Antifa attacks first UK Identitarian conference

Identitarians and anti-racist activists clash in Sevenoaks town centre

Footage shows violent clashes in Sevenoaks after the debut UK conference of far-right group Generation Identity
Landlords of The Stag Theatre claim they were tricked into allowing the event to take place

The debut - and supposedly top secret - "London" conference of a fast-growing far-fight group ended with violence on the streets of Sevenoaks.

Generation Identity held the event at The Stag Theatre yesterday (April 15).

But the organisation's hopes it could pass without interference were dashed when its location was revealed on social media.

Delegates later clashed with anti-racism campaigners in the town centre with fighting breaking out in Bligh's Meadow to the horror of shocked shoppers.

A report on the event by Generation Identity claims the "successful" conference began "in the morning and finished around 3pm".

A video on the group's Facebook page showed the speakers addressing the audience in the Stag's Plaza Suite for at least 53 minutes.

Brawling in the street
But before both sides left Sevenoaks, fighting broke out in Bligh's Meadow.

In footage posted online, fist-fighting can be seen taking place between a number of people in the car park in front of M&S.

A police spokesman said: "Kent Police was called to premises in London Road, Sevenoaks at 1.34pm on Saturday 14 April to a report of an assault where a large group of people had gathered.

"A 27-year-old man, of no fixed address, was arrested on suspicion of assault. He has been bailed, pending further enquiries until May 7."
antifa BTFO

A police spokesman said: "Kent Police was called to premises in London Road, Sevenoaks at 1.34pm on Saturday 14 April to a report of an assault where a large group of people had gathered.

"On attendance, the group had moved towards the High Street area and dispersed. The person who was reported to have been assaulted declined medical attention. (video)
more video (TOP KEK)

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Other urls found in this thread:éfenseésistanceé_Radicale

more video (KEK')

back story:

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(((Antifa))) always try to draw you out and make you attack them so they have some good footage of ebil right wingers, even after they hit you over and over first. They will use it to shut down the conference.

Don't fall for it.

tl;dr staged bullshit intended to build "street cred" for fake right-wing group

>(((Antifa))) always try to draw you out and make you attack them so they have some good footage of ebil right wingers, even after they hit you over and over first. They will use it to shut down the conference.

Wrong way to look at it, user. In this situation you go for the camera guys first, then take out the rest of the trash.

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Bullshit, street brawls are part and parcel of National Socialist agitation. Read about Goebbels conquest of Berlin.

also when possible form line and streetsweep them

Although yea this guy makes a good point, they arent National Socialists.

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In my opinion is far more effective to just let those limp wristed faggots punch you, and then use the footage for propaganda. It probably will barely even hurt.

All those videos during the Trump campaign of old men getting hit in the head by Antifa was extremely effective for our side.

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Maybe just shoot the commie faggots next time Brits. Oh wait no funs- righto chaps knives then - oh wait no blades. Um righto chaps

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Wait what?


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checked righto carry on

is antifa filled with undercovers just like all the right wing groups?

LOL, even the left are using the Hipster-hate angle now.
Literally everything a leftard is, they end up trying to smear their opponents with.

t. Antifa

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The idea that the left-wing press would give GI a platform, even through criticism, is laughably naive. A core tenet of the modern left is the policy of NO PLATFORM FOR THE RIGHT, that includes publicity of any sort, for as anyone in press knows "there's no such thing as bad publicity."
In other words, the mere fact that GI is being mass covered by the UK press and kvetched about by govt front organizations is proof positive that they're controlled opposition.
I know most of you are already aware of this, but there's always a danger of a fresh, bright-eyed conscript wandering in and GI being the first thing they encounter. Those guys must be protected from this honeypot.

Naturally, freemasonic groups inform their people of what they are through numerical encoding:
Hope Not Hate is a validation agent, sponsored by and working for the state. Their sole job is to generate validation for controlled opposition groups by kvetching loudly about how they really are evil nazis.

do jews create the revolutions to "oppose" their own power thus never losing?
Gee dunno.

