Ok, this is going to be a complicated post, but allow me to offer some hindsight on why our world is so fucked and how to fix it.
Let me begin by quoting "The Mad Baron", Roman Ungern-Sternberg, “The evil which has fallen upon the land, with the object of destroying the divine principle in the human soul, must be extirpated root and branch."
I wholeheartly agree with the Mad Baron of Urga.
I believe that the Devil himself has been set loose on the Earth since the 1900s or so, as it was stated on a vision by Pope Leo XIII.
I believe that the Jewish elites have all this power because god has forsaken us as a Punishment for abandoning him, Traditional Society, Traditional Christianity and Kingship as a God-Given ruler that conducts the society.
To develop this, the Current Elite that rules the world in my belief is not just evil, but is Evil itself, i believe the rich Jews that command the Economy, the Media and its Underlings are nothing less than demons in Human form.
We are not facing bad people but the Devil itself.
The English, French, Russian and German revolutions, among others but being those the most relevants where made by a Jewish Cult that is in direct contact with Satan himself with the purpose of destroying the Divine Monarchy, so he could implement all the modern bullshit that has befallen on modern civilization.
The LGTB, Multiculturalism, Abortion, Mass Immigration, Racemixing, Pedophilia, Modern Rootless Culture, Wage Slavery and all the other elements of the death culture are not the inventions of some weird Jews or some Cultural Marxist Professors, but the doing of the Devil himself.
As we are today, we are powerless to stop him and all the clusterfuck.
The Virgin Mary tried to warn us back in 1689, again in 1917, again in 1973, and in other more obscure ocassions.
We can only fix this by embracing God and going into a fully apocalyptic Warfare to destroy everything the modern world has created from the French Revolution, in Political and Cultural aspects, and return to a Traditional System with a Monarch apointed by God, a Holy Church, and more or less fashioned on the World as it was before of 1689/1789/1830/1848/1917/1945/1968.
Only a fullblown return to Pre-Enlightenment society can save the White Race, Western Civilization and Christianity from going into the Darkness of History and the ultimate triumph of evil.
Only by emulating the vision of the Bloody Baron can we truly save ourselves.
This feeling has been growing on me for a long while and i wanted to share it with you Zig Forums and hear what do you think of this.
Shills, Kikes, Cucks and Vargtards please abstain from this thread.(>not the jews)
About the Evil of the Modern World and what is to be done to fix it
Nice blog post but you have it ass backwards.
God is the avatar of the culture of the people, not the other way around.
Go back and think on this for a day and come back.
Let me know when you come back to reality.
Fuck off back to leddit with your blogposting, faggot.
Why the fuck are you godamm shills always the first to comment.
You should be mutilated in public and set on fire.
no jews
no central banks
corporal punishment
Look I fixed the world with fewer characters.
That would be a important first step to be honest.
But all the damage of the revolutions must be undone.
if it includes wearing strange looking tunics count me out
dude togas
Corporal punishment is kinda weird. No man should have the right to touch my ass.
The jews are the devil? I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you are about 2000 years too late on your sage wisdom.
There is no conquest without heavenly mandate.
There is no king without divine right.
There is no church without patriarchy.
There is no society without patriarchy.
Let us have a holy monarch and a holy church.
Nice blackpill you have there.
I'd be a shame if I sage'd it.
Schizophrenia thread?
Schizophrenia thread.
Go to bed Terry.
Any solution that will have permanent effects will have to empower the good people to do what is right.
Having a monarch as a central ruler is a fatal flaw, because he can be corrupted in a single generation, and if he rules by divine will, he can't be questioned. We all know the jew infiltrated lawmaking and the judiciary system for this reason, and ruthlessly pushed their agenda.
Going backwards isn't the solution. Going forward, destroying jewish power is the solution.
