4chan is down, you know what it means? Grab your Mountie Dew and prepare for fun. Also contaminant thread
4chan containmant thread /4ct/
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Hello, i am from 4chan too. Nice to meet you.
what is going on? Again..
Probably Hero is selling data to CIA but who knows…v
ddos or server outage
probably what's available right now is from the cloudflare cache
Just because last time it was down Israel launched missiles at Syria across Lebanon to try and make it look like a US launch doesn't mean somethings happening right now.
Thank fuck I thought I was IP banned or some shit. Id say its due to pizzagate. Most Pizzagate threads get 404'd soon after creation. Fucking kikes man.
Somethings happening to 4faggots after the soy filter. Its like the entire site got raided and completely taken over by someone.
The mods over there have been quietly pruning posts on everyboard and threads are popping up everywhere that are basically just thinly disguised lgbt threads or full of worldstarhiphop posters.
The mods are now even bigger faggots dude
This post belong to 2015 or even earlier, depending which grumpy oldfag you ask. Also I can assure you no raiding or taking over mods is needed, anons are doing it to themselves.
cuckchan down while FBI gets chatlogs because of the /r9k/ bus driver of Armenian revenge
Last time it was down was because of /r9k/ bot being an hero. FBI freezes the site to get the chat logs. Happens every single time.
some /r9k/ robot decided to kill a bunch of people with a van
they had to shut 4ch down
Why is hiroshimoot so goddamn incompetent?
yawn when are you 8ch fags going to stop with this special club shit. WE know it happened back then but theres been further developments.
The thing that happened back than was literally you and other faggots that's why you can't understand. Also I lurk both 4chan and Zig Forums without unnecessary attachment to any cancerous place.
someone should tell them mabout 4plebs.org
And what do they expect to find in a cancer shitposting larping website?
fuck off just stfu. I was one of the first people to check this place out when it was created.
I warned people about GG and the sjw ueaes before it even happened you have no fucking clue.(You have to go back)
Did you think you could escape me?
…is…is this what freedom is like
Its not hiro its the mods. Hiros even told the mods off before and they cried for days.
It's Not just that. A Raimiposting thread from last night got 404'd
Great, now I have to spend time with all the pussies that ran away from moot when tumblr came for a short time. Cripplemoot is a jew anyway.
I read that Hotwheels is no longer involved with this site
wow this place is like a secret club I think I'll stay
So…. Port Arthur….
Was it a false flag operation or was Martin Bryant actually guilty?
hw is kill. the one is shilling that faggot q board is a crisis actor.
Wow, I was there before even internet, I was calling my friend fags by telegraph and asking random people on the street do they believe in holocaust. I also personally harassed Anita Sarkesian, MLK and Karl Marx, what now newfag? Pic related, me coordinating chanology
no matter the case, it was seriously fucking sketchy and the media/political was clearly conspiratory
Id say he is guilty and it did actually happen although the Howard saw it as an opportunity to gain favor and sympathy from the vast majority who does not own guns.
Hero is faggot but smart faggot. He wants to sell personal data for bucks not some crippled western philosophy for nice-goy-points.
Based mods
wtf theres a van parked outside my house im scared guys
Theres no evidence linking him to the crime scene and some of the people there that day say it wasn't him. The police literally picked up some retard and put him in solitary for 6 months until he signed a confession with his crayons. Then they used the confession as an excuse to not have a trial.
I was posting there back when it was located on toilet stall in a truck stop off of I-895.
So anyone know why its down?
Im not sure, wasn't really around then so Ive seen a few documentaries on it and evidence does contradict itself. Its pretty possible that it was faked for a gun grab.
This week
/r9k/ attack
Justin Trudeau has mobilised the Mounties and has raided the server room to gather evidence
Since we are on ouroboroschan, I think it's save to assume jewish tricks.
I thought you glorious faggots would have a thread.
yeah, nah
ya i was just kidding
Or sheekyforums cos of gook moot wanting more advert shekels by running fake forums with 4chan posts
happened three times now
got angry, thought I will use my photoshop skills to make fun of him, posted, got banned.
4chan is getting ridiculous, it's like all mods are israel defence forces.
The mods are literal man-child pussies from /v/ and reddit
Press F to pay respects. It was a wild run lads. See you in hell
I was banned 2 days ago for calling the mods soyboys, it was pretty funny
Yeah, what's the point of 4chinz if you censor it. Might as well just move everyone to reddit.
Oh fug, not you faggots again. What happened this time?
Mossad getting robot IPs for late night visits
'mirin' your #s m88
Can you read the fucking comments, there are like 5 retards asking the same without fucking reading some posts yet, fuck you
you should see the threads on /sudo/ & /v/ with people kvetching over soyboy. 420chan loses their fucking minds over it. hits close to home i'd imagine.
can't make this shit up lmao
check em
Thats happened to me before a few times as well. Aggravating as fuck but I like shitposting at least on topic on cuck pol
He can't keep getting away with it!
Yeah 4chan has gone to shit. Mods are soyboys.
I think this toronto faggot is the false flag to shut down 4chan while IDF goes guns-blazin' in Syria. Also they didn't find shit to point out towards a chem attack in Syria, making the US&co. actions a reasonless act of war.
Brace yourselves, faggots, each time 4chan (Zig Forums) is down, the schlomos are at it.
Go back…
really makes you think
Im proud of you user, dont let those fuckers stop you shitposting
probably clouds getting raided again by requests.
This shit happens 3rd time in two months.
Last time freezed for half of the day, I believe JapanMoot was sleeping.
digits support your bs
I'll just leave this here …
feels like the discount version of pol tbqh familia
yo, there were some important shit about pizzagate in /b/ I think, something smelling like shit here or im just the retarded one?
made me think
a fortnyight ago we were getting regular alarmism from skyking/ww3 generals. this week, obama and hillary photo boosters, do they just enjoy the paranoia?
Smells like freedom.
Thank fuck for infinitychan the real home of freedom of speech.
pizzagate thread on Zig Forums 404'ed right before 4chan got shut down
check your pants
My pants always smell like shit, well, I guess we found our new home here
It was because the armenian that ran those cancucks over was an /r9k/ incel. FBI always freezes 4chan to grab the chat logs etc everytime this shit happens. The last time it happened was right after another /r9k/ incel an hero'd on cam
so what is the difference between 4chan and 8ch? 8ch is more nazi and less censored, but slower?
mass refugees incoming
I wanna shitpost on 4chan dammit
is Zig Forums also going down? response is slow
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. 4chans on fire off the coast of orion. I've watched orbital ion cannons glitter in the darkness.
Keep in mind that today, Trump meets that lil' Rothschild faggot tool Baguette Macron, so most likely they'll plan on a new shit if not go for their pre-established strategies to increase the Kike's backyard by rocketing Syria again
infinity posts cp and is edgy af version of halfchan, thats pretty much it
8ch is the older 4chan, basically
Reporting in.
The ease of shitposting on 4chan is certainly a feature but this place has the better Zig Forums and /v/. Good people. There not as ban happy here.
it's always slow but it was for sure down for a bit a hour or so ago
Well to the Nicaraguans if you see this message me and we can continue our quest
'problem with 4chan is that it was way too commercialized and antagonized by the MSM. All the nazi-wannabe AND commie faggots came like a stampede and shattered the art of shitposting with their endless homosexuality.