How does one go about triangulating a pirate radio station? What kind of equipment would I need?
Pic related.
How does one go about triangulating a pirate radio station? What kind of equipment would I need?
Pic related.
that's more of a Zig Forums question, though you can always fuck their shit up with a simple email to the FCC.
If it's actually pirate, then yeah FCC will do it all on their own
step 1: contact known russian assets within the altright that supply us with guns and gear
step 2: call in 21 airstrikes in the general region you may or may not suspect the radio operates from
step 3: profit
I will make a post there, I made on on Zig Forums as well since they do a lot of HAM related stuff. I am fairly certain these people are doing it:
So how do I use this?
Better question (though still pursue those commies): How do we set up our own pirate radio station and broadcast Dr. William Luther Pierce shows without getting shut down?
I've been shilling for my race all these years. Where the fuck is my Putin check?!
You don't, the FCC will kick down your door faster than the ATF can shoot your dog.
If you're just interested in the transmitter then RDF will usually work fine but most pirate radio stations these days are operated off-site.
Top lel. Even though they've been more aggressive about pirate radio since the currynigger has taken control (instead of doing something productive, naturally), broadcast FM pirate radio stations are very hard to shut down permanently because all you need (as far as hardware is concerned) for an autonomous, one-man, 24/7 LPFM station is a flashed transceiver, a laptop and an antenna. Add in a few more bits and bobs and you can work off-site and effectively remain completely anonymous and therefore personally immune to enforcement actions by the FCC as long as you leave no trail of breadcrumbs. Duplicate the setup around town and switch transmission sites at random to drive the FCC even more crazy.
You might want to do your homework first.
You don't, really. I mean, if you just wanted to broadcast a couple episodes a day during the rush hours locally (and when I say local I mean it) then you could probably get away with a LPFM station fairly easily and on the cheap but pirate MW and SW is much more difficult for a number of reasons.
A radio and a car. Drive around and watch for your signal to drop. Mark it on a map repeat. Moron.
Radio direction finding is a well explored art and there are tons of books on how to do it.
The antenna might not be very large or visible to a non-radio person, stealth antennas are a thing.
In 1948, the United Nations brought into being the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which Article 19 states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Radio frequencies *need* regulation because there's just a few and if they don't follow the rules, they'd all just trample on each other's signals.
I don't like it either.
I once knew an autistic Jew who was obsessed with radio tech that told me if he ever set up a pirate radio station he'd put the broadcasting antenna next to a metal fence because it would be harder to triangulate for some reason. Don't take his word for it though for obvious reasons so look up and see if that will actually work.
We need the FCC to finally start handing out low power community broadcasting licenses. It's already a law but they aren't doing it at all.
That won't work.
Kek, do you also happen to like wireless transmissions?
It does.
Fucking with other, already licenced (jew) and protected (state), broadcasts will get you fugged.
Examples of pirate radio stations
- Beat Radio, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- BMIR, Black Rock City, Nevada
- Booger Brothers Broadcasting System, Queens, New York
- Britain Radio, Jewnited Kingdom
- Citizens Radio 102.8 FM, Hong Kong
- Dread Broadcasting Corporation, London
- Free Radio Santa Cruz California, United States
- Laser 558, North Sea
- Mix FM, Ottawa
- Pirate Cat Radio, San Francisco Bay Area
- Portland Radio Authority, Portland, Oregon
- Radio 270, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio 390, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio Caroline, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio City, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio Essex, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio First Termer, Saigon, Vietnam (1971)
- Radio Free Naptown, Indianapolis, United States (WRFN, 1968-1972)
- Radio Hauraki, New Zealand
- Radio Jackie, Jewnited Kingdom
- Radio Mercur, Denmark
- Radio Milinda, Dublin
- Radio North Sea International
- Radio Newyork International, Jones Beach, Jew York, United States (1987-1988)
- Radio Scotland, Jewnited Kingdom (1960s)
- Radio Veronica, Netherlands
- Rinse FM, London
- Swinging Radio England, Jewnited Kingdom
- Thameside Radio, London
- TSF, Lisbon, Portugal
- U Radio, Manila, Philippines
- Voice of Peace, Isnotrael
- WCPR, WFAT, WHOT, WGUT, Jew York, United States (1975-1989)
- Wonderful Radio London, Jewnited Kingdom
Wow so brave.
Sometimes I listen to the CB channels just for fun, there are some real barn-burners out there. My ham radio can transmit on those frequencies too, but I don't bother. Not till SHTF day.
I shouldn't expect more from a shill.
I think he's saying that you are completely free to autistically sperg out about how much you love communism and hate nazis on CB.