Where do you think you are? Cuckstains (aka Christians), have lost all power in america, and in the white realm in general due to the fact that it is merely the puppet religion of kike overlords. As is pisslam (which is the militant branch), catholicism (which is the money-laundering branch), bat-shit baptists (which is the southern d&c branch), protestants (which is the pussification branch), and Zionism (which is the controlling center of this whole wretched, twisted tree of evil that needs to be cut down, burned, and dug out down to the very last root.)
As to monarchies, white men have never needed to be told how to live. They have needed to be lead on occasion yes, but never subjugated. Real white men are capable of banding together in small communities and achieving their own destinies. Fuck controlling cunts who think they have the right to decide the fate of a nation of people.
Christianity is what made Europe what it is. Falling back to religions that were practically invented in the 19. century is playing the kike's fiddle.
Old paganism was dead and buried with the last priest. And those didn't write down anything. Later christian writers did.
outline what you think the difference is
Nope, jewish persecution started with the european kings, not the fascists.
In fact, it's the fascists who want to imitate the kings.
The king answers to the populace, if it's a bad, we revolt and someone else replace him.
The greek and roman made Europe what it is, definitely not Christianity.
Wrong, it lives on with the persons.
The god never left.
Goddamn, and calling old religions to be kike proxies while nominating Christianity, an actual kike religion, is shameful.
Wake up christian, the jew god is not your god, it hungers and wants to eat your gods and your souls.
Your gods live in the forest, the pastures of Europe, not the desert.
Any pagan that has never heard of Arianism deserves the neck. There is a reason the kike hates christians, not the LARPer pagan. Even Hitler himself respected christianity when it was not infiltrated by commies.
Yes, the kikes hate christianity so much that everyone is a christian, even the goddamn chinks while they try hard to make everyone forget paganism.
And Arianism is not actual worship of aryans.
And you are the biggest LARPer.
Because Hitler wanted to court christians, the real germans desire Valhalla, not Jesus Christ.
Are the mods on this board retarded?
OP names the jew in his wall of text.
God, this board's moderating team is probably younger than the fucking userbase, what a shame.
wew. so this is the power of cuckchan downtime.
Explain? It's an actual Christian sect, just that it has no to do with aryans.
Though it was popular with the gothics and vandals.
I never said that, you disingenous kike. Spew your pagan rhethoric in cuckchan where you belong. Arianism adapts the pagan belief of human-gods into christianity, it is no wonder it became heresy. If you want to draw in the current power of christianity and the beliefs of paganism into tribalism, you go for arianism.
Yeah, beatings, not spanking.
Man, when you do this stupid bullshit, I wonder why can't you just stick to actual old religions.
The jew gods dislike your idols, your forefathers, your gods, and it will never stop fighting this battle to have everybody soul.
And you go to Zig Forums because being a christian means nothing special or whatever.
Current Christianity has no power, even your LARPer templar orders study the occult and were not traditional followers of Christ.
The opening of Timurlan's tomb, just before Operation Barbarossa, and related curse.
Fatima. Willing to bet Ratzinger was forced out relating to it (and purported incomplete/edited 3rd prophecy)
God is dead [crucified] we [Pharisees] have killed [faith in] him [Our only son - and not the Creator's - accepting the self-worship post-Enlightenment, dispensationalist, Talmudic technocratic AI singularity immortality chasing garbage] – for 30 silvers, in the form of matieralism/consumerism/credit.
This is the Judaic view, and uprooting the beliefs or killing people themselves gives them/their Demon power and space to grow in the spirit realm as well.
Having the eldest fags doing it would make sense, but more likely to have less time to do it.
You should see how fast they prune decent threads, and the redundant sliding garbage they leave in place
Thank you for including the English (Glorious) Revolution in there. It is, perhaps the most important as it lays the foundation for the succeeding revolutions.
OP here, what the fuck is wrong with you mods i mentioned the jews, like 4 times on my post.
Jews are behind all the modern bullshit, and Satan is behind the jewish power.
that kind of makes me erect