Du bist ein Goy

wtf they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. It's kind of getting tiring how little they're trying to hide it.
trigger warning, lashon hakodesh incoming

Translation: you're a goy, now cut your dick, my rabbi is thirsty


What the fuck kind of queer ass shit did I stand 50 seconds of?

"Now get circumcised"

Attached: 6abe965211f31fdc45037c460a7715b2f3a612363245a17fe463bdbbe960e23e.jpg (254x255, 25.14K)

Yiddish = Corrupted German

Funny though, Ashkenaz means Germany in Yiddish.

Still from the yidvid

Attached: Du bist ein Goy.png (647x555, 314.94K)

I don't even want to know what it says.

Attached: 555 jewish language not of this earth.png (519x424, 89.77K)

self sage

Someone should edit the captions so every instance of "goy" is "jew" and watch how fast they kvetch.

Saturn runes always creep me out a tad. They look twisted, backwards, stunted even. As inward facing as their writers.
Chinese is tight packed and uniform, japanese is lively and hilly, the latin alphabet is adaptive and inconsistent, farsi is a work of art, but Hebrew? Diminutive, derivative.

It's like ebonics, a people too stupid and crude to learn the language. Germans didn't have enough obscenities, profanities, vulgarities, or curse words to satisfy the semitic mind.

How vulgar is yiddish?

Doesn't matter what you do jew, you'll still burn.

If I weren't attractive I'd be a virgin….
But instead I get to do unspeakable things to a black-haired jewess because I look like a semi-chad.
Please give me the strength to stop throatfucking my khazar milker…

What do I do to get a nice blonde girl?
I know I'm a fucking degenerate fucker, but I was abused as a kid and so am shy….

Plus I go to a Marxist college where my Aryan looks literally make people feel comfortable joking about me being a Nazi (I wish I was worthy of that title) and so nobody wants to be seen with me

Ironically jewesses flock to me
And I'm 1000% too horny because of the aforementioned abuse

(You) given, now stop wasting dubs

They ain't got shit on the Georgian script
გაზის გაზი, რასის ომი ახლა

Worst thread yet.

Attached: Beyond_Beauty.png (1440x950, 1.81M)

Another area in which the scholars and the universities have been greatly remiss is their incredible glorification of the Hebrew language. We have been told that Hebrew is one of the great languages of all time, that much of the world's great literature was written in it, and that it is a language formulated to express the most noble sentiments. Yet we have only to open the Ency-clopaedia Britannica to find that Hebrew is a very limited lan-guage with only 500 or so basic words, much like the Basic Eng-lish publicized during the Second World War. Furthermore, ac-cording to the Britannica, Hebrew is not really a language at all, but a composite of other Near Eastern tongues. The Britannica says, "A composite language of the Semitic peoples; consisting of Aramaic, Canaanite, Arcadian and Assyro-Babylon." In plain words, Hebrew was simply the Yiddish of the ancient world, a polyglot jargon which the Jews used in their underworld activities. Thus another Jewish lie is exploded. And the great literature supposedly written in this language is another myth, with no basis in fact. The Gospels of the new Testament, so most Biblical scholars tell us, were written in Greek, rather than in Hebrew. Jewish writers admit that most of the "Hebrew" writings were merely taken freely from Babylonian and Egyptian sources. The Psalms, supposedly a series of great Hebrew poems, were taken word for word from Akhenaton's Hymns to the Sun, written 600 years earlier in Egypt. Horace Meyer Kallen, a pro-fessor at the Jewish New School of Social Research, says that the Book of Job was lifted bodily from an early and obscure Greek play. Velikovsky admits that there are "many parallels" between the Vedic Hymns and the Books of Joel and Isaiah. The Decalogue was taken wholly from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And so on, throughout the entire list of "great Jewish writings." Yet the students of our universities know nothing abouttheir professors (who are mostly Jews, nowadays), the myth of the great Hebrew language and the great Hebrew literature. The fact is that the Jews, entirely lacking in creative talent of any kind, stole literature just as they stole everything else from the peoples who tolerated them.