Exactly this!

The left has been using Hipster-hate angle for quite some time now. Why do think there is so much division between nerd culture™ and hipsters™ ?

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>I can't be controlled opposition if I post 5 (((BASED OPTICS)))
Same shit, every controlled op thread.
You're fooling no one here. The whole of this board knows that GI is kiked out opposition, same with your faggy RAM= goat = baphomet = freemasons outfit.
Formulaic appeals to a 20 year outdated memetics designed to appeal to unemployed, poorly educated, working-classnothing wrong with being working-class skinheads with lots of anger and little sophistication.
You people really don't understand your enemy. That's why you glow. That's why you are always identified and outed.
But for those who doubt what I say, just watch this.
Bonus question:
Are jews (practicing or secular) or non-Whites allowed to attend GI events or become members?

honestly, she sounds like a degenerate

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You butchered the shit out of that post.

Every right wing group is fake right torpedo?

SJWs have overrun the nerdy spaces anyway, so gas both at this point

non whites arent allowed according to their website, im not involved with GI so i dont if GI counts jews as white or not

You take paranoia and delusion to new levels guy… take you're medicine, go outside and get some fresh air, its good for you.

i have a machete sitting in my bedroom drawers, us not being allowed knives is a cuckchan meme

generation identity are civic cucks
what a disappointment they are

Are we the last true natsocs?

Rally round the camera, with a pocket full of shells

When the commies are put in the hospital it only serves to recruit more of them via media propaganda. If they get thrown into jail they're immediately bailed out by their kike donors. It has been thoroughly planned out so that the only winning move is to literally murder them. They cannot be deprogrammed and have too much influence to be meaningfully stifled thus the only solution is the permanent one. Sad but true. They were purposefully brainwashed to die for communism.

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IDK man, some of the most hard core right wingers are ex commies that took a red suppository. Mussolini is case and point. A good number of us here are ex lefties, which is why we can attack leftist polemics.


This isn't the 90's and early 00's, "Camera guy" just means every asshole with a smartphone which will be about 20 of them. So unless you can catch all of those that run and take out all their phones congrats you're on the hook for a very large phone bill and assault.

They frame this in a Nerd(Punk): Yuppie dyad. It's a 'bourgie' pejorative even the actual hipster-indie types themselves disavow or use in the sense of "poseur". It should be used more often, it's a catch-all fracture point semiotically. You could split the college crowd from older punk-primitivist types on that alone (assuming they have DHS types in there already, you'd think they'd be grooming a 'Blanquist'/Lennist vanguard over 'normie' LARPing SJW-motivated types. These should sort themselves by race at the same time.)

In London, you have hajis with machetes menacing non-aligned candidates.

Heimbach's trailer trash MILF-inlaw episode is good optics, for them. It's the target demographic for the caricature jackboots they would will into existence.

Zizek, with slight repackaging is incredibly useful (and 'hip' in those circles) to Alinsky those that can still hear, in the sense of "Hold them to their own rules." This STARCUCKS fiasco has been incredibly useful in that light.

The ones with actual cameras will either be in a news organization (just what they'd like) or law enforcement themselves. On top of smartphones. Civil disobedience works, you need only be present to be an argument. The Mudslime prayer session in London parks? Get brave little old ladies out there.

