The article
The author
The article
The author
Every fucking time, man. Has National Geographic always been blatant marxist / jewish propaganda? When I was a kid, I just remember it being articles about other countries and nature and shit. Was it propaganda then, and I just was too young and naive to see it? Or has it gotten worse in the last 20 years or so?
dead nat geo editors can't print lies
Good lord. A Jewish negress.
It certainly has become worse. Going back to the beginning, they would describe abbos as basically subhumans. In fact, they recently appologized for their racist past. In order to do so, the magazine hired John Edwin Mason, a professor who has studied the history of photography and the history of Africa—the two intersections that Nat Geo needed to examine in their past issues.
Wait for it…
Everyday these parasites leave just a little more drained.
Since the printing press was a thing.
remember whenever you feel like you want to do a hero and mowing down some pakis, mowing down some journalist will make way more a difference
You abandoned us in South Africa and Rhodesia, and your people never raised a stink against the (((international community))). We told you this shit would happen to you one day and you scoffed at the idea. I hate to say it because I understand the circumstances but not you people have guys to fight the kaffirs over there.
I'll write the U.S. edition for her.
The Americas have been home to AFRICANS longer than Unites States whites. AFRICANS were transported to America, bringing their rich, multifaceted, enriching culture long before the revolution, and thus long before white people created and exploited the Untied States.
*United States. I don't know what the Gods meant by this typo.
The cancer hit hard in the late 1990s and has metastasized into full blown kikery.
I canceled my sub but sadly because of legacy reasons (respected brand name) it will be carried in schools and admired by old people.
Fucking scum.
Really tired of this, I want a lion to appear and tear the shit out of these fucking kike bastards.
"Jews are more reptile than human, as proven by their lack of emotions or morals, and their disgusting beak-like protrusion."
lol what's their source on this
Anyone looking to go out with a bang can serve the greater good by ending these turds.
Deserves quints.
The name/brand legacy is how they are operating nowadays.
They bought everything up and have injected kikery into it.
Same goes for replacing all the film franchises with sjw cancer. People still consume from brand loyalty.
Exact same story with Encyclopedia Britanica. I looked at their digital version recently, and it was full of anti-white garbage. A group in Chicago bought the rights to it, and hired some niggers to write the sections on Race. The great name is now being used to add credence to hockey cultural marxist nonsense.
This is the kind of stuff you see in media when the government is in the beginning stages of priming people for a genocide. They already made it a law that basically says non-whites have to be given light sentences or acquitted of crimes or else it's racist. The UK elites have decided that they want the English, Welsh, Scots, Cornish and Irish gone from the British Isles and replaced with Muslim and nigger trash. You're watching the beginning of this nightmare world taking form.
Practically every well-known media name has been bought out by jews, for the purpose of injecting their social poison into society. An established or historically reputable brand means nothing these days. All popular media marches in lockstep to the same jewish tune.
Wow that's historically illiterate, but the worst part is that normies lap this shit up because of how historically illiterate they are as well. Which means it takes alot of effort to explain why this is wrong. Also the Jewess can get tossed down a well (middle English way of dealing with Jews).
You know what? I'll even buy those numbers. Britain was quite active overseas and in (slave)trade after all.
There were 16 million people in the UK in 1800. So let's be generous and say there were 9999 non-whites in Britain.
That means 0.06% of the fucking population wasn't white. That's about as many as there are trannies nowadays. That's an accounting mistake, not a significant population number.
National Graphic is owned by Fox Media, ignore it
It's been taken over by a Jew, so the NG you used to know and love is now gone. Gone forever. I'm glad my household stopped our subscription years ago.
Marxist nigress hates whitey, Jewish agitprop agency amplifies her bullshit.
Story at 11.
I like how they have 0 evidencd for this and their evidence is "well there will eventually be evidence". These people need to be kicked out of our countries NOW. They want to steal everything from you.
the nigress is jewish
This. They want to paint you as universally evil and irredeemable, and then rewrite your history so that you're always the villain and therefore disposing of you is "a good thing". Ask yourself if there's ever going to be an end to anti-white agitprop in media. Ask yourself if you can even conceive of an end-game. Is there ever going to be a time where white people aren't called "racist"? At what point does it end? How much penance has to be paid upon the altar of Shit-Everyone-Else-Did-Too-But-Whitey-Is-Guiltier-Than-Them before we can go back to normal lives and can be left alone?
