Iran switches from petrodollar to euro
We all know what happened when Saddam and based Gaddafi tried this
Pepper angus cannon fodder
Iran switches from petrodollar to euro
We all know what happened when Saddam and based Gaddafi tried this
Pepper angus cannon fodder
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews print dollars
Jews print euros.
It's literally nothing.
Saddam and Gaddafi wanted to trade for gold, not fiat.
Gaddafi tried to get the African Union and the middle east to switch to the African gold dinar
Syria changed to trading petrol in euros in 2009
China has dumped petrodollar and Russia is doing the same. No longer Z list states dumping the petrodollar, we have big A states doing it and all have nukes although it's not publicly understood, Iran may have acquired Soviet era nukes in USSR days
America may indeed deliver some humanitarian cruise missiles to Iran but it won't be able to take everyone on without WW3
lol this place is just like reddit
They must not lose to the banks or they will be over.
Based China
John Bolton is going to spend the day masturbating.
If they start a war on iran now, it's going to be at least a semi proper war. It's not like iraq, they will do it though. and against popular belief, iran is not actually an ally of russia, they are just friendly just like syria. In contrast ie Belarus(why don't you say white russia btw) is a full blown ally and any aggression against them would lead russia into war, just like an agression on any nato country would trigger article 5
Is Iran screwed now? Are (((they))) actually going to Saddam them?
Gotta stage a 9/11 first.
Mossad is most definitely on the case
Plenty of obsolete carriers in the region.
Bump, this just feels like some fuckery from a decade and a half ago. Time to see how this plays out, if anything does that is.
Iran got (((fucked))) from the inside in the 70s straight after the 6 day war. It's already gone and is an invented enemy for control of tax paying goyim. All those countries that attacked Israel will fall because jews don't forget and always take revenge. Of course it's their own fucking fault but they don't see it that way.
Your reporting didn't get me banned btw ya daft cunt.
Iran Warns Europe: Do Not Pay Trump ‘Ransom’ over Nuclear Deal
pretty much this. Concern over the petrodollar is a scam by the (((independent federal reserve owners))). Nixon ruined everying August 15, 1971 when he destroyed the gold standard and gave every ounce of power from the US Treasury to the privately owned (((Federal Reserve))).
Theres a lot about iran the media won't tell us, or anyone here without sperging wildly about how if you question anything about iran you're automatically a jew. Just wish the facts would be laid out instead of having to dig through autism and judaism.
a heady mix
Look for it to occur in France. Macron is in the United States, and can be the face of the tragedy for the American audience.
Extremely unlikely, the Soviet Union and Iran were NOT allies, immediately after the Iranian revolution the USSR sanctioned Iran and banned weapons sales. The USSR actually backed Iraq (one of the few examples where both the US and USSR agreed on something) and supported Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war and Iran supported Afghan militants against the USSR during the Afghan-Soviet war. Relations only improved very recently over mutual interest in the Syrian war and oil markets, they have never been longtime allies like i have seen a lot of neocon pundits try to say. In fact Khomeini was who caused the Iranian revolution was a CIA asset and was vehemently anti-communist/anti-soviet, Khomeini was specifically supported against the Shah and funded by the CIA, but he decided to follow his own initiative and was a strict nationalist who later decided he was against all international/western imperialism and opposed both the US and USSR. Even though both Russia/USSR and Iran were enemies of the US during the cold war they were never friendly and the time Russia used a Iranian airbase in 2016~ caused a uproar among Iranian conservatives and religious fundamentalists since a central point of Khomeini's revolution was "there will never be a foreign military on Iranian soil" which so far has been strictly followed.
If you mean during the the break up of the soviet union and the early 90s afterwards, there have been a lot of rumors of missing nuclear weapons from the USSR but nothing substantial has ever been proven, however the most likely candidate would be Ukraine which had control of a large amount of nuclear weapons independent from Russia until ~1996 IIRC and they were much less secured.
Damn. Iran is asking for liberation and Europe will have problems with accommodating all refugees and their desire to fuck children or goats.
Iran cares about their own intersts. People in power want to stay in power just like every other ruling class elite in every other country. Iran is Shia so they want to help Shia in other countries. None of this is suprising or difficult to understand.
What it doesn't mean is that Iran is crazy and willing to risk their own destruction over some stupid shit. Same with North Korea. Kim Jong Un wants to stay alive and in chrage of his nation. So he's going to play his internal politics to keep some people happy and machevellian to make his suborinates compete to an unstable balance of power.