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You know, I've been thinking about that. (hetero) sex scandals are the classic and time honored way of exonerating men whose sexuality is at risk of being exposed as homosexual. It's a favorite tactic of that certain type of Hollywood faggot whose screen persona (and thus income, and value to the industry) is bolted to a foundation of hypermasculinity which the ladies flock to see. When the whispers grow too loud, suddenly there's a scandal, he forced her don't you know? He cheated on his wife! He "did it" with a girl who was 1 year underage! It never occurs to the goyim, that such revelations may be entirely fictitious, engineered fables designed to repel rumors of faggotry, because they goyim does not realize, or often forgets, that all publicity is good publicity. Most right thinking men and women would never think of using scandalous news to cover up an even bigger scandal and therein lies the power of this technique. It is invisible by virtue of the tactic being outside of the "social overton window" of the viewing public.
Female-to-Male transgenders likewise employ this stratagem to make (true) rumours of their origins as women seem ludicrous and impossible,for:
They never seem to find it strange that after the 10 women spill their tales to the press, the police seem strangely uninterested and the whole thing blows over. Only the memory imprint of unbridled hypermasculine libido remains to do its protective work.
Candid photographs ostensibly taken by "unscrupulous paparazzi" are another variation on the theme. The alleged pictures of Justin(e) Bieber's penis, although seen by few and long gone, still serve as a mighty bulwark against transvestigation efforts directed at this most obvious of FtMs.
Anyway, I digress.


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What even is Identitarianism?

we think pakis and blacks are shit and should be sent home but WE ARE NOT RACIST DONT CALL US RACIST WE ARE NOT RACIST WE ARE NOT RACIST WE ARE NOT RACIST

It would be a damn shame if some of the numerous fire safety violations their headquarters tipically present were to prove tragic on a packed concert night before RWSS could report them to the fire marshall

Attached: 8844.png (695x900 57.29 KB, 722.42K)éfenseésistanceé_Radicale

Included screenshots for future reference.

You are an ignorant idiot

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stop taking the jew's and communist d&c bait

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That's pretty much my impression.

Seems like they are even worse than I thought.

Do I need a radical method for swimming instruction inflicted upon me if I like anime?

6 years training in combat sports as a light heavy weight leads me to think otherwise.

I do agree the right typically isn't represented by the best at marches and the fight videos are comical.

Related to Hollywood stuff being manufactured, I was told once by a friend very close to US media circles that when actresses' nude photos get "leaked," 98/100 times it's the actress herself who wants the leaking done. It's an effective way of generating new buzz when an actress is having a dry spell in getting work. It's not always contrived though. I doubt that Jennifer Lawrence was happy about that picture of her with a boyfriend's cum all over her face becoming public during the Fappening.

sage for off topic

Disregard prior comment. I'm in 3 hrs sleep and didn't comprehend properly.

Yeah, your opinion is worthless

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The leftist screams out in pain as he strikes you

When have the right/conservatives EVER been "hipsters?" The hell? While there are bound to be some nerds picking up the lefty banner, the majority tended to be conservative as well. Head down, work hard, make shekels. They corrupted what it means to be a "nerd" or "geek." Cocksuckers.

This cuckchan invasion is really shitting the servers up. image hopefully here this time.

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That's your argument?

I love it how English talk when they are pissed


(they should do it more often)

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What a cucked of thinking, if they punch you - you win. You fight back and demonstrate yourselves as a real force that combats the enemy.

They're the guys that just beat the shit out of antifa. They're brothers and we stay united or die.

A better question would be: Why don't Identitarians ever hang up "Kill Communists" posters and the like?

And this. Communists will attack you, regardless of your actions. So you might as well beat them to the punch, both proverbially and literally speaking.

What is even going on in these except impromptu British jogging

Very insightful post.
It scares the living shit out (((them))) and communists that they can no longer brand everyone in slight disagreement with their multicult white genocide agenda dumb rednecks / evil neonazis and socially outcast them to a life of shame. We have pushed the overton window this far we are nearly there. Particularly infuriating to both kikes and their pet useful idiot/paid communist pc enforcing army is that not only Generation Identitaire does not fit that profile but worse yet, continues gaining momentum and growing despite activating the whole "machine" and deploying the full bag of dirty jewish tricks against them. Simply put they used up every trick in the book, and have ran out of ideas, which scares them beyond reason.
By now (((they))) -probably realized that every media attempt to assasinate Identitarians only makes more people support them which I find absolutely hilarious. Call it providence, poetic justice, karma (help me here) - streissand effect? - it's irony in it's purest form.