Never. It doesn't end. Except when you're dead.
What? Do these Irish women look dark haired and eyed to you?
So we have no evidence they were there, much less for any significant period of time, but want to say Britain was always multicultural anyway? Fucking kikes.
This is based on the notion that the English are entirely the product of Angle and Saxon invasion. This isn't the case. The multiple invasions into the British Isles changed the native population little in terms of genetics. What changed were the language,customs, and rulers rather than the people.
Note the language she uses here. Did the Romans peacefully immigrate to Britain? Didn't they also bring pillage and destruction? The were a small number of Africans living in Roman Britain, likely limited to soldiers, and they did not leave any genetic legacy. And they were probably North Africans. The Romans had little to no contact with Sub Saharan Africa.
Proof? I've never seen evidence that the British have African or Asian admixture. And why did they disappear? How do we know they actually lived in Britain if they left no trace?
Don't present an argument based on photographs of three individuals. And the last two are dark haired.
UGLY. I have a better fucking hairline than that too.
Relevant quote.
>The author
Oh fuck. Not her again. Projecting her cultural hangups onto others.
The history sections were always kiked.
Yea a kikess took over the editor spot like 3 months ago and immediately condemned everyone before her.
I can't even remember why I remember her, there's been so much of this shit going on….ah yes now I recall - this orc and another wanted Nelson's column torn down in bongland when burgerland started tearing down historical statues.
No, definitely not.
Damn, every time I think I can leave the chans behind and just get on with life, something like this pulls me right back in.
I have a collection of national geographic issues from the 90s to the mid 2000s which I sometime read before sleep and I've never seen any jewish propaganda in them. Certainly not blatant like this.
Gee, I fucking wonder.
Damnit, my early masturbation experiences were mostly to naked tribeswomen in National Geographic.
It saddens me that today's young people won't get the same wank fodder because some SJW editor decided that the way the magazine used to be is "de ebil racism". Not that they need National Geographic anymore for easy access to nude photography because the Internet exists, but I digress.
Huh. So Culture represents race?
So Blacks ARE a criminal race?
Amalgamated because there were so few of these immigrant imports.
There is no evidence to suggest what they are suggesting, but even then they are relying on word play - technically speaking the English didin't exist in Roman times. The people that BECAME English obviously existed then. But the "English" themselves…not quite.
It's pretty funny. The lengths they'll go to to rewrite history.
Israel has been a multicultural society for centuries. To the extent that racial homogeneity has ever existed anywhere, it has certainly never characterised this middle eastern civilization of Canaan that has been home to Africans and Palestinians, for example, far longer than it has been home to the Jews. Continuing archaeological finds give evidence that black people lived in Canaan before the Israelites brought pillage and destruction in their wake. The dark hair and eyes that are still romanticised in Israel as semitic features more likely come from the Egyptians. The thousands of African, Arab, and Christian people who inhabited Israel in the 17th and 18th centuries had disappeared by the Post WWIII era, their genes dispersed far and wide throughout Israel's gene pool, their physical and cultural presence no longer visible at all.
Oh shit, I didn't read this until I wrote my own.
Right, even if you give her the first premise of "some black people there in Roman times", nothing like what she wants to conclude follows at all. This person apparently had Philosophy and Law at English Universities; do they not teach basic logic there?
They like to project.
The Angli came pretty late but other Celtic peoples, mostly from Iberia, have been there much longer.
We have dna and artifacts as actual proof.
Timeline of European History
200,000 BCE:
In the Paleolithic period, the Neanderthal Man enters the Iberian Peninsula.
40,000 BCE:
The first large settlement of Europa by modern humans, nomadic hunter-gathereres coming from the steppes of Central Asia, characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome, defining them as haplogroup R population. When the Ice Age reached its maximum extent, these modern humans took refuge in Southern Europe, namely in Iberia, and in the steppes of Siberia.
30,000 BCE:
Modern humans make way into the Iberian Peninsula, coming from southern France. Here, this genetically homogenous population (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome), will develop the M343 mutation, giving rise to the R1b haplogroup, still dominant in modern Portuguese and Spanish populations.
10,000 BCE:
The populations sheltered in Iberia, descendants of the Cro-Magnon, given the deglaciation, migrate and recolonize all of Western Europe, thus spreading the R1b haplogroup populations (still dominant, in variant degrees, from Iberia to Scandinavia).
