To keep the long story short. Goddamn Kikes are trying to rob Poland of it's land via more of holohoax claims. This is gonna lead to Poland becoming eaten by Israeli cancer from inside out just like Palestine was. I do realize USA senate is chok full of those dirty khazars, but please try to share and shake things up on your end of the globe. Sincerely, a concerned Zig Forumsack.
Zig Forumsish Americans, Poland needs your help
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So the jews are going to push some bill using the american golem to extort money from poland ?
we should do another worldwide poster campaign like IOTBW but with info on the holohoax and kikes. Expose the truth worldwide, they will be powerless to do anything and if they try it only strengthens our message.
They're going to meme Polish death camps into reality.
Hah. The irony is powerful.
It should be fine tbh
The only thing they could do is…. Well throwing us out of NATO and letting the Russians eat us. Or attack us after doing so.
Ok, they could do a lot, but I do not think that it is reason for concern… Except when our government starts to give out free real estate to jews again.
Just a heads up, the conflict previously was not between jews and Poland… But between Poland and Israel. The possibility of the government kiking us is still fairly high in matters like these.
they where planning to use you as cannon fodder against russia anyway.
Indeed it makes my blood boil just how much lies those filths are throwing at my country.
That would be an ideal solution atm I think. It is absolutely vital to counteract (((their))) propaganda and wake up normies still on the fence.
There weren't death camps there either. The Soviets preferred a more poetic way of annihilation, working the enemies of the people to death. What are you trying to prove?
That's actually widespread knowledge in Poland.
We know that we can't rely on you Westerners. At least since World War 2
Let it pass tbh. It'll redpill more people.
Yet the Poles won't say as much.
Prove? What's there to prove?
Modern Poles are Slav-Jew mischlings and have aided the Holohoax narrative every step of the way.
I have no sympathy for them.
If not for Westerners, the false Jewish state of 'Poland' wouldn't exist. Your country is literally nothing but stolen clay given a new name by Westerners to spit in the eye of Germany.
Granted, the West then used you as bait to lure Germany into a war, then sold you off to Communism like the kike whores you are, but to sit there and act like you aren't basically entirely reliant upon Westerners to even exist as a country is laughable.
Its like Israel mouthing off at the US and saying they can't be relied upon. Laughable.
Well to be fair, WW2 taught us to hate you jews.
Nice d&c
There's no reason to revise the worlds last over estimation and misunderstanding (for example, the six million number is taken from the official Polish casualty report; three million dead Poles [a real factor] and three million dead or missing jews, many of whom were classed as deceased because they exploited Germany reparations system [e.g if you lived on occupied territory you technically survived the holocaust] with an added option for emigration to the US wherein they took different names - virtually dying on paper, in records) as no one questions Dresden, for one.
Are you saying the holocaust was real? Are you saying the holocaust was read but it was a Soviet or a Polish doing? Your image has to mean something, what is it.
We're chronologically descendants of Japeth, son of Noah anyway, father of the jews. You're the sons of Cain (Enoch) and its showing.
Dresden was a city you idiot, it had the capacity to house many civilians during war-time! How are you not understanding that millions moved to dresden fleeing the East German front, the Allies received intel of mass colony moving towards Dresden and KNEW it was civilians and then decided to mass bomb dresden.
Yes, about 250 billion dollars worth of real estate (as "restitution")
Most normalfags in the West are brainwashed, and even people here are hard shilling classic divide and conquer by claiming Poles are the jews of Europe, they're not white etc. (as seen here )
Jesus Christ that syntax is awful.
And what the fuck is that image trying to claim?
Are you fucking stupid or what? The implication is that the Holohoax was exactly that, and that the Poles happily supported the false narrative because it served them.
Now its being used against them and they pout, like the half-kikes they are.
Nobody but kikes and kike-worshippers give a fuck about your jewish fairy-tale Schlomo.
Nah, you're just upset that everyone knows Poles are mischling scum who aided the holohoax narrative when it served them and only opposed it when it was turned upon them.
Typical tricks.
They're mischlings. So no, they aren't White.
Did you read the image before typing out your butthurt or do you expect me to trust your word alone when the graph clearly demonstrates sudden attempts to conceal true population. I'm not saying "Dresden bombing was a hologram", I'm saying the casualties were over estimated (on purpose, at that) too.
Are you incapable of reading the big bold header or what, idiot.
Are you actually deficient, it's mostly to do with the 1969 expulsions, krautlet.
Yet the first Reich was nothing but you krauts riding the Catholic welfare train up until the middle ages. Obviosuly, a retard like you never heard of the [Hyper]Bereans in Israel noted in the Bible. Jesus was the first Christian, and he led the last remaining Aryans from Arabia, he's a symbol of White virtue, no surprise here he wouldn't mirror kraut mortality.
Shlomo, you have to try a bit harder though.
Anyone kvetching "X is not white" is either a kike or a creatura himself, choose one.
Educate yourself
Mhrm… You could say so. Who knows what would the present look like if the West didn't betray us. Highly likely that we would be as degenerate as you… Just speculation though….
They're trying to fuck Polands shit up
Patton tried to wage war on the Soviet Union and he was subsequently murdered. Churchil wanted to launch Operation: Unthinkable but he was forbidden from doing so. The people who murdered Patton wanted the Soviet Union to remain and enter an arms race with America because they wanted to sell weapons to both sides. Only France really betrayed us by saying they won't intervene if war was to bake out (although, to be fair, no pact compelled them to, but we said we'd invade Germany if they don't stop rearming the Rhine - why we were invaded in the first place), but then again, to say that would be to dishonor the resistance fighters who were executed on the spot if caught.