The types of politicians that are stupid are people like Trudeau and most of the US Congress who got elected because they went to the right Ivy League university and kissed the feet of the right donors for the right endorsements and enough money to buy more television ads and get elected while every network on (((television))) shills you as the clear winner and the only logical choice who is also being opressed by those mean corporations and hated by the opposition because they don't want to gas faggots. People who are not the above are actually intellegent.
All the reddit faggots went here and cancered the whole place up, no wonder it stinks like them.
Bunch of spineless cunts that can't debate and know nothing.
You're still lying. Reported.
I'm confused. the petro dollar has to do with how iran would buy/sell oil. according to the article
can anyone clear this up?
Who knows what happened. Diplomacy is the art of stabbing someone in the back without them realising it was you
The theory of the petrodollar is thus:
>(((FEDERAL RESERVE))) owns the $
>(((FEDERAL RESREVE))) makes money for the (((member banks))) who own and control the federal reserve by using inflation to make the dollars that people hold worth less every year.
It is a jewish scam to steal money from everyone
Also chief export partner is UAE which is Sunni
(cont) The switch to Euros doesn't really matter because (((they))) also control the Euro and can steal money the same way the Federal Reserve does.
That's the part where I said Iran isn't stupid and cares about their own interests.
Kill yourself, jew.
Interesting how Iran is acting like a little bitch right after the van of peace in Canuckistan.
Jesus. You need to take a crash course in punctuation. This is hideous.
I would usually think "acting like a (little) bitch" would be Iran is surrendering to Western demands. Or "acting bitchy" as in bringing the bants. I think changing currency reporting is neither. Doesn't fucking matter anyways because FOREX means you can always know the relative value of any currency from moment to moment.
Surprised you didnt get dubs. Also, look at all the nuclear plants and muzzies in France…
i understand. im not asking what the petrodollar is, but as far as i've learned the petrodollar only refers to the buying/selling of oil.
the article says that iran is switching from the petro dollar to euro. article does not say iran will start buying/selling oil with the euro, it only states that they will report foreign currency amounts in euros.
am i missing something here? does that somehow imply that they will also stop using the dollar for oil? it doesnt say that anywhere in the article.
you're not missing anything.
if they were switching to the Yuan I'd be worried, if it was gold, they'd get flattened.
so the article is BS clickbait and iran is not switching away from the petrodollar?
Isn't the majority of gold reserves around the world in the hands of a (((chosen))) few right now?
Correct, the announcement is meaningless and unimportant but we live in a 24/7 news cycle so every little thing must be the end of the world just like how for leftypol every little thing is the end of donny drumph and captialism.
sage clickbait. the headline doesnt match the information in the article. report.
I guess someone has already posted but just in case they haven't.
The kikes revealing their plan to nuke Tehran?
You're not even trying, you fucking retard.
I thought they did this 18 years ago. Oh well, simple fix:
Counterfeit the Euro by the trillions until our national debt is paid and a barrel of Iranian oil costs 100 million Euros. Then build thorium reactors and let them fight the Saudis like rats drowning in cages.
Yes, I wonder who was willing to take on the burden of all that useless old gold everybody suddenly decided to exchange for fiat paper.
While this sounds insane, they do this kind of shit all the time. Recurring numbers et al.
it's worse actually
No, it's not. The US is the kike's most important headquarter, more important than even Israel. With the creation of the Federal Reserve kikes got a limited time frame to conquer the world because the fiat system was created by a braindead kike and will crash after a couple of decades (a century at max) due to the exponential increase of debt via coumpounded interest. Russia, for example, has only to to play for time to win. With the EU, it's more complex. The EU is not a monolithic entity, it's fragmented and inefficient, there are a lot of players involved. It's not the same as the US, which is zog'ed beyond a political solution. My theory is that the EU was not created with the goal of a United States of Europe in mind, but to have an effective centralized weak point for the US to attack, to keep Europeans at bay, play them against Russia and also to absorb USA's waste products, be it in the financial realm, geopolitics, etc. The aim of the migrant crisis was to again create a level-playing field for the US in the geopolitical sense. The individual countries are blackmailed by Brussels (controlled by the US). The potential main competitor, Germany, is framed as the rapefugee master mind, and in the end, prevented to ally with Russia. Thus everything that weakens the Dollar is a direct attack on World Jewry. Switching to the Euro still means playing monopoly based on kike rules, but if the Dollar is weakened, the benefits still exceed the detrimental effects. And don't get your panties in a bunch, I didn't use ((())) but it's implied.
Of course you would, goat-fucker.
I dont think you are even trying, you used to change your proxy every post.
