Callers to the 680 NEWS tipline reporting many people injured or killed by a van in north Toronto
First, kike free
What the fuck does that mean?
This is the area prayers are needed.
Hopefully the moon god only received GRIDS blood.
Well considering how cucked Canada is, they probably meant "good luck"
Is it happening?
Oh, and I thought we were going to have to wait for the Stanley Cup quarter-finals to see the LEAFS BTFO
so it's finally the day of the rake. so comfy
Yea we get it sargonites are cucks where do we go from here nigger
sounds about right. That's what they get for choosing Jewdeau
Part and Parcel has ARRIVED!!!
You called? I heard refugees need to come to Canada.
Van hits a number of people on the sidewalk in Toronto. Details very limited at this point.
The RESPECT guy surely looks like he just lost all respect.
Prayers deployed
People report White Van seen plowing into people on #YongeStreet #Toronto injuries everywhere
Most leftists are born, not raised, it's their genetics. Prone to corrosive behaviour we can hope that a mass eugenic event selects against them.
*few contemporary leftists act so, for social advantage
The French even surrender in the New World, who'da thought
If it turns out to be a poor refugee driving the van, I'd like everyone to focus instead on some of my new costumes. Many more such photos!
Parts and parcels amiright
Well looks like one Chink got injured. Looks like someone next to her is down, and a guy on the right in blue jeans.
Lmao Canadian police just fucking driving away
Needs more blood
Now in this uncertain moment for the nation, Trudeau needs to make a speech to remind everyone that if your enemy kills you, you win.
Remember in the UK, some MP praised the "diversity" of the victims as something along the lines of "proof of London's inclusivity". I expect the same from Trudeau.
0 Days without an act of Religion of Cuckā¢IC PEACE.
Let's watch how the normies respond this time. Will it be indignant rage that anyone would blame the poor mudslime? Will it be a call for more immigrants to be let in because the underpriveleged community of goatfuckers needs more friends? Will it finally be a call to hang them one and all?
Find out on the next episode of Cuckold Leaf Z!
Driver in custody
>The van, which may have mounted the curb and hit the pedestrians on the sidewalk, was stopped by police, Const. Jenifferjit Sidhu told CBC Toronto.
Nah they'll be fine
Walk it off dudes
How does he keep getting away with this? WHY??? Details very limited at this point.
Police have taken a driver in to custody
Nice reading comprehension, niggers. Since it's an account operated by multiple people, they use their initials as a sign-off. There's even a post they retweeted saying who's doing it today: Gary Long
rough day
fuck y ou how dare this tragedy fuck
What a lazy faggot
That's a nice blanket there. Hope they enjoy their nap!
Possible arrest, looks non-white
heh, pretty good place for a truck of peace tbh, rip bugmen and kikes.
I'm going with Turk.
Looks pretty white to me
a fucking white van
found this
Who gives a fuck. It's a buncha fuckin' leaves anyway. I have no sympathy for dumbasses who elected (((Trudeau))).
Part and parcel.
when you get mowed down by a vehicle, you win
Trudeau didn't win by 100% cunt
Does not rule out Middle East
Is it summer already?
There are a lot of white people who have to make a living or study in Toronto new friend. That fact alone is why the city has'n collapsed under the weight of its own diversity.
Leafs Win, Proclaims PM Turdeau
It didn't happen in Edmonton, Toronto deserves diversity user.
Makes sense since he stopped uploading videos.
Now wrecking chaos in Canada, omg truly a man of chaos. When will you stop Sam?
please be jews
suspected raghead surrenders
Is this why the servers are being slammed? Fucking jews man.
Moments after hitting multiple pedestrians with the white van - the driver pulls what looks like a gun on police. No shots are fired. @TPS arrest him.
Go back to half cunt. That info wasn't in the OP.
So now they are importing street sleepers?
children begin to light candles for the victims across Leafland
u just got epic trolled xD
Fake gun doesn't work against Trudeau tactics.
Is joke, game 6 is tonight, could still see him driving a Zamboni into the other team though.
Maybe they were both waiting for permission? A polite hello first?
Losing all those young white men in that accident was a real tragedy, but the virtue signalling it brought about was just unprecedented.
Come on user.
That's England. In Canada all confrontations begin with an exchange of "sorry", pronounced sow-ree.
burger cops would have lit him up the second they saw anything in his hands let alone something that looked like a gun.
I live on the border with them. It's all hellos, thank you, doncha know, buddy, please, etc. I have never run into one that began with sorree unless it was a replacement for "no."
Followed by the inevitable chimpout.
It's Canada. They deserve it. I love it.
yep. you got trolled.
Looks jewish as fuck.
Someone on halfchan said that translates to Tehran. I came here to see if there's any evidence that this might be another false flag to start WWIII. Although if so, Canada is a horrible choice to stage it.
The look on that cop's face is priceless. Jesus Canada, I honestly don't know how you live with the embarrassment of this pretty boy attention whore.
Turks and Arabs can still have light skin.