MOSSAD doesn't count aut-right kike.
Because they fucking gimped it. Can't allow independent low-power local stations to compete with (((iHeartMedia))), can we?
Everybody loves open wifi user.
but when the fsb came to my door and handed me manpads and said defend the motherland of America then gave me 1 million in rubles i didn't ask if they were kikes
Easy as fuck.
You need these things
You can do this anywhere but your measurement will be more accurate if you find high places to take the reading.
1. Tune receiver and slowly rotate direction aerial until you're reading max power on your radio/SDR
2. Use compass to find bearing of signal
3. Plot line on map
4. Move a couple of miles and repeat (try to position yourself so your samples aren't all from the same side of the transmitter, try to get above, below, left and right, by the map)
5. Two measurements is all you need, but the more samples you take, the less error in your pinpointing
6. Where your lines cross, is the transmitter.
Final step: go to your hotspot and look for the aeriel, it should be the highest thing around, and unobstructed on all sides. If you don't know what transmitter aerials look like then google pictures.
Easy as fuck.
You need these things
You can do this anywhere but your measurement will be more accurate if you find high places to take the reading.
1. Tune receiver and slowly rotate direction aerial until you're reading max power on your radio/SDR
2. Use compass to find bearing of signal
3. Plot line on map
4. Move a couple of miles and repeat (try to position yourself so your samples aren't all from the same side of the transmitter, try to get above, below, left and right, by the map)
5. Two measurements is all you need, but the more samples you take, the less error in your pinpointing
6. Where your lines cross, is the transmitter.
Final step: go to your hotspot and look for the aeriel, it should be the highest thing around, and unobstructed on all sides. If you don't know what transmitter aerials look like then google pictures.
Lots of assumptions there kiddo.
Yes, they are easier to mask as background noise if you’re building your own networks from scratch, using the unregulated bands of course.
Figure out the nearest legit station above and below 100.5. Then contact their engineering departments and tell them this nonsense station is interfering with their legit signal. CC their general managers too.
The FCC wont give a fuck about a single report from a no-body but if real stations start calling them they will act.
This was a great one back in the day.
RIP Derek
This tbh. The station already has all the equipment they need to find those people, too.
Just start gunning down all the niggers, kikes, and leftists in the broadcast area. Sooner or later you'll get the right one.
you point it around until you get the best signal, then you draw a line on the map
move location and repeat
soon your lines will have a cross
Then you just drive the neighborhood, with an omni, looking for the highest signal strength, then go yagi again for more precision.
I found this note:
"Assuming you have the following:
Using Debian Linux
This Program installed
GPSD installed
RTL-SDR dongle
GPS that is compatable with GPSD (use xgps or cgps to check to see if its working ok, troubleshoot as needed)
If all is working in the Scanner set your freq range
Then under "Mode" choose "Continuous"
Under "Dwell" choose a lower number I used 32ms
then click start and drive around
After you find a safe spot to pull over it STOP
Then File and Export to MAP
This will save a file that GoogleEarth can read.
Open it in GoogleEarth just by File and OPEN
it should automatically overlay the heat map on it assuming again that you have an internet connection that will load the terrain.
Hope this helps."
Pic related.
Heatmaps are shit to find the location of an antenna
Reflections and blind spots can throw you off very easily
You would want to set your transmitter up in a van of some sort and be mobile during broadcast. The work could be split up between a team driving the van and the actual media coordinators via 3/4g. Media selection crew picks the media and does the DJ'ing (whilst shitting it out over Shoutcast or w/e else streaming mp3 service of your choice.). Van crew just drives around with a 3/4g enabled phone jacked into a FM transmitter whilst tuned into the stream. Triangulate deez nutz.
No, heat maps are very useful. They don't show the precise location, but they show where it isn't. :^) Don't believe me? Well, the NSA and CIA use heatmaps, in lots and lots of situations…
Beautiful. "fox hunting" is the key that unlocks the whole topic. :^)
For example, in the video:
you see that they're hunting for the "fox" in a park. So a heatmap could get you down to at least a similar-sized area (but not as small as a park).
You can improvise a directional antenna by pointing any radio horizontally, this works where the signal start to get weak, sweep and you will hear the difference and get a bearing
Chances are they are wattlets using a compromised antenna system. Their area will be small.
Quick and simple way is just use a car and a map. Drive around and try and find the perimeter of their coverage area. They will be ruffly in the center of that. Then remove your car antenna and drive around and map the now relativity smaller coverage area. You are building a map like >pic related but it will be on a much smaller scale since they will be low power.
That will get you real close. Then you can get out on foot and use your fox hunting setup.