Hush now, don't point out the coincidence.
You're a gigantic pussy.
Can someone knowledgeable about finance explain how the Petrodollar works and what the difference is to the "normal" USD?
Remember when announcing your reports was a bannable offense in itself?
Blow your brains out.
No, cuckchan, that has never been the case. Reported for supporting jewish lies.
Guise, bear with me.
The USA has been permanently poisoned by Monsanto's pesticides.
All of the food here will be toxic and no one can change it.
The water supply has been ruined with plastics and birth control.
None of the meat, dairy, or eggs are grass fed or organic, and none of the fish are edible.
I believe this has been done because of the Greater Israel Project.
Anyone who remains in the USA after the Greater Israel Project truly begins, will be doomed to eternal feminist-soyboy nationalism.
Trump may have decided that whites need to get out of the USA, and migrate to Israel to survive, and if that's true, then he'll want to deplete the military of its supplies.
If the Greater Israel Project is completed, only niggers and spics and mudbloods will be left and no one will want them to inherit our military.
We might use Iran as a blast zone to "blow our load" and get rid of our bombs.
If this is done, the niggers won't be able to use them against anyone.
Trump and the NWO, and the Jews, might be working together to complete the Greater Israel Project to save us all from the Niggers, eternal feminist soyboy nationalism, facebook as our birth certificates, corporate media propaganda replacing public education, and a lifetime of wage slavery under peak capitalism in Weimerica.
They will need to completely shut down the internet in order to accomplish this.
Without private journalism, social media, smartphone videos/livefeeds, the NWO can get away with anything.
WW3 with Iran may be their excuse for that, and it would work.
Prepare for interrogations, and hope that Trump puts in a good word for us.
Not an expert, don't mind me too much. "Petrodollar" isn't a real thing; it refers to how countries buy and sell oil drums in USD. That assures that the dollar remains the standard reserve currency all over the globe. If all of the sudden countries switched to euros (like Saddam wanted), or gold (like Ghaddaffi wanted), or something, the dollar being un-backed fiat currency would fare poorly. Plus a bunch of countries would send billions of cash back and there would be compounded inflation. So that's one angle, again I'm no financier nor economist.
I wouldn't want to live in a desert shithole with no water that's sitting on a fault line.
Well Greater Israel would include parts of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon too.
The idea is to economically dominate all the nations of the world so no one there has to do any work, just live in cities and work in sky scrapers, getting all of their food and shit from other places.
I wouldn't really want to live their either, I certainly don't want to identify as a Jew, I'm just talking about possibilities here.
Iran would need to be attacked for the Greater Israel Project.
Euro is also a zog currency, it is also fiat currency with no gold backing, and it is even less stable than the dollar, since european union (thus the eurozone) can collapse overnight, at a moderate level happening. All european banks are kike owned fraudsters that sitting on bubbles, ready to blow, creating a domino effect. Zog have other reasons to attack Iran (israeli expansion & control over middle east), regardless of currency they trade in, and this is will be just an excuse kikes will try to sell to false woke goyim, who are not realising the the US and its war machine is directed by jews, for solely the interest of jews.
I highly doubt Trump would 4d chess his way thru last weeks false flag and sandbag the ZOG just to turn around and fuck with their biggest enemy. I'm guessing this is Iran's reaction to the shit going on in Saudi Arabia. If Trump were to ditch the kikes and Doon coons along with their totalitarian regimes, and shore up relations with Iran and Russia… I could go with that timeline
FPBP. A Gold Standard is the real sin that cannot be overlooked by the international kike bankers.
Proof Iran is completely comped. All this does is prop up a failing currency thats controlled by two countries hell bent on destroying them (France and Germany).
Wake me up when they report in the Petro-yuan.
It's much more significant than that.
Unfortunately, your explaination is not quite correct, because the main point of the petrodollar system is not inflation but artificial demand for USD.
The petrodollar is a system which forbids anyone in the world to use any other currency than USD to trade for oil. In order to understand the whole issue, you need to understand that money is a simple commodity, like toothbrushes.
The demand for oil is not going to decrease any time soon. You could say it is more or less stable. By only allowing people to trade oil for toothbrushes (USD) you create a demand for toothbrushes (USD), even though people could use other commodities to trade for oil.
By coupling the demand for oil to the demand for toothbrushes (USD), you can control the price of toothbrushes (USD) relative to other goods (other currencies). This means that as long as people have a demand for oil, the relative price of toothbrushes (USD) is more or less stable.