I think you mean double dubs, nigger

I'm going to go with my gut and call that Neptune runes. Looks like drops of water and pebbles.

Even Jewish men hate their women. They're shrieking harpies and parasites that will steal your soul if you give them long enough. Jack off and then decide.

Attached: 1516259785255.jpg (750x576, 73.25K)

As disgusting as that video is, it's nice to see that Eunuch's wife is moving on with her life and exploring her artistic side.

haha checked

Step 1, stop ending each thought with an ellipses.
Step 2, you need to ask frank questions of contradiction. "gee it's so sad about the holocaust and everything. lot's of people died. lot's of people dying is a bad thing. Let's check the worst numbers of people dying, wow look it's the soviet union" shit like that
step 3, now that she no longer thinks she's doing her people a service by servicing you, you need to rise up, look around you the next time you're in a great hall or cathedral, and take a black-person like ownership of the great-ness. "I built this" in hushed tones. You've been robbed of that, friend.
Also wear a cross necklace the next time she goes down on you.

A surprising amount of good info here. Many thanks!

I can read yiddish, but I would never pronounce it the way they do. To do so I would have to "go into (a) character". Does that say something in itself?

At some point we should discuss Jewish vocal idioms.
1. I'm sure everyone's noticed "listing" where you raise your voice for each item of a list. The idea, I believe, is to rattle off the mental "chunk" of data, as you mentally prepare how you will follow it. It's unattractive, like fry-tone. Just read your list like a man.
2. diphthongs. There are too many. Are they used to get attention, to stand out?

Theory: Jews act out characters through their lives according to the characters of their torah and tanakh. There's an action element to everyday living. I generally try to stay away from them these days, though at one point was pretty into it.

I believe what's going on with this song goes on with other extra-cultural parodies. Numerous pop-songs are parodied with pro-Jewish lyrics.
I had this theory that I should go back through Torah and Tanakh to see where some of their great commentators have pilpul-ed a positive view of some dastardly act, or branded anything morally god that a gentile has done as somehow really being Jewish in nature. My feeling is, yes, from what I've learned. If so, this would help complete the picture Kevin McDonald paints in CofC, in that they have to see themselves as positive as a group, and most likely as the only positive group. I'll get back to y'all on that at some point.


Attached: GOY - Netta's TOY super-Jewish cover in Yiddish!.webm (1280x720, 14.47M)

The dick-cutting is likened to the cutting off of the head of a chicken through her actions and her "bok bok"ing at one point. It's pretty obvious, but I felt I should spell this out. It's very likely there's some cultural significance to this idea, as kosher slaughter of chickens involves slitting the throat. Somewhere in there is some Kabbalistic bs, to be sure.

I don't know if Yiddish added any vulgarities to German. If anything, it sounds like a very southern twang of English. It sounds like characterized German.

On another note, consider the word Schlep.
"I'm just had to schlep all my stuff all the way across the camp, oy vey" as a usage. Schlep is a German word, not Yiddish. And, yet it's used in English, mostly by Jews, to express dismay at having to move something, dismay at having to do work.

One more linguistic observation. Observe "it's this, not this". I believe this might be talmudic. It's not enough to say what it is, you have to also say what it isn't in Jewish parlance. I just saw a few IE videos, Jared Taylor, et al. Good stuff. Their slogan is "Leading our People Forward". The Jewish voice in my head added "not backward". How fucking jewish is that (I'm 0% ashkenazy) It came to me from years of association, but consider it. They always have to add this negative.

Leading our people forward, (((not backward)))
Read this in your head as said by a Jew.

Thanks for the advice, but I'm trying the nofap thing. It is true that whenever I tapped I didn't care for her hole, I just need to hold onto that feeling in my mind, fug.

Yea, you are right, I use ellipsis way too much. Thanks for the advice as well.