Those tape measure yagi's work well but remember you will have adjust the dimensions for 100.5. Yagi's are only directional on the frequency they are resonant on.Most of the "fox hunt" ones are designed for 2m or 70cm ham bands. There are over 9000 online yagi calculators that can help you figure out the dimensions.
Another simple technique is to hold your portable radio really close to your body at your chest. Your body will attenuate (block) some of the signal. Slowly spin around and watch the signal meter. When you see a dip on your signal meter your ass is pointing to the transmitter.
I'm not op, but helping. Would this do?
This all depends on the waveform & modulation scheme being used to carry the information. Frequency hopping with algorithm synchronized to GPS 1PPS signal is easy from a control perspective, provided you have a quickly tuning R/T & commercial GPS receiver (weather & solar activity permitting too). Think a Pi or BeagleBone running a script with SPI or I2C output to a tuner DAC. This would be great for AM or FM, spread spectrum not so much. Burden of security is on the hopping list which could change daily but still needs to be distributed to authorized listeners in some secure way.
Almost. With the the measuring tape Yagi designs the boom IS isolated from the elements because they are mounted on PVC pipe. But other then that your on the right track.
Hook that yagi in to a radio that can be attenuated and has a good signal meter and your all set. You need to be able to add attenuation when you get close or your signal meter will be pegged and your signal meter will become useless.
Another option is to get one of those linux USB SDR's and use the spectrum analyzer function to get a more accurate measurement. Most causal FM pirates use cheap chink transmitters that have crap for filtering and throw spurs/harmonics everywhere. In that case the spectrum analyzer would be really useful because you could take note of some identifying flaws in their signal in case you miss it and it pops up again someplace else. The only downside with a USB SDR is that you have to lug around a laptop and that might not be practical if your on foot.
It's completely legal to operate your own radio station as long as it doesn't broadcast across state lines. Instead of hunting down radio stations, you should set up your own one, it's neither very difficult, nor very expensive. If you use chingchongchina equipment you can set one up for less than $500
No, not really. Most non-directional antennas are designed to avoid nulls and those that do tend to have two of them. Unless you have some idea of where to look in the first place, you could just as easily end up pointing away from where you need to be and once you get close the signal will probably overwhelm the nulls anyway and you won't be much better off.
Also I love these infrequent radio threads. So cozy and knowledgeable.
If you use chingchongshit you'll get busted as fast as someone can get busted
Chinkshit is noisy as fuck
There's coil whine, but the transmission itself is clean enough to not step on other bands in most places. Only in NY and other cramped areas would you get busted with chinkshit. Get youself a low-pass filter with your fm transmitter, find yourself a free channel and you're good to go.
1. Stay on unused frequencies
2. Don't air commercials
3. Don't broadcast across state lines
If you follow these steps the dumbfucks from the FCC have no case. They might try to intimidate you, but there's nothing they can do, besides writing you angry letters.
Mighty fine idea there sir user. I like devious shit.
You're missing an opportunity.
Consider the following as in
What about setting up a powerful but cheaply-made transmitter somewhere that will do a one-time-only break in to a major station and then self-destruct? You could set it up with a timer to make sure you are a good distance away before it fires up, a second timer would light some thermite 10 minutes later.
Just wardrive with your SDR setup. Make sure you buy the right connectors though. Most times they're mini BNC because of the small form factor.
NCscout (call sign N4LRS) over at is teaching classes on RDFing others and how to avoid being RDFed yourself.
the nignogs in london seem to do a pretty god job of setting up a pirate radio stations and having them for often years on the same freq
surely there must be someone on here with HAM knowlege to do the same
Radio is dead user.
The better question is why bother?
I don't listen to the radio. The younger generation has said goodbye to radio. If they don't use mp3s/FLAC on ipods, phones, etc, they'll use phone apps like spotify.
Radio has stopped being productive for nearly a decade.
You don't even have to bother with pirate radio much in Australia. Talk back radio is probably the strongest format nowadays and it still is very good at catching out the globalist cancer.
I don't think these niggers are ready for the level of weaponized autism we are able to unleash.
low probability of intercept
Get in touch with your local amateur radio club.
HAMs love a good fox hunt.
contact your local amateur radio club and accuse them of cutting into your favorite station. those boomers love nothing more than to watch the fcc fine retards into bankruptcy and will piss away an unholy amount of man hours making sure it becomes a reality.
Call your local ham radio club and go on a fox hunt.
Use measuring tapes for the metal.
This. They're basically us, but radio autists.
There's no need to lie because most hams hate commies, they'd be glad to help bust some faggot reds.