That way the Federal Reserve can print more money, but the devaluation of the currency is not visible relative to other currencies, because there is an artificial demand to USD, which raises the price of USD, relatively speaking.
The petrodollar is used to mask an indicator of inflation: the price of money.
See my explaination here
Btw whenever the price of USD relative to another currency changes you can look at three things to determine what caused the change:
1. the amount of USD in circulation increased/decreased
2. the amount of another currency increased/decreased
3. the amount of oil on the market increased/decreased
The petrodollar is basically a tax imposed on the rest of the world (anyone not having US dollars as their currency) for the funding of the US military that keeps the Pax Americana.
considering the US military is what lets most of the western world cheap out on their own military spending, taxing them for it seems reasonable.
Fun fact: The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were funded primarily by China.
get fucked
First, my name isn't Jesus
Second. Fuck off and go mark some grade school English language exams in Mexico, asshole
yeah no.
considering that burgers want to keep pushing russia in the corner and playing world (((domination))) its seem reasonable that they pay for it all by themselves
even simpler fix:
>let (((them collapse)))
we dont even have to do anything.
A strange way of describing the military occupation most of Europe is under. Of course the US has to pay - they own it, after all.
the jews already have nuclear bombs smuggled and placed in most of the capitals of both their arab enemies and european countries, prepared should anyone attack them or resist them
the IS propaganda department made a good video on how the dollar works and why switching to euro is good
The Samson plan (assuming it's not just a bluff) is a sure way to make the whole world aware of the jews and a guarantee for their complete annihilation.
Considering all the filth at least in my countries' capital, it would be a win-win situation.
Good explanations, thanks. But what I don't understand why everyone has to use USD to buy oil.
Let's say Nicaragua were to buy oil from Norway (completely theoretical example).
I can understand why Norwegians wouldn't want to be paid in Nicaraguan currency (that's a no brainer really) but why couldn't Nicaragua simply buy Norwegian Krone and then transfer those Norwegian Krone from their own account to a Norwegian account?
Or why not use a neutral but reputable and very stable currency like Swiss Francs? Nobody in the world would have a problem being paid in Swiss Francs.
That's Commie and Ron Paul talk.
It's not a petrodollar it's a debt dollar. It's simply traded in Petro over seas.
Are you playing dense? Muttmerica is the world Empire and oil IS the blood of this world.
Of course the mutts would do everything in their power to force the blood to flow the way THEY want.
And your method is hilariously retarded in the context of oil, since most oil companies are essentially national concerns. Why would they play with the storage of their profit like that?
US money is printed only when you or the goverment takes out a loan. That's the ONLY way dollars appear, by ledger's of debt that then go to the FED and are printed as debt (with interest).
Because of this other countries would not take our debt as payement but our military enforces the trade of oil in USD. So now it has value. It's value by gun point.
Before this it had some value based on gold until Nixon cut it off totally. But gold is all owned by the Jews now and Africans who are kept in-line through Jew military proxy… see Qaddafi
The difference is that the normal USD would have been worthless when Nixon closed the gold window, but the Petrodollar enabled America to sustain its empire until today.
It's more like having to use Roman coins if you want Roman controlled territory goods
I'm not but since you're an expert tell me how that works. HOW not why. The why is that America wants to maintain it's power. Everybody knows that, and that's NOT what I'm asking.
For example: is oil, all of it, being traded on one global, unified platform located in the US?
That would explain how everyone in the world has to use USD to buy oil, no matter who, no matter where.
Reminder that this pedo witch gave the Rothchild's 143 tons of gold so they could crash the USD and inflict a Maoist NWO through China.
Because the USA force everyone to do it that way. They try to use their military might to keep the financial system from crumbling.
As it seems, Iran does not want to participate in keeping the dollar alive. We will see how the US reacts.
So basically what you're both saying is that nobody has to buy oil in USD, but almost everyone does it, because of the implicit threat of the US military?
Also, everyone should read his book called "The Green Book". It shows his ideas about state politics and it's not that long.
The threat is not very implicit. Ask Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein.
It works perfectly for the Rothschilds. They have al the gold now so when the system collapses and the wealthy Jews jump ship and China-Russia-India-Iran expands… it will all work out for them in the end.
t. game theory
Yeah for like the 10th time, user, yes! Normies who were tricked by Ron Paul call this the petrodollar, like our money is made of oil. But it's a debt dollar, enforced overseas through "partnerships" in oil trading.
This is why Putin cares so much about Syria and Iran even though he's a Communist who in the past bent the knee to Israel.
By implicit I meant "open secret" basically.
Cheers man, that makes sense actually.