5,000 BCE:
The nomadic hunter-gathereres of the R haplogroup (characterized by the M173 mutation in the Y chromosome) that had taken refuge during the Last Ice Age in the steppes of Siberia (and had developed the M17 mutation, originating the R1a Haplogroup), give rise to the Proto-Indo-European cultures.
1,000 BCE:
First wave of migrations into Iberia of the Urnfield culture (Oestrimni, speakers of the Proto-Celtic language).
You don't say?
Hello moshe.
Nigger supremacist garbage. What do we know about the ownership of the company? Names and board of directors. Let's start putting faces to the propaganda.
The user I was replying to based his argument on three photos. Are Celts considered to have "darker" features than the English? I don't know. Does it matter? Dismissing this notion based on the example of three people chosen presumably to counter this viewpoint isn't convincing. And even if this were true it would have no bearing on the other arguments presented in the OP's article.Why would you call me "Moshe" for telling an user to stop being stupid? Did you only read the last part of my post? Fuck off.
How much provocation do they expect us to withstand?
Aged 12 > hitting the wall at 30.
Completely wrong.
Dawn of time until 1800, Europe is completely empty.
1801, kangz arrive in pyramid spaceships from Egypt n sheet. Build and invent everything, n sheet.
1935, horrible disgusting white mutation happens and white albino monsters take over Europe by being evil.
1970, black kangz n sheet start to recover from disgusting white albino mutant infestation.
2018, kangz reclaim their kangdom of Europe, because they was KANGZ N SHEET!!!!!!!!! KAAAAAAAAAAAANGZ
2019, Europe enters what is now known as the permanent apocalypse state, all technology falls to ruin and civilisation is lost forever.
2020, few remaining kangz that survived the first winter without technology weakly blame the white albino mutants for oppressing them.
2021, all human and subhuman primate life in Europe is extinct.
2020, Israel focusses full-time on China, which they declare is the historical homeland of the xenomorph species, otherwise known as the african kang biological weapon.
2022, China fills with kangz, falls to ruin, civilisation ends.
No one reads anything on here anymore, it has been dead for 2-3 years and is filled with utter fucking retards.
Don't use any kind of sarcasm, or subtlety, as that is an instant ban.
Aww, fuck this is too fucking retarded to come up with.
DNA sources show most Brits are related to Basques (the original Europeans) with some Saxon, Celt and Viking admixture.
Nat Geo can fuck right off. I haven't given theme one click since they put a tranny kid on the cover. Degenerate lying trash.
Except there was recently an artefact found in Norwich (an arrowhead or some shit) that is thought to be 700K years old.
They actually started it when Cromwell came into power. Look at what else he brought in that had been kicked out before.
They were only in port cities though. Not villages, not North Sea islands. Britain did not have much of a road network then.
There is British genocide going on for a long time now. Before this current nonsense the meme was that the English were just Germans who lived outside of Germany. Now we're also getting all this Norse mythology shoved onto anyone white. Fucking hell. Brits are not Norse either. We had our own myths. I've begun saving a library of old myths that I'll likely stow in a cave some place sort of like the Nag Hammadi scrolls.
So they were whited and as a result Britannia ruled the waves with of the biggest empires the world has seen.
May this be a lesson to all.
I remember this same author writing an article claiming that Queen Charlotte of England had "african" ancestry due to some very distant ;
possible decent from the of a child of a Moor/Berber and a Portuguese noble and thus this explained her supposed dark skin, broad nose, and curly hair.
Is there a case of the opposite? A white structured person with black pigmentation? Your picture looks uncanny as fuck, but I wanna see the opposite
no, back in its hey day it was the mag for men who went over seas and conquered shit and fucked the brown women before coming home and marrying a virgin white waifu
What is she actually referring to? I imagine there's some kernel of highly specious research shrouded in flimsy use of terms and definitions, but the excerpt is like a shrapnel shell of dubious assumptions where one cannot readily identify the original material. The western Roman empire did not last as long as the period from William to the present (let alone from the seven kingdom period to the present), if those are the goalposts she's using. I'm not knowledgeable enough on Roman Britain to know where the Romans in Britain were sourced from (my guess would be, 95% Italy, 4.5% Germanic/Celtic, and 0.5% North Africa, which, prior to the Muslim conquests, was less brown), but I cannot imagine that many Africans were present in Britain–and certainly none of them were sub-Saharans (as is normally implied by "African").
