gut is the other half of a man's mind; therefore, gut health is essential to literal healthy thinking. Modern western diets are so terrible that not only does our digestion suffer, but so does our minds. Poor gut health leads to malnutrition because we can't efficiently absorb the nutrients that's in our food, impaired cognition because our body is busy trying to fix the gut caused by tiny perforations, and compromised immune systems because waste and antinutrients slip through the lining of the gut.
You might be wondering how that is cured when it's obvious someone is really "autistic." Even that is easier explained. If someone has gone through their life deprived of proper social skills and experience, they're socially inept. If someone grew up in a single mother sheltered life eating shit and then turns it around, they have to work hard to learn how to behave like a normal human being.
Autism doesn't exist, it should not be used as an excuse. The jew sells labels that people use to excuse weakness. If someone knows this and chooses weakness, they are truly weak-spirited.
Great work user.
Should be vice versa, my only gripe.
sage for doublepost
imagine the fucking smell
>"since revisionist (((history))) books exist 'now', i shouldn't and don't read Judenfrei books written 'then', since it's 'now' now, and also I said 'now' so you don't have a point haha"
too fucking obvious
Any update OP or were you kill?
spall chiggit
Oy vey some more please.
I never said that, m8. Saying "smoke weed" is not much worse than saying "never smoke weed," because saying the latter will just cause people to not respect you. Acknowledging the dangers of cannabis and using it sparingly (or never, if you prefer) by your own will is the best option.
To the mod who banned this poster, kys. Hitler would not be proud.
*He never said that
Aside from the "makes no sounds" part which only being available in small children, I'm totally normal by this criteria despite being an actual, yet mild autist.
I know bad shit's happening to whites in africa and native europe, but not full fucking blown RaHoWa. Either you're looking too close to the wrong timeline's future, or you're paranoid/a fucking liar.
I'm autistic and against feminism
blz not bully us
You should do some a little bit more edgy or something these arent going to do shit. Same for a lot of the others in the thread, posting some mgtow shit wont do anything but posting kill all niggers could spread fear and violence
Are these suppose to convince or change anyone's mind, or just make the right look more retarded?
This thread looks like lefties trying to make right-wing propaganda look as evil and blatant as possible.
Or are you all retarded to not have any subtlety?
I’d read it.
W I T N E S S E D !
THE RAPIST for 500, Alex.
it is highly estrogenic
< LSD is superior
1933 called, he says he's got an aall expense paid vacation to an exclusive resort. Oh and it even has a rolleroaster.
Good mod.