Speaking from some experience, Jewish women act like they enjoy sex more than white women. I'm not suggesting you should feel like you're taking something for nothing, and not suggesting anything remotely criminal, but there is just as good feeling after sex where the woman didn't get off. Jewish sex is a little motherly. They are so impressed with everything you do. Don't have sex with someone like that.

You speak the truth user.
I will try even harder to do right by my people, and to stop this degenerate behavior.

There was a movement some 15-20 years ago among men your age (pre-marital, and aged about 15-25) known as straight-edge. They didn't drink, didn't smoke, and didn't have sex before marriage. Obviously, I wasn't a member of such a group, but admired them from a distance. Every straight-edged man I met impressed me in ways I knew deep in my soul was right. Whether you commit to those restrictions or not is not the point. The point is to rise up and elevate the expectations of your self. See the possibilities and strength that comes with commitment. Society is wholly turned against what seems right. I wanted to be married and raise kids at 16. Society wanted me to be a consumer of sex. Saying no means turning on your biology, something probably easier for European descended males to do more than any other race or ethnicity. Among whites in this degenerate culture, you assume some authority if you can say "I've already done that and it's retarded". Euros respect that. Jews make room for you to be ok doing it in spite of such statements. When confronted with some new vice, just say I've already done that, it's not that great and stick to it despite the pilpul.

You won't find many Christian pastors who are both based in the way they expect Christians to live on this earth, and also differentiate Christians from Jews. Differentiating between Christians and Muslims is easy, but they will rarely do it with Jews. You might ask why? If they are with Christ, why are they afraid? Are they afraid, scared, intimidated by Jews to say why they're different? Why we're different? Do they fear saying their way to heaven is the only way (see Joel Osteen and Oprah videos on youtube for more about that). If our way to heaven is not the only way, why do we bother meeting? Why do we build churches? Why do we bother doing anything? Why bother?

Paul Washer differentiates between Jews and Christians by works, while criticizing christians for not knowing their religion well.

Do they cut off the chicken's head when they do the sin chicken swinging ritual? If so, I guess there's a simile here: cutting the foreskin off a goy absolves her of the sin of miscegenation like the chicken ritual absolves sin. These freaks make my skin crawl.

lol it sounds so weird for me as german

Slightly higher bitrate, pads out to the size limit a little more. Gonna come back later with some gifs, hopefully. There's some good OC potential with this.

Attached: גוי - תהילה, הדיווה הכשרה שרה את טוי ביידיש GOY - Netta's TOY super-Jewish cover in Yiddish!.webm (1280x720, 15.82M)

agreed. I nearly dropped this in the webm OC thread. Looking forward to some quality Gifs

She does that with the rabbit

Well technically, this is a jewish woman being in love with a "goy" and she's telling him if he gets circumcised she would marry him.
In another words if that "goy" would do so, he would marry her and have children with her. In another words a white, european man having a baby with a jewish woman and since the child doesn't have to be jewish since only one part is jewish, that would mean this video is actually promoting racemixing and multiculturalism in jewish communities.
I'm not sure wether a Zionist would like or hate that video…

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 28.92K)

No wait, I looked at it again. They are married already and he should get circumcised so they stay together but my point still stands. That would mean she's promoting racemixing and multiculturalism.

There are a lot of subtexts in this video. After sleeping on it, I still think it was green-lighted and promoted as a provocation. I've never met any Jews who use the word Goy the way she does here. The use of the word Goy falls more in line with the way TRSodomites use it, and is probably just intended to play act in some "they're not even trying to hide it anymore" sort of way. But, every time something like this comes up, other bizarre elements slip through, like the rabbit/male genital mutilation thing.
I just used this thread to dump some sociological, linguistic observations. The funny thing is, in my younger autist days, I would say any of the things I've said here to my Jewish friends. Now, it's anti-semitism. I wonder whether those friends ever thought of me as anti-semitic? I guess I'll never know.

It is a literal death threat retard

That looks like fucking tengwar.