Search it for youself, dumb nigger.
In the Coming Race War, Jews are going to have a hard time bargaining with the white man to allow them to live in ghettos, allow them to exist in Israel, or even to be deported and not exterminated. I don't think they realize the full consequences of waking up the entire white world is going to set into motion.
Just another stack to add to the warehouse of evidence for when DOTR comes.
Jews reposition things to re-frame the discussion.
In this case they're using Cheddar Man as a pretext to step up to phase two, which is the OP. Displacement and replacement, lads.
This kind of propaganda is aiming to disintegrate our identity. They started by destabilizing the racial identity of whites/Europoids. Now they are working on deconstructing our own civic-national identities, which includes our entire histories, languages, etc. This process is what allows muds & friends to identify as American/British/German/Swedish and so on.
Fight fire with fire. The counter-offensive is to humiliate non-whites for adopting clearly white identities: They are LARPers. Whenever a nigger pretends to be German, laugh in his face - online or in person. When a spic imagines himself as an American, jajaja right at him, humiliate him for pretending. When an Arab Muslim feigns being an Englishman or Swede, call him out for his LARPing charade. Look at him and pretend to be an Arab, show him how silly his creation is.
Humiliate all ethno-LARPers. Do not passively sit by while people from outside your bloodline steal your identity.
Should be civic-national*
How do you think Kodak stays in business? Name brand on the cheapest shit.
Oh… another filter. ffs
Shill confirmed.
You know how we know you're a fucking degenerate shill?
You're probably right but those Hima women with their butter-encrusted titties milked me of billions of children.
Address the content or disconnect yourself from the internet.
Have been and will continue doing so user. They crumble or try to fight you when you ask them why don't they want to be what they truly are. kek
I made one of the first posts, just callin' out shills now.
I'd love to see a flood of memes that mock them for trying to pretend to be whites, whether it is speaking English with white accent/dialect, wearing Western clothes, or, as in the case of this ghastly NG article, trying to entirely identify as an ethnic [white person].
Still saying nothing, torpedo. One more chance and into the filter you go.
This is how they've operated for decades user.
Oh no!
Why the fuck would you think you could leave the fate of the world behind? You will either defeat the Rothschilds or they will defeat you.
Everybody dies so do something worth living for.
So hang on.
I'm a Briton not an anglo-saxon.
So does that mean national geographic supports getting rid of the Africans too and returning our homeland to us in its entirety?
I can get on board with this!
Remove saxon!
Cymru am byth!
Read the whole thread, it blows open a media propaganda crew
Back in the day national geographic had softcore porn with savage boobs and stuff.
Ah fuck user that third woman could be my daughter if I had one, let alone my green eyes.
Thanks for reminding me of what is worth fighting for.
It is possible to play it off in burgerland as "playing whitey" to nogs and tacowaggers, as they already have a disposition easily cultivated towards rejecting whites.
Meme ideas?
It's a tranny, all media elite are. Delta torso, tree trunk neck, adam's apple and gigantic head with male pattern baldness.
I used to like French bande dessinie's. Went to a local French library with a whole section of them.
The entire selection of hardcover French comics was wall to wall lefty politically correct shit including the featured bd on display; the life of Lenin who according to the publishers was a saint.
Consider that the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Danes, and Normans are all pretty much the exact same group of people.
Look up 'Doggerland', there was a literal land bridge between the isles and Europe until relatively recently. There's very little reason to assume the English have any major differences from north and western Europe.
Even if they have some scant scientific proof of that, I'm having trouble believing any of the narratives they are spinning. They just want to remove whites from governing themselves and their lands.
Good quote, I was just thinking about this earlier when I was flipping through some American literature from the 1880s. We have completely forgotten what we were. Now all of it is considered bigoted and outdated, it's really tragic. Even though every time I come across talk of Natives and African's in old books it's with kindness, wonder and the strong desire to help them.
Like everything touched by kikes, this too has turned to shit.
They use the authority of well established sources to push their pseudo-scientific garbage.
NatGeo went from a relatively scientific and educational resource to a disgusting, political, Marxist rag for people who want to be seen reading it so they can be mistaken as intelligent.
This is the utter destruction of something decent.