It depends. Do the eternal polacks still believe in the holohoax meme? I don't give a shit if they hate jews now, if they don't acknowledge that the event was staged and took part in it to benefit from Germany's demise, I have no business.\ helping half-jews.
so saying "mexicans are not white" makes that speaker a kike or a creatura?
This poster is a mod.
Anyway, that's fucking retarded.
By your reasoning, anyone saying jews aren't white is a kike or "creatura" himself.
IOW: You're fucking stupid and impotent and you should be ashamed.
I'm so tired of you scum. All you ever do is shit on Germans and whine while promoting yourselves as 'based', even as you elect fucking kikes to your highest offices.
And now you faggots pout because you don't get support against the kikes, while you were the ones helping to propagate kike propaganda for fucking decades!
You still do it to this day, in fact! The only reason you're getting fucked by the kikes now is because you had the audacity to question the narrative even the tiniest bit when it started to be directed at you.
Fuck the kikes, and fuck the Poles, though frankly, that's repeating myself.
Careful, you're beggin for a ban.
Unfortunately what you said is quite true. Our government is chok full of zio shills or straight up kikes, like our brand new prime minister Morawiecki that just happens to have a (((banker))) past. In fact we never left communism during 1989 in a sense that our liberation movement "Solidarnosc" was infiltrated and taken over by (((them))). Thusly we ended up with mockery known as democracy, and most of the sheeple went back to sleep. Whole situation is FUBAR, and I do understand if you are too fed up with our collective mistakes to help us. I'm simply speaking out to get the information about real state of affairs here out to the world. And I believe that's exactly what Zig Forums was founded for.
This anti-pole d/c is some of the worst shit around.
Are the germans that butthurt about Poland, or the poster not german bit some butthurt kikes?
I like how they will shit on Russia, France and England but they will claim solidarity with these countries if Poland is mentioned.
You forgot to mention Germany was full of kikes and now still full of kikes, and was not a country but a combination of celt, alpine, germanics and slavs.
But it seems I will be banned for daring to shittalk germans and Germany.
Banned, fuck seems like the mod really hates Poland.
I cannot contain my shiteating grin.
A-at least nazis bad amirite?????
You can pretty much guarantee that anyone trying to fracture Europeans across ethnic lines, i.e. "X isn't White," where X is European, is either himself a jew, or some actor working in service to a jew.
Given the circumstances Whites find ourselves in today, the only hope for the future is in racial solidarity - working together to defeat the non-white hordes that vastly outnumber us. That means putting aside past grievances for the greater good of our race. Period. There will be time for inter-ethnic competitiveness AFTER we've defeated the jew and retaken our rightful place as rulers of the globe. But until then, it is imperative that all of Europe's sons work together to fulfill our singular goal: to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
Butthurt german, fuck off. You deserve every single bit of cultural enrichment you receive now, and I hope to God this cancerous nation is raped out of existence soon.
you sound breddy anti german to me mate
Not anti-german, just not anti-pole.
Mind you that the poles learn a lot from the germans.
It's likely not a german, just a LARPing I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass or worse, a kike trying to play concern troll for germans.
Absolutely, couldn't say it better myself.
I'll be doing everything I can on my end to redpill locals about khazar agenda. Pray for our success brothers, Gott Mit Uns.
Ya know…
The Germans were fucking jealous of our romanticized Nationalism we achieved while being under the occupation of three foreign powers.
Sure thing, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had problems, still this resulted in Nationalism being engraved into our culture.
Just keep on TORpedoing
I'm angry about a lot of European history, but that doesn't change how things are now. Poland is one of the only nationalist countries remaining in Europe. If the rest of the continent perishes, I'll support whoever carries the torch.
But it's vital that your country refutes the Holohoax. It's a temporary shield at best, and sooner or later will be used against you too. You're also in the best position to disprove it (it's on your territory, after all), and doing so will bring staunch allies. Played right, it could ensure that Germany stays friendly to Poland for life, which is vital for long-term peace and prosperity. You were both victims of the kikes, just in different ways. Poland speaking the truth may be what frees Europe and the world.
You mean slav mutts
Are parents who didn't teach their children going to get the stick?
Asking about a friend.
Make Note, how all of a sudden all sorts of interesting things hapten when a little country gains access to weapons of a Major Power.
I will not give You this talk, Your politicians where prepped for this since the death of Your President. I know Poland feels vulnerable and therefore very sensitive about the Russians.
Poland can appeal to the Russians as fellow slavs, they will make mistakes.. the Americans will see this opening and move in.. this will cause a Civil war in Poland. This is honestly the only way I can see Poland getting out of this in one piece.
Think to long, or get unlucky and You are gone. Its either this or take Your Chances with the Americans… P.S. Those are not Missile defenses… You have problems, those problems are aimed at Your Neighbor and Oh boy, if little me knows, they know.
Poland was infiltrated the Moment they made a deal with the Americans… The death of the President, how Convenient?
Get out of NATO before its to late, Appeal to the Russians, we are Slavs, I hope everything goes well.
Get out of NATO… RUN like hell
Russians aren't slavic. They are ethnic left overs from Turkic/Siberian tribes and Khazaria. Appealing to ZOG east will give nothing to Poland.
Most Rooskies are Finno-Ugric, and the Steppe people and Siberian natives are great people if you ever got to know one.
i wonder who could be behind this post
> Morawiecki that just happens to have a (((banker)))
He is jewish:
Lech Wałesa, leader of Solidarnosc ADMITTED that he cooperated with KGB:
Just start digging up these "jewish mass graves" and show the world they are hoax.
Walesa was an agent and a snitch himself (TW 'Bolek'), he kept denying it for 25 years but a couple of years ago documents confirming what people have been suspecting for a long time were declassified.
Morawiecki is not Jewish according to their law but still a very suspicious personality, any (((banker))) is.