I would liken it to snowball effect or an avalanche.
And it's not a moment too early. We have to reach critical mass where majority of whites is on our side. They already know it deep in their heart but when they see more and more people feel the same, fear dissipates and they break free of the imaginary yoke the politically correct put on them. In this aspect, Generation Identity is doing an exceptional job. They do this so well because they materialize what majority thinos but is constantly conditioned against expressing, under the premise of political correctness and threat of social expulsion.

Pan-European nationalism, put shortly.

I'm on mobile so I apologise upfront for breaking my replies into several posts.
(This one took me 40 minutes to write)

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*the politically correct jew
*what majority thinks but is conditioned against expressing

Untrue. They are paid with Soros money and work exclusively for Open Society Foundations, they also attacked Farrage they are the globalist attack dog

mp4 of the "fight" since OP is too retarded to figure out how to download a video
spoiler: no one gets knocked out or even bleeds, both sides are a bunch of pussies

Attached: antifa shitty fight.mp4 (640x360, 2.09M)

This is textbook shilling which I want everyone to take a close look at, study for future reference and recognition as it is the most widely applied method of sowing discord against the right wing community online
It's high quality so I will give you that.
now I will shoot it down:
NO U - the world is upside down
Because that somehow makes sense.
Surely this made alot of sense in your little shill head, but in reality it is the exact opposite.
This ends your argument immediately let me continue
leftist media do not give right wing a platform
hope not hate is government
A Soros backed operation.
I am just worried about poor fellow Anons getting caught goyim I mean fellow rightwinger
As I'm sure most of you already know
No. What we know is that everything they do fits our objectives and they do great work so far
DON'T DO NOTHING GOYIM - stay posting and arguing online
Get fucked
We're coming for you

You can beat the shit out of them after you get your footage obviously.

Which tool?

Use your brain


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(((Identitarians))) can't get anything right

Pic is from their German site (google translate)
Nobody forces you to make such statements. Nobody would hold it against them if they just stayed silent on these issues. As soon you start disavowing and cucking and perpetuating the 6 gorillion lie even, you are the enemy.

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I have an extremely low opinion of anyone that refuses to engage in self-defense, thinking that getting beaten up is a public relations win is an incredibly upside down way of thinking to me in which weakness is praised.


Garbage screemo music ruins it.

This. Fuck Mahatma, Praise Jesus.

It's the Enfield riot innit




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But wouldn't audibly killing them also serve to be propaganda as well? Might as well either take a retardedly over the top method to really put on a show or silently pick them off JFK style.

Good Boy, Rex!!!

>(((Antifa))) always try to draw you out and make you attack them so they have some good footage of ebil right wingers, even after they hit you over and over first. They will use it to shut down the conference.
Exactly why conferences are a complete waste of time. Low key get togethers on private property ftw.

Could you legally shoot them in the USA?


I think legally you could but then you'd get ythe Fields treatment. Not a burger though.
Or who knows… antifa is weaker than ever. Normies never liked them to begin with, now normies are on our side

I'm.surprised by the turn on events really. Now it is popular to be right wing, he who takes the heart of youth holds a key to the future

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is there video of the actual fight?

The far right ought to start copying prohibition-era drunks and old-time queers. Set up front businesses in "bookshops" and "cafes" and "pubs", sell printed hate-literature under the counter and hold meetings in small conference rooms. Before very much longer we're going to have to keep organisation as low-tech as possible. I would suspect the zogbots have got so used to us organising by ever-more-devious electronic communications that a whispered chat in a bug-swept basement would defeat them. And I'd like to meet the guy who can install a keylogger on a mechanical typewriter.

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I left the UK (Ex-NA member) and I can say that some of the members who tried to have more local community support actually had a few small establishments open where they served and helped more right-wing leaning people more than anything else. There ARE some small things out there but considering being right wing openly is a death sentence, people are keeping quiet about it.
Problem still is that this still isnt enough to save them from the